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    Strategising impression management in corporations: cultural knowledge as capital

    Kamau, Caroline (2009) Strategising impression management in corporations: cultural knowledge as capital. In: Harorimana, D. (ed.) Cultural Implications of Knowledge Sharing, Management and Transfer: Identifying Competitive Advantage. Advances in Knowledge Acquisition, Transfer, and Management (AKATM) Book Series. Hershey, U.S.: Information Science Reference (IGI), pp. 60-83. ISBN 9781605667904.

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    Impression management is a powerful psychological phenomenon with much unexplored potential in corporate settings. Employees or corporations can deploy impression management strategies in order to manipulate others’ perceptions of them. Cultural knowledge is powerful capital in impression management, yet this has not been sufficiently explored in previous literature. This chapter argues that impression-motivated employees or corporations need to perform a three-step knowledge audit: (i) knowing what their impression deficits are; (ii) knowing what impression management strategy is needed to address that deficit, based on the taxonomy of impression management strategies tabulated here; (iii) knowing what societal (e.g. collectivist culture or individualist culture) or organization-specific cultural adjustments are needed. A cultural knowledge base can thus be created through cross-cultural training of and knowledge transfer by expatriates. Multinational corporations can also benefit from utilising the knowledge presented in this chapter in their international public relations efforts.


    Item Type: Book Section
    Keyword(s) / Subject(s): Impression management, self-presentation, impression management strategies, strategizing impression management in corporations, cross-cultural knowledge audit model, cross-cultural impression management, organizational culture, expatriates, expatriate adjustment, expatriate wellbeing, impression management strategy, ingratiation, exemplification, self-promotion, supplication, international, public relations, corporate relations, marketing, ethics in organizations, organisational, workplace, supervisor, manager, social influence, three-step knowledge audit model, strategising impression management in corporations, nonverbal behaviour, nonverbal behavior, nonverbal communication, interpersonal relations, cross-cultural teams, expatriate induction, cross-cultural management, PR, organizational behavior, organizational behaviour
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Business and Law > Birkbeck Business School
    Depositing User: Caroline Kamau
    Date Deposited: 03 Jun 2013 08:28
    Last Modified: 26 Feb 2025 13:26

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