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    Number of items: 168.


    Ahmed, N. and Gidley, Ben and Garnett, J. and Harris, A. and Keith, M. (2016) Shifting markers of identity in East London's diasporic religious spaces. Ethnic and Racial Studies 39 (2), pp. 223-242. ISSN 0141-9870.

    Aklin, M. and Cheng, Chao-Yo and Urpelainen, J. and Ganesan, K. and Jain, A. (2016) Factors affecting household satisfaction with electricity supply in rural India. Nature Energy 1 (11), ISSN 2058-7546.

    Almeida, P.D. and Rocha, J.G. and Ballatore, Andrea and Zipf, A. (2016) Where the streets have known names. In: Gervasi, O. and Murgante, B. and Misra, S. and Rocha, A.M.A.C. and Torre, C.M. and Taniar, D. and Apduhan, B.O. and Stankova, E. and Wang, S. (eds.) Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2016. New York, U.S.: Springer, pp. 1-12. ISBN 9783319420882.

    Ashenden, Samantha and Hess, A. (2016) Totalitarianism and justice: Hannah Arendt's and Judith N. Shklar’s political reflections in historical and theoretical perspective. Economy and Society 45 (3), pp. 1-25. ISSN 0308-5147.


    Bakshi, S. and Jivraj, S. and Posocco, Silvia (2016) (Decolonizing) the ear of the other: subjectivity, ethics and politics in question. In: Bakshi, S. and Jivraj, S. and Posocco, Silvia (eds.) Decolonizing Sexualities: Transnational Perspectives, Critical Interventions. Oxford, UK: Counterpress.

    Bakshi, S. and Jivraj, S. and Posocco, Silvia (2016) Introduction - decolonizing sexualities: transnational perspectives, critical interventions. In: Bakshi, S. and Jivraj, S. and Posocco, Silvia (eds.) Decolonizing Sexualities: Transnational Perspectives, Critical Interventions. Oxford, UK: Counterpress.

    Ballatore, Andrea and Kuhn, W. and Hegarty, M. and Parsons, E. (2016) Spatial approaches to information search. Spatial Cognition & Computation 16 (4), pp. 245-254. ISSN 1387-5868.

    Ballatore, Andrea and Natale, S. (2016) E-readers and the death of the book: or, new media and the myth of the disappearing medium. New Media & Society 18 (10), pp. 2379-2394. ISSN 1461-4448.

    Bar-haim, Shaul (2016) Book review - Elizabeth Lunbeck: The Americanization of Narcissism. The American Journal of Psychoanalysis 76 (1), pp. 95-97. ISSN 0002-9548.

    Baraitser, Lisa (2016) Postmaternal, postwork and the maternal death drive. Australian Feminist Studies 31 (90), pp. 393-409. ISSN 0816-4649.

    Baraitser, Lisa and Hartman, S. (2016) Editors’ introduction to the special issue — Bion: here, there, and in between. [Editorial/Introduction]

    Barreira-González, P. and Barros, Joana (2016) Configuring the neighbourhood effect in irregular cellular automata based models. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31 (3), pp. 617-636. ISSN 1365-8816.

    Bousquet, Antoine (2016) Ernst Jünger and the problem of Nihilism in the age of total war. Thesis Eleven 132 (1), pp. 17-38. ISSN 0725-5136.

    Brock, Maria (2016) Reading formations of subjectivity: from discourse to psyche. Social and Personality Psychology Compass 10 (3), pp. 125-135. ISSN 1751-9004.

    Brooks, Susan and Spencer, T. (2016) Shoreline responses to storm impacts: North Norfolk coast, southern North Sea. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 17-22 Apr 2016, Vienna.

    Butcher, Melissa (2016) Re-imagining home: visualising the multiple meanings of place. In: Nairn, K. and Kraftl, P. and Skelton, T. (eds.) Space, Place and Environment. Geographies of Children and Young People 3. Singapore: Springer Singapore, pp. 1-18. ISBN 9789814585903.

    Butcher, Melissa and Dickens, L. (2016) Spatial dislocation and affective displacement: youth perspectives on gentrification in London. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 40 (4), pp. 800-816. ISSN 1468-2427.


    Callard, Felicity (2016) Afterword: mind, imagination, affect. In: Whitehead, A. and Woods, A. and Atkinson, S. and Macnaughton, J. and Richards, J. (eds.) The Edinburgh Companion to the Critical Medical Humanities. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 481-488. ISBN 9781474400046.

    Callard, Felicity (2016) The intimate geographies of panic disorder: parsing anxiety through psychopharmacological dissection. Osiris 31 (1), pp. 203-226. ISSN 0369-7827.

    Callender, Claire (2016) Cost-sharing and student support. In: Scott, P. and Gallacher, J. and Parry, G. (eds.) New Languages and Landscapes of Higher Education. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 103-128. ISBN 9780198787082.

    Callender, Claire (2016) New modes of delivery: the potential of part-time education. In: Jongbloed, B.W.A. and Vossensteyn, H. (eds.) Access and Expansion Post-Massification: Opportunities and Barriers to Further Growth in Higher Education Participation. International Studies in Higher Education. London, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415890441.

    Campbell, Rosie (2016) Representing women voters: the role of the Gender Gap and the response of political parties. Party Politics 22 (5), pp. 587-597. ISSN 1354-0688.

    Capparelli, R. Cary (2016) The World Formula One Championship and North America: The Development of a Globalized Industrial Sports Complex? [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Carr, N. and McAlister, S. and Serisier, Tanya (2016) ‘I had to undo eight years of being a woman’: how LGBT prisoners are lost in the system. The Conversation ,

    Carr, N. and McAlister, S. and Serisier, Tanya (2016) Out on the inside: the rights, experiences and needs of LGBT people in prison. Project Report. Irish Penal Reform Trust, Dublin, Ireland.

    Celis, K. and Childs, Sarah and Curtin, J. (2016) Specialised parliamentary bodies and the quality of women's substantive representation: a comparative analysis of Belgium, United Kingdom and New Zealand. Parliamentary Affairs 69 (4), pp. 812-829. ISSN 0031-2290.

    Celis, K. and Childs, Sarah and Kantola, J. (2016) Regendering party politics. Party Politics 22 (5), pp. 571-575. ISSN 1354-0688.

    Chamberlen, Anastasia (2016) Embodying prison pain: women’s experiences of self-injury in prison and the emotions of punishment. Theoretical Criminology 20 (2), pp. 205-219. ISSN 1362-4806.

    Cheliotis, L. and Xenakis, Sappho (2016) Punishment and political systems: state punitiveness in post-dictatorial Greece. Punishment and Society 18 (3), pp. 268-300. ISSN 1462-4745.

    Cheliotis, L. and Xenakis, Sappho (2016) The moral psychology of penal populism. In: Jacobs, J. and Jackson, J. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Criminal Justice Ethics. Routledge International Handbooks. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 176-190. ISBN 9780415708654.

    Chen, D. and Cheng, Chao-Yo and Urpelainen, J. (2016) Support for renewable energy in China: a survey experiment with internet users. Journal of Cleaner Production 112 , pp. 3750-3758. ISSN 0959-6526.

    Cheng, Chao-Yo and Urpelainen, J. (2016) Unawareness and indifference to economic reform among the public: evidence from India’s power sector reform. Economics of Governance 17 (3), pp. 211-239. ISSN 1435-6104.

    Childs, Sarah and Kittilson, M.C. (2016) Feminizing political parties: women’s party member organizations within European parliamentary parties. Party Politics 22 (5), pp. 598-608. ISSN 1354-0688.

    Clarke, Richard (2016) Final evaluation report for the Heart of Teesdale Landscape Partnership. Technical Report. Heart of Teesdale Landscape Partnership and Durham County Council.

    Clarke, Richard (2016) ‘Really useful’ knowledge and 19th century adult worker education – what lessons for today? Theory and Struggle 116 , pp. 67-74. ISSN 969-1154.

    Cohen, R. and Sheringham, Olivia (2016) Encountering difference: diasporic traces, creolizing spaces. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. ISBN 9781509508792.

    Colas, Alejandro (2016) Barbary Coast in the expansion of international society: piracy, privateering and corsairing as primary institutions. Review of International Studies 42 (5), pp. 840-857. ISSN 0260-2105.

    Colas, Alejandro (2016) Hegemony. In: Berenskoetter, F. (ed.) Concepts in World Politics. London, UK: Sage, pp. 200-216. ISBN 9781446294277.

    Cooper, Penelope and Grace, J. (2016) Vulnerable patients going to court: a psychiatrist's guide to special measures. BJPsych Bulletin 40 (4), pp. 220-222. ISSN 2056-4694.

    Cox, Rosie (2016) Cleaning up: gender, race and dirty work at home. In: Lewe, C. and Oxen, N. and Othold, T. (eds.) Müll, Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf das Übrig-Geliebene. Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript, pp. 97-116. ISBN 9783837633276.

    Cox, Rosie (2016) Materials, skills and gender identities: men, women and home improvement practices in New Zealand. Gender, Place & Culture 23 (4), pp. 572-588. ISSN 0966-369X.

    Cox, Rosie (2016) What are homes made of? Building materials, DIY and the homeyness of homes. Home Cultures 13 (1), pp. 63-82. ISSN 1740-6315.

    Cox, Rosie and Busch, Nicole (2016) ‘This is the life I want’: au pairs’ perceptions of life in the global city. Nordic Journal of Migration Research 6 (4), pp. 234-242. ISSN 1799-649X.

    Coyle, Andrew and Fair, Helen and Jacobson, Jessica and Walmsley, R. (2016) Imprisonment worldwide: the current situation and an alternative future. Policy Press Shorts Insights. Bristol, UK: Policy Press. ISBN 9781447331759.

    Coyle, Andrew and Heard, Catherine and Fair, Helen (2016) Current trends and practices in the use of imprisonment. International Review of the Red Cross 98 (903), pp. 761-781. ISSN 1816-3831.

    Crasnow, Eva (2016) Contact supervision with looked after children : a psychosocial exploration into role construction, negoiation and wider implications. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Crawford, A. and Hutchinson, Steven (2016) Mapping the contours of ‘Everyday Security’: time, space and emotion. British Journal of Criminology 56 (6), pp. 1184-1202. ISSN 0007-0955.


    Dickens, L. and Butcher, Melissa (2016) Going public? Re-thinking visibility, ethics and recognition through participatory research praxis. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 41 (4), pp. 528-540. ISSN 0020-2754.

    Dobson, Rachael (2016) 'Supporting people': regulation, welfare practice and emotions. In: Jupp, E. and Pykett, J. and Smith, F.M. (eds.) Emotional States. Routledge, pp. 116-128. ISBN 9781472454058.


    Engels, Stefan and Bakker, M. and Bohncke, S.J.P. and Cerli, C. and Hoek, W.Z. and Jansen, B. and Peters, T. and Renssen, H. and Sachse, D. and van Aken, J.M. and van den Bos, V. and van Geel, B. and van Oostrom, R. and Winkels, T. and Wolma, M. (2016) Centennial-scale lake-level lowstand at Lake Uddelermeer (The Netherlands) indicates changes in moisture source region prior to the 2.8-kyr event. The Holocene 26 (7), pp. 1075-1091. ISSN 0959-6836.

    Engels, Stefan and Brauer, A. and Buddelmeijer, N. and Martín-Puertas, C. and Rach, O. and Sachse, D. and van Geel, B. (2016) Subdecadal-scale vegetation responses to a previously unknown late-Allerød climate fluctuation and Younger Dryas cooling at Lake Meerfelder Maar (Germany). Journal of Quaternary Science 31 (7), pp. 741-752. ISSN 0267-8179.

    Esch, T. and Bay-Hasager, C. and Elsner, Paul and Deutscher, J. and Hirschmugl, M. and Metz, A. and Roth, A. (2016) Support of wind resource modeling using Earth observation – a European perspective on the status and future options. In: Weng, Q. (ed.) Remote Sensing for Sustainability. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9781498700719.


    Fair, Helen and Jacobson, Jessica (2016) Family connections: a review of learning from the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Prison Reform Fellowships, Part II. Other. Prison Reform Trust, London, UK.

    Fitzgerald, D. and Callard, Felicity (2016) Entangling the medical humanities. In: Whitehead, A. and Woods, A. and Atkinson, S. and Macnaughton, J. and Richards, J. (eds.) The Edinburgh Companion to the Critical Medical Humanities. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 35-49. ISBN 9781474400046.

    Fligg, R. and Barros, Joana (2016) A case study of flooding in the Limpopo River Basin, Xai-Xai, Mozambique. In: Lombard, J.R. and Stern, E. and Clarke, G. (eds.) Applied Spatial Modelling and Planning. Routledge Advances in Regional Economics, Science and Policy. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 315-343. ISBN 9781138925700.

    Foley, Aideen and Holden, P.B. and Edwards, N.R. and Mercure, J.-F. and Salas, P. and Pollitt, H. and Chewpreecha, U. (2016) Climate model emulation in an integrated assessment framework: a case study for mitigation policies in the electricity sector. Earth System Dynamics 7 (1), pp. 119-132. ISSN 2190-4987.

    Fotta, M. and Posocco, Silvia and Smith, F.D. (2016) Violence and affective states in contemporary Latin America. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 25 (2), pp. 167-177. ISSN 1356-9325.

    Frosh, Stephen (2016) Primitivity and violence: traces of the unconscious in psychoanalysis. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 37 (1), pp. 34-47. ISSN 1068-8471.

    Frosh, Stephen (2016) Relationality in a time of surveillance: narcissism, melancholia, paranoia. Subjectivity 9 , pp. 1-16. ISSN 1755-6341.

    Frosh, Stephen (2016) Studies in prejudice: theorising antisemitism in the wake of the Nazi Holocaust. In: Pick, Daniel and ffytch, M. (eds.) Psychoanalysis in the Age of Totalitarianism. The New Library of Psychoanalysis 'Beyond the Couch' Series. London, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781138793897.

    Frosh, Stephen (2016) Towards a psychosocial psychoanalysis. American Imago 73 (4), pp. 469-482. ISSN 0065-860X.

    Frosh, Stephen (2016) Turning back. Studies in Gender and Sexuality 17 (4), pp. 262-269. ISSN 1524-0657.

    Frosh, Stephen (2016) The future of politics and psychoanalysis. American Imago 73 (1), pp. 121-128. ISSN 0065-860X.

    Fuentes, Lorena (2016) (Re)reading the boundaries and bodies of femicide : exploring articulations within the discursive economy of gendered violence in 'post war' Guatemala. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Gideon, Jasmine and Porter, F. (2016) Unpacking ‘women’s health’ in the context of PPPs: a return to instrumentalism in development policy and practice? Global Social Policy 16 (1), pp. 68-85. ISSN 1468-0181.

    Gideon, Jasmine and Porter, Fenella (2016) Challenging gendered inequalities in global health: dilemmas for NGOs. Development and Change 47 (4), pp. 782-797. ISSN 0012-155X.

    Gidley, Benjamin and Meer, N. (2016) Communities and Identity: continuity and change. In: Meri, J. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Muslim-Jewish Relations. Routledge Handbooks in Religion. London, UK and New York, U.S.: Routledge, pp. 235-251. ISBN 9780415645164.

    Goh, A.Y.S. and Zukas, Miriam (2016) Student vocational teachers: the significance of individual positions in workplace learning. Journal of Vocational Education and Training 68 (2), pp. 263-277. ISSN 1363-6820.

    Gosling, L. and Sparks, T.H. and Araya, Yoseph N. and Harvey, M. and Ansine, J. (2016) Differences between urban and rural hedges in England revealed by a citizen science project. BMC Ecology 16 (S1), ISSN 1472-6785.

    Güven, Ali Burak (2016) Book Review: Richard Sandbrook, 'Reinventing the Left in the Global South: The Politics of the Possible'. [Book Review]

    Güven, Ali Burak (2016) Reinventing the left in the global south: the politics of the possible (Richard Sandbrook). [Book Review]

    Güven, Ali Burak (2016) Rethinking development space in emerging countries: Turkey's conservative countermovement. Development and Change 47 (5), pp. 995-1024. ISSN 0012-155X.

    Güven, Ali Burak (2016) The political economy of Turkish democracy. In: Erisen, C. and Kubicek, P. (eds.) Democratic Consolidation in Turkey: Micro and Macro Challenges. Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 184-203. ISBN 9781138914957.


    Hanafin, Patrick (2016) Rights, bioconstitutionalism and the politics of reproductive citizenship in Italy. In: Roseneil, Sasha and Crowhurst, Isabel and Santos, A.C. and Stoilova, Mariya (eds.) Reproducing Citizens: Family, State and Civil Society. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781138942295.

    Hartman, S. and Baraitser, Lisa (2016) Special issue: Bion: Here, There, and In Between, Studies in Gender and Sexuality, Volume 17, Issue 3 (2016). Taylor & Francis.

    Heard, Catherine (2016) Alternatives to imprisonment in Europe: a handbook of good practice. Project Report. Antigone Edizioni, Rome, Italy.

    Hodson, Dermot (2016) Eurozone governance: from the Greek drama of 2015 to the Five Presidents’ Report. Journal of Common Market Studies 54 (S1), pp. 150-166. ISSN 0021-9886.

    Horst, C. and Pereira, S. and Sheringham, Olivia (2016) The impact of class on feedback mechanisms: Brazilian migration to Norway, Portugal and the United Kingdom. In: Bakewell, O. and Engbersen, G. and Fonseca, M.L. and Horst, C. (eds.) Beyond Networks: Feedback in International Migration. Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship. Palgrave, pp. 90-112. ISBN 9781349554393.

    Hough, Mike and May, Tiggey and Hales, G. and Belur, J. (2016) Misconduct by police leaders in England and Wales: an exploratory study. Policing and Society 28 (5), pp. 541-552. ISSN 1043-9463.

    Hoult, Elizabeth (2016) A place free from compromise: literary study and resilient learning. The Use of English 68 (1), pp. 49-56. ISSN 0042-1243.

    Hunt, S. and Callender, Claire (2016) The entry and experience of private providers of higher education in six countries. Project Report. Centre for Global Higher Education, London, UK.

    Hunter, Gillian and Wigzell, Alexandra and Bhardwa, Bina and May, Tiggey and Hough, Mike (2016) An evaluation of the ‘What Works Centre for Crime Reduction’ Year 2: Progress. Project Report. Institute for Criminal Policy Research, London.

    Hutchinson, Steven (2016) The future(s) of security studies. British Journal of Criminology 56 (6), pp. 1049-1067. ISSN 0007-0955.


    Jacobs, Amber (2016) On the maternal ‘Creaturely’ cinema of Andrea Arnold. Journal of British Cinema and Television 13 (1), pp. 160-176. ISSN 1743-4521.

    Jacobs, Nigel (2016) Informed orienteering : a study of navigating systemic positioning dilemmas within the field of anorexia. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Jacobson, Jessica (2016) Joint enterprise after Jogee: implications for sentencing. Sentencing News , ISSN 0964-8461.

    Jacobson, Jessica (2016) Joint enterprise: the need for clarity and transparency. The Justice Gap.

    Jacobson, Jessica and Fair, Helen (2016) Connections: a review of learning from the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowships. Project Report. Prison Reform Trust, London.

    Jacobson, Jessica and Fair, Helen (2016) Problem solving approaches: a review of learning from the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Prison Reform Fellowships Part III. Other. Prison Reform Trust, London, UK.

    Jacobson, Jessica and Kirby, Amy and Hunter, Gillian (2016) Joint enterprise: righting a wrong turn? Project Report. Prison Reform Trust, London, UK.

    Jacobson, Jessica and Kirby, Amy and Hunter, Gillian (2016) Joint enterprise: towards clarity and transparency? Criminal Law & Justice Weekly 180 , pp. 557-559. ISSN 1759-7943.

    Jenson, O. and Gidley, Benjamin (2016) 'They’ve Got Their Wine Bars, We’ve Got Our Pubs’: Housing, diversity and community in two south London neighbourhoods. In: Pastore, F. and Ponzon, I. (eds.) Inter-group Relations and Migrant Integration in European Cities: Changing Neighbourhoods. IMISCOE Research Series. New York, U.S.: Springer, pp. 18-38. ISBN 9783319230962.


    Kirby, Amy (2016) Is volunteering for everyone? Volunteering opportunities for young ex-offenders. Safer Communities 15 (2), pp. 82-93. ISSN 1757-8043.

    Kirby, Amy and Jacobson, Jessica and Hunter, Gillian (2016) Prosecuting joint enterprise cases: seeking ways through the fog? British Society of Criminology Newsletters 79 , pp. 11-15. ISSN 1759-8354.


    Lamble, Sarah (2016) Community. In: Fritsch, K. and O'Connor, C. and Thompson, A.K. (eds.) Keywords for Radicals: The Contested Vocabulary of Late-Capitalist Struggle. Chico, U.S.: AK Press, pp. 103-110. ISBN 9781849352420.

    Leal, Joanne and Havemann, Leo and Barros, Joana and Drew, Elizabeth (2016) Transitions: recruit, support, retain. In: Learning and Teaching Seminars, 27 Oct 2016, London, UK. (Unpublished)

    Lipman, C. and Sheringham, Olivia (2016) Restor(y)ing home: reflections on stories, objects, and space in BHP. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) My Home is your Home. Balin House Project & Public Works. ISBN 9781906318055.

    Lovenduski, Joni (2016) The supply and demand model of candidate selection: some reflections. Government and Opposition 51 (03), pp. 513-528. ISSN 0017-257X.


    Mabbett, Deborah (2016) Governing in times of austerity. In: Heffernan, R. and Hay, C. and Russell, M. and Cowley, P. (eds.) Developments in British Politics. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 203-220. ISBN 9781137494740.

    Mabbett, Deborah (2016) The minimum wage in Germany: what brought the state in? Journal of European Public Policy 23 (8), pp. 1240-1258. ISSN 1350-1763.

    Mabbett, Deborah and Schelkle, W. (2016) Searching under the lamp-post: the evolution of fiscal surveillance. In: Caporaso, J. and Rhodes, M. (eds.) Political and Economic Dynamics of the Eurozone Crisis. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198755739.

    Maclean, Kate (2016) Sanity, ‘madness,’ and the academy. The Canadian Geographer 60 (2), pp. 181-191. ISSN 0008-3658.

    Magruder, M.T. and Pilcher, Jeremy (2016) Aesthetic archives. Art Libraries Journal 41 (1), pp. 11-23. ISSN 0307-4722.

    McCormick, Callum (2016) Between the rights of nature and the right to develop : Bolivia under Evo Morales. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Mcgeever, Brendan (2016) The Easter Rising and the Soviet Union: an untold chapter in Ireland’s great rebellion. Open Democracy ,

    Mcgeever, Brendan (2016) Racism and the EU referendum: a state of emergency. Open Democracy ,

    Moran, Leslie J. (2016) Visible justice: YouTube and the UK Supreme Court. The Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research 5 , pp. 223-263. ISSN 1925-2420.

    Moran, Leslie J. and Sharpe, A. (2016) Violence, identity and policing: the case of violence against transgender people. In: Bosworth, M. (ed.) Theoretical Criminology. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 395-417. ISBN 9781138827943.


    Palacios, Margarita and Caygill, H. (2016) Resistance today. [Book Review]

    Perera, G. and Broadbent, M. and Callard, Felicity and Chang, C.-K. and Downs, J. and Dutta, R. and Fernandes, A. and Hayes, R.D. and Henderson, M. and Jackson, R. and Jewell, A. and Kadra, G. and Little, R. and Pritchard, M. and Shetty, H. and Talloch, A. and Stewart, R. (2016) Cohort profile of the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust Biomedical Research Centre (SLaM BRC) Case Register : current status and recent enhancement of an Electronic Mental Health Record-derived data resource. BMJ Open 6 (3), e008721. ISSN 2044-6055.

    Perry, Joanna (2016) A shared global perspective on hate crime? Criminal Justice Policy Review 27 (6), pp. 610-626. ISSN 0887-4034.

    Pilcher, Jeremy (2016) State Britain and the art of (Im)proper democratic protest. Law, Culture and the Humanities 15 (2), pp. 477-496. ISSN 1743-8721.

    Pooley, Simon (2016) Don’t get eaten by a crocodile. IUCN Crocodile Specialist Group.

    Pooley, Simon (2016) Endangered. Environmental Humanities 7 (1), pp. 259-263. ISSN 2201-1919.

    Pooley, Simon (2016) It is surprisingly rare for an Alligator to kill a person. BBC Earth.

    Pooley, Simon (2016) A cultural herpetology of Nile crocodiles in Africa. Conservation and Society 14 (4), pp. 391-405. ISSN 0972-4923.

    Pooley, Simon (2016) The entangled relations of humans and Nile crocodiles in Africa, c.1840-1992. Environment & History 33 (2), pp. 421-454. ISSN 0967-3407.

    Posocco, Silvia (2016) (Decolonizing) The ear of the other: subjectivity, ethics and politics in question. In: Bakshi, S. and Jivraj, S. and Posocco, Silvia (eds.) Decolonizing Sexualities: Transnational Perspectives, Critical Interventions. Oxford, UK: Counterpress, pp. 249-263. ISBN 9781910761021.

    Priest, Benjamin (2016) The Catcher in the Rye and the ill member of the group: Holden Caulfield and adolescent development. Psychodynamic Practice 22 (3), pp. 209-222. ISSN 1475-3634.


    Radcliffe, Polly and Hunter, Gillian (2016) ‘It was a safe place for me to be’: accounts of attending women’s community services and moving beyond the offender identity. British Journal of Criminology 56 (5), pp. 976-994. ISSN 0007-0955.

    Reeder, C. and Pile, V. and Crawford, P. and Cella, M. and Rose, D. and Wykes, T. and Watson, A. and Huddy, V. and Callard, Felicity (2016) The feasibility and acceptability to service users of CIRCuiTS, a computerized cognitive remediation therapy programme for schizophrenia. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 44 (03), pp. 288-305. ISSN 1352-4658.

    Repo, Jemima (2016) Gender equality as biopolitical governmentality in a Neoliberal European Union. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 23 (2), pp. 307-328. ISSN 1072-4745.

    Ribas, Maria Fernanda Barreto (2016) Gender policy in the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies: institutional contexts and the forces affecting processes and outcomes. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Roseneil, Sasha (2016) Father and Daughter: Patriarchy, Gender and Social Science by Ann Oakley - Bristol: Policy Press, 2014. [Book Review]

    Roseneil, Sasha (2016) Working-Apart-Together: reflections on a decade of feminist collaboration 2005-2015. Bulletine 2016 (1), pp. 20-21. ISSN 1891-1420.

    Roseneil, Sasha and Crowhurst, Isabel and Santos, A.C. and Stoilova, Mariya (2016) Reproduction and citizenship/reproducing citizens: editorial introduction. In: Roseneil, Sasha and Crowhurst, Isabel and Santos, A.C. and Stoilova, Mariya (eds.) Reproducing Citizens: Family, State and Civil Society. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781138942295.

    Rubin, A. and Mandelbaum, B. and Frosh, Stephen (2016) ‘No memory, no desire’: psychoanalysis in Brazil during repressive times. Psychoanalysis and History 18 (1), pp. 93-118. ISSN 1460-8235.

    Ryan, Catherine and Elsner, Paul (2016) The potential for sand dams to increase the adaptive capacity of East African drylands to climate change. Regional Environmental Change 16 (7), pp. 2087-2096. ISSN 1436-3798.


    Salonen, S.J. and Verster, A.J. and Engels, Stefan and Soininen, J. and Trachsel, M. and Luoto, M. (2016) Calibrating aquatic microfossil proxies with regression-tree ensembles: Cross-validation with modern chironomid and diatom data. The Holocene 26 (7), pp. 1040-1048. ISSN 0959-6836.

    Sato, M. and Hough, Mike (2016) Disrupting the market for illegal rhino horn and ivory. Journal of Trafficking, Organised Crime and Security 2 (1), ISSN 2374-118X.

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