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    Stewart Motha: Archiving Sovereignty: Law, History, Violence University of Michigan Press, USA, 2018, 224 pp, £19.95 (pbk), ISBN: 978-0472053865

    Menis, Susanna (2020) Stewart Motha: Archiving Sovereignty: Law, History, Violence University of Michigan Press, USA, 2018, 224 pp, £19.95 (pbk), ISBN: 978-0472053865. [Book Review]

    27030.pdf - Author's Accepted Manuscript

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    This is a review of the book Archiving Sovereignty by Stewart Motha. Typical of critical legal writing, the monograph challenges our conditioned perception about the sovereign State. As such, it provides us access to an archive of sovereign violence created by the law. It is argued that judicial decisions sustain and recreate sovereign power by way of destruction of facts. The focus here is on states with imperial histories, taking as case studies several islands in the Indian ocean region.


    Item Type: Book Review
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Business and Law > Birkbeck Law School
    Depositing User: Susy Menis
    Date Deposited: 30 Jul 2020 10:18
    Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 17:50


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