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    Number of items: 27.


    Catani, Damian (1999) Consumerism and the discourse of fashion in Mallarmé's 'La Dernière Mode'. Mots Pluriels 10 ,


    Catani, Damian (2001) Poetry's appeal. Nineteenth-Century French lyric and the political space. by E. S. Burt. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999. Pp. 287. £11.95. [Book Review]


    Catani, Damian (2002) Mallarmé and the poetics of everyday life: a study of the concept of the ordinary in his verse and prose. [Book Review]


    Catani, Damian (2003) Parole mancanti: l'incompiuto nell'opera di Mallarmé. [Book Review]

    Catani, Damian (2003) The poet as democrat: art in relation to consumerism in Mallarmé’s 'La Dernière Mode'. In: Kinloch, D. and Millan, G. (eds.) Situating Mallarmé. French Studies of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Peter Lang, pp. 69-83. ISBN 9783906766188.

    Catani, Damian (2003) The poet in society: art, consumerism and politics in Mallarme. Currents in Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures. Peter Lang. ISBN 9780820457772.


    Catani, Damian (2005) Capitalism reviewed: the perspectives of Villiers, Zola and Mallarmé. In: Capitanio, S. and Downing, L. and Rowe, P. and White, N. (eds.) Currencies: Fiscal Fortunes and Cultural Capital in Nineteenth-Century France. French Studies of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Peter Lang, pp. 59-71. ISBN 9783039105137.


    Catani, Damian (2006) 'New Approaches to Zola: Selected Papers from the 2002 Cambridge Centenary Colloquium' by Hannah Thompson. [Book Review]


    Catani, Damian (2007) Notions of evil in Baudelaire. Modern Language Review 102 (4), pp. 990-1007. ISSN 0026-7937.


    Catani, Damian (2009) Baudelaire, poète comique. [Book Review]

    Catani, Damian (2009) Book review: between Baudelaire and Mallarmé: voice, conversation and music. French Studies 65 (3), pp. 396-397. ISSN 0016-1128.


    Catani, Damian (2011) The French Revolution: historical necessity or historical evil? Terror and slavery in Hugo’s Quatrevingt-treize and Confiant’s "L’Archet du colonel". In: Evans, D. and Griffiths, K. (eds.) Institutions and Power in Nineteenth-Century French Literature and Culture. Faux Titre 363. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Rodopi, pp. 51-68. ISBN 9789042033849.

    Catani, Damian (2011) Mal et modernité: vice urbain et colonialisme dans Mademoiselle Bistouri et La belle Dorothée. In: Baudelaire in the world - Critical Traditions and Translations, 2011, Bibliothèque historique de la ville de Paris. (Unpublished)


    Catani, Damian (2012) Book Review: Fin de baudelaire: autopsie d'une œuvre sans nom by Jean Louis Cornille. French Studies 66 (4), pp. 569-570. ISSN 0016-1128.

    November 2012

    Catani, Damian (2012) Modernity, evil and ethics: a Sartrean and Bataillean reading of Baudelaire’s ‘Le Jeu’. Dix-Neuf 16 (3), pp. 260-270. ISSN 14787318.


    Catani, Damian (2013) Book review: Bourdieu and literature by John R. W. Speller. French Studies 67 (4), pp. 579-580. ISSN 0016-1128.

    Catani, Damian and Millan, G. and Abbott, H. and Acquisto, J. and Durand, P. and Marchal, B. and Roger, T., eds. (2013) Études Stéphane Mallarmé. Paris, France: Classiques Garnier. ISBN 9782812411526.

    14 February 2013

    Catani, Damian (2013) Evil: a history in modern French literature and thought. London, UK: Continuum Books. ISBN 9781441185563.

    November 2013

    Catani, Damian (2013) The "Spleen" and "Ideal" of opium: Baudelaire and Thomas de Quincey. Dix-Neuf 17 (3), pp. 237-250. ISSN 1478-7318.


    Catani, Damian (2014) Re/deconstructing the rimbaud myth: Kerouac and Mallarmé. AmeriQuests 11 (1), ISSN 1553-4316.

    August 2014

    Catani, Damian (2014) Hannah Arendt reconsidered: collaboration and the banality of evil in Jonathan Littell's "The Kindly Ones". Sociology Study 4 (8), pp. 661-672. ISSN 2159‐5526.

    1 December 2014

    Catani, Damian (2014) 'Vice urbain et colonialisme dans Mademoiselle Bistouri et La Belle Dorothee'. In: Guyaux, A. and Scepi, A. (eds.) Lire 'Le Spleen de Paris' de Baudelaire. Paris: Presses de l'Universite Sorbonne, pp. 25-33. ISBN 9782840509738.

    15 January 2015

    Catani, Damian and Milan, G. and Acquisto, J. and Durand, P. and Marchal, B. and Roger, T., eds. (2015) Études Stephane Mallarmé. Paris, France: Classiques Garnier. ISBN 9782812437755.

    August 2016

    Catani, Damian (2016) Louis-Ferdinand Céline, literary genius or national pariah? Defining moral parameters for influential cultural figures, post- Charlie Hebdo. French Cultural Studies 27 (3), pp. 268-278. ISSN 0957-1558.


    Catani, Damian (2018) Mallarme, «Vathek» et L'Orient. In: Millan, G. (ed.) Mallarmé à Tournon et au-delà. Paris, France: Classiques Garnier. ISBN 9782406066699.

    25 February 2019

    Catani, Damian (2019) Rediscovering Beckford's 'satiric gravity': Mallarme's rehabilitation of Vathek. In: Louth, Charlie and McGuinness, Patrick (eds.) Gravity and Grace - Essays for Roger Pearson. Legenda (General Series). Oxford, UK: MHRA, pp. 112-129. ISBN 9781781887875.

    17 October 2019

    Catani, Damian (2019) From victims to perpetrators: the banality of evil in Jonathan Littell’s 'The Kindly Ones'. In: Dihal, K. (ed.) Perspectives on Evil: From Banality to Genocide. At the Interface / Probing the Boundaries 103. Oxford, UK: Brill, pp. 3-24. ISBN 9789004365827.

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