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    Family formations and LGBT+ parenting: pioneering waves of self-defining families and their implications for children

    Tasker, Fiona and Gato, J. (2020) Family formations and LGBT+ parenting: pioneering waves of self-defining families and their implications for children. In: Justicia-Arráez, A. and Alba, G. and Álvarez-Bernardo, G. and Benavides-Nieto, A. (eds.) Investigaciones y avances en el estudio social y psicoeducativo de las familias diversas [Research and advances in the social and psychoeducational study of diverse families]. Madrid, Spain: Dykinson, S. L., pp. 129-160. ISBN 9788413248530.

    FT & JG Family formations & LGBT+ parenting Submitted chapter 30Apr2020.pdf - Author's Accepted Manuscript

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    Reviews of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT+) parenting research have identified three waves of research on same-sex parenting since the 1980s (e.g., Golombok, 2007; Johnson, 2012). A first wave of studies concerned lesbian women, and to a lesser extent gay men, who had become parents while in heterosexual relationships. A second wave examined mostly women (and more residually men) who became parents in the context of a non-heterosexual identity. In both these waves, family and child outcome comparisons with heterosexual families were conducted. Later, moving away from a comparative agenda (Clarke, Ellis, Peel, & Riggs, 2010; Gato, 2016), a third wave was composed of studies dwelling on the unique challenges faced by lesbian mothers associated to their sexual minority status, such as decisions about genetic versus nongenetic parenthood, how childcare tasks would be shared out between a same-gender couple parenting together, or how to manage and cope with sexual minority stigma. We propose a new fourth wave of contemporary research denoting studies in which family members are allowed to self-define enabling families to deconstruct or queer cisheteronormative family structures.


    Item Type: Book Section
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Science > School of Psychological Sciences
    Depositing User: Fiona Tasker
    Date Deposited: 29 Mar 2021 08:50
    Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 18:03


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