Browse by Person

Gideon, Jasmine and Gianella, C. and Salas, M. and Bayliss, K. and De Falco, R. and Romero, M.J. and Iguñiz, R. (2024) A “common sense” response to health inequalities in Peru? Public Private Partnerships in health and the implications for the right to health and economic inequality. Journal of Human Rights Practice , ISSN 1757-9619.
Gideon, Jasmine and Asthana, S. and Bisht, R. (2024) Health systems in India: Analysing the barriers to inclusive health leadership through a gender lens. British Medical Journal 386 (e07835), ISSN 1759-2151.
Gideon, Jasmine (2024) Crafting arts-based stories of exile, resistance and trauma among Chileans in the UK. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies , ISSN 1369-183X.
Samuels, F. and Molyneux, M. and Gideon, Jasmine (2023) Cuban youth: changing attitudes towards sexual and reproductive health. Progress in Development Studies , ISSN 1464-9934.
Gideon, Jasmine and Engle, Olivia (2022) Attitudes to adolescent pregnancy among families in the Dominican Republic and El Salvador: insights from a longitudinal study. Culture, Health and Sexuality , ISSN 1369-1058 print.
Gideon, Jasmine (2022) Journeys to health: the case of Chilean exiles in the UK. Journal of Refugee Studies 35 (3), pp. 1089-1106. ISSN 0951-6328.
Gideon, Jasmine and Ramm, A. and Alvarez Minte, Gabriela and de la Cruz Pincetti, C. (2022) Protecting, empowering or penalizing motherhood? The contradictory treatment of women in Chilean social policies. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 29 (1), pp. 118-140. ISSN 1072-4745.
Gianella, C. and Gideon, Jasmine and Romero, M.J. (2021) What does COVID-19 tell us about the Peruvian health system? Canadian Journal of Development Studies 42 (1-2), pp. 55-67. ISSN ISSN: 2158-9100.
Gideon, Jasmine and Gianella, C. and Iguiñiz-Romero, R. and Romero, M.J. (2020) Good health indicators are not enough: lessons from COVID-19 in Peru. Health and Human Rights Journal 22 (2), pp. 317-320. ISSN 2150-4113.
Gideon, Jasmine (2018) Gendering activism, exile and wellbeing: Chilean exiles in the UK. Gender, Place and Culture 25 (2), pp. 228-247. ISSN 0966-369X.
Gideon, Jasmine and Unterhalter, E. (2017) Exploring Public Private Partnerships in health and education: a critique. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 33 (2), pp. 136-141. ISSN 2169-9763.
Gideon, Jasmine and Hunter, B.M. and Murray, S.F. (2017) Public-private partnerships in sexual and reproductive healthcare provision: establishing a gender analysis. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 33 (2), pp. 166-180. ISSN 2169-9763.
Gideon, Jasmine and Porter, Fenella (2016) Challenging gendered inequalities in global health: dilemmas for NGOs. Development and Change 47 (4), pp. 782-797. ISSN 0012-155X.
Gideon, Jasmine and Porter, F. (2016) Unpacking ‘women’s health’ in the context of PPPs: a return to instrumentalism in development policy and practice? Global Social Policy 16 (1), pp. 68-85. ISSN 1468-0181.
Gideon, Jasmine and Minte, G.A. and Leite, Marianna (2015) What is hindering progress? The marginalization of women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights in Brazil and Chile. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 31 (3), pp. 255-270. ISSN 2169-9763.
Gideon, Jasmine (2012) Engendering the health agenda? Reflections on the Chilean case, 2000-2010. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 19 (3), pp. 333-360. ISSN 1072-4745.
Gideon, Jasmine (2011) Exploring migrants' health seeking strategies: the case of Latin American migrants in London. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 7 (4), pp. 197-208. ISSN 1747-9894.
Gideon, Jasmine (2008) Counting the cost of privatised provision: women, rights and neoliberal health reforms in Chile. IDS Bulletin 39 (6), pp. 75-82. ISSN 0265-5012.
Cornwall, A. and Gideon, Jasmine and Wilson, K. (2008) Introduction: reclaiming feminism: gender and neoliberalism. IDS Bulletin 39 (6), pp. 1-9. ISSN 0265-5012.
Dannreuther, C. and Gideon, Jasmine (2008) Entitled to health? social protection in Chile's Plan AUGE. Development and Change 39 (5), pp. 845-864. ISSN 0012-155X.
Barrientos, A. and Gideon, Jasmine and Molyneux, M. (2008) New developments in Latin America's social policy. Development and Change 39 (5), pp. 759-774. ISSN 0012-155x.
Gideon, Jasmine (2008) Counting the cost of privatised provision: women, rights and neo-liberal health reforms in Chile. IDS Bulletin 39 (6), pp. 75-82. ISSN 0265-5012.
Gideon, Jasmine (2006) Accessing economic and social rights under neoliberalism: gender and rights in Chile. Third World Quarterly 27 (7), pp. 1269-1283. ISSN 0143-6597.
Book Review
Gideon, Jasmine (2013) Book Review: "Care Work and Class: Domestic Workers' Struggle for Equal Rights in Latin America". [Book Review]
Book Section
Gideon, Jasmine (2023) Financing development through PPPs: what does this mean for inequalities. In: Tribe, M. and Kararach, G. (eds.) The Political Economy of Global Manufacturing, Business and Finance. International Political Economy. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 243-265. ISBN 9783031258312.
Gideon, Jasmine and Untherhalter, E. (2020) Critical Reflections on Public Private Partnerships: an introduction. In: Gideon, Jasmine and Untherhalter, E. (eds.) Critical Reflections on Public Private Partnerships. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780367235666. (In Press)
Romero, M.J. and Gideon, Jasmine (2020) Health PPPs in Latin America: a review. In: Gideon, Jasmine and Unterhalter, E. (eds.) Critical Reflections on Public Private Partnerships. Routledge. ISBN 9780429280450.
Vera-Sanso, Penny (2016) Stigmatised, marginalised and overlooked: health, later life and gender in India and the United Kingdom. In: Gideon, Jasmine (ed.) Handbook on Gender and Health. International Handbooks on Gender. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781784710859.
Gideon, Jasmine (2013) Access versus entitlements: the health seeking for Latin American migrants in London. In: Thomas, F. and Gideon, Jasmine (eds.) Migration, Health and Inequality. London, UK: Zed Books. ISBN 9781780321240.
Thomas, F. and Gideon, Jasmine (2013) Introduction. In: Thomas, F. and Gideon, Jasmine (eds.) Migration, Health and Inequality. London, UK: Zed Books. ISBN 9781780321240.
Romero, M.J. and Gideon, Jasmine (2020) Una revision de las app en salud en America Latina. Working Paper. Editado por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Gideon, Jasmine and Unterhalter, E., eds. (2020) Critical reflections on Public Private Partnerships. Routledge. ISBN 9780367235666.
Ramm, A. and Gideon, Jasmine, eds. (2020) Motherhood, social policies and women's activism in Latin America. Studies of the Americas. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783030214012.
Gideon, Jasmine, ed. (2016) Handbook on gender and health. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781784710859.
Gideon, Jasmine (2014) Gender, globalization, and health in a Latin American context. Studies of The Americas. New York, U.S.: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230103559.
Thomas, F. and Gideon, Jasmine, eds. (2013) Migration, health and inequality. London, UK: Zed Books. ISBN 9781780321240.