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Jump to: March 2015 | June 2016
Number of items: 2.
March 2015
Maitra, A. and Bates, S. and Kolvekar, T. and Devarajan, P.V. and Guzman, Juan D. and Bhakta, Sanjib (2015) Repurposing — a ray of hope in tackling extensively drug resistance in tuberculosis. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 32 , pp. 50-55. ISSN 1201-9712.
June 2016
Maitra, Arundhati and Bates, S. and Shaik, M. and Evangelopoulos, Dimitrios and Abubakar, I. and McHugh, T.D. and Lipman, M. and Bhakta, Sanjib (2016) Repurposing drugs for treatment of tuberculosis: a role for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. British Medical Bulletin 118 (1), pp. 138-148. ISSN 1471-8391.