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    Research perspectives on bilingualism and bilingual education

    Li, Wei (2008) Research perspectives on bilingualism and bilingual education. In: Hornberger, N.H. (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Language and Education. London, UK: Springer, pp. 137-150. ISBN 9780387328751.

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    Book synopsis: In this second, fully revised edition, the 10 volume Encyclopedia of Language and Education offers the newest developments including two new volumes of research and scholarly content essential to the field of language teaching and learning in the age of globalization. In the selection of topics and contributors, the Encyclopedia reflects the depth of disciplinary knowledge, breadth of interdisciplinary perspective, and diversity of sociogeographic experience in the field. Throughout, there is an inclusion of contributions from non-English speaking and non-western parts of the world, providing truly global coverage. Furthermore, the authors have sought to integrate these voices more fully into the whole, rather than as special cases or international perspectives in separate sections. The Encyclopedia is a necessary reference set for every university and college library in the world that serves a faculty or school of education. The publication of this work charts the deepening and broadening of the field of language and education since the publication of the first Encyclopedia.


    Item Type: Book Section
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Creative Arts, Culture and Communication
    Depositing User: Sarah Hall
    Date Deposited: 22 Mar 2013 09:44
    Last Modified: 09 Aug 2023 12:32


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