Items where Subject is "Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Science > School of Psychological Sciences"

Bates, E. and Dick, F. and Wulfeck, B. (1999) Not so fast: domain-general factors can account for selective deficits in grammatical processing. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1), pp. 96-97. ISSN 0140-525X.
Burt, K. and Oaksford, Mike (1999) Qualitative methods: beyond beliefs and desires. The Psychologist 12 , pp. 332-335. ISSN 0952-8229.
Chater, N. and Oaksford, Mike (1999) Information gain and decision-theoretic approaches to data selection: response to Klauer (1999). Psychological Review 106 (1), pp. 223-227. ISSN 0033-295X.
Chater, N. and Oaksford, Mike (1999) Ten years of the rational analysis of cognition. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (2), pp. 57-65. ISSN 1364-6613.
Chater, N. and Oaksford, Mike (1999) The probability heuristics model of syllogistic reasoning. Cognitive Psychology 38 (2), pp. 191-258. ISSN 0010-0285.
Csibra, Gergely and Gergely, G. and Biro, S. and Koos, O. and Brockbank, M. (1999) Goal attribution without agency cues: the perception of 'pure reason' in infancy. Cognition 72 (3), pp. 237-267. ISSN 0010-0277.
Derakhshan, Nazanin and Eysenck, M.W. (1999) Are repressors self-deceivers or other-deceivers? Cognition and Emotion 17 (1), pp. 1-13. ISSN 0269-9931.
Diamond, A. and Churchland, A. and Cruess, L.M. and Kirkham, Natasha Z. (1999) Early developments in the ability to understand the relation between stimulus and reward. Developmental Psychology 35 (6), pp. 1507-1517. ISSN 0012-1649.
Dick, Frederic and Wulfeck, B. and Bates, E. and Saltzman, D. and Naucler, N. and Dronkers, N. (1999) Interpretation of complex syntax in aphasic adults and children with focal lesions or specific language impairment. Brain and Language 69 (3), pp. 335-337. ISSN 0093-934X.
Eimer, Martin (1999) Attending to quadrants and ring-shaped regions: ERP effects of visual attention in different spatial selection tasks. Psychophysiology 36 (1), pp. 491-503. ISSN 0048-5772.
Eimer, Martin (1999) Can attention be directed to opposite locations in different modalities? an ERP study. Clinical Neurophysiology 110 (7), pp. 1252-1259. ISSN 1388-2457.
Eimer, Martin (1999) Facilitatory and inhibitory effects of masked prime stimuli on motor activation and behavioral performance. Acta Psychologica 101 (2-3), pp. 293-313. ISSN 0001-6918.
Eimer, Martin and McCarthy, R.A. (1999) Prosopagnosia and structural encoding of faces: evidence from event-related potentials. NeuroReport 10 (2), pp. 255-259. ISSN 0959-4965.
Eysenck, M.W. and Derakhshan, Nazanin (1999) Self-reported and other-rated trait anxiety and defensiveness in repressor, low-anxious, high-anxious, and defensive high-anxious groups. Anxiety, Stress & Coping 12 (2), pp. 127-144. ISSN 1061-5806.
Haggard, P. and Eimer, Martin (1999) On the relation between brain potentials and the awareness of voluntary movements. Experimental Brain Research 126 (1), pp. 128-133. ISSN 0014-4819.
Jacques, S. and Zelazo, P.D. and Kirkham, Natasha Z. and Sencesen, T.K. (1999) Rule selection and rule execution in preschoolers: an error-detection approach. Developmental Psychology 35 (3), pp. 770-780. ISSN 0012-1649.
King, S.M. and Green, Simon and Vale, A. (1999) Anxiogenic and anxiolytic effects on escape-related behaviours in the unstable elevated plus maze: concomitant effects on locomotor activity. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25. Washington, D.C.: Society for Neuroscience. ISBN 9780916110550.
Macran, S. and Stiles, W. and Smith, Jonathan A. (1999) How does personal therapy affect therapists' practice? Journal of Counselling Psychology 46 (4), pp. 419-431. ISSN 0022-0167.
Malley, M. and Tasker, Fiona (1999) Lesbians, gay men and family therapy: a contradiction in terms? Journal of Family Therapy 21 (1), pp. 3-29. ISSN 0163-4445.
Mareschal, Denis and Plunkett, K. and Harris, P. (1999) A computational and neuropsychological account of object-oriented behaviours in infancy. Developmental Science 2 (3), pp. 306-317. ISSN 1363-755x.
Mareschal, Denis and Shultz, T.R. (1999) Development of children's seriation: a connectionist approach. Connection Science 11 (2), pp. 149-186. ISSN 0954-0091.
Michie, S. and Smith, Jonathan A. and Heaversedge, J. and Read, S. (1999) Genetic counseling: clinical geneticists' views. Journal of Genetic Counseling 8 (5), pp. 275-287. ISSN 1059-7700.
Moore, S.C. and Oaksford, Mike (1999) Feeling low but learning faster: the long term effects of emotion on human cognition. In: Hahn, M. and Stoness, S.C. (eds.) Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. New Jersey, U.S.: The Cognitive Science Society, pp. 411-415. ISBN 08058358144.
Oaksford, Mike and Chater, N. and Grainger, B. (1999) Probabilistic effects in data selection. Thinking and Reasoning 5 (3), pp. 193-243. ISSN 1354-6783.
Richards, Anne (1999) The effects of cueing target location and response mode on interference and negative priming using a visual selection paradigm. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 52 (2), pp. 449-463. ISSN 0272-4987.
Richards, Anne and French, C.C. and Adams, C. and Eldridge, M. and Papadopoulou, E. (1999) Implicit memory and anxiety: perceptual identification of emotional stimuli. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 11 (1), pp. 67-86. ISSN 0954-1446.
Shepherd, Alex J. (1999) Colour discrimination in migraineurs. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Headache and Migraine: Proceedings of the 7th Anglo-Dutch Migraine Association meeting. Utrecht, Netherlands: Wetenschappelijke uitgeverij Bunge, pp. 23-35.
Shepherd, Alex J. (1999) Remodelling colour contrast: implications for visual processing and colour representation. Vision Research 39 (7), pp. 1329-1345. ISSN 0042-6989.
Smith, Jonathan A. (1999) Identity development during the transition to motherhood: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 17 (3), pp. 281-300. ISSN 0264-6838.
Smith, Jonathan A. (1999) Towards a relational self: social engagement during pregnancy and psychological preparation for motherhood. British Journal of Social Psychology 38 (4), pp. 409-426. ISSN 0144-6665.
Smith, Jonathan A. and Jarman, M. and Osborn, M. (1999) Doing Interpretative phenomenological analysis. In: Murray, M. and Chamberlain, K. (eds.) Qualitative Health Psychology: Theories and Methods. Sage Publications, pp. 218-240. ISBN 9780761956617.
Tasker, Fiona (1999) Children in lesbian-led families: a review. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 4 (2), pp. 153-166. ISSN 1359-1045.
Tasker, Fiona and McCann, D. (1999) Affirming patterns of adolescent sexual identity: the challenge. Journal of Family Therapy 21 (1), pp. 30-54. ISSN 0163-4445.
Thomas, Michael S.C. and Mareschal, Denis (1999) Metaphor as categorisation: a connectionist implementation. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Proceedings of the AISB'99 Symposium on Metaphor, Artificial Intelligence, and Cognition. The Society for the Study of Artificial Inteligence and Simulation of Behavior, pp. 1-10. ISBN 1902956060.
Thomas, Michael S.C. and de Wet, N.M. (1999) Stochastic double dissociations in distributed models of semantic memory. In: The 5th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, 8-10 Sep 1998, Birmingham, UK.