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    Studie o středověkém umění věnované Kláře Benešovské [Essays on Mediaeval Art Dedicated to Klára Benešovská]

    Chlíbec, J. and Opacic, Zoe, eds. (2015) Studie o středověkém umění věnované Kláře Benešovské [Essays on Mediaeval Art Dedicated to Klára Benešovská]. Setkávání [Encounters]. Prague, Czech Republic: Artefactum Publishing House. ISBN 9788086890753.

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    Book synopsis: The aim of this collection of texts is to present mediaeval art from various viewpoints in all its breadth, richness, and variety. It contains essays on mediaeval architecture, sculpture, panel painting, wall painting, book illumination, and artistic craftwork. The texts do not deal just with Czech subjects, but cover European mediaeval culture across a broad geographical spectrum over a period of several centuries. In addition to Czech and Slovak researchers, texts have been contributed to the book by leading scholars from France, Germany, Switzerland, England, Poland, and Hungary. The keystone connecting all these research efforts is the person of Klára Benešovská, an outstanding mediaevalist, in particular in the field of mediaeval architecture, and also an untiring organiser of academic life, who can take credit for the spread of knowledge of Czech mediaeval art in European specialist circles as well. The book contains a wealth of illustrations, an extensive index, a complete bibliography of Klára Benešovská, and English summaries of the essays.


    Item Type: Book
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Historical Studies
    Depositing User: Administrator
    Date Deposited: 17 Jan 2020 09:01
    Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 17:56


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