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    L’Antisémitisme dans la Révolution russe (1917-1920)

    McGeever, Brendan (2022) L’Antisémitisme dans la Révolution russe (1917-1920). Paris: les nuits rouges. ISBN 2913112722.

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    Book synopsis: Historiography often overlooks the many pogroms perpetrated during the Russian Revolution. If most are due to the White armies, the Reds also took their part. Faced with this, the Communist leaders, often of Jewish origin themselves, found it difficult to define a clear position in the fear they had of cutting themselves off from a part of their base which spontaneously confused the Jews and "the bourgeois enemy. It is finally under the pressure of the more or less Zionist Jewish socialist parties, like the Poale Zion (Workers of Zion), that the bar will be straightened and that the Bolshevik power will resolutely fight these deleterious tendencies. It is all this that, in his pioneering work, written from Russian and Ukrainian archives, the young historian Brendan McGeever exposes in detail.


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