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    Building bridges between cellular and molecular structural biology

    Patwardhan, A. and Brandt, R. and Butcher, S.J and Collinson, L. and Gault, D. and Grünewald, K. and Hecksel, C. and Huiskonen, J.T. and Iudin, A. and Jones, M.L. and Korir, P.K. and Koster, A.J. and Lagerstedt, I. and Lawson, C.L. and Mastronarde, D. and McCormick, M. and Parkinson, H. and Rosenthal, P.B. and Saalfeld, S. and Saibil, Helen R. and Sarntivijai, S. and Solanes Valero, I. and Subramaniam, S. and Swedlow, J.R. and Tudose, I. and Winn, M. and Kleywegt, G.J. (2017) Building bridges between cellular and molecular structural biology. eLife 6 , ISSN 2050-084X.

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    The integration of cellular and molecular structural data is key to understanding the function of macromolecular assemblies and complexes in their in vivo context. Here we report on the outcomes of a workshop that discussed how to integrate structural data from a range of public archives. The workshop identified two main priorities: the development of tools and file formats to support segmentation (that is, the decomposition of a three-dimensional volume into regions that can be associated with defined objects), and the development of tools to support the annotation of biological structures.


    Item Type: Article
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Science > School of Natural Sciences
    Depositing User: Administrator
    Date Deposited: 17 Jul 2017 12:31
    Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 17:34


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