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    Scientific assessment of the quality of OSIRIS images

    Tubiana, C. and Güttler, C. and Kovacs, G. and Bertini, I. and Bodewits, D. and Fornasier, S. and Lara, L. and La Forgia, F. and Magrin, S. and Pajola, M. and Sierks, H. and Barbieri, C. and Lamy, P.L. and Rodrigo, R. and Koschny, D. and Rickman, H. and Keller, H.U. and Agarwal, J. and A’Hearn, M.F. and Barucci, M.A. and Bertaux, J.-L. and Besse, S. and Boudreault, S. and Cremonese, G. and Da Deppo, V. and Davidsson, B. and Debei, S. and De Cecco, M. and El-Maarry, Mohamed Ramy and Fulle, M. and Groussin, O. and Gutiérrez-Marques, P. and Gutiérrez, P.J. and Hoekzema, N. and Hofmann, M. and Hviid, S.F. and Ip, W.-H. and Jorda, L. and Knollenberg, J. and Kramm, J.-R. and Kührt, E. and Küppers, M. and Lazzarin, M. and Lopez Moreno, J.J. and Marzari, F. and Massironi, M. and Michalik, H. and Moissl, R. and Naletto, G. and Oklay, N. and Scholten, F. and Shi, X. and Thomas, N. and Vincent, J.-B. (2015) Scientific assessment of the quality of OSIRIS images. Astronomy & Astrophysics 583 , A46. ISSN 0004-6361.

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    Context. OSIRIS, the scientific imaging system onboard the ESA Rosetta spacecraft, has been imaging the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and its dust and gas environment since March 2014. The images serve different scientific goals, from morphology and composition studies of the nucleus surface, to the motion and trajectories of dust grains, the general structure of the dust coma, the morphology and intensity of jets, gas distribution, mass loss, and dust and gas production rates. Aims. We present the calibration of the raw images taken by OSIRIS and address the accuracy that we can expect in our scientific results based on the accuracy of the calibration steps that we have performed. Methods. We describe the pipeline that has been developed to automatically calibrate the OSIRIS images. Through a series of steps, radiometrically calibrated and distortion corrected images are produced and can be used for scientific studies. Calibration campaigns were run on the ground before launch and throughout the years in flight to determine the parameters that are used to calibrate the images and to verify their evolution with time. We describe how these parameters were determined and we address their accuracy. Results. We provide a guideline to the level of trust that can be put into the various studies performed with OSIRIS images, based on the accuracy of the image calibration.


    Item Type: Article
    Keyword(s) / Subject(s): instrumentation: detectors / methods: data analysis / space vehicles: instruments
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Science > School of Natural Sciences
    Depositing User: Administrator
    Date Deposited: 09 Nov 2018 15:53
    Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 17:46


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