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    Minority language rights in the Russian Federation: the end of a long tradition?

    Bowring, Bill (2019) Minority language rights in the Russian Federation: the end of a long tradition? In: Hogan-Brun, G. and O’Rourke, B. (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Minority Languages and Communities. London, UK: Palgrave, pp. 73-99. ISBN 9781137540652.

    Bill Bowring Minority Language Rights in Russia 0706 18.pdf - Author's Accepted Manuscript

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    From 2016 there has been a significant shift away from special status for “national,” ethnic languages in the context of Russia’s asymmetric federation. First, the chapter presents Russia’s unusual federative, ethnic, and linguistic complexity. Second, developments in the Russian Empire and the USSR are sketched. Third, the consequences of the collapse of the USSR and the “parade of sovereignties” of 1990–1992 are traced. Fourth, the Constitution of 1993 and its rather radical provisions are introduced. Fifth, the effects of President Putin’s period in power since 2000 are scrutinized. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the dramatic events of the past few years and the state of affairs at the time of writing.


    Item Type: Book Section
    Additional Information: This extract is taken from the author's original manuscript and has not been edited. The definitive, published, version of record is available at the link above.
    Keyword(s) / Subject(s): Russia, Language Rights, Council of Europe, Framework Convention,
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Business and Law > Birkbeck Law School
    Depositing User: Bill Bowring
    Date Deposited: 04 Jun 2019 13:01
    Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 17:42


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