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Homo legalis: lesbian and gay in legal studies

Moran, Leslie (2000) Homo legalis: lesbian and gay in legal studies. In: Sandfort, T. (ed.) Lesbian and Gay Studies: An Introductory, Interdisciplinary Approach. London, UK: Sage Publications. ISBN 9780761954187.

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Book synopsis: This timely book seeks to demonstrate the coherence of lesbian and gay studies. It introduces the reader to the principal inter-disciplinary approaches in the field and critically assesses their strengths and weaknesses whilst asking: What is lesbian and gay studies? When did it emerge? And what are its achievements and research agenda? The gay and lesbian movement has emerged as a major political and cultural force. It poses a series of far reaching questions about the organization of identity, the operation of power and the limits of tolerance. Lesbian and Gay Studies has emerged as a vital and enriching field. It offers challenges to more traditional disciplines and requires new forms of thought about the connections between academic work and personal politics.


Item Type: Book Section
School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Social Sciences
Depositing User: Sarah Hall
Date Deposited: 15 Apr 2019 14:40
Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 17:50


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