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Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2018) GMO risks, food security, climate change and the entrenchment of Neo-Liberal legal narratives. Transnational Legal Theory 9 (3-4), pp. 302-315. ISSN 2041-4005.
1 August 2018
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2018) The fine line between procedural and substantive review in cases involving complex technical-scientific evaluations: Bilbaína. Common Market Law Review 55 (4), pp. 1217-1250. ISSN 0165-0750.
1 October 2018
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2018) The glyphosate saga and the fading democratic legitimacy of European Union risk regulation. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 25 (5), pp. 582-606. ISSN 1023-263X.
August 2019
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2019) GMO authorisations and The Aarhus Regulation: paving the way for precautionary GMO governance? Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 26 (4), pp. 505-523. ISSN 1023-263X.
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2020) A threefold blow to environmental public interest litigation. European Law Review 45 (3), pp. 324-347. ISSN 0307-5400.
1 March 2020
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2020) CETA and the external autonomy of The EU legal order: risk regulation as a test. Legal Issues of Economic Integration 47 (1), pp. 43-70. ISSN 1566-6573.
3 March 2020
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2020) GMO risks, food security, climate change and the entrenchment of Neo-Liberal legal narratives. In: Webster, E. and Gupta, A. and Ambros, R. (eds.) Transnational Food Security. Routledge. ISBN 9780367465643.
June 2020
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2020) The perfect storm: GMO governance and The EU technocratic turn. In: Eliantonio, M. and Peeters, M. (eds.) Research Handbook on EU Environmental Law. Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781788970662. (In Press)
December 2020
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2020) Acknowledging the centrality of the precautionary principle in judicial review of EU risk regulation: why it matters. Common Market Law Review 57 (6), pp. 1773-1818. ISSN 0165-0750.
17 March 2021
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2021) Judicial review of compliance with the precautionary principle from Paraquat to Blaise: “Quantitative Thresholds,” risk assessment, and the gap between regulation and regulatory implementation. German Law Journal 22 (2), pp. 184-215. ISSN 2071-8322.
21 May 2021
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2021) The Post-Modern normative anxiety of Transnational Legal Studies. In: Zumbansen, P. (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Transnational Law. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780197547410. (In Press)
November 2021
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2021) From extra-territorial leverage and transnational environmental protection to distortions of competition: the level playing field in the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement. Journal of Environmental Law 33 (3), pp. 611-637. ISSN 0952-8873.
December 2021
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2021) Balancing public health and environmental protection and economic stakes? Bayer CropScience and the court’s defence of the EU Socially Acceptable Risk Approach. Common Market Law Review 58 (6), pp. 1845-1874. ISSN 0165-0750.
2 December 2021
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2021) Transnational narratives and regulation of GMO risks. Hart Publishing. ISBN 9781509937387.
23 December 2021
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2021) Access to the EU courts in environmental and public health cases and the reform of the Aarhus Regulation: systemic vision, pragmatism, and a happy ending. Yearbook of European Law 40 , pp. 230-264. ISSN 0263-3264.
February 2022
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2022) Submission to the House of Commons International Trade Committee, Trade and the Environment Inquiry. House of Commons International Trade Committee, London, UK.
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2022) Submission to the House of Lords International Agreements Committee, UK – Australia Trade Negotiations. House of Lords International Agreements Committee, London, UK.
10 May 2022
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2022) Practical obstacles and structural legal constraints in the adoption of ‘defensive’ policies: comparing the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and the US Proposal for a Border Carbon Adjustment. Legal Studies , ISSN 0261-3875.
24 June 2022
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2022) Carbon border measures, environmental effectiveness and WTO law compatibility: is there a way forward for the steel and aluminium climate club? World Trade Review , ISSN 1474-7456.
29 June 2022
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2022) Transatlantic divergencies in the regulation of uncertain risks: co-production, normative frames and ideal evidence-based and socially acceptable risk approaches. German Law Journal 23 (5), pp. 769-799. ISSN 2071-8322.
3 July 2022
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2022) Guest post: full carbon pricing, average carbon intensity and the Global Steel and Aluminium Arrangement: in conversation with Bixuan Xu and Aaron Cosbey. International Economic Law and Policy Blog.
22 July 2022
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2022) Border tax adjustments and the WTO Law compatibility of ETS/CBAM export rebates: Aut Simul Stabunt, Aut Simul Cadent. Elsevier, SSRN.
11 August 2022
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2022) After Elmau: input to the policy debate on climate clubs. Social Science Research Network.
December 2022
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2022) Export rebates and the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: WTO law and environmental objections. Journal of World Trade 46 (6), pp. 963-984. ISSN 1011-6702.
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2023) Submission to the House of Commons International Trade Committee, CPTPP Accession Inquiry. House of Commons International Trade Committee. (Submitted)
March 2023
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2023) The Glyphosate saga continues: ‘Dissenting’ member states and the European way forward. Transnational Environmental Law 12 (1), pp. 200-224. ISSN 2047-1025.
11 April 2023
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2023) The long and winding road towards the creation of climate clubs: transatlantic negotiations, potential regulatory models and challenges ahead. Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law , ISSN 2050-0394.
15 May 2023
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2023) Anti-deforestation npr-PPMs and carbon border measures: thinking about the chapeau of article XX GATT in times of climate crisis. Journal of International Economic Law , ISSN 1369-3034.
1 June 2023
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2023) Environmental unilateralism and the Chapeau of Article XX GATT: the ‘Line of Equilibrium’ and the question of ‘Differently Situated’ countries. Journal of World Trade 57 (5), pp. 709-730. ISSN 1011-6702.
7 June 2023
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2023) A fresh look at the Aim-and-Effects debate: EU – Palm Oil and the centrality of the Chapeau of Article XX GATT. Trade, Law and Development , ISSN 0976-2329. (In Press)
19 June 2023
Leonelli, Giulia Claudia (2023) Consultation: addressing carbon leakage risk to support decarbonisation (Department for Energy Security & Net-Zero; HM Treasury). Department for Energy Security & Net-Zero; HM Treasury. (Submitted)