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Number of items: 94.


Annaz, Dagmara and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Johnson, Mark H. and Thomas, Michael S.C. (2009) A cross-syndrome study of the development of holistic face recognition in children with autism, Down syndrome, and Williams syndrome. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 102 (4), pp. 456-486. ISSN 0022-0965.

Annaz, Dagmara and Remington, A. and Milne, E. and Coleman, M. and Campbell, R. and Thomas, Michael S.C. and Swettenham, J. (2009) Development of motion processing in children with autism. Developmental Science 13 (6), pp. 826-838. ISSN 1363-755X.

Annaz, Dagmara and van Herwegen, J. and Thomas, Michael S.C. and Fishman, R. and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Rundblad, G. (2009) Comprehension of metaphor and metonymy in children with Williams syndrome. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 44 (6), pp. 962-978. ISSN 1368-2822.


Bar-Ilan, J. and Keenoy, K. and Levene, Mark and Yaari, E. (2009) Presentation bias is significant in determining user preference for search results - a user study. Journal of the American Society for Information Science Technology 60 (1), pp. 135-149. ISSN 1532-2882.

Bryan-Kinns, N. and Airantzis, D. and Angus, A. and Fencott, R. and Lane, G. and Lesage, F. and Marshall, J. and Martin, K. and Roussos, George and Taylor, J. and Warren, L. and Woods, O. (2009) Sensory threads: perceiving the imperceptible. In: Callaghan, V. and Kameas, A. and Reyes, A. and Royo, D. and Weber, M. (eds.) Intelligent Environments: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Environments. Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 2. Lansdal, USA: IOS Press, pp. 404-410. ISBN 9781607504481.


Calì, Andrea and Calvanese, D. and Martinenghi, D. (2009) Dynamic query optimization under access limitations and dependencies. Journal of Universal Computer Science 15 (1), pp. 33-62. ISSN 0948-695x.

Calì, Andrea and Gottlob, G. and Lukasiewicz, T. (2009) Datalog extensions for tractable query answering over ontologies. In: de Virgilio, R. and Giunchiglia, F. and Tanca, L. (eds.) Semantic Web Information Management. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 249-279. ISBN 9783642043284.

Calì, Andrea and Gottlob, G. and Lukasiewicz, T. (2009) Datalog±: a unified approach to ontologies and integrity constraints. In: Fagin, R. (ed.) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Database Theory - ICDT '09. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 361. New York, U.S.: ACM Publications, pp. 14-30. ISBN 9781605584232.

Calì, Andrea and Gottlob, G. and Lukasiewicz, T. (2009) Tractable query answering over ontologies with datalog. In: Cuenca Grau, B. and Horrocks, I. and Motik, B. and Sattler, U. (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2009), Oxford, UK, July 27-30, 2009. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 477. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

Calì, Andrea and Gottlob, G. and Lukasiewicz, T. (2009) A general datalog-based framework for tractable query answering over ontologies. In: Paredaens, J. and Su, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the twenty-eighth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems - PODS '09. New York, U.S.: ACM Publications, pp. 77-86. ISBN 9781605585536.

Calì, Andrea and Gottlob, G. and Pieris, A. (2009) Tractable query answering over conceptual schemata. In: Laender, A.H.F. and Castano, S. and Dayal, U. and Casati, F. and Oliverira, J.P.M. (eds.) 28th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5829. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 175-190. ISBN 9783642048401.

Calì, Andrea and Lakshmanan, L.V.S. and Martinenghi, D. (2009) Logic in databases. ACM SIGMOD Record 38 (3), pp. 44-49. ISSN 0163-5808.

Calì, Andrea and Lukasiewicz, T. and Predoiu, L. and Stuckenschmidt, H. (2009) Tightly coupled probabilistic description logic programs for the semantic web. In: Spaccapietra, S. (ed.) Journal on Data Semantics XII. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5480. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 95-130. ISBN 9783642006845.

Calì, Andrea and Torlone, R. (2009) Checking containment of schema mappings. In: Arenas, M. and Bertossi, L.E. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management, Arequipa, Peru, May 12-15, 2009. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 450. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

Candlin, Fiona (2009) Art, museums and touch. Rethinking Art's Histories. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719079337.

Candlin, Fiona (2009) Differentiating touch / tactual practices. In: College Art Association conference, 2009, Los Angeles, USA. (Unpublished)

Candlin, Fiona (2009) Touch and art in contemporary museums. In: Research Seminar Series, 2009, Reading University, Reading, UK. (Unpublished)

Candlin, Fiona (2009) Yesterday upon the stair. In: Candlin, Fiona and Guins, R. (eds.) The Object Reader. In Sight: Visual Culture. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415452304.

Candlin, Fiona and Guins, R. (2009) Introducing objects: what, when and where, how. In: Candlin, Fiona and Guins, R. (eds.) The Object Reader. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415452304.

Charlton, P. and Grigoriadou, M. and Laurillard, D. and Magoulas, George D. (2009) Enabling creative learning design: how HCI, user modelling and human factors help. In: Dimitrova, V. and Mizoguchi, R. and du Boulay, B. and Graesser, A. (eds.) Artificial Intelligence in Education. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 200. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press, p. 813. ISBN 9781607500285813.

Close, J. and Hahn, Ulrike and Honey, R.C. (2009) Contextual modulation of stimulus generalization in rats. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 35 (4), pp. 509-515. ISSN 0097-7403.

Cocea, Mihaela and Magoulas, George D. (2009) Context-dependent personalised feedback prioritisation in exploratory learning for mathematical generalisation. In: Houben, G.-J. and McCalla, G. and Pianesi, F. and Zancanaro, M. (eds.) User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, pp. 271-282. ISBN 9783642022463.

Cocea, Mihaela and Magoulas, George D. (2009) Hybrid model for learner modelling and feedback prioritisation in exploratory learning. International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems 6 (4), pp. 211-230. ISSN 1448-5869.

Cocea, Mihaela and Magoulas, George D. (2009) Identifying strategies in user's exploratory learning behaviour for mathematical generalisation. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Artificial Intelligence in Education. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 200. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press, pp. 626-628. ISBN 9781607500285626.

Corner, A. and Hahn, Ulrike (2009) Evaluating science arguments: evidence, uncertainty, and argument strength. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 15 (3), pp. 199-212. ISSN 1076-898X.


Dimakopoulos, D.N. and Magoulas, George D. (2009) Interface design and evaluation of a personal information space for mobile learners. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 3 (4), pp. 440-463. ISSN 1746-725X.

Dimakopoulos, D.N. and Magoulas, George D. (2009) An architecture for a personalised mobile environment to facilitate contextual lifelong learning. In: Ryu, H. and Parsons, D. (eds.) Innovative Mobile Learning: Techniques and Technologies. Hershey, U.S.: IGI Global, pp. 232-254. ISBN 9781605660622.

de Freitas, Sara and Rebolledo-Mendez, G. and Liarokapis, F. and Magoulas, George D. and Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2009) Developing an evaluation methodology for immersive learning experiences in a virtual world. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Conference in Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications. New York, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 43-50. ISBN 9780769535883.


Ferranti, E. and Trigoni, N. and Levene, Mark (2009) Rapid exploration of unknown areas through dynamic deployment of mobile and stationary sensor nodes. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 19 (2), pp. 210-243. ISSN 1387-2532.


Gutierrez-Santos, Sergio and Muñoz-Organero, M. and Pardo, A. and Delgado Kloos, C. (2009) Context-aware combination of adapted user profiles for interchange of knowledge between peers. In: Cress, U. and Dimitrova, V. and Specht, M. (eds.) Learning in the Synergy of Multiple Disciplines. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5794. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, pp. 782-787. ISBN 978-3-642-04636-0.


Hahn, Ulrike (2009) Explaining more by drawing on less. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 , pp. 90-91. ISSN 0140-525X.

Hahn, Ulrike and Close, J. and Graf, M. (2009) Transformation direction influences shape-similarity judgments. Psychological Science 20 (4), pp. 447-454. ISSN 0956-7976.

Hahn, Ulrike and Harris, A.J.L. and Corner, A. (2009) Argument content and argument source: an exploration. Informal Logic 29 (4), pp. 337-367. ISSN 0824-2577.

Hahn, Ulrike and Warren, P.A. (2009) Perceptions of randomness: Why three heads are better than four. Psychological Review 116 (2), pp. 454-461. ISSN 0033-295X.

Harris, A.J.L. and Corner, A. and Hahn, Ulrike (2009) Estimating the probability of negative events. Cognition 110 (1), pp. 51-64. ISSN 0010-0277.

Harris, A.J.L. and Corner, A.J. and Hahn, Ulrike (2009) 'Damned by faint praise': a Bayesian account. In: Taatgen, N. and van Rijn, H. (eds.) Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, Texas, USA: Cognitive Science Society, pp. 292-297. ISBN 9780976831853.

Harris, A.J.L. and Hahn, Ulrike (2009) Bayesian rationality in evaluating multiple testimonies: Incorporating the role of coherence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 35 (5), pp. 1366-1373. ISSN 0278-7393.

Hodgetts, C. and Hahn, Ulrike and Chater, N. (2009) Transformations and asymmetry. In: Taatgen, N. and van Rijn, H. (eds.) Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, Texas, USA: Cognitive Science Society, pp. 2968-2973. ISBN 9780976831853.

Hodgetts, C. and Hahn, Ulrike and Chater, N. (2009) The role of transformations and structure in the same-different paradigm. In: Taatgen, N. and van Rijn, H. (eds.) Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, Texas, USA: Cognitive Science Society, pp. 1400-1405. ISBN 9780976831853.

Hodgetts, C.J. and Hahn, Ulrike and Chater, N. (2009) Transformation and alignment in similarity. Cognition 113 (1), pp. 62-79. ISSN 0010-0277.

Huang, Y. and Bessis, N. and Brocco, A. and Sotiriadis, Stelios and Courant, M. and Kuonen, P. and Hisbrunner, B. (2009) Towards an integrated vision across inter-cooperative grid virtual organizations. In: Lee, Y.H. and Slezak, D. (eds.) Future Generation Information Technology. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5899. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 120-128. ISBN 9783642105081.

Hurtado, C.A. and Poulovassilis, Alexandra and Wood, Peter T. (2009) Finding Top-k approximate answers to path queries. In: Andreasen, T. and Yager, R.R. and Bulskov, H. and Christiansen, H. and Larsen, H.L. (eds.) Flexible Query Answering Systems. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 5822. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 465-476. ISBN 9783642049569.

Hurtado, C.A. and Poulovassilis, Alexandra and Wood, Peter T. (2009) Ranking approximate answers to semantic web queries. In: Aroyo, L. and Traverso, P. and Ciravegna, F. and Cimiano, P. and Heath, T. and Hyvonen, E. and Mizoguchi, R. and Oren, E. and Sabou, M. and Simperl, E. (eds.) The Semantic Web: Research and Applications. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 5554. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 263-277. ISBN 9783642021206.


Jarvstad, A. and Hahn, Ulrike (2009) Unreliable sources and the conjunction fallacy. In: Taatgen, N. and van Rijn, H. (eds.) Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, Texas, USA: Cognitive Science Society, pp. 3034-3039. ISBN 9780976831853.


Labeke, N. and Magoulas, George D. and Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2009) Searching for “people like me” in a lifelong learning system. In: Cress, U. and Dimitrova, V. and Specht, M. (eds.) Learning in the Synergy of Multiple Disciplines. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5794. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, pp. 106-111. ISBN 9783642046360.

Lewis, T.E. and Magoulas, George D. (2009) Strategies to minimise the total run time of cyclic graph based genetic programming with GPUs. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation - GECCO '09. New York, U.S.: ACM Press, pp. 1379-1386. ISBN 9781605583259.

Loebbecke, C. and Powell, Philip (2009) Furthering distributed participative design: unlocking the walled gardens. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 21 (1), pp. 77-106. ISSN 0905-0167.


Magoulas, George D. and Cocea, Mihaela (2009) Task-oriented modeling of learner behaviour in exploratory learning for mathematical generalisation. In: 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Support for Exploratory Environments - in conjunction with the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, July 6-7, 2009, Brighton, UK. (Unpublished)

Magoulas, George D. and Cocea, Mihaela and Gutierrez-Santos, Sergio (2009) Enhancing modelling of users’ strategies in exploratory learning through case-base maintenance. In: 14th UK Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, December 15, 2009, Cambridge, UK. (Unpublished)

Magoulas, George D. and Papaioannou, D. and Papadimou, E. and Drainas, D. (2009) Preparation of spermine conjugates with acidic retinoids with potent ribonuclease P inhibitory activity. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 44 (6), pp. 2689-2695. ISSN 0223-5234.

Maio, G.R. and Hahn, Ulrike and Frost, J.-M. and Cheung, W.-Y. (2009) Applying the value of equality unequally: effects of value instantiations that vary in typicality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 97 (4), pp. 598-614. ISSN 0022-3514.

Malcolm, J. and Zukas, Miriam (2009) Making a mess of academic work: experience, purpose and identity. Teaching in Higher Education 14 (5), pp. 495-506. ISSN 1356-2517.

Martins, Luciana (2009) Bittersweet images: coffee, landscape and modernity in Brazil. In: American Tropics: Towards a Literary Geography, 2009, University of Essex. (Unpublished)

Martins, Luciana (2009) Bittersweet images: coffee, landscape and modernity in Brazil. In: Bittersweet images: coffee, landscape and modernity in Brazil, 2009, Centre for Latin American Studies, Cambridge, UK. (Unpublished)

Martins, Luciana (2009) Documentary film and photography in the making of historical geographies: the case of the Hamilton Rice expedition to the Amazon, 1924-25. In: Historical Geography Research Group Conference, 2009, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK. (Unpublished)

Martins, Luciana (2009) Humboldt's impasse: the mapping of the Amazon. In: Alexander von Humboldt and America Workshop, 2009, The British Academy, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Martins, Luciana (2009) Vision, technology and the mapping of the Amazon. In: Hidden Histories of Exploration, 2009, Royal Geographical Society. (Unpublished)

Martins, Luciana (2009) The making of `landscape surgery' at Royal Holloway. Cultural Geographies 16 (1), pp. 21-22. ISSN 1474-4740.

Mavrikis, M. and Gutierrez-Santos, Sergio (2009) Informing the design of intelligent support for ELE by communication capacity tapering. In: Cress, U. and Dimitrova, V. and Specht, M. (eds.) Learning in the Synergy of Multiple Disciplines. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5794. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, pp. 556-571. ISBN 9783642046360.

Mavrikis, M. and Gutierrez-Santos, Sergio and Mulholland, P. (2009) Intelligent support for exploratory environments. In: Dimitrova, V. and Mizoguchi, R. and du Boulay, B. and Graesser, A. (eds.) Artificial Intelligence in Education: Building Learning Systems That Care: From Knowledge Representation to Affective Modelling. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 200. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press, p. 815. ISBN 9781607500285.

Mirkin, Boris and Levene, Mark (2009) Special issue on profiling expertise and behaviour. Computer Journal 52 (7), pp. 727-728. ISSN 0010-4620.


Pearce, D. and Geraniou, E. and Gutierrez-Santos, Sergio and Mavrikis, M. and Cocea, Mihaela and Hoyles, C. and Kahn, K. and Magoulas, George D. and Noss, R. and Poulovassilis, Alexandra and Winters, N. (2009) An eco-friendly intelligent environment for exploring mathematical generalisation. In: Dimitrova, V. and Mizoguchi, R. and du Boulay, B. and Graesser, A. (eds.) Building Learning Systems that Care: From Knowledge Representation to Affective Modelling. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications: Artificial Intelligence in Education 200. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press, p. 804. ISBN 9781607500285.

Pearce, D. and Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2009) The conceptual and architectural design of a system supporting exploratory learning of mathematics generalisation. In: Cress, U. and Dimitrova, V. and Specht, M. (eds.) Learning in the Synergy of Multiple Disciplines. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, pp. 22-36. ISBN 9783642046353.

Peng, C.C. and Magoulas, George D. (2009) Nonmonotone learning of recurrent neural networks in symbolic sequence processing applications. pp. 325-335. ISSN 1865-0929.

Peng, C.C. and Magoulas, George D. (2009) Sequence processing with recurrent neural networks. In: Rabuñal Dopico, J.R. and Dorado, J. and Pazos, A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence. Hershey, U.S.: IGI Global, pp. 1411-1417. ISBN 9781599048499.

Pothos, E.M. and Hahn, Ulrike and Prat-Sala, M. (2009) Similarity chains in the transformational paradigm. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 21 (7), pp. 1100-1120. ISSN 0954-1446.

Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2009) Data integration architectures and methodology for the life sciences. In: Liu, L. and Özsu, M.T. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Database Systems. Springer US, pp. 585-590. ISBN 9780387355443.

Price, S. and Falcão, T.P. and Sheridan, J.G. and Roussos, George (2009) The effect of representation location on interaction in a tangible learning environment. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction. New York, USA: ACM Publications, pp. 85-92. ISBN 9781605584935.

Purser, Harry and Thomas, Michael S.C. and Snoxall, Sarah and Mareschal, Denis (2009) The development of similarity: testing the prediction of a computational model of metaphor comprehension. Language and Cognitive Processes 24 (10), pp. 1406-1430. ISSN 0169-0965.


Richardson, Fiona M. and Thomas, Michael S.C. (2009) Language development in genetic disorders. In: Bavin, E.L. (ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 459-471. ISBN 9780521883375.

Roussos, George and Duri, S.S. and Thompson, C.W. (2009) RFID meets the internet. IEEE Internet Computing 13 (1), pp. 11-13. ISSN 1089-7801.

Roussos, George and Kostakos, V. (2009) RFID in pervasive computing: state-of-the-art and outlook. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 5 (1), pp. 110-131. ISSN 1574-1192.

Roussos, George and Lee, D.G. and Hussain, S. and Zhang, Y. (2009) Editorial: special issue on "security and multimodality in pervasive environments". Wireless Personal Communications 55 (1), pp. 1-4. ISSN 0929-6212.


Sadikoglou, E. and Magoulas, George D. and Theodoropoulou, C. and Athanassopoulos, C.M. and Giannopoulou, E. and Theodorakopoulou, O. and Drainas, D. and Papaioannou, D. and Papadimitriou, E. (2009) Effect of conjugates of all-trans-retinoic acid and shorter polyene chain analogues with amino acids on prostate cancer cell growth. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 44 (8), pp. 3175-3187. ISSN 0223-5234.

Sheridan, J.G. and Tompkin, J. and Maciel, A. and Roussos, George (2009) DIY design process for interactive surfaces. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Proceedings of the 23rd British HCI Group Annual Conference on People and Computers: Celebrating People and Technology. Swinton, UK: British Computer Society, pp. 485-493. ISBN 9781568812397.

Sims, Julian and Powell, Philip and Vidgen, Richard (2009) Exploring tacit and explicit knowledge in project evaluation. In: IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2009, 25-27 Feb 2009, Barcelona, Spain.

Spencer, J. and Thomas, Michael S.C. and McClelland, J.L. (2009) Introduction. In: Spencer, J. (ed.) Toward a Unified Theory of Development: Connectionism and Dynamic System Theory Re-Considered. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780195300598.

Spencer, J. and Thomas, Michael S.C. and McClelland, J.L. (2009) Toward a new unified theory of development: connectionism and dynamical systems theory re-considered. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780195300598.


Thomas, Michael S.C. (2009) Competition as a mechanism for producing sensitive periods in connectionist models of development. In: Mayor, J. and Ruh, N. and Plunkett, K. (eds.) Connectionist Models of Behaviour & Cognition II. Progress in Neural Processing 18. London, UK: World Scientific, pp. 349-360. ISBN 9789812834225.

Thomas, Michael S.C. (2009) L'acquisition du langage dans les pathologies du diveloppement. In: Kail, M. and Fayol, M. and Hickmann, M. (eds.) Apprentissage des langues. Paris, France: CNRS Editions, pp. 451-475. ISBN 9782271066480.

Thomas, Michael S.C. and Annaz, Dagmara and Ansari, D. and Scerif, G. and Jarrold, C. and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2009) Using developmental trajectories to understand developmental disorders. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 52 (2), pp. 336-358. ISSN 1092-4388.

Thomas, Michael S.C. and Knowland, V. (2009) Sensitive periods in brain development: implications for education policy. European Psychiatric Review 2 (1), pp. 2-5.

Thomas, Michael S.C. and McClelland, J.L. and Richardson, Fiona M. and Schapiro, A.C. and Baughman, Frank D. (2009) Dynamical and connectionist approaches to development: toward a future of mutually beneficial co-evolution. In: Spencer, J. and Thomas, Michael S.C. and McClelland, J.L. (eds.) Toward a New Unified Theory of Development: Connectionism and Dynamical Systems Theory Re-considered. Oxford Series in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 337-354. ISBN 9780195300598.

Thomas, Michael S.C. and McClelland, J.L. and Richardson, Fiona M. and Shapiro, A.C. and Baughman, Frank D. (2009) Dynamic and connectionist approaches to development: toward a future of mutually beneficial co-evolution. In: Spencer, J. (ed.) Toward a Unified Theory of Development: Connectionism and Dynamic System Theory Re-Considered. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780195300598.


Walsh, C.R. and Hahn, Ulrike and DeGregorio, L. (2009) Severe outcomes and their influence on judgments of causation. In: Taatgen, N. and van Rijn, H. (eds.) Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, Texas, USA: Cognitive Science Society, pp. 550-554. ISBN 9780976831853.

Wang, J. and Zhou, S. and Zhang, Dell (2009) Bridging the gap. In: Cheung, D.W.-L. and Song, I.-Y. and Chu, W.W. and Hu, X. and Lin, J.J. (eds.) Proceeding of the 18th ACM conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM '09. New York, U.S.: ACM Press, pp. 2113-2114. ISBN 9781605585123.

Wood, Peter T. (2009) Graph database. In: Liu, L. and Özsu, M.T. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Database Systems. Springer Reference. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 1263-1266. ISBN 9780387355443.


Zhang, Dell and Lu, J. (2009) Batch-mode computational advertising based on modern portfolio theory. In: Azzopardi, L. and Kazai, G. and Robertson, S.E. and Ruger, S.M. and Shokouhi, M. and Song, D. and Yilmaz, E. (eds.) Advances in Information Retrieval Theory. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 386 5766. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 380-383. ISBN 9783642044168.

Zhang, Dell and Lu, J. (2009) What queries are likely to recur in web search? In: Allan, J. and Aslam, J.A. and Sanderson, M. and Zhai, C. and Zobel, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 32nd international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval - SIGIR '09. New York, U.S.: ACM Press, pp. 827-828. ISBN 9781605584836.

Zhang, Dell and Lu, J. and Mao, R. and Nie, J.-Y. (2009) Time-sensitive language modelling for online term recurrence prediction. In: Azzopardi, L. and Kazai, G. and Robertson, S.E. and Ruger, S.M. and Shokouhi, M. and Song, D. and Yilmaz, E. (eds.) Advances in Information Retrieval Theory. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 5766. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 128-138. ISBN 9783642044168.

Zhang, Dell and Mao, R. and Li, W. (2009) The recurrence dynamics of social tagging. In: Quemada, J. and Leon, G. and Maarek, Y.S. and Nejdl, W. (eds.) Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on World wide web - WWW '09. New York, U.S.: ACM Press, pp. 1205-1206. ISBN 9781605584874.

Zhang, Dell and Sun Lee, W. (2009) Query-by-multiple-examples using support vector machines. Journal of Digital Information Management 7 (4), pp. 202-210. ISSN 0972-7272.

Zoumboulakis, M. and Roussos, George (2009) Efficient pattern detection in extremely resource-constrained devices. In: Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, 2009, June 22-26, 2009, Rome, Italy.

Zoumboulakis, M. and Roussos, George (2009) Estimation of pollutant-emitting point-sources using resource-constrained sensor networks. In: Trigoni, N. and Markham, A. and Nawaz, S. (eds.) GeoSensor Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5659. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, pp. 21-30. ISBN 9783642029028.

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