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'I don't want to be classed, but we're all classed': making liveable lives in contemporary England

Rogaly, B. and Taylor, Becky (2009) 'I don't want to be classed, but we're all classed': making liveable lives in contemporary England. In: Wetherell, M. (ed.) Identity in the 21st Century. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230580879.

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Book synopsis: Identity in the 21st Century reports from the front-line of identity studies. This collection brings together leading scholars to describe and address trends in contemporary social life. The chapters examine the current patterning of identities based on class and community, gender and generation, 'race', faith and ethnicity, and derived from popular culture. The contributors explore debates about social change, individualisation and the re-making of social class. They examine the evidence for new 'convivial multicultures' in ethnically diverse urban metropolitan centres and the manifestations of more 'fragile' white identities in the provinces. This book results from five years of sustained empirical investigation within the highly innovative Identities and Social Action programme, and this collection provides a rich account of the raw materials people draw upon to build 'liveable' lives.


Item Type: Book Section
School: Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Historical Studies
Research Centres and Institutes: Contemporary Literature, Centre for
Depositing User: Sarah Hall
Date Deposited: 14 Jan 2014 15:34
Last Modified: 02 Aug 2023 17:09


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