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    Intimacy, gender and abuse: the construction of masculinities

    Frosh, Stephen (2000) Intimacy, gender and abuse: the construction of masculinities. In: McCluskey, U. and Hooper, C. (eds.) Psychodynamic Perspectives on Abuse: The Cost of Fear. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley. ISBN 9781853026867.

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    Book synopsis: Psychodynamic Perspectives on Abuse brings together psychoanalytic psychotherapists, political theorists, organisational consultants, social workers and social policy academics to explore the nature and ramifications of abuse in a new light. Abuse is defined broadly and considered as a widespread phenomenon with a variety of manifestations. Its consequences and their implications for intervention are discussed in detail with reference to three areas. In the clinical context, the focus is on overcoming the impacts of abuse on an individual's development, relationships and ability to participate in society. In the workplace, addressing the effects of abuse on working relationships can maintain or restore competence and effectiveness and reduce costs to both individuals and organisations. At the level of policy, understanding the dynamics of abuse can enhance the ways policies relevant to abuse are developed and practitioners who implement them are supported. Psychodynamic Perspectives on Abuse is unique in its range and focus.


    Item Type: Book Section
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Social Sciences
    Depositing User: Sarah Hall
    Date Deposited: 08 Aug 2017 15:54
    Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 17:34


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