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Avian and Poultry Biology Reviews
Shapland, F and Baggott, Glenn K. (2006) The effect of static incubation on the yolk sac vasculature of the Japanese quail (Coturnix c. japonica). Avian and Poultry Biology Reviews 17 (2), p. 69. ISSN 1357-048X.
Pellet-Many, C and Baggott, Glenn K. (2005) The pH and ionic composition of the sub-embryonic fluid of the Japanese quail (Coturnix c. japonica). Avian and Poultry Biology Reviews 16 (4), pp. 176-177. ISSN 1357-048X.
Beckett, M. and Baggott, Glenn K. and Graeme-Cook, K. (2003) Bacterial degradation of the eggshell cuticle of the mandarin duck (Aix galericulata). Avian and Poultry Biology Reviews 14 , pp. 196-197. ISSN 1357-048X.
Baggott, Glenn K. and Deeming, D.C. and Latter, G.V. (2002) Electrolyte and Water Balance of the Early Avian Embryo: Effects of Egg Turning. Avian and Poultry Biology Reviews 13 (2), pp. 105-119. ISSN 1357-048X.
Bioscience Education
Baggott, Glenn K. and Rayne, Richard C. (2007) The use of computer-based assessments in a field biology module. Bioscience Education 9 , ISSN 1479-7860.
British Poultry Science
de Winter, Patricia and Sugden, D and Baggott, Glenn K. (2008) Effect of egg turning and incubation time on carbonic anhydrase gene expression in the blastoderm of the Japanese quail (Coturnix c. japonica). British Poultry Science 49 (5), pp. 566-573. ISSN 0007-1668.
de Winter, Patricia and Sugden, D. and Baggott, Glenn K. (2008) Effect of egg turning and incubation time on carbonic anhydrase gene expression in the blastoderm of the Japanese quail ( Coturnix c. japonica ). British Poultry Science 49 (5), pp. 566-573. ISSN 0007-1668.
Latter, G.V. and Baggott, Glenn K. (2002) Role of carbon dioxide and ion transport in the formation of sub-embryonic fluid by the blastoderm of the Japanese quail. British Poultry Science 43 (1), pp. 104-116. ISSN 0007-1668.
Latter, G.V. and Baggott, Glenn K. (2000) The effect of egg turning and fertility upon the potassium concentration of the albumen and yolk of the Japanese quail. British Poultry Science 41 (4, Sup), S44-S45. ISSN 0007-1668.
Centre for Bioscience Bulletin
Baggott, Glenn K. (2009) Fieldwork: e-learning benefits the part-time student. Centre for Bioscience Bulletin 26 , p. 3. ISSN 1740-6692.
Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Babiker, E.M. and Baggott, Glenn K. (2009) The effect of preincubation period and culture medium on early development of isolated blastoderm of Japanese quail. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology 7 (1), pp. 29-34. ISSN 1687-157X.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Duce, S. and Morrison, F. and Welten, M. and Baggott, Glenn K. and Tickle, C. (2011) Micro-magnetic resonance imaging study of live quail embryos during embryonic development. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 29 (1), pp. 132-139. ISSN 0730-725X.
Physiology News
Baggott, Glenn K. (2010) Why are our fingers different lengths? Physiology News 79 (45), ISSN 1476-7996.