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    Number of items: 61.

    Sibert, Anne (2008) Eligible central bank collateral in times of serious financial stress. Other. European Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policies, Brussels, Belgium.

    Efthyvoulou, Georgios (2008) Political cycles in a small open economy and the effect of economic integration: evidence from Cyprus. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

    Sylva, K. and Melhuish, Edward C. and Sammons, P. and Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Taggart, B. (2008) Final Report from the Primary phase: pre-school, school and family influences on children’s development during Key Stage 2 (7-11). Project Report. DCSF Publications, Nottingham, UK.

    Skirbekk, V. and Goujon, A. and Kaufmann, Eric P. (2008) Secularism, fundamentalism or Catholicism: the religious composition of the United States to 2043. Working Paper. Vienna Institute of Demography, Vienna, Austria.

    Melhuish, Edward C. and Belsky, Jay and Malin, A. (2008) An investigation of the relationship between financial capability and psychological well-being in mothers of young children in poor areas in England. Project Report. Financial Services Authority, London, UK.

    Posocco, Silvia (2008) Globalization, governmentality and failure through the prism of Petén, Guatemala. Working Paper. London School of Economics, London, UK.

    Barlow, J. and Schrader McMillan, A. and Kirkpatrick, S. and Ghate, D. and Smith, M. and Barnes, Jacqueline (2008) Health-led parenting interventions in pregnancy and early years. Project Report. Department of Education, London, UK.

    Walters, Geoff (2008) Bidding for major sporting events: key issues and challenges faced by sports governing bodies in the UK. Working Paper. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.

    Sibert, Anne (2008) How much inevitable US-euro area interdependence is there in monetary policy? Other. European Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policies, Brussels, Belgium.

    Di Pace, Federico (2008) Revisiting the comovement puzzle: the input-output structure as an additional solution. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

    Theophilopoulou, Angeliki (2008) The impact of structural Pension reforms on the macroeconomic performance: an empirical analysis. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

    Sammons, P. and Sylva, K. and Melhuish, Edward C. and Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Taggart, B. and Hunt, S. (2008) Influences on children’s attainment and progress in Key Stage 2: cognitive outcomes in Year 6. Project Report. DCSF Publications, Nottingham, UK.

    Sammons, P. and Sylva, K. and Melhuish, Edward C. and Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Taggart, B. (2008) Influences on children’s development and progress in Key Stage 2: social/behavioural outcomes in Year 6. Project Report. DCSF Publications, Nottingham, UK.

    Bhulai, S. and Brooms, Anthony C. (2008) Approximate expected delay costs for call and contact centre models under light traffic regimes. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

    Barnes, Jacqueline and Ball, M. and Meadows, P. and Mcleish, J. and Belsky, Jay (2008) Nurse-family partnership: first year pilot sites implementation in England. Pregnancy and the post-partum period. Project Report. Department of Education, London, UK.

    Kiyotaki, Fumi (2008) Promotion tournaments with multiple tasks. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

    McSweeney, Tim and Turnbull, Paul J. and Hough, Mike (2008) Tackling drug markets and distribution networks in the UK: a review of the recent literature. Project Report. Institute for Criminal Policy Research, London, UK.

    Conway, Neil and Deakin, S. and Konzelmann, Suzanne J. and Petit, H. and Rebérioux, A. and Wilkinson, F. (2008) The influence of stock market listing on human resource management: evidence for France and Britain. Working Paper. Cambridge Centre for Business Research, Cambridge, UK.

    Sibert, Anne (2008) Price stability and the lender of last resort. Other. European Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policies, Brussels, Belgium.

    Hough, Mike and Hunter, G. and Jacobson, Jessica and Cossalter, S. (2008) The impact of the Licensing Act 2003 on levels of crime and disorder: an evaluation. Project Report. The Home Office, London, UK.

    Sammons, P. and Sylva, K. and Melhuish, Edward C. and Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Taggart, B. and Barreau, S. and Grabbe, Y. (2008) The influence of school and teaching quality on children’s progress in primary school. Project Report. Department For Education, London, UK.

    McSweeney, Tim and Turnbull, Paul J. and Hough, Mike (2008) The treatment and supervision of drug-dependent offenders: a review of the literature prepared for the UK Drug Policy Commission. Project Report. Institute for Criminal Policy Research, London, UK.

    Catao, L.A.V. and Fostel, A. and Kapur, Sandeep (2008) Persistent gaps and default traps. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

    Salter, K. and Sullivan, Sian (2008) ‘Shell to Sea’ in Ireland: building social movement potency. Working Paper. LSE Non-Governmental Public Action Programme, London, UK.

    Hough, Mike and Roberts, J.V. and Jacobson, Jessica (2008) Attitudes to the sentencing of offences involving death by driving. Project Report. Sentencing Advisory Panel, London, UK.

    Cartea, Alvaro and Figueroa, M.G. and Geman, Hélyette (2008) Modelling electricity prices with forward looking capacity constraints. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

    Di Cagno, D. and Sciubba, Emanuela (2008) Social networks and trust: not the experimental evidence you may expect. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

    Leka, S. and Hassard, Juliet and Cox, Tom (2008) Best practice in work-related stress management interventions. Documentation. PRIMA-EF Consortium, Rome, Italy.

    Keith, S. and McAuslan, Patrick and Knight, R. and Lindsay, J. and Munro-Faure, P. and Palmer, D. and Spannenberg, L. (2008) Compulsory acquisition of land and compensation. Project Report. United Nations Food & Agriculture Organisation, Rome, Italy.

    Hough, Mike and Jacobson, Jessica (2008) Creating a Sentencing Commission for England and Wales: an opportunity to address the prisons crisis. Project Report. Prison Reform Trust, London, UK.

    Xenakis, Sappho (2008) Domestic elite perceptions of British corruption. Discussion Paper. University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany.

    Sammons, P. and Sylva, K. and Melhuish, Edward C. and Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Taggart, B. and Jelicic, H. and Smees, R. and Barreau, S. and Grabbe, Y. (2008) Effective pre-school and primary education 3-11 project (EPPE 3-11) pupils' self-perceptions and views of primary school in year 5. Project Report. DCSF, Nottingham, UK.

    Sammons, P. and Sylva, K. and Melhuish, Edward C. and Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Taggart, B. and Hunt, S. and Jelicic, H. (2008) Effective pre-school and primary education 3-11 project (EPPE 3-11): influences on children's cognitive and social development in year 6. Project Report. Department of Children, Schools and Families, Nottingham, UK.

    Evangelou, M. and Taggart, B. and Sylva, K. and Melhuish, Edward C. and Sammons, P. and Siraj-Blatchford, I. (2008) Effective pre-school, primary and secondary education 3-14 project (EPPSE 3-14): what makes a successful transition from primary to secondary school? Project Brief. Project Report. DCSF, Nottingham, UK.

    Evangelou, M. and Taggart, B. and Sylva, K. and Melhuish, Edward C. and Sammons, P. and Siraj-Blatchford, I. (2008) Effective pre-school, primary and secondary education 3-14 project (EPPSE 3-14): what makes a successful transition from primary to secondary school? Project Report. Project Report. DCSF, Nottingham, UK.

    Sibert, Anne (2008) Eligible central bank collateral in times of serious financial distress. Other. European Parliament, Brussels.

    Sammons, P. and Sylva, K. and Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Taggart, B. and Smees, R. and Melhuish, Edward C. (2008) Exploring pupils' views of primary school in Year 5. Project Report. Institute of Education, London, UK.

    Leka, S. and Cox, Tom (2008) Guidance on the European Framework for Psychosocial Risk Management. Project Report. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.

    Sammons, P. and Sylva, K. and Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Taggart, B. and Smees, R. and Melhuish, Edward C. (2008) Influences on pupils' self-perceptions in primary school: enjoyment of school,anxiety and isolation, and self-image in year 5. Project Report. Institute of Education, London, UK.

    Yarker, Jo and Lewis, Rachel and Donaldson-Feilder, E. (2008) Management competencies for preventing and reducing stress at work: identifying the management behaviours necessary to implement the management standards: phase two. Project Report. Health and Safety Executive, Bootle, U.K..

    Frenz, Marion and Lambert, Ray (2008) Mapping closed and open innovation practices: a comparison across nine countries based on micro-level innovation survey data. Working Paper. Dynamics of Institutions of Markets in Europe.

    Zollner, Barbara (2008) Muslim theologians and scholars: moderate and progressive voices. Project Report. Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London, UK.

    Jacobson, Jessica (2008) No one knows: police responses to suspects learning disabilities and learning difficulties: a review of policy and practice. Project Report. Prison Reform Trust, London, UK.

    Archibugi, Daniele (2008) Opening to the world: International cooperation in science and technology. Report of the ERA Expert Group. Project Report. European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Brussels, Belgium.

    Miles, Anne (2008) Perceived severity. Technical Report. National Cancer Institute.

    Xenakis, Sappho (2008) Perceptions of corruption in the United Kingdom: a content analysis of interviews from politics, judiciary, police, media, civil society and economy. Project Report. University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany.

    Leka, S. and Cox, Tom (2008) Psychosocial risk management - European framework: enterprise level. Documentation. PRIMA-EF Consortium, Rome, Italy.

    Leka, S. and Cox, Tom and Zwetsloot, G. (2008) Psychosocial risk management – European framework: key aspects. Documentation. PRIMA-EF Consortium, Rome, Italy.

    Sammons, P. and Sylva, K. and Melhuish, Edward C. and Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Taggart, B. and Jelicic, H. and Smees, R. and Barreau, S. and Grabbe, Y. (2008) Pupils' self-perceptions and views of primary school in year 5. Other. Department For Education, London, UK.

    Sammons, P. and Sylva, K. and Melhuish, Edward C. and Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Taggart, B. and Jelicic, H. and Barreau, S. and Grabbe, Y. and Smees, R. (2008) Relationships between pupils’ self-perceptions, views of primary school and their development in Year 5. Project Report. Institute of Education, London, UK.

    Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2008) State-of-science review: SR-D13, trajectories of development and learning difficulties. Technical Report. Government Office for Science, London, UK.

    Edgar, K. and Jacobson, Jessica and Biggar, K. (2008) Time well spent: a practical guide to active citizenship and volunteering in prison. Project Report. Prison Reform Trust, London, UK.

    Melhuish, Edward C. and Sammons, P. and Sylva, K. and Taggart, B. and Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Hunt, S. and Barreau, S. and Welcomme, W. (2008) Tracking pupil mobility over the pre-school and primary school period: evidence from EPPE 3-11. Project Report. Institute of Education, London, UK.

    Ereaut, G. and Whiting, Rebecca (2008) What do we mean by 'wellbeing'? and why might it matter? Other. Department for Children, Schools and Families.

    Evangelou, M. and Taggart, B. and Sylva, K. and Melhuish, Edward C. and Sammons, P. and Siraj-Blatchford, I. (2008) What makes a successful transition from primary to secondary school? Project Report. The Department for Children, Schools and Families, London, UK.

    Tolentino, Paz Estrella (2008) The determinants of the outward foreign direct investment of China and India: whither the home country? Working Paper. United Nations University-Maastricht Economic and Social Research and Training Centre on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT).

    Melhuish, Edward C. and Belsky, Jay and Leyland, A.H. (2008) The impact of Sure Start local programmes on three-year-olds and their families. Project Report. Her Majesty’s Printer and Controller of HMSO, London, UK.

    Andersen, Birgitte and Frenz, Marion (2008) The impact of music downloads and P2P file-sharing on the purchase of music in Canada. Working Paper. Dynamics of Institutions of Markets in Europe.

    Sibert, Anne (2008) The international role of the Euro. Other. European Parliament, Brussels.

    Hunter, Michael and Anstey, P. (2008) The text of Robert Boyle's 'Designe about natural history'. Other. Robert Boyle Project, Birkbeck, London, UK.

    Xenakis, Sappho (2008) The view from above: interviews with corruption experts in the UK. Discussion Paper. University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany.

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