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    Number of items: 178.


    Adshead, L. and Jamieson, Anne (2008) Educational decision-making: rationality and the impact of time. Studies in the Education of Adults 40 (2), pp. 143-159. ISSN 0266-0830.

    Annette, John (2008) Active citizenship, citizenship ducation and civic renewal. In: Arthur, J. and Davies, I. and Hahn, C. (eds.) SAGE Handbook of Education for Citizenship and Democracy. London, UK: Sage. ISBN 9781412936200.

    Annette, John and Starkey, H. and Kiwan, Dina (2008) Education for democratic citizenship: diversity and national identity - introduction. London Review of Education 6 (1), pp. 1-3. ISSN 1474-8460.

    Araya, Yoseph N. and Silvertown, J. and Linder, H.P. and Gowing, D.J. and Midgley, G. and McConway, K.J. (2008) Evolution of hydrological niches in Restionaceae: a project update. In: Mucina, L. and Kalwij, J.M. and Smith, V.R. and Chytry, M. and White, P.S. and Cilliers, S.S. and Pillar, V.D. and Zobel, M. and Sun, I.-F. (eds.) Frontiers of Vegetation Science - An Evolutionary Angle. Cape Town, South Africa: Keith Phillips Images, pp. 15-16. ISBN 9780958476690.

    Ashenden, Samantha (2008) Surrogacy, law and parenthood: reproblematising relations of government and freedom. In: CRESC workshop, 2008, London School of Economics, London, UK.


    Baraitser, Lisa (2008) Book review: Andrea O'Reilly, Rocking the Cradle. Toronto: Demeter Press, 2006. 206 pp. ISBN 1—55014—449—9, $24.95. [Book Review]

    Baraitser, Lisa (2008) Maternal encounters: the ethics of interruption. Women and Psychology. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415455015.

    Baraitser, Lisa (2008) Mum's the word: intersubjectivity, alterity, and the maternal subject. Studies in Gender and Sexuality 9 (1), pp. 86-110. ISSN 1524-0657.

    Baraitser, Lisa (2008) On giving and taking offence. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 13 (4), pp. 423-427. ISSN 1088-0763.

    Barker, Kezia (2008) Flexible boundaries in biosecurity: accommodating gorse in Aotearoa New Zealand. Environment and Planning A 40 (7), pp. 1598-1614. ISSN 0308-518X.

    Barrientos, A. and Gideon, Jasmine and Molyneux, M. (2008) New developments in Latin America's social policy. Development and Change 39 (5), pp. 759-774. ISSN 0012-155x.

    Barros, Joana and Sobreira, F. (2008) City of slums: self-organisation across scales. In: Minai, A. and Bar-Yam, Y. (eds.) Unifying Themes in Complex Systems IV: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Complex Systems. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 265-273. ISBN 9783540738497.

    Bayly, S. and Baraitser, Lisa (2008) On waiting for something to happen. Subjectivity 24 (1), pp. 340-355. ISSN 1755-6341.

    Blackman, L. and Cromby, J. and Hook, Derek and Papadopoulos, D. and Walkerdine, V. (2008) Creating subjectivities. Subjectivity 22 (1), pp. 1-27. ISSN 1755-6341.

    Bohncke, S.J.P. and Bos, J.A.A. and Engels, Stefan and Heiri, O. and Kasse, C. (2008) Rapid climatic events as recorded in Middle Weichselian thermokarst lake sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews 27 (1-2), pp. 162-174. ISSN 0277-3791.

    Bousquet, Antoine (2008) Chaoplexic warfare or the future of military organization. International Affairs 84 (5), pp. 915-929. ISSN 0020-5850.

    Bousquet, Antoine (2008) Cyberneticizing the American war machine: science and computers in the Cold War. Cold War history 8 (1), pp. 77-102. ISSN 1468-2745.

    Brah, Avtar (2008) Dissolving diasporic identities? Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology 18 (4), pp. 387-389. ISSN 1052-9284.

    Briant, Rebecca M. and Gibbard, P.L. and Boreham, S. and Coope, G.R. and Preece, R.C. (2008) Limits to resolving catastrophic events in the Quaternary fluvial record: a case study from the Nene valley, Northamptonshire, UK. Geological Society, London, Special Publication 296 (1), pp. 79-104. ISSN 0305-8719.


    Callard, Felicity and Wykes, T. (2008) Mental health and perceptions of biomarker research - possible effects on participation. [Editorial/Introduction]

    Callender, Claire (2008) Bursaries and institutional aid in higher education in England: do they safeguard and promote fair access? In: SRHE Annual Conference, 2008, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)

    Callender, Claire (2008) Bursaries and widening participation. In: AUA Annual Conference, 2008, University of York, York, UK. (Unpublished)

    Callender, Claire (2008) Bursaries in England - are they hindering or enhancing widening participation? In: Bursaries in England - are they hindering or enhancing widening participation?, 2008, Institute of Education, London, UK. (Unpublished)

    Callender, Claire (2008) Changing student funding: winners and losers. In: Public Lecture Series, 2008, Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK. (Unpublished)

    Callender, Claire (2008) Do institutional bursaries widen participation? In: AUA London Region Conference, 2008, London, UK. (Unpublished)

    Callender, Claire (2008) Financing tertiary education: challenges and opportunities for the future. In: Higher Education 2030: What futures for quality access in the era of globalisation? France OECD International Conference, 2008, Paris, France. (Unpublished)

    Callender, Claire (2008) Futuretrack: part-time students, exploring the issues. In: 4th Annual Part-Time Study in Higher Education Conference, 2008, Barbican Conference Centre, London, UK. (Unpublished)

    Callender, Claire (2008) Lifelong learning and training. In: Alcock, P. and May, M. and Rowlingson, K. (eds.) The Student’s Companion to Social Policy (3rd Edition). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9781405169011.

    Callender, Claire (2008) Lifelong learning under threat: funding and part-time students? In: BILL Conference: Lifelong learning, power and social change, 2008, Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK. (Unpublished)

    Callender, Claire (2008) Student bursaries: winners and losers. In: FACE Annual Conference: Challenging Isolation: The role of lifelong learning, 2008, Saint John University, York, UK. (Unpublished)

    Callender, Claire (2008) The changing nature of student funding policies in Britain. In: Kobayashi, M. (ed.) Worldwide Perspectives of Financial Assistance Policies. Tokyo, Japan: Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo.

    Callender, Claire (2008) The impact of term‐time employment on higher education students’ academic attainment and achievement. Journal of Education Policy 23 (4), pp. 359-377. ISSN 0268-0939.

    Callender, Claire (2008) The true costs of college: reflections on changes in the last decade. In: Learning & Skills Network/National Union of Students Research event, 2008, London, UK. (Unpublished)

    Callender, Claire and Jackson, J. (2008) Does fear of debt constrain choice of university and subject of study? Studies in Higher Education 33 (4), pp. 405-429. ISSN 0307-5079.

    Callender, Claire and Jackson, J. (2008) Does the fear of debt constrain choice of university and subject of study? Studies in Higher Education 33 (4), pp. 405-429. ISSN 0307-5079.

    Campbell, Rosie and Winters, Kristi (2008) Understanding men's and women's political interests: evidence from a study of gendered political attitudes. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 18 (1), pp. 53-74. ISSN 1745-7289.

    Childs, Sarah and Campbell, Rosie and Lovenduski, Joni (2008) The "Mother of all parliaments": Westminster's male face. In: Tremblay, M. (ed.) Women and Legislative Representation: Electoral Systems, Political Parties, and Sex Quotas. Palgrave Macmillan U.S., pp. 41-54. ISBN 9781137280701.

    Cohen, R. and Sheringham, Olivia (2008) Editorship of Special Issue: Islands, Diaspora, and Creolization. Diaspora: A journal of transnational studies, 17 (1). University of Toronto Press.

    Cohen, R. and Sheringham, Olivia (2008) Introduction: Islands and identities. [Editorial/Introduction]

    Cohen, R. and Sheringham, Olivia (2008) The salience of islands in the articulation of creolization and diaspora. Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies 17 (1), pp. 6-17. ISSN 1044-2057.

    Colas, Alejandro (2008) Open doors and closed frontiers: the limits of American empire. European Journal of International Relations 14 (4), pp. 619-643. ISSN 1354-0661.

    Coole, Diana (2008) Butler’s phenomenological existentialism. In: Carver, T. and Chambers, S.A. (eds.) Judith Butler’s Precarious Politics: Critical Encounters. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 11-27. ISBN 9780415384438.

    Cornwall, A. and Gideon, Jasmine and Wilson, K. (2008) Introduction: reclaiming feminism: gender and neoliberalism. IDS Bulletin 39 (6), pp. 1-9. ISSN 0265-5012.

    Cox, Rosie and Holloway, L. and Venn, L. and Dowler, L. and Ricketts Hein, J. and Kneafsey, M. and Tuomainen, H. (2008) Common ground? motivations for participation in a community-supported agriculture scheme. Local Environment 13 (3), pp. 203-218. ISSN 1354-9839.

    Cox, Rosie and Kneafsey, M. and Venn, L. and Holloway, L. and Dowler, E. and Tuomainen, H. (2008) Constructing sustainability through reconnection: the case of ‘alternative’ food networks. In: Robinson, G. (ed.) Sustainable Rural Systems: Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Communities. Perspectives on Rural Policy and Planning. Oxford, UK: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 67-82. ISBN 9780754647157.

    Craig, J. and Hale, Sarah (2008) Implementing problem-based learning in politics. European Political Science 7 (2), pp. 165-174. ISSN 1680-4333.


    Dannreuther, C. and Gideon, Jasmine (2008) Entitled to health? social protection in Chile's Plan AUGE. Development and Change 39 (5), pp. 845-864. ISSN 0012-155X.

    Delanty, G. and Hutchinson, J. and Kaufmann, Eric P. and Ozkirimli, U. and Wimmer, A. (2008) Debate on John Hutchinson's nations as zones of conflict. Nations and Nationalism 14 (1), pp. 1-28. ISSN 1354-5078.

    Deroose, S. and Hodson, Dermot and Kuhlmann, J. (2008) The broad economic policy guidelines: before and after the re-launch of the Lisbon Strategy. Journal of Common Market Studies 46 (4), pp. 827-848. ISSN 0021-9886.

    Dimitrakopoulos, Dionyssis G. (2008) Collective leadership in leaderless Europe: a sceptical view. In: Hayward, J. (ed.) Leaderless Europe. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 288-304. ISBN 9780199535026.

    Dimitrakopoulos, Dionyssis G. (2008) Norms, strategies and political change: explaining the establishment of the convention on the future of Europe. European Journal of International Relations 14 (2), pp. 319-341. ISSN 1354-0661.

    Dimitrakopoulos, Dionyssis G. (2008) The power of the centre: central governments and the macro-implementation of EU public policy. European Policy Series. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719062001.


    Edgar, K. and Jacobson, Jessica and Biggar, K. (2008) Time well spent: a practical guide to active citizenship and volunteering in prison. Project Report. Prison Reform Trust, London, UK.

    Edwards, Jason and Knight, K. (2008) Paul Hirst's pluralism: a response to Mark Wenman. Political Studies 56 (3), pp. 737-741. ISSN 0032-3217.

    Engels, Stefan and Bohncke, S.J.P. and Bos, J.A.A. and Brooks, S.J. and Heiri, O. and Helmens, K.F. (2008) Chironomid-based palaeotemperature estimates for northeast Finland during Oxygen Isotope Stage 3. Journal of Paleolimnology 40 , pp. 49-61. ISSN 0921-2728.

    Engels, Stefan and Bohncke, S.J.P. and Bos, J.A.A. and Heiri, O. and Vandenberghe, J. and Wallinga, J. (2008) Environmental inferences and chironomid-based temperature reconstructions from fragmentary records of the Weichselian Early Glacial and Pleniglacial periods in the Niederlausitz area (eastern Germany). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 260 (3-4), pp. 405-416. ISSN 0031-0182.

    Engels, Stefan and Bohncke, S.J.P. and Heiri, O. and Nyman, M. (2008) Intraregional variability in chironomid-inferred temperature estimates and the influence of river inundations on lacustrine chironomid assemblages. Journal of Paleolimnology 40 , pp. 129-142. ISSN 0921-2728.

    Engels, Stefan and Bohncke, S.J.P. and Heiri, O. and Schaber, K. and Sirocko, F. (2008) The lacustrine sediment record of Oberwinkler Maar (Eifel, Germany): Chironomid and macro-remain-based inferences of environmental changes during Oxygen Isotope Stage 3. Boreas 37 (3), pp. 414-425. ISSN 0300-9483.

    Everson, Michelle and Eisner, Julia (2008) Judges and lawyers beyond constitutive. In: Oddvar Eriksen, E. and Joerges, C. and Rodl, F. (eds.) Law, Democracy and Solidarity in a Post-national Union: The unsettled political order of Europe. Routledge Studies on Democratising Europe. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 61-84. ISBN 9780415462273.


    Frosh, Stephen (2008) Desire, demand and psychotherapy: on large groups and neighbours. Psychotherapy and Politics International 6 (3), pp. 185-197. ISSN 1476-9263.

    Frosh, Stephen (2008) Elementals and affects, or on making contact with others. Subjectivity 24 (1), pp. 314-324. ISSN 1755-6341.

    Frosh, Stephen (2008) Freud and Jewish identity. Theory and Psychology 18 (2), pp. 167-178. ISSN 0959-3543.

    Frosh, Stephen (2008) On negative critique: a reply. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 13 (4), pp. 416-422. ISSN 1088-0763.

    Frosh, Stephen and Baraitser, Lisa (2008) Marginalia. Qualitative Research in Psychology 5 (1), pp. 68-77. ISSN 1478-0887.

    Frosh, Stephen and Baraitser, Lisa (2008) Psychoanalysis and psychosocial studies. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 13 (4), pp. 346-365. ISSN 1088-0763.

    Frosh, Stephen and Saville Young, L. (2008) Psychoanalytic approaches to qualitative psychology. In: Willig, C. and Stainton Rogers, W. (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Psychology. Research Methods in Psychology. London, UK: Sage, pp. 109-126. ISBN 9781412907804.

    Frost, Martin and Spence, N. (2008) Energy consumption and work-travel trips: London, Birmingham, and Manchester, 1981-2001. Environment and Planning A 40 (9), pp. 2238-2258. ISSN 0308-518x.


    Gibin, Maurizio and Singleton, A. and Milton, R. and Mateos, P. and Longley, P. (2008) An exploratory cartographic visualisation of London through the Google Maps API. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 1 (2), pp. 85-97. ISSN 1874-463X.

    Gideon, Jasmine (2008) Counting the cost of privatised provision: women, rights and neo-liberal health reforms in Chile. IDS Bulletin 39 (6), pp. 75-82. ISSN 0265-5012.

    Gideon, Jasmine (2008) Counting the cost of privatised provision: women, rights and neoliberal health reforms in Chile. IDS Bulletin 39 (6), pp. 75-82. ISSN 0265-5012.


    Hale, Sarah (2008) Innovations in learning and teaching politics. European Political Science 7 (2), pp. 133-134. ISSN 1680-4333.

    Hook, Derek (2008) Fantasmatic transactions: on the persistence of Apartheid ideology. Subjectivity 24 (1), pp. 275-297. ISSN 1755-6341.

    Hook, Derek and Neill, C. (2008) Perspectives on "Lacanian Subjectivities". Subjectivity 24 (1), pp. 247-255. ISSN 1755-6341.

    Hough, Mike (2008) Does it matter: reflections on the effectiveness of institutionalised public participation in the development of sentencing policy. In: Freiberg, A. and Gelb, K. (eds.) Penal Populism, Sentencing Councils and Sentencing Policy. Abingdon, UK: Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9781843922780.

    Hough, Mike (2008) Recherches sur la victimation et l'insécurité en Grande-Bretagne. In: Zauberman, R. (ed.) Victimation et insecurite en Europe: un bilan des enquêtes et de leurs usages. Paris, France: L'Edition Harmattan. ISBN 978-2-296-06665-6.

    Hough, Mike (2008) Research on victimisation and insecurity in Britain. In: Zauberman, R. (ed.) Victimisation and Insecurity in Europe. Brussels, Belgium: ASP: Academic & Scientific Publishers, pp. 65-86. ISBN 9789054874959.

    Hough, Mike and Hunter, G. (2008) The 2003 Licensing Act's impact on crime and disorder: an evaluation. Criminology & Criminal Justice 8 (3), pp. 239-260. ISSN 1748-8958.

    Hough, Mike and Hunter, G. and Jacobson, Jessica and Cossalter, S. (2008) The impact of the Licensing Act 2003 on levels of crime and disorder: an evaluation. Project Report. The Home Office, London, UK.

    Hough, Mike and Jacobson, Jessica (2008) Creating a Sentencing Commission for England and Wales: an opportunity to address the prisons crisis. Project Report. Prison Reform Trust, London, UK.

    Hough, Mike and Roberts, J.V. and Jacobson, Jessica (2008) Attitudes to the sentencing of offences involving death by driving. Project Report. Sentencing Advisory Panel, London, UK.

    Hough, Mike and Solomon, E. (2008) Introduction. In: Hough, Mike and Allen, R. and Solomon, E. (eds.) Tackling prison overcrowding: Build more prisons? Sentence fewer offenders? Researching Criminal Justice. Bristol, UK: Policy Press. ISBN 9781847421104.


    Jackson, Sue (2008) Diversity, identity and belonging: women's spaces of sociality. The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations 8 (3), pp. 147-154. ISSN 1447-9532.

    Jacobson, Jessica (2008) No one knows: police responses to suspects learning disabilities and learning difficulties: a review of policy and practice. Project Report. Prison Reform Trust, London, UK.

    Jacobson, Jessica and Millie, A. and Hough, Mike (2008) Why tackle anti-social behaviour? In: Squires, P. (ed.) ASBO Nation: The Criminalisation Of Nuisance. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, pp. 37-56. ISBN 9781847420282.

    Jacobson, Jessica and Roberts, J.V. and Hough, Mike (2008) A sentencing commission for England and Wales? In: Hough, Mike and Allen, R. and Solomon, E. (eds.) Tackling prison overcrowding Build more prisons? Sentence fewer offenders? Researching Criminal Justice. Bristol, UK: Policy Press. ISBN 9781847421104.

    Jones, Andrew M. (2008) Beyond embeddedness: economic practices and the invisible dimensions of transnational business activity. Progress in Human Geography 32 (1), pp. 71-88. ISSN 0309-1325.

    Jones, Andrew M. (2008) The rise of global work. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 33 (1), pp. 12-26. ISSN 0020-2754.


    Kaufmann, Eric P. (2008) Human development and the demography of secularisation in global perspective. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 4 , pp. 1-37. ISSN 1556-3723.

    Kaufmann, Eric P. (2008) Themed section on dominant groups. Nations and Nationalism 14 (4), pp. 739-742. ISSN 1354-5078.

    Kaufmann, Eric P. (2008) The lenses of nationhood: an optical model of identity. Nations and Nationalism 14 (3), pp. 449-477. ISSN 1354-5078.

    Kaufmann, Eric P. (2008) The peaceful xenophobes. Prospect ,

    Kaufmann, Eric P. and Haklai, O. (2008) Dominant ethnicity: from minority to majority. Nations and Nationalism 14 (4), pp. 743-767. ISSN 1354-5078.

    Kiwan, Dina (2008) Citizenship education in England at the cross-roads? four models of citizenship and their implications for ethnic and religious diversity. Oxford Review of Education 34 (1), pp. 39-58. ISSN 0305-4985.

    Kiwan, Dina (2008) Diversity and identity in societal context: introductory remarks. London Review of Education 6 (1), pp. 27-30. ISSN 1474-8460.

    Kiwan, Dina (2008) Towards a theory of inclusive participative citizenship. In: Titley, G. and Lentin, A. (eds.) The Politics Of Diversity In Europe. Strasbourg, France: Council of Europe. ISBN 9789287161710.

    Kiwan, Dina (2008) A journey to citizenship in the United Kingdom. International Journal on Multicultural societies 10 (1), pp. 60-75. ISSN 1817-4574.

    Kneafsey, M. and Cox, Rosie and Holloway, L. and Dowler, E. and Venn, L. and Tuomainen, H. (2008) Reconnecting consumers, producers and food: exploring alternatives. Cultures of Consumption. Oxford, UK: Berg. ISBN 9781845202538.


    Lamble, Sarah (2008) Retelling racialized violence, remaking white innocence: the politics of interlocking oppressions in transgender day of remembrance. Sexuality Research and Social Policy: Journal of NSRC 5 (1), pp. 24-42. ISSN 1553-6610.

    Lizarazo, Ivan and Elsner, Paul (2008) From pixels to grixels: a unified functional model for geographic-object-based image analysis. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 38 (4/C1), ISSN 1682-1750.

    Lizarazo, Ivan and Elsner, Paul (2008) Fuzzy regions for handling uncertainty in remote sensing image segmentation. In: Gervasi, O. and Murgante, B. and Laganà, A. and Taniar, D. and Mun, Y. and Gavrilova, M.L. (eds.) ICCSA 2008: Computational Science and Its Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5072. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, pp. 724-739. ISBN 9783540698388.

    Lovenduski, Joni (2008) State feminism and women's movements. West European Politics 31 (1-2), pp. 169-194. ISSN 0140-2382.

    Lovenduski, Joni (2008) A standing commission on social justice. The Political Quarterly 79 (1), pp. 3-5. ISSN 0032-3179.

    Lovenduski, Joni (2008) A standing commission on social justice? [Editorial/Introduction]

    Lynch, Gordon (2008) Dreams of the autonomous and reflexive self: the religious significance of contemporary lifestyle media. In: Spalek, B. and Imtoual, A. (eds.) Religion, spirituality and the social sciences: Challenging marginalisation. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, pp. 63-76. ISBN 9781847420411.

    Lynch, Gordon (2008) Religious experience and popular culture: towards a new frame of enquiry. In: Zock, T.H. (ed.) At the Crossroads of Art and Religion: Imagination, Commitment, Transcendence. Groningen Studies in Cultural Change 34. Leuven, Belgium: Peeters, pp. 71-84. ISBN 9789042921733.

    Lynch, T.J. and Singh, Robert S. (2008) After Bush: the case for continuity in American foreign policy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521880046.


    Mabbett, Deborah (2008) Aspirational legalism and the role of the equality and human rights commission in equality policy. The Political Quarterly 79 (1), pp. 45-52. ISSN 0032-3179.

    Marques Cardoso, Clementina (2008) Government-Microsoft partnerships: supranational formulation in private and public policy. Globalisation, Societies and Education 6 (3), pp. 241-264. ISSN 1476-7724.

    Matos, Frederico (2008) Independent PhD student? the new PhD programmes in the UK and their impact on academic independence of the doctoral student. a case study. In: Withstanding Influence: Academic Independence and its Discontents conference, 2008, University of Rouen, Rouen, France. (Unpublished)

    Matos, Frederico (2008) A new face for academia? how changing policies impact on practices in doctoral programmes in the UK. a case study. In: International Sociology Conference, 2008, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece. (Unpublished)

    McSweeney, Tim and Stevens, A. and Hunt, N. and Turnbull, Paul J. (2008) Drug testing and court review hearings: uses and limitations. Probation Journal 55 (1), pp. 39-53. ISSN 0264-5505.

    McSweeney, Tim and Turnbull, Paul J. and Hough, Mike (2008) Tackling drug markets and distribution networks in the UK: a review of the recent literature. Project Report. Institute for Criminal Policy Research, London, UK.

    McSweeney, Tim and Turnbull, Paul J. and Hough, Mike (2008) The treatment and supervision of drug-dependent offenders: a review of the literature prepared for the UK Drug Policy Commission. Project Report. Institute for Criminal Policy Research, London, UK.

    Moran, Leslie (2008) Cause lawyering 'English style': reading Rumpole of the Bailey. In: Sarat, A. and Schiengold, S. (eds.) The Cultural Life of Cause Lawyers. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 297-330. ISBN 9780521711357.

    Moran, Leslie J. (2008) Judicial bodies as sexual bodies: a tale of two portraits. Australian Feminist Law Journal 29 , pp. 91-108. ISSN 1320-0968.

    Moran, Leslie J. (2008) Protecting the judge: a case study in the cultural lives of the judiciary. Studies in Law, Politics and Society 46 , pp. 93-115. ISSN 1059-4337.


    Palacios, Margarita and Cardenas, A. (2008) Social ties and individualization: a discussion about the possibilities of school learning. Revista de Sociología (22), pp. 65-85. ISSN 0716-632X.

    Posocco, Silvia (2008) The Empire of Love: review of Elizabeth Povinelli. Darkmatter: In The Ruins of Immperial Culture (3), ISSN 2041-3254.

    Posocco, Silvia (2008) Globalization, governmentality and failure through the prism of Petén, Guatemala. Working Paper. London School of Economics, London, UK.

    Posocco, Silvia (2008) Zoning: environmental cosmopolitics in and around the Maya biosphere reserve, Petén, Guatemala. Nature and Culture 3 (2), pp. 206-224. ISSN 1558-6073.


    Roberts, J.V. and Hough, Mike and Jacobson, Jessica and Bredee, A. and Moon, N. (2008) Public attitudes to sentencing offences involving death by driving. Criminal Law Review 7 , pp. 525-538. ISSN 0011-135X.

    Roseneil, Sasha (2008) Neue freundschaftspraktiken: fürsorge und sorge um sich im zeitalter der individualisierung. Mittelweg36 17 (3), pp. 55-69. ISSN 0941-6382.

    Roseneil, Sasha (2008) New friendship practices: caring for oneself and others in the age of individualization. Mittelweg36 17 (3), pp. 55-70. ISSN 0941-6382.

    Roseneil, Sasha (2008) Sutured selves, queer connections: personal lives at the cutting edge of individualization. In: Howard, C. (ed.) Contested Individualization: Debates about Contemporary Personhood. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 117-134. ISBN 9781403977700.

    Roseneil, Sasha (2008) Vivere ed amare oltre i confini della normatività eterosessuale: le relazioni personali nel XXI secolo. In: Trappolin, L. (ed.) Omosapiens 3 : per una sociologia dell'omosessualità. Omosapiens 3. Rome, Italy: Carocci. ISBN 9788843049530.

    Roseneil, Sasha (2008) Why we should care about friends: an argument for queering the care imaginary in social policy. In: Diduck, A. (ed.) Marriage and Cohabitation: Regulating Intimacy, Affection and Care. The Family, Law and Society. Basingstoke, UK: Ashgate. ISBN 9780754626800.

    Roseneil, Sasha (2008) The coming of age of feminist sociology. In: Delamont, S. and Atkinson, P. (eds.) Gender and Research. SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods. London, UK: Sage. ISBN 9781412945974.

    Roseneil, Sasha and Budgeon, S. (2008) Cultures of intimacy and care beyond "the family": personal life and social change in the early 21st century. In: Diduck, A. (ed.) Marriage and Cohabitation: Regulating Intimacy, Affection and Care. The Family, Law and Society. Basingstoke, UK: Ashgate. ISBN 9780754626800.


    Salter, K. and Sullivan, Sian (2008) ‘Shell to Sea’ in Ireland: building social movement potency. Working Paper. LSE Non-Governmental Public Action Programme, London, UK.

    Schütz, Anton (2008) Shylock as a politician. In: Raffield, P. and Watt, G. (eds.) Shakespeare and the Law. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, pp. 271-288. ISBN 9781841138251.

    Schütz, Anton (2008) Von einem neuerdings erhobenen gerechten ton in der autopoietischen jurisprudenz / On a recently raised tone of righteousness in autopoietic legal theory. In: Teubner, G. (ed.) Nach Jacques Derrida und Niklas Luhmann: Zur (Un-)Möglichkeit einer Gesellschaftstheorie der Gerechtigkeit. Themenheft Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie Heft 29 1. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius, pp. 53-79. ISBN 9783828204430.

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