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    Number of items: 40.


    Lewis, Ann (2021) Extra-illustrating Rousseau’s 'Julie, ou La Nouvelle Héloïse': the case of the Defer de Maisonneuve edition (1793–1800). Journal of Illustration Studies 8 (2), pp. 251-280. ISSN 2052-0204.

    Lewis, Ann (2016) Intermedial approaches to Marivaux’s 'La Vie de Marianne': text, illustration, film. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 39 (4), pp. 621-642. ISSN 1754-0194.

    Lewis, Ann (2008) Sex, sensibility and sociability: illustrating Marivaux's 'La Vie de Marianne' in the eighteenth century. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 31 (3), pp. 331-375. ISSN 1754-0194.

    Lewis, Ann (2007) Illustrations as reactions: three nineteenth-century readings of 'La Nouvelle Héloïse'. Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century (SVEC) 2007 (06), pp. 103-32. ISSN 0435-2866.

    Lewis, Ann (2004) La sensibilité dans les 'Lettres d¹une Péruvienne': expérience esthétique, modèle de la communication. Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 2004 (12), ISSN 0435-2866.


    Ionescu, C. and Lewis, Ann (2016) Introduction. [Editorial/Introduction]

    Book Section

    Lewis, Ann (2024) Adapting novel illustrations for the almanac: text/image relations in Chodowiecki’s illustrations for Rousseau’s 'Julie'. In: Stokes-Aymes, S. and Wells-Lassagne, S. (eds.) Illustration, Adaptation, and Intermediality: New Cartographies. Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 69-94. ISBN 9783031321337.

    Lewis, Ann and Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2020) Introduction. In: Lewis, Ann and Arnold-de Simine, Silke (eds.) Adapting the Canon: Mediation, Visualisation, Interpretation. Oxford, UK: Legenda, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9781781887080.

    Lewis, Ann (2019) Texte, légende et image dans sept illustrations de 'La Nouvelle Heloïse': autour de Julie et son père. In: Augustyn, J. and Dubost, J.P. and Sasson, S.J. (eds.) Penser et (d)écrire l'illustration: Le rapport à l'image dans la littérature des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Révolutions et romantismes. Clermont-Ferrand, France: Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, pp. 79-106. ISBN 9782845168831.

    Lewis, Ann (2017) Text on image on text: picturing “nature” in Schall’s illustrations for Rousseau’s Julie ou 'La Nouvelle Héloïse'. In: Beck, L. and Ionescu, C. (eds.) Visualizing the Text: From Manuscript Culture to the Age of Caricature. Newark, U.S.: University of Delaware Press, pp. 117-142. ISBN 9781644530276.

    Lewis, Ann (2016) Venality, theatricality, and the dark side of sociability: 'Le Neveu de Rameau' as a prostitution narrative. In: Hanrahan, J. and Pierse, S. (eds.) The Dark Side of Diderot / Le Diderot des ombres. French Studies of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries 34. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang, pp. 87-110. ISBN 9783034318488.

    Lewis, Ann (2014) Sensibilité, spectacle et séduction dans 'La Vie de Marianne'. In: Magnot-Ogilvy, F. (ed.) Nouvelles lectures de 'La Vie de Marianne': une 'dangereuses petite fille'. Le dix-huitième siècle 9. Paris, France: Classiques Garnier, pp. 255-272. ISBN 9782812432392.

    Lewis, Ann (2012) Classifying the prostitute in eighteenth-century France. In: Lewis, Ann and Ellis, M. (eds.) Prostitution and Eighteenth-Century Culture: Sex, Commerce and Morality. The Body, Gender and Culture 7. London: Pickering & Chatto, pp. 17-32. ISBN 9781848931343.

    Ellis, M. and Lewis, Ann (2012) Introduction: Venal bodies - prostitutes and Eighteenth-Century culture. In: Lewis, Ann and Ellis, M. (eds.) Prostitution and Eighteenth-Century Culture: Sex, Commerce and Morality. The Body, Gender and Culture 7. London UK and Vermont, US: Pickering & Chatto, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9781138661509.

    Lewis, Ann (2012) 'Une tâche ineffaçable?' Rétif's representation of the prostitute in 'Le Pornographe' and 'La Paysanne pervertie'. In: Arnaud, S. and Jordheim, H. (eds.) Le Corps et ses images dans l'Europe du dix-huitième siècle/The Body and its Images in Eighteenth-Century Europe. International Eighteenth-Century Studies. Paris, France: Champion, pp. 49-71. ISBN 9782745322678.

    Lewis, Ann (2007) Introduction: reading and writing the frame. In: Bolton, L. and Kimber, G. and Lewis, Ann and Seabrook, M. (eds.) Framed! Essays in French Studies. Modern French Identities 61. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang, pp. 11-34. ISBN 9783039110438.

    Lewis, Ann (2007) Mme Riccoboni au XIXe siècle, une enquête péritextuelle. In: Herman, J. and Pelckmans, P. and Peeters, K. (eds.) Mme Riccoboni: romancière, épistolière, traductrice. La République des Lettres 34. Paris, France and Leuven, Belgium: Peeters, pp. 303-320. ISBN 9789042919822.

    Lewis, Ann (2003) Rereading the forbidden in 'La Nouvelle Héloïse'. In: Facques, B. and Roberts, H. and Roberts, H. (eds.) Reading and Writing the Forbidden: Essays in French Studies. Reading, UK: 2001 Group. ISBN 0954685404.

    Conference or Workshop Item

    Lewis, Ann (2022) Working women in Mercier's 'Tableau de Paris': defining prostitution. In: Women and Work across the 18th-century Francophone Globe, 13-14 Oct 2022, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)

    Lewis, Ann (2022) Les gravures de 'Julie, ou la nouvelle Héloïse' hors le livre: décor de chambre et almanachs. In: Vivre la fiction: La littérature par ses appropriations au quotidien (XVIIIe – XXe siècles), 5-6 Oct 2022, Saint-Denis, France. (Unpublished)

    Lewis, Ann (2021) Family connections: sentimental 'tableaux' and the figure of the mother in 'Werther' and 'Julie'. In: Birkbeck Arts Week: Exploring the Family through Comparative Literature, 13 May 2021, Birkbeck College, London, UK (online). (Unpublished)

    Lewis, Ann (2019) Adapting illustration for the almanach: text/image relations in Daniel-Nicolas Chodowiecki's illustrations for Rousseau's 'Julie, ou La Nouvelle Héloïse'. In: Illustration and Adaptation, 10-11 October 2019, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France. (Unpublished)

    Lewis, Ann (2019) Framing the sentimental topos: illustrating the novel of sensibility in a transnational context (Germany and France). In: International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, July 2019, University of Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

    Lewis, Ann (2018) Rousseau, Diderot, class and prostitution. In: Society for French Studies Annual Conference, 2-4 July 2018, University of Cork, Ireland. (Unpublished)

    Lewis, Ann (2018) Extra-illustrating Rousseau's 'Julie, ou la Nouvelle Héloïse': the case of the Defer de Maisonneuve edition (1793-1800). In: The Unique Copy: Extra Illustration, Word and Image, and Print Culture, 24-25 May 2018, Herzog August Library, Wolfenbuttel, Germany. (Unpublished)

    Lewis, Ann (2016) The time of reading and reading time: Schall's 1790s illustrations for Rousseau's 'Julie, ou la nouvelle Héloïse'. In: Society for Early Modern French Studies 39th Annual Conference, 05-07 Sep 2016, Oxford, UK. (Unpublished)

    Lewis, Ann (2014) Moreau le jeune's two series of illustrations for Rousseau's 'Julie, ou la nouvelle Héloïse'. In: Illustration et construction du récit, 28-29 Mar 2014, Paris, France. (Unpublished)

    Lewis, Ann (2013) Text on image on text: Schall's illustrations for Rousseau's 'Julie'. In: Text on Image, Image on Text (1450-1789), 21-23 Aug 2013, Sackville, Canada. (Unpublished)

    Lewis, Ann (2012) "Picturing Nature": landscape and memory in Illustrations for Rousseau's 'Julie, ou la Nouvelle Héloïse'. In: British Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies conference "Landscapes & Environments", 04-06 Jan 2012, Oxford, UK. (Unpublished)

    Lewis, Ann (2011) Écrire l'illustration? les rapports de force entre texte, légende et image dans deux séries de gravures pour 'La nouvelle Héloïse'. In: Journée d'étude: Écrire l'illustration, 3 Jun 2011, Clermont-Ferrand, France. (Unpublished)

    Lewis, Ann (2011) Marivaux's 'La Vie de Marianne': text, illustration, film. In: Influence: Shifting Boundaries, 14-16 Apr 2011, Paris, France. (Unpublished)

    Lewis, Ann (2010) Julie and her father: troubling intimacies in Rousseau's 'La Nouvelle Héloïse' and its illustrations. In: Writings of Intimacy, 10-12 Sep 2010, Loughborough, UK. (Unpublished)

    Lewis, Ann (2010) Re-viewing the text: text and image in illustrated editions of 'Julie'. In: 'Adorn'd with Cuts': The Illustrated Book in the Eighteenth Century, 14 May 2010, Alton, UK. (Unpublished)

    Lewis, Ann (2007) Bodies for sale: Restif de la Bretonne and the representation of the Prostitute. In: The body and its images : health, humours, illnesses, 2-6 Jul 2007, Montpellier, France. (Unpublished)

    Lewis, Ann (2006) Relire Mme Riccoboni au dix-neuvième siècle: une enquête péritextuelle. In: Mme Riccoboni: une diversité décontractée, 18-20 May 2006, Louvain-Anvers, Belgium.


    Lewis, Ann and Arnold-de Simine, Silke, eds. (2020) Adapting the canon: mediation, visualisation, interpretation. Oxford, UK: Legenda. ISBN 9781781887080.

    Lewis, Ann and Ionescu, C., eds. (2016) Picturing the Eighteenth-Century Novel through time: illustration, intermediality and adaptation. Wiley.

    Lewis, Ann and Ellis, M., eds. (2012) Prostitution and eighteenth-century culture: sex, commerce and morality. London, UK: Pickering & Chatto. ISBN 9781848931343.

    Lewis, Ann (2009) Sensibility, reading and illustration: spectacles and signs in Graffigny, Marivaux and Rousseau. Main Series. Oxford, UK: Legenda. ISBN 9781905981960.

    Bolton, L. and Kimber, G. and Lewis, Ann and Seabrook, M., eds. (2007) Framed! Essays in French studies. Modern French Identities 61. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang. ISBN 9783039110438.

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