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    Rethinking Britain: policy ideas for the many

    Konzelmann, Suzanne J. and Himmelweit, S. and Smith, J. and Weeks, J., eds. (2019) Rethinking Britain: policy ideas for the many. Bristol: Policy Press. ISBN 9781447352525.

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    Book synopsis: What if we had a government prepared to implement the policies that could radically change 21st-century Britain and improve people’s lives? Social and economic policies are rarely communicated clearly to the public, but it’s never been more important for citizens to understand and contribute to the debate around the country’s future. In everyday language, Rethinking Britain presents a range of ideas from some of the country’s most influential thinkers such as Kate Pickett and Ha-Joon Chang. From inflation to tax, and health to education, each contribution offers solutions which, if implemented, would lead to a fairer society. Curated by leading economists from the Progressive Economics Group and accompanied by a ‘jargon buster’, this book is an essential aid for citizens who are interested in critiquing inequalities while looking to build a better future.


    Item Type: Book
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Business and Law > Birkbeck Business School
    Depositing User: Sue Konzelmann
    Date Deposited: 14 Dec 2021 20:48
    Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 18:00


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