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Archibugi, Daniele and Benli, A.E. (2017) Claiming citizenship rights in Europe: Emerging challenges and political agents. Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies 39. London, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781138036734.
Anscombe, Frederick (2017) Al-Hukm al-'Uthmani fi'l-Jazirat al-'Arabiyya: Ta'sis al-Mamlakat al-'Arabiyyat al-Sa'udiyya wa Imaratay al-Kuwayt wa Qatar. Beirut, Lebanon: Jarrous Press. ISBN 9789953587868.
Anscombe, Frederick (2017) Osmanlı Dönemi ve Sonrası Ülkelerde Devlet, İnanç ve Millet. Istanbul: Alfa Yayınları. ISBN 9786051715346.
Baraitser, Lisa (2017) Enduring time. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781350008137.
Bacon, Edwin (2017) Inside Russian politics. London, UK: Biteback Publishing. ISBN 9781785902314.
Balibrea, Mari Paz (2017) The global cultural capital. Addressing the citizen and producing the city in Barcelona. The Contemporary City. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 9781137535955.
Balibrea, Mari Paz (2017) The global cultural capital: addressing the citizen and producing the city in Barcelona. The Contemporary City. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137535955.
Biernoff, Suzannah (2017) Portraits of violence: war and the aesthetics of disfigurement. Corporealities: Discourses of Disability. Ann Arbor, U.S.: The University of Michigan Press. ISBN 9780472122691.
Bauer, Heike (2017) The Hirschfeld Archives: violence, death, and modern queer culture. Sexuality Studies. Philadelphia, U.S.: Temple University Press. ISBN 9781439914328.
Champion, Matthew (2017) The fullness of time: temporalities of the Fifteenth-Century low countries. Chicago, U.S.: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780226514796.
Constantakopoulou, Christy (2017) Aegean interactions: Delos and its networks in the Third Century. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198787273.
Cabalzar, A. and da Fonseca-Kruel, V.S. and Martins, Luciana and Milliken, W. and Nesbitt, M. (2017) Manual de etnobotânica: plantas, artefatos e conhecimentos indígenas. São Paulo / São Gabriel da Cachoeira: Instituto Socioambiental / FOIRN.
Crinson, Mark (2017) Rebuilding Babel: modern architecture and Internationalism. I.B. Tauris. ISBN 9781784537128.
Douzinas, Costas (2017) Syriza in power: reflections of an accidental politician. Polity Press. ISBN 9781509511570.
Diamantides, Marinos and Schütz, Anton (2017) Political theology: demystifying the universal. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748697779.
Eve, Martin Paul (2017) 패스워드 (Password). Object Lessons. Seoul: Playtime. ISBN 9791196166021.
Festman, J. and Porch, G. and Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2017) Raising multilingual children. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters. ISBN 9781783097579.
Frosh, Stephen (2017) Simply Freud. New York, U.S.: Simply Charly. ISBN 9781943657247.
Harwood, N. and Petrić, Bojana (2017) Experiencing Master’s supervision: perspectives of international students and their supervisors. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781138929807.
Halden, Grace (2017) Three Mile Island: the meltdown crisis and nuclear power in American popular culture. Critical Moments in American History. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781138917644.
Hamblyn, Richard (2017) Clouds: nature and culture. Earth. London, UK: Reaktion Books. ISBN 9781780237237.
Hartnell, Anna (2017) After Katrina: race, Neoliberalism, and the end of the American century. New York, U.S.: SUNY Press. ISBN 9781438464176.
Hodson, Dermot and Peterson, J. (2017) The Institutions of the European Union, 4th edition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198737414.
Hanley, Anne (2017) Medicine, knowledge and venereal diseases in England, 1886–1916. Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in Modern HIstory. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave. ISBN 9783319324548.
Kong, Camillia (2017) Mental capacity in relationship: Decision-making, dialogue, and autonomy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781316683088.
Markham, Tim (2017) Media and the experience of social change: the Arab world. Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 9781786604217.
Markham, Tim (2017) Media and everyday life. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781137477187.
Martins, L.R. (2017) The conspiracy of modern art. Historical Materialism 137. Leiden, Holland: Brill. ISBN 9789004280045.
Michels, Eckard (2017) Schahbesuch 1967. Fanal für die Studentenbewegung. Berlin, Germany: Ch.Links Verlag. ISBN 9783861539438.
McLoughlin, D. and Doyle, Nancy (2017) Psychological assessment of adults with specific performance difficulties at work. Leicester, UK: The British Psychological Society. ISBN 9781854337634.
Nead, Lynda (2017) The Tiger in the smoke: art and culture in Post-War Britain. Yale University Press. ISBN 9780300214604.
Retford, Kate (2017) The Conversation Piece: Making Modern Art in 18th-Century Britain. Yale Books. ISBN 9780300194807.
Rueger, Jan (2017) Heligoland: Britain, Germany, and the struggle for the North Sea. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199672462.
Rifkin, A. (2017) Communards and other cultural histories: essays by Adrian Rifkin. Historical Materialism Book Series 128. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. ISBN 9789004231887.
Salecl, Renata (2017) Tek na mestu (running on the spot). Kultura. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga. ISBN 9789610145752.
Swann, Julian (2017) Exile, imprisonment, or death: the politics of disgrace in Bourbon France. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198788690.
Tilley, Heather (2017) Blindness and writing: from Wordsworth to Gissing. Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781108151863.
Topp, Leslie (2017) Freedom and the cage: modern architecture and psychiatry in central Europe, 1890-1914. Buildings, Landscapes and Societies. University Park, Pennsylvania: Penn State University Press. ISBN 9780271077109.
van der Zaag, Annette-Carina (2017) Materialities of sex in a time of HIV: the promise of vaginal microbicides. Rowan and Littlefield. ISBN 9781783488414.
Wachsmann, Nikolaus (2017) KL. Une histoire des camps de concentration nazis. Paris, France: Gallimard. ISBN 9782070773022.
White, Jerry (2017) Mansions of misery: a biography of the Marshalsea debtors’ prison. London, UK: Bodley Head. ISBN 9781448191819.
Wells, Karen (2017) Childhood studies: making young subjects. Short Introductions. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. ISBN 9780745670249.
Wachsmann, Nikolaus (2017) KL. Storia dei campi di concentramento nazisti. Mondadori. ISBN 9788804676652.
Wourm, Nathalie (2017) Poètes français du 21ème siècle: Entretiens. Chiasma Series 41. Leiden, The Netherlands: Rodopi. ISBN 9789004342095.
Worthy, Benjamin (2017) The politics of freedom of information: how and why governments pass laws that threaten their power. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719097676.
Wachsmann, Nikolaus (2017) История нацистских концлагерей. Moscow, Russia: Центрполиграф. ISBN 9785227073013.
Zizek, Slavoj (2017) Incontinence of the void: economico-philosophical Spandrels. Short Circuits. MIT Press. ISBN 9780262036818.