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    Sharks (Elasmobranchii: Euselachii) from the Late Cretaceous of France and the UK

    Guinot, G. and Underwood, Charlie J. and Cappetta, H. and Ward, D.J. (2013) Sharks (Elasmobranchii: Euselachii) from the Late Cretaceous of France and the UK. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 11 (6), pp. 589-671. ISSN 1477-2019.

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    Bulk-sampling of 22 phosphatic horizons from the Upper Cretaceous of northern France and the UK has yielded very rich selachian faunas dominated by shark taxa. These samples, collected from Cenomanian to Campanian Chalks and one glauconitic sediment, allow the identification of numerous new taxa, and improve our knowledge of northern European Late Cretaceous selachian assemblages, with a special focus on small to minute remains that were previously overlooked. Among the 96 taxa described here, 18 species and four genera are newly described: Protosqualus barringtonensis sp. nov., Heterodontus boussioni sp. nov., Heterodontus laevis sp. nov., Adnetoscyllium angloparisensis gen. et sp. nov., Chiloscyllium frequens sp. nov., Chiloscyllium vulloi sp. nov., Pararhincodon ornatus sp. nov., Cederstroemia siverssoni sp. nov., Pseudocorax duchaussoisi sp. nov., Squalicorax bernardezi sp. nov., Eoptolamna supracretacea sp. nov., Anomotodon genaulti sp. nov., Scyliorhinus monsaugustus sp. nov., Scyliorhinus muelleri sp. nov., Sigmoscyllium acuspidatum gen. et sp. nov., Palaeotriakis gen. nov., Paratriakis robustus sp. nov., Platyrhizodon gracilis gen. et sp. nov. and Platyrhizodon barbei gen. et sp. nov. In addition, numerous potential new taxa are left in open nomenclature pending the discovery of more material. Stratigraphical and geographical ranges of taxa are updated and observations on the dentition of a few species (Anomotodon hermani, Cederstroemia, Carcharias latus, Palaeotriakis, Paratriakis) are made. An updated Late Cretaceous selachian fossil record and global standing diversity are also presented.


    Item Type: Article
    Keyword(s) / Subject(s): sharks, selachians, Late Cretaceous, Chalk, Anglo-Paris Basin, Northern Ireland
    School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Science > School of Natural Sciences
    Depositing User: Administrator
    Date Deposited: 30 Sep 2013 13:27
    Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 17:07


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