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    Financial crisis of 2008 and outward foreign investments from China and India

    Athreye, S. and Saeed, A. and Saad Baloch, M. (2021) Financial crisis of 2008 and outward foreign investments from China and India. Working Paper. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.

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    Based on a cross-industry panel of 510 non-financial Indian and Chinese firms during the period 2005-2015, we argue and show that Chinese firms with resource and asset seeking motives and Indian firms with market-seeking motives suffered differently from the financial crisis of 2008. Specifically, Indian firms that faced financial market imperfections domestically and market contraction externally had to cut back on outward investments as markets shrank and sales growth dampened. In contrast, the fortunes of Chinese firms that relied on debt finance to seek out international assets rose. Not only had investment targets become cheaper after the financial crisis, but the reliance on leverage as the instrument of finance also inured Chinese firms to the fluctuations of stock markets and the other financial implications of the crisis. Consequently, Chinese and Indian outward investment paths that looked so similar before 2008 began to diverge rapidly.


    Item Type: Monograph (Working Paper)
    Additional Information: CIMR Working Paper no.48, ISSN: 2052-062X
    Keyword(s) / Subject(s): Financial crisis, Outward foreign investment, Emerging economies, Financial constraints, Motives for FDI
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Business and Law > Birkbeck Business School
    Research Centres and Institutes: Innovation Management Research, Birkbeck Centre for
    Depositing User: Administrator
    Date Deposited: 21 Apr 2021 10:07
    Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 18:09


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