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    Skin, paper, tiles: a cross-cultural history of Kadiwéu art

    Martins, Luciana (2018) Skin, paper, tiles: a cross-cultural history of Kadiwéu art. Journal of Material Culture 23 (3), pp. 344-367. ISSN 1359-1835.

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    This article focuses on the global traffic in images relating to Kadiwéu culture in South America, analyzing the extent to which they are entangled in the group’s continuing sense of presence. It begins with Kadiwéu designs as they appeared in the sketchbook of the artist-explorer Guido Boggiani in the late nineteenth century. It then explores the mapping of Kadiwéu territory and the practices and protocols informing a politics of land rights, cultural property and economic survival, looking in particular at the commissioning of Kadiwéu designs for a housing estate and an associated exhibition in Berlin early in the twentieth-first century. By developing a cross-cultural history of Kadiwéu art that considers the transnational networks across different times and spaces, including the case of a transcultural history of copyright, the article seeks to contribute to the ongoing re-thinking of the colonial archive and its afterlife.


    Item Type: Article
    Keyword(s) / Subject(s): Indigenous art, cultural property, dialogic history, colonial archive, South America
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Creative Arts, Culture and Communication
    Research Centres and Institutes: Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies, Centre for (CILAVS)
    Depositing User: Luciana Martins
    Date Deposited: 27 Jul 2018 11:47
    Last Modified: 09 Aug 2023 12:44

    Available Versions of this Item

    • Skin, paper, tiles: a cross-cultural history of Kadiwéu art. (deposited 27 Jul 2018 11:47) [Currently Displayed]


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