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    Number of items: 89.


    Addyman, Caspar and Rocha, Sinead - Elouise and Fautrelle, L. and French, R. and Thomas, E. and Mareschal, Denis (2016) Embodiment and the origin of interval timing: kinematic and electromyographic data. Experimental Brain Research 235 (3), pp. 923-930. ISSN 0014-4819.

    Allman, M.J. and Mareschal, Denis (2016) Possible evolutionary and developmental mechanisms of mental time travel (and implications for autism). Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 8 , pp. 220-225. ISSN 2352-1546.

    Anzures, Gizelle and Goyet, L. and Ganea, N. and Johnson, Mark H. (2016) Enhanced ERPs to visual stimuli in unaffected male siblings of ASD children. Child Neuropsychology 22 (2), pp. 220-237. ISSN 0929-7049.

    Azanon Gracia, Elena and Mihaljevic, K. and Longo, Matthew R. (2016) A three-dimensional spatial characterization of the crossed-hands deficit. Cognition 157 , pp. 289-295. ISSN 0010-0277.

    Azanon Gracia, Elena and Radulova, S. and Haggard, P. and Longo, Matthew R. (2016) Does the crossed-limb deficit affect the uncrossed portions of limbs? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 42 (9), pp. 1320-1331. ISSN 0096-1523.

    Azanon Gracia, Elena and Tamè, Luigi and Maravita, A. and Linkenauger, S.A. and Ferrè, Elisa Raffaella and Tajadura-Jimenez, A. and Longo, Matthew R. (2016) Multimodal contributions to body representation. Multisensory Research 29 (6), pp. 635-661. ISSN 2213-4794.


    Ballieux, H. and Tomalski, Przemyslaw and Kushnerenko, Elena and Johnson, Mark H. and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Moore, C. (2016) Feasibility of undertaking off-site infant eye-tracking assessments of neuro-cognitive functioning in early-intervention centres. Infant and Child Development 25 (1), pp. 95-113. ISSN 1099-0917.

    Ballieux, H. and Wass, S.V. and Przemyslaw, T. and Kushnerenko, Elena and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Johnson, Mark H. and Moore, D.G. (2016) Applying gaze-contingent training within community settings to infants from diverse SES backgrounds. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 43 , pp. 8-17. ISSN 0193-3973.

    Baughman, F. and Thomas, Michael S.C. and Anderson, M. and Reid, C. (2016) Common mechanisms in intelligence and development: a study of ability profiles in mental age-matched primary school children. Intelligence 56 , pp. 99-107. ISSN 0160-2896.

    Bedford, Rachael and Jones, Emily J.H. and Johnson, Mark H. and Pickles, A. and Charman, T. and Gliga, Teodora (2016) Sex differences in the association between infant markers and later autistic traits. Molecular Autism 7 , p. 21. ISSN 2040-2392.

    Bedford, Rachael and Pellicano, E. and Mareschal, Denis and Nardini, Marko (2016) Flexible integration of visual cues in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research 9 (2), pp. 272-281. ISSN 1939-3792.

    Bedford, Rachael and Saez de Urabain, Irati R. and Cheung, Celeste and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Smith, Tim J. (2016) Toddlers’ fine motor milestone achievement is associated with early touchscreen scrolling. Frontiers in Psychology 7 , ISSN 1664-1078.

    Begus, Katarina and Gliga, Teodora and Southgate, Victoria (2016) Infants’ preferences for native speakers are associated with an expectation of information. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113 (44), pp. 12397-12402. ISSN 0027-8424.

    Brewer, R. and Biotti, F. and Catmur, C. and Press, Clare and Happé, F. and Cook, R. and Bird, Geoffrey (2016) Can neurotypical individuals read autistic facial expressions? Atypical production of emotional facial expressions in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism Research 9 (2), pp. 262-271. ISSN 1939-3792.

    Bölte, S. and Bartl-Pokorny, K.D. and Jonsson, U. and Berggren, S. and Zhang, D. and Kostrzewa, E. and Falck-Ytter, T. and Einspieler, C. and Pokorny, F.B. and Jones, Emily J.H. and Roeyers, H. and Charman, T. and Marschik, P.B. (2016) How can clinicians detect and treat autism early? Methodological trends of technology use in research. Acta Paediatrica 105 (2), pp. 137-144. ISSN 0803-5253.


    Camp, Joanne and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Thomas, Michael S.C. and Farran, E. (2016) Cross-syndrome comparison of real-world executive functioning and problem solving using a new problem-solving questionnaire. Research in Developmental Disabilities 59 , pp. 80-92. ISSN 0891-4222.

    Camp, Joanne and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Thomas, Michael S.C. and Farran, E.K. (2016) Cross-syndrome comparison of real-world executive functioning and problem solving using a new problem-solving questionnaire. Research in Developmental Disabilities 59 , pp. 80-92. ISSN 0891-4222.

    Cardini, F. and Longo, Matthew R. (2016) Congruency of body-related information induces somatosensory reorganization. Neuropsychologia 84 , pp. 213-221. ISSN 0028-3932.

    Catmur, C. and Press, Clare and Heyes, C. (2016) Mirror neurons from associative learning. In: Murphy, R. and Honey, R. (eds.) The Wiley Handbook on the Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 515-537. ISBN 9781118650943.

    Charman, T. and Young, G.S. and Brian, J. and Carter, A. and Carver, L.J. and Chawarska, K. and Curtin, S. and Dobkins, K. and Elsabbagh, M. and Georgiades, S. and Hertz-Picciotto, I. and Hutman, T. and Iverson, J.M. and Jones, Emily J.H. and Landa, R. and Macari, S. and Messinger, D.S. and Nelson, C.A. and Ozonoff, S. and Saulnier, C. and Stone, W.L. and Tager-Flusberg, H. and Webb, S.J. and Yirmiya, N. and Zwaigenbaum, L. (2016) Non-ASD outcomes at 36 months in siblings at familial risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD): a baby siblings research consortium (BSRC) study. Autism Research , ISSN 1939-3792.

    Cheung, Celeste and Bedford, Rachael and Johnson, Mark H. and Charman, T. and Gliga, Teodora (2016) Visual search performance in infants associates with later ASD diagnosis. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 29 , pp. 4-10. ISSN 1878-9293.

    Clapson, Philip (2016) Communication without consciousness: the theory of brain-sign. Activitas Nervosa Superior 58 (3-4), pp. 84-107. ISSN 1802-9698.

    Csibra, Gergely and Hernik, M. and Mascaro, O. and Tatone, D. and Lengyel, M. (2016) Statistical treatment of looking-time data. Developmental Psychology 52 (4), pp. 521-536. ISSN 0012-1649.


    D'Souza, Dean and Booth, R. and Connolly, Monica and Happé, F. and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2016) Rethinking the concepts of “local or global processors”: evidence from Williams syndrome, Down syndrome, and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Developmental Science 19 (3), pp. 452-468. ISSN 1363-755x.

    D'Souza, Dean and D'Souza, Hana and Johnson, Mark H. and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2016) Audio-visual speech perception in infants and toddlers with Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome, and Williams syndrome. Infant Behavior and Development 44 , pp. 249-262. ISSN 0163-6383.

    D'Souza, Dean and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2016) Why a developmental perspective is critical for understanding human cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39 , ISSN 0140-525X.

    D'Souza, Hana and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2016) Neurodevelopmental disorders. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 8 , e1398. ISSN 1939-5078.

    Du Rietz, E. and Cheung, Celeste and McLoughlin, G. and Brandeis, D. and Banaschewski, T. and Asherson, P. and Kuntsi, J. (2016) Self-report of ADHD shows limited agreement with objective markers of persistence and remittance. Journal of Psychiatric Research 82 , pp. 91-99. ISSN 0022-3956.

    Dumontheil, Iroise (2016) Adolescent brain development. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 10 , pp. 39-44. ISSN 2352-1546.

    Dumontheil, Iroise and Wolf, L.K. and Blakemore, S.-J. (2016) Audience effects on the neural correlates of relational reasoning in adolescence. Neuropsychologia 87 , pp. 85-95. ISSN 0028-3932.

    de Haan, M. and Johnson, Mark H. (2016) Typical and atypical human functional brain development. In: Cicchetti, D and Cohen, D.J. (eds.) Developmental Psychopathology: Developmental Neuroscience. Hoboken, U.S.: Wiley, pp. 632-653. ISBN 9781118120910.

    de Klerk, Carina C.J.M. and Southgate, Victoria and Csibra, Gergely (2016) Predictive action tracking without motor experience in 8-month-old infants. Brain and Cognition 109 , pp. 131-139. ISSN 0278-2626.


    Edey, Rosanna and Cook, J. and Brewer, Rebecca and Johnson, Mark H. and Bird, Geoffrey and Press, Clare (2016) Interaction takes two: typical adults exhibit mind-blindness towards those with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 125 (7), pp. 879-885. ISSN 0021-843X.

    Elsabbagh, Mayada and Johnson, Mark H. (2016) Autism and the social brain: the first year puzzle. Biological Psychiatry 80 (2), pp. 94-99. ISSN 0006-3223.


    Farran, E.K. and Atkinson, L. and Broadbent, Hannah (2016) Impaired spatial category representations in Williams Syndrome; an investigation of the mechanistic contributions of non-verbal cognition and spatial language performance. Frontiers in Psychology 7 , ISSN 1664-1078.


    Gliga, Teodora and Southgate, Victoria (2016) Metacognition: pre-verbal infants adapt their behaviour to their knowledge states. Current Biology 26 (22), pR1191-pR1193. ISSN 0960-9822.


    Haartsen, Rianne and Jones, Emily J.H. and Johnson, Mark H. (2016) Human brain development over the early years. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 10 , pp. 149-154. ISSN 2352-1546.

    Hendry, A. and Jones, Emily J.H. and Charman, T. (2016) Executive function in the first three years of life: precursors, predictors and patterns. Developmental Review 42 , pp. 1-33. ISSN 0273-2297.

    Humphrey, Gillian and Dumontheil, Iroise (2016) Development of risk-taking, perspective-taking, and inhibitory control during adolescence. Developmental Neuropsychology , pp. 1-18. ISSN 8756-5641.


    James, S.-N. and Cheung, Celeste and Rijsdijk, F. and Asherson, P. and Kuntsi, J. (2016) Modifiable arousal in ADHD and its etiological association with fluctuating reaction times. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 1 (6), pp. 539-547. ISSN 2451-9022.

    Jones, Emily J.H. and Johnson, Mark H. (2016) A revolution for the at-risk. The Psychologist , ISSN 0952-8229.

    Jones, Emily J.H. and Venema, K. and Lowy, R. and Barnes, K. and Estes, A. and Dawson, G. and Webb, S.J. (2016) Reduced engagement with social stimuli in 6-month-old infants with later Autism Spectrum Disorder: a longitudinal prospective study of infants at high familial risk. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 8 (7), ISSN 1866-1955.


    Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Al-Janabi, T. and D'Souza, Hana and Groet, J. and Massand, Esha and Mok, K. and Startin, C. and Fisher, E. and Hardy, J. and Nizetic, D. and Tybulewicz, V. and Strydom, A. (2016) The importance of understanding individual differences in Down syndrome. F1000Research 5 , p. 389. ISSN 2046-1402.

    Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Doherty, B. and Cornish, K. and Scerif, G. (2016) Fragile X Syndrome as a multilevel model for understanding behaviorally defined disorders. In: Cicchetti, D. (ed.) Developmental Psychopathology: Maladaptation and Psychopathology. Hoboken, U.S.: Wiley, pp. 68-80. ISBN 9781118120927.

    Kerrigan, L. and Thomas, Michael S.C. and Bright, P. and Filippi, R. (2016) Evidence of an advantage in visuo-spatial memory for bilingual compared to monolingual speakers. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 20 (3), pp. 602-612. ISSN 1366-7289.

    Kiselev, S.Y. and L'vova, O.A. and Gliga, Teodora and Bakushkina, N.I. and Suleimanova, E.V. and Grishina, K.I. and Baranov, D.A. and Ksenofontova, O.L. and Martirosyan, S.V. (2016) The assessment of neurocognitive functions in premature infants in the first year of life using Bayley Scales. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova 116 (4), pp. 62-67. ISSN 1997-7298.

    Kovács, Á.M. and Téglás, E. and Gergely, G. and Csibra, Gergely (2016) Seeing behind the surface: communicative demonstration boosts category disambiguation in 12-month-olds. Developmental Science , ISSN 1363-755x.


    Leung, S. and Mareschal, Denis and Rowsell, R. and Simpson, D. and Iaria, L. and Grbic, A. and Kaufman, J. (2016) Oscillatory activity in the infant brain and the representation of small numbers. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 10 , ISSN 1662-5137.

    Li, B. and Wang, Q. and Barney, E. and Hart, L. and Wall, C. and Chawarska, K. and de Urabain, I.R.S. and Smith, Tim J. and Shic, F. (2016) Modified DBSCAN algorithm on oculomotor fixation identification. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications - ETRA '16. New York, U.S.: Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 337-338. ISBN 9781450341257.

    Lloyd-Fox, Sarah and Begus, K. and Halliday, D. and Pirazzoli, Laura and Blasi, Anna and Papademetriou, M. and Darboe, M.K. and Prentice, A.M. and Johnson, Mark H. and Moore, S.E. and Elwell, Clare (2016) Cortical specialisation to social stimuli from the first days to the second year of life: a rural Gambian cohort. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 25 , pp. 92-104. ISSN 18789293.

    Lloyd-Fox, Sarah and Begus, Katarina and Halliday, D. and Papademetriou, M. and Darboe, M.K. and Prentice, A.M. and Moore, S.E. and Elwell, Clare (2016) Using fNIRS to study working memory of infants in rural Africa. Advances In Experimental Medicine & Biology 876 , pp. 273-279. ISSN 0065-2598.

    Longo, Matthew R. (2016) Distorted body representations in healthy cognition. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (3), pp. 378-388. ISSN 1747-0218.

    Longo, Matthew R. (2016) Types of body representation. In: Coello, Y. and Fischer, M. (eds.) Perceptual and Emotional Embodiment. Foundations of Embodied Cognition 1. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 117-134. ISBN 9781138805811.

    Longo, Matthew R. and Morcom, R. (2016) No correlation between distorted body representations underlying tactile distance perception and position sense. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10 , pp. 593-601. ISSN 1662-5161.

    Longo, Matthew R. and Tamè, Luigi and Sadibolova, Renata (2016) Embodying prostheses – how to let the body welcome assistive devices. Physics of Life Reviews 16 , pp. 184-185. ISSN 1571-0645.


    Mares, Ines and Smith, Marie L. and Johnson, Mark H. and Senju, Atsushi (2016) Direct gaze facilitates rapid orienting to faces: evidence from express saccades and saccadic potentials. Biological Psychology 121 (A), pp. 84-90. ISSN 0301-0511.

    Mareschal, Denis (2016) The neuroscience of conceptual learning in science and mathematics. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 10 , pp. 114-118. ISSN 2352-1546.

    Mareschal, Denis and French, R.M. (2016) TRACX2: a connectionist autoencoder using graded chunks to model infant visual statistical learning. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 (1711), p. 20160057. ISSN 0962-8436.

    Mareschal, I. and Otsuka, Y. and Clifford, C.W.G. and Mareschal, Denis (2016) “Are you looking at me?” How children’s gaze judgments improve with age. Developmental Psychology 52 (5), pp. 695-703. ISSN 0012-1649.

    Marno, H. and Davelaar, Eddy J. and Csibra, Gergely (2016) An object memory bias induced by communicative reference. Acta Psychologica 163 , pp. 88-96. ISSN 0001-6918.

    Marzi, S. and Meaburn, Emma L. and Dempster, E.L. and Lunnon, K. and Paya-Cano, J. and Smith, R. and Volta, M. and Troakes, C. and Schalkwyk, L.C. and Mill, J. (2016) Tissue-specific patterns of allelically-skewed DNA methylation. Epigenetics 11 (1), pp. 24-35. ISSN 1559-2294.

    McEwen, F.S. and Stewart, C.S. and Colvert, E. and Woodhouse, E. and Curran, S. and Gillan, N. and Hallett, V. and Lietz, S. and Garnett, T. and Ronald, Angelica and Murphy, D.G.M. and Happé, F. and Bolton, P. (2016) Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder in community settings using the development and well-being assessment: validation in a UK population-based twin sample. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 57 (2), pp. 161-170. ISSN 0021-9630.

    Micalizzi, L. and Ronald, Angelica and Saudino, K.J. (2016) A genetically informed cross-lagged analysis of autistic-like traits and affective problems in early childhood. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 44 (5), pp. 937-947. ISSN 0091-0627.

    Michelini, G. and Kitsune, G.L. and Cheung, Celeste and Brandeis, D. and Banaschewski, T. and Asherson, P. and McLoughlin, G. and Kuntsi, J. (2016) ADHD Remission is linked to better neurophysiological error detection and attention-vigilance processes. Biological Psychiatry 80 (12), pp. 923-932. ISSN 0006-3223.

    Miller, L.E. and Longo, Matthew R. and Saygin, A.P. (2016) Mental body representations retain homuncular shape distortions: evidence from Weber’s Illusion. Consciousness and Cognition 40 , pp. 17-25. ISSN 1053-8100.

    Milosavljevic, Bosiljka and Carter Leno, V. and Simonoff, E. and Baird, G. and Pickles, A. and Jones, C.R.G. and Erskine, C. and Charman, T. and Happé, F. (2016) Alexithymia in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Its Relationship to Internalising Difficulties, Sensory Modulation and Social Cognition. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 46 (4), pp. 1354-1367. ISSN 0162-3257.


    Nako, Rebecca and Smith, Tim J. and Eimer, Martin (2016) The role of color in search templates for real-world target objects. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 28 (11), pp. 1714-1727. ISSN 0898-929X.

    Neuhaus, E. and Jones, Emily J.H. and Barnes, K. and Sterling, L. and Estes, A. and Munson, J. and Dawson, G. and Webb, S.J. (2016) The relationship between early neural responses to emotional faces at age 3 and later autism and anxiety symptoms in adolescents with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 46 (7), pp. 2450-2463. ISSN 0162-3257.


    Pinto, R. and Rijsdijk, F. and Ronald, Angelica and Asherson, P. and Kuntsi, J. (2016) The genetic overlap of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autistic-like traits: an investigation of individual symptom scales and cognitive markers. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 44 (2), pp. 335-345. ISSN 0091-0627.

    Przemyslaw, T. and Moore, D.G. and Bailleux, H. and Kushnerenko, Elena and Johnson, Mark H. and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2016) Separating the effects of ethnicity and socio-economic status on sleep practices of 6- to 7- month old infants. Learning and Individual Differences 46 , pp. 64-69. ISSN 1041-6080.


    Robinson, E.B. and St Pourcain, B. and Anttila, V. and Kosmicki, J. and Bulik-­‐Sullivan, B. and Grove, J. and Maller, J. and Samocha, K.E. and Sanders, S. and Ripke, S. and Martin, J. and Hollegaard, M.V. and Werge, T. and Hougaard, D.M. and iPSYCH-­‐SSI-­‐Broad Autism Group, A. and Neale, B.M. and Evans, D.M. and Skuse, D. and Mortensen, P.B. and Børglum, A.D. and Ronald, Angelica and Davey Smith, G. and Daly, M.J. (2016) Genetic risk for autism spectrum disorders and neuropsychiatric variation in the general population. Nature Genetics 48 (5), pp. 552-555. ISSN 1061-4036.

    Rocha, Sinead - Elouise and Mareschal, Denis (2016) Getting into the groove: the development of tempo-flexibility between 10 and 18 months of age. Infancy 22 (4), pp. 540-551. ISSN 1525-0008.


    Saulton, A. and Longo, Matthew R. and Wong, H.Y. and Bulthoff, H.H. and de la Rosa, S. (2016) The role of visual similarity and memory in body model distortions. Acta Psychologica 164 , pp. 103-111. ISSN 0001-6918.

    Shakoor, Sania and Zavos, H. and Haworth, C.M.A. and McGuire, P. and Cardno, A.G. and Freeman, D. and Ronald, Angelica (2016) Association between stressful life events and psychotic experiences in adolescence: evidence for gene-environment correlations. British Journal of Psychiatry 208 (6), pp. 532-538. ISSN 0007-1250.

    Siddiqui, M.F. and Elwell, Clare and Johnson, Mark H. (2016) Mitochondrial dysfunction in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism Open Access 6 (5), ISSN 2165-7890.

    Smith, Marie L. and Volna, B. and Ewing, L. (2016) Distinct information critically distinguishes judgments of face familiarity and identity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 42 (11), pp. 1770-1779. ISSN 0096-1523.

    Soukup-Ascençao, T. and D'Souza, Dean and D'Souza, Hana and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2016) Parent-child interaction as a dynamic contributor to learning and cognitive development in typical and atypical development / Influencia dinámica entre la interacción padre/madre-hijo y el aprendizaje y el desarrollo cognitivo en el desarrollo típico y atípico. Infancia y Aprendizaje 39 (4), pp. 694-726. ISSN 0210-3702.

    Symeonidou, I. and Dumontheil, Iroise and Chow, W.-Y. and Breheny, R. (2016) Development of online use of theory of mind during adolescence: an eye-tracking study. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 149 , pp. 81-97. ISSN 0022-0965.


    Taylor, M. and Lichtenstein, P. and Larsson, H. and Anckarsäter, H. and Greven, C.U. and Ronald, Angelica (2016) Is there a female protective effect against ADHD? Evidence from two representative twin samples. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 55 (6), 504-512.e2. ISSN 0890-8567.

    Taylor, Mark J. and Freeman, D. and Ronald, Angelica (2016) Dimensional psychotic experiences in adolescence: Evidence from a taxometric study of a community-based sample. Psychiatry Research 241 , pp. 35-42. ISSN 0165-1781.

    Thomas, Michael S.C. (2016) Do more intelligent brains retain heightened plasticity for longer in development? A computational investigation. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 19 , pp. 258-269. ISSN 1878-9293.

    Thomas, Michael S.C. (2016) Understanding delay in developmental disorders. Child Development Perspectives 10 (2), pp. 73-80. ISSN 1750-8592.

    Thomas, Michael S.C. and Davis, Rachael and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Knowland, Victoria C.P. and Charman, Tony (2016) The over-pruning hypothesis of autism. Developmental Science 19 (2), pp. 284-305. ISSN 1363-755x.

    Thomas, Michael S.C. and Forrester, N.A. and Ronald, Angelica (2016) Multi-scale modeling of gene-behavior associations in an artificial neural network model of cognitive development. Cognitive Science 40 (1), pp. 51-99. ISSN 1551-6709.

    Thompson, E. and Woodruff Carr, K. and White-Schwoch, T. and Tierney, Adam and Nicol, T. and Kraus, N. (2016) Hemispheric asymmetry of endogenous neural oscillations in young children: implications for hearing speech in noise. Scientific Reports 6 , p. 19737. ISSN 2045-2322.

    Tick, B. and Colvert, E. and McEwen, F. and Stewart, C. and Woodhouse, E. and Gillan, N. and Hallett, V. and Lietz, S. and Garnett, T. and Simonoff, E. and Ronald, Angelica and Bolton, P. and Happé, F. and Rijsdijk, F. (2016) Autism Spectrum Disorders and other mental health problems: exploring etiological overlaps and phenotypic causal associations. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 55 (2), pp. 106-113. ISSN 0890-8567.

    Tierney, Adam and Kraus, N. (2016) Getting back on the beat: links between auditory-motor integration and precise auditory processing at fast time scales. European Journal of Neuroscience 43 (6), pp. 782-791. ISSN 0953-816X.


    Woodruff Carr, K. and Tierney, Adam and White-Schwoch, T. and Kraus, N. (2016) Intertrial auditory neural stability supports beat synchronization in preschoolers. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 17 , pp. 76-82. ISSN 1878-9293.


    Zavos, H.M.S. and Eley, T.E. and McGuire, P. and Plomin, R. and Cardno, A.G. and Freeman, D. and Ronald, Angelica (2016) Shared etiology of psychotic experiences and depressive symptoms in adolescence: a longitudinal twin study. Schizophrenia Bulletin 42 (5), pp. 1197-1206. ISSN 0586-7614.

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