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    Number of items: 42.


    Allen, Michael (1996) Film studies. In: Mullings, C. and Kenna, S. and Deegan, M. and Ross, S. (eds.) New Technologies for the Humanities. London, UK: Bowker Saur. ISBN 9781857391138.

    Ayres, R. and King, Peter J.H. (1996) Querying graph databases using a functional language extended with second order facilities. In: Morrison, R. and Kennedy, J.B. (eds.) Advances in Databases, 14th British National Conference on Databases: BNCOD 14. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1094. Springer, pp. 189-203. ISBN 9783540614425.

    Allen, Michael (1996) Re-viewing the film (studies) text. In: Chernaik, W. and Deegan, M. and Gibson, A. (eds.) Beyond the book: theory, culture and the politics of cyberspace. Oxford, UK: Office for Humanities Communication, Oxford University. ISBN 9781897791097.


    Baral, C. and Gabaldon, A. and Provetti, Alessandro (1996) Formalizing narratives using nested circumscription. In: Clancey, W.J. and Weld, D.S. (eds.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Eighth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference. AAI Press.

    Bowring, Bill (1996) Human rights in the transitional period, risk scenarios: an international perspective. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) International Human Rights Enforcement: The Case of the Occupied Palestinian Territories in the Transitional Period. CIHRE.

    Bowring, Bill (1996) The Kurds in Turkey: protecting the rights of a minority. In: Schulze, K. and Stokes, M. and Campbell, C. (eds.) Nationalism, Minorities and Diasporas: Identities and Rights in the Middle East. London, UK: I. B. Tauris. ISBN 9781860640520.

    Barone, Juliana (1996) Raffaello Sanzio. In: Marques, L. (ed.) Corpus da Arte Italiana em Coleções Brasileiras 1250-1950. São Paulo, Brazil: Museu De Arte De São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand, pp. 55-59. ISBN 9788572290043.

    Bristow, Charlie S. (1996) Reconstructing fluvial channel morphology from sedimentary sequences. In: Carling, P. and Dawson, M. (eds.) Advances in Fluvial Dynamics and Stratigraphy. Wiley, pp. 351-371. ISBN 9780471953302.

    Baral, C. and Gabaldon, A. and Provetti, Alessandro (1996) Value minimization in circumscription. In: Carlucci Aiello, L. and Doyle, J. and Shapiro, S.C. (eds.) Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 474-481.


    Coombes, Annie E. (1996) Ethnography, popular culture and institutional power: narratives of Benin culture in the British Museum, 1897-1992. In: Wright, G. (ed.) The Formation of National Collections of Art and Archaeology. Studies in the history of art (Washington, D.C.) 47. Washington, U.S.: National Gallery of Art, Washington, pp. 143-157. ISBN 9780300077186.

    Cohen, Phil and Qureshi, Tarek and Toon, I. (1996) It will be all white on the night: narratives of nativism on the Isle Of Dogs. In: Butler, T. and Rustin, M. (eds.) Rising in the East: The Regeneration of East London. Dagenham, UK: Lawrence and Wishart. ISBN 0853158444.

    Cook, Matt (1996) Words written without any stopping: Derek Jarman's written work. In: Wollen, R. (ed.) Derek Jarman: A Portrait. London, UK: Thames and Hudson. ISBN 9780500017234.


    Dewaele, Jean-Marc (1996) Effet de l'intensité de l'instruction formelle sur l'interlangue orale française de locuteurs néerlandophones. In: Myles, F. and Engel, D. (eds.) Teaching Grammar: Perspectives in Higher Education. AFLS, pp. 122-134. ISBN 9781874016540.

    Dewaele, Jean-Marc (1996) How to measure formality of speech? A model of synchronic variation. In: Sajavaara, K. and Fairweather, C. (eds.) Approaches to second language acquisition. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, pp. 119-133. ISBN 9789513407131.

    Douzinas, Costas (1996) Justice and human rights in postmodernity. In: Gearty, C. and Tomkins, A. (eds.) Understanding Human Rights. Mansell. ISBN 9781855676091.


    Everson, Michelle (1996) Independent agencies. In: Winter, G. (ed.) Sources and Categories of European Union Law. Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. ISBN

    Everson, Michelle (1996) Women and EU citizenship. In: Hervey, T.K. and O'Keeffe, D.O. (eds.) Sex Equality Law in the European Union. Wiley Blackwell. ISBN 9780471964360.

    Everson, Michelle (1996) The federal supervisory authority for insurance. In: Majone, G. (ed.) Regulating Europe. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 202-228. ISBN 9780415142960.

    Eimer, Martin (1996) The lateralized readiness potential as an on-line measure of automatic response activation in S-R compatibility situations. In: Hommel, B. and Prinz, W. (eds.) Theoretical issues in stimulus-response compatibility. Advances in Psychology 118. Elsevier, pp. 51-73. ISBN 9780080542768.

    Edwards, Catharine (1996) The roads to Rome. In: Liversidge, M.J.H. (ed.) Imagining Rome: British artists and Rome in the nineteenth century. London, UK: Merrell Holberton Publishers. ISBN 9781858940298.


    Fracchia, Carmen (1996) Cristofano dell' Altissimo. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) The Macmillan Dictionary of Art. London, UK: Macmillan.


    Haldar, Piyel (1996) Acoustic justice. In: Bentley, L. and Flynn, L. (eds.) Law and the Senses: Sensational Jurisprudence. London, UK: Pluto Press, pp. 123-136. ISBN 9780745310695.


    Jones, Russell (1996) Dylan Thomas's Wales. In: Bradbury, M. (ed.) The Atlas of Literature. De Agostini Editions. ISBN 9781899883684.


    King, Vanessa (1996) Ealdred, Archbishop of York: the Worcester years. In: Harper-Bill, C. (ed.) Anglo-Norman Studies. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer. ISBN 9780851156668.

    Kidd, Jennifer M. (1996) The career counselling interview. In: Watts, A.G. and Law, B. and Killeen, J. and Kidd, Jennifer M. and Hawthorn, R. (eds.) Rethinking Careers Education and Guidance: Theory, Policy and Practice. London: Routledge, pp. 189-209. ISBN 0415139759.


    Lorch, Marjorie (1996) Laterality and written language production: writing with the right hand in an aphasic agraphic hemiplegic patient. In: Powell, T.W. (ed.) Pathologies of Speech and Language: Contributions of Clinical Phonetics & Linguistics. New Orleans, U.S.: International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, pp. 297-304.

    Lovatt Smith, P.F. and Stokes, R.B. and Carter, A. and Bristow, Charlie S. (1996) Mid-Cretaceous inversion in the Northern Khorat Plateau of Lao PDR and Thailand. In: Hall, R. and Blundell, D.J. (eds.) Tectonic Evolution of Southeast Asia. London, UK: The Geological Society, pp. 233-247. ISBN 9781897799529.

    Luckhurst, Roger (1996) (Touching on) tele-technology. In: Brannigan, J. and Robbins, R. and Wolfreys, J. (eds.) Applying: To Derrida. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 161-173. ISBN 9781349250776.

    Lovenduski, Joni (1996) The integration of feminism into west European politics. In: Rhodes, M. and Heywood, P. and Wright, V. (eds.) Developments in West European Politics. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780333651285.


    Murawska-Muthesius, Kasia (1996) Museums and national identity in Poland, 1800-1956. In: Kwilecka, A. and Ames-Lewis, F. (eds.) Artist and National Identity in Poland and England. London, UK: Birkbeck University, pp. 157-171.

    Magoulas, George and Vrahatis, M.N. and Androulakis, G.S. (1996) A new method in neural network supervised training with imprecision. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Proceedings of Third International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems: ICECS 1996. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 287-290. ISBN 078033650X.

    Milner, Andrew (1996) A revision of the temnospondyl amphibians from the Upper Carboniferous of Joggins, Nova Scotia. In: Milner, Andrew (ed.) Studies on Carboniferous and Permian vertebrates. The Palaeontological Association, pp. 81-103. ISBN 9780901702555.


    Phelps, E.S. and Zoega, Gylfi (1996) Do the main structural forces of the 1970s and 1980s account for the 1990s slump as well? In: Baldassari, M. (ed.) The 1990s Slump: Causes and Cures. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 317-338. ISBN 9781349246632.

    Pick, Daniel (1996) Stories of the eye. In: Porter, R. (ed.) Rewriting the Self. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 186-202. ISBN 9780415142809.


    Roseneil, Sasha and Mann, K. (1996) Unpalatable choices and inadequate families: lone mothers and the underclass debate. In: Bortolaia Silva, E. (ed.) Good Enough Mothering? Feminist Perspectives on Lone Motherhood. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 191-210. ISBN 9780415128902.


    Smith, Jonathan A. (1996) Evolving issues for qualitative psychology. In: Richardson, J. (ed.) Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods. Leicester, UK: British Psychological Society, pp. 189-202. ISBN 9781854332042.

    Singer, Peter N. (1996) Notes on Galen's Hippocrates. In: Vegetti, M. and Gastaldi, S. (eds.) Studi di storia della medicina antica e medievale. La Nuova Italia, pp. 66-76. ISBN 9788822116833.


    Thomas, Michael S.C. and Mareschal, Denis (1996) A connectionist model of metaphor by pattern completion. In: Cottrell, G.W. (ed.) Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. London, UK: Psychology Press, Routledge, pp. 696-701. ISBN 9781138876637.

    Teevan, Colin (1996) A barbarian activity. In: Johnston, D. (ed.) Stages of Translation. Bath, UK: Absolute Classics, pp. 95-109. ISBN 9780948230754.

    Trentmann, Frank (1996) The strange death of free trade: the erosion of 'liberal consensus' in Great Britain, c.1903-32. In: Biagini, E. (ed.) Citizenship and Community: Liberals, Radicals and Collective Identities in the British Isles, 1865-1931. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 219-250. ISBN 9780521893602.


    Wright, Tony (1996) Reinventing democracy? In: Hirst, P. and Khilnani, S. (eds.) Reinventing Democracy. London, UK: Blackwell. ISBN 9780631202633.


    Zoega, Gylfi and Fitoussi, J.-P. (1996) Wage distribution and unemployment. In: Baldassari, M. (ed.) The 1990s Slump: Causes and Cures. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 97-132. ISBN 9781349246632.

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