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    Longitudinal predictors of reading comprehension in French at first grade: unpacking the oral comprehension component of the simple view

    Massonnié, Jessica and Bianco, M. and Lima, L. and Bressoux, P. (2018) Longitudinal predictors of reading comprehension in French at first grade: unpacking the oral comprehension component of the simple view. Learning and Instruction 60 , pp. 166-179. ISSN 0959-4752.

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    According to the simple view of reading (SVR), reading comprehension relies on “decoding” (pseudoword, word reading) and “oral comprehension” skills. Testing 556 French pupils, we aimed at unpacking these two components and tracking their longitudinal development in first grade. We have found that: (1) lower level language skills (vocabulary, syntax) and discourse skills (oral text comprehension) emerged as two dimensions of “oral comprehension”; (2) lower level language skills longitudinally predicted reading comprehension outcomes, above code-related skills; (3) decoding precursors (letter knowledge, naming speed and phonemic awareness) predicted reading comprehension directly, and indirectly, through decoding skills (pseudoword, word reading, text reading fluency); (4) Oral comprehension skills did not favour the development of decoding. Our results support the independency of the SVR components. However, we suggest that a more fine-grained conceptualisation of oral comprehension skills would help to better understand the individual and pedagogical factors influencing the early development of reading comprehension.


    Item Type: Article
    Keyword(s) / Subject(s): Reading development, Reading comprehension, Elementary school, Simple view, Structural modeling
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Science > School of Psychological Sciences
    Depositing User: Jessica Massonnie
    Date Deposited: 11 Feb 2019 10:34
    Last Modified: 27 Feb 2025 00:32


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