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    Learner internal psychological factors

    Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2012) Learner internal psychological factors. In: Herschensohn, J. and Young-Scholten, M. (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 159-179. ISBN 9781107007710.

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    Book synopsis: What is language and how can we investigate its acquisition by children or adults? What perspectives exist from which to view acquisition? What internal constraints and external factors shape acquisition? What are the properties of interlanguage systems? This comprehensive 31-chapter handbook is an authoritative survey of second language acquisition (SLA). Its multi-perspective synopsis on recent developments in SLA research provides significant contributions by established experts and widely recognized younger talent. It covers cutting edge and emerging areas of enquiry not treated elsewhere in a single handbook, including third language acquisition, electronic communication, incomplete first language acquisition, alphabetic literacy and SLA, affect and the brain, discourse and identity. Written to be accessible to newcomers as well as experienced scholars of SLA, the Handbook is organised into six thematic sections, each with an editor-written introduction.


    Item Type: Book Section
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Creative Arts, Culture and Communication
    Depositing User: Jean-Marc Dewaele
    Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2012 13:42
    Last Modified: 09 Aug 2023 12:31


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