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    Number of items: 4.

    5 March 2017

    Jones, G. and Lane, C.S. and Brauer, A. and Davies, S.M. and de Bruijn, R. and Engels, Stefan and Haliuc, A. and Hoek, W.Z. and Merkt, J. and Sachse, D. and Turner, F. and Wagner-Cremer, F. (2017) The Lateglacial to early Holocene tephrochronological record from Lake Haemelsee, Germany: a key site within the European tephra framework. Boreas 47 (1), pp. 28-40. ISSN 0300-9483.

    5 January 2020

    Reinig, F. and Cherubini, P. and Engels, Stefan and Esper, J. and Guidobaldi, G. and Joris, O. and Lane, C.S. and Nievergelt, D. and Oppenheimer, C. and Park, C. and Pfanz, H. and Riede, F. and Schmincke, H.-U. and Street, M. and Wacker, L. and Buentgen, U. (2020) Towards a dendrochronologically refined date of the Laacher See Eruption. Quaternary Science Reviews 229 , p. 106128. ISSN 0277-3791.

    9 June 2022

    Engels, Stefan and Lane, C.S. and Haliuc, A. and Hoek, W.Z. and Muschitiello, F. and Baneschi, I. and Bouwman, A. and Bronk Ramsey, C. and Collins, J. and de Bruijn, R. and Heiri, O. and Hubay, K. and Jones, G. and Laug, A. and Merkt, J. and Mueller, M. and Peters, T. and Peterse, F. and Staff, R.A. and ter Schure, A.T.M. and Turner, F. and van den Bos, V. and Wagner-Cremer, R. (2022) Synchronous vegetation response to the last glacial-interglacial transition in northwest Europe. Communications Earth & Environment 3 , p. 130. ISSN 2662-4435.

    1 May 2024

    Engels, Stefan and Lane, C.S. and Hoek, W.Z. and Baneschi, I. and Bouwman, A. and Brogan, E. and Bronk Ramsey, C. and Collins, J. and de Bruijn, R. and Haliuc, A. and Heiri, O. and Hubay, K. and Jones, G. and Jones, V. and Laug, A. and Merkt, J. and Muschitiello, F. and Müller, M. and Peters, T. and Peterse, F. and Pueschel, A. and Staff, R.A. and ter Schure, A. and Turner, F. and van den Bos, V. and Wagner-Cremer, F. (2024) Biodiversity responses to Lateglacial climate change in the subdecadally-resolved record of Lake Hämelsee (Germany). Quaternary Science Reviews 331 (108634), ISSN 0277-3791.

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