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    Number of items: 55.


    Hartigan, Alex and Richards, Anne (2020) Individual differences in processing emotional images after reading disgusting and neutral sentences. Neuropsychologia 145 (106580), ISSN 0028-3932.

    Bretherton, P.M. and Eysenck, M.W. and Richards, Anne and Holmes, A. (2020) Target and distractor processing and the influence of load on the allocation of attention to task-irrelevant threat. Neuropsychologia 145 (106491), ISSN 0028-3932.

    Berger, Natalie and Richards, Anne and Davelaar, Eddy J. (2019) Preserved proactive control in ageing: a Stroop Study with emotional faces vs. words. Frontiers in Psychology 10 , p. 1906. ISSN 1664-1078.

    Papera, Massimiliano and Richards, Anne and van Geert, P. and Valentini, C. (2019) Development of second order Theory of Mind: assessment of environmental influences using a dynamic system approach. International Journal of Behavioral Development 43 (3), pp. 245-254. ISSN 0165-0254.

    Berger, Natalie and Richards, Anne and Davelaar, Eddy J. (2019) Delayed reconfiguration of a non-emotional task set through reactivation of an emotional task set in task switching: an ageing study. Cognition and Emotion 33 (7), pp. 1370-1386. ISSN 1464-0600.

    Berger, Natalie and Richards, Anne and Davelaar, Eddy J. (2018) Differential effects of angry faces on working memory updating in younger and older adults. Psychology and Aging 33 (4), pp. 667-673. ISSN 0882-7974.

    Berger, Natalie and Richards, Anne and Davelaar, Eddy J. (2017) Focusing on emotional faces improves working memory performance in older adults. Frontiers in Psychology 15 (8), p. 1565. ISSN 1664-1078.

    Berger, Natalie and Richards, Anne and Davelaar, Eddy J. (2017) When emotions matter: focusing on emotion improves working memory updating in older adults. Frontiers in Psychology 8 , ISSN 1664-1078.

    Papera, Massimiliano and Richards, Anne (2017) Interplay between supramodal attentional control and capacity limits in the low-level visual processors modulate the tendency to inattention. Consciousness and Cognition 54 , pp. 72-88. ISSN 1053-8100.

    Hartigan, Alex and Richards, Anne (2017) Disgust exposure and explicit emotional appraisal enhance the LPP in response to disgusted facial expressions. Social Neuroscience 12 (4), pp. 458-467. ISSN 1747-0919.

    Papera, Massimiliano and Richards, Anne (2016) Attentional Gain and Processing Capacity Limits Predict the Propensity to Neglect Unexpected Visual Stimuli. Psychophysiology 55 (3), pp. 639-649. ISSN 0048-5772.

    Owens, Max J. and Derakhshan, Nazanin and Richards, Anne (2015) Trait susceptibility to worry modulates the effects of cognitive load on cognitive control: an ERP study. Emotion 15 (5), pp. 544-549. ISSN 1528-3542.

    Jaensch, M. and van den Hurk, W. and Dzhelyova, M. and Hahn, A.C. and Perrett, D.I. and Richards, Anne and Smith, Marie L. (2014) Don’t look back in anger: the rewarding value of a female face is discounted by an angry expression. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 40 (6), pp. 2101-2105. ISSN 0096-1523.

    Richards, Anne and Hannon, Emily and Vohra, Shafina and Golan, Jolanta (2014) Tales of the unexpected: attentional awareness; goal-relevance and prior exposure to an unexpected change. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research and Practice 1 (3), pp. 284-291. ISSN 2326-5523.

    Papera, Massimiliano and Cooper, Richard P. and Richards, Anne (2014) Artificially created stimuli produced by a genetic algorithm using a saliency model as its fitness function show that Inattentional Blindness modulates performance in a pop-out visual search paradigm. Vision Research 97 , pp. 31-44. ISSN 0042-6989.

    Richards, Anne and Gunnarsson Hellgren, M. and French, C.C. (2014) Inattentional blindness, absorption, working memory capacity, and paranormal belief. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research and Practice 1 (1), pp. 60-69. ISSN 2326-5523.

    Richards, Anne and Holmes, A. and Pell, Philip J. and Bethell, E. (2013) Adapting effects of emotional expression in anxiety: evidence for an enhanced late positive potential. Social Neuroscience 8 (6), pp. 650-664. ISSN 1747-0919.

    Berggren, Nick and Richards, Anne and Taylor, J. and Derakhshan, Nazanin (2013) Affective attention under cognitive load: reduced emotional biases but emergent anxiety-related costs to inhibitory control. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7 , p. 188. ISSN 1662-5161.

    Pell, Philip J. and Richards, Anne (2013) Overlapping facial expression representations are identity-dependent. Vision Research 79 , pp. 1-7. ISSN 0042-6989.

    Blanchette, I. and Richards, Anne (2013) Is emotional stroop interference linked to affective responses? Evidence from skin conductance and facial Electromyography. Emotion 13 (1), pp. 129-138. ISSN 1528-3542.

    Richards, Anne and Hannon, Emily M. and Vitkovich, M. (2012) Distracted by distractors: eye movements in a dynamic inattentional blindness task. Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1), pp. 170-176. ISSN 1053-8100.

    Pell, Philip J. and Richards, Anne (2011) Cross-emotion facial expression aftereffects. Vision Research 51 (7), pp. 1889-1896. ISSN 0042-6989.

    Richards, Anne and Bethell, Emily and Pell, Philip J. and Holmes, A. (2010) Adaptation effects of emotional expressions in anxiety: evidence for an enhanced late positive potential. International Journal of Psychophysiology 77 (3), pp. 234-235. ISSN 0167-8760.

    Blanchette, I. and Richards, Anne (2010) The influence of affect on higher level cognition: a review of research on interpretation, judgement, decision making and reasoning. Cognition and Emotion 24 (4), pp. 561-595. ISSN 0269-9931.

    Hannon, Emily M. and Richards, Anne (2010) Is inattentional blindness related to individual differences in visual working memory capacity or executive control functioning? Perception 39 (3), pp. 309-319. ISSN 0301-0066.

    Richards, Anne and Hannon, Emily M. and Derakhshan, Nazanin (2010) Predicting and manipulating the incidence of inattentional blindness. Psychological Research 74 (6), pp. 513-523. ISSN 0340-0727.

    Hadwin, J.A. and Donnelly, N. and Richards, Anne and French, C.C. and Patel, U. (2009) Childhood anxiety and attention to emotion faces in a modified stroop task. British Journal of Developmental Psychology 27 (2), pp. 487-494. ISSN 0261-510x.

    Ansari, T.L. and Derakhshan, Nazanin and Richards, Anne (2008) Effects of anxiety on task switching: evidence from the mixed antisaccade task. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience 8 (3), pp. 229-238. ISSN 1530-7026.

    Blanchette, I. and Richards, Anne and Melnyk, L. and Lavda, A. (2007) Reasoning about emotional contents following shocking terrorist attacks: a tale of three cities. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 13 (1), 47 - 56. ISSN 1076-898X.

    Blanchette, I. and Richards, Anne and Cross, A. (2007) Anxiety and the interpretation of ambiguous facial expressions: the influence of contextual cues. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (8), pp. 1101-1115. ISSN 1747-0218.

    Richards, Anne and Blanchette, I. and Munjiza, J. (2007) Contextual influences in the resolution of ambiguity in anxiety. Cognition and Emotion 21 (4), pp. 879-890. ISSN 0269-9931.

    Richards, Anne and French, C.C. and Nash, G. and Hadwin, J. and Donnelly, N. (2007) A comparison of selective attention and facial processing biases in typically developing children who are high and low in self-reported trait anxiety. Development and Psychopathology 19 (2), pp. 481-495. ISSN 0954-5794.

    Holmes, Amanda and Richards, Anne and Green, Simon (2006) Anxiety and sensitivity to eye gaze in emotional faces. Brain and Cognition 60 (3), pp. 282-294. ISSN 0278-2626.

    Richards, Anne and Blanchette, I. (2004) Independent manipulation of emotion in an emotional Stroop task using classical conditioning. Emotion 4 (3), pp. 275-281. ISSN 1528-3542.

    Blanchette, I. and Richards, Anne (2004) Reasoning about emotional and neutral materials: is logic affected by emotion? Psychological Science 15 (11), pp. 745-752. ISSN 0956-7976.

    Keogh, E. and Bond, F.W. and French, C.C. and Richards, Anne and Davis, R. (2004) Test anxiety, susceptibility to distraction and examination performance. Anxiety, Stress & Coping 17 (3), pp. 241-252. ISSN 1061-5806.

    Blanchette, I. and Richards, Anne (2003) Anxiety and the interpretation of ambiguous information: beyond the emotion-congruent effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 132 (2), pp. 294-309. ISSN 0096-3445.

    Hadwin, J.A. and Donnelly, N. and French, C.C. and Richards, Anne and Watts, A. and Daley, D. (2003) The influence of children's self-report trait anxiety and depression on visual search for emotional faces. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 44 (3), pp. 432-444. ISSN 1469-7610.

    Richards, Anne and French, C.C. and Calder, A.J. and Webb, B. and Fox, R. and Young, A.W. (2002) Anxiety-related bias in the classification of emotionally ambiguous facial expressions. Emotion 2 (3), pp. 273-287. ISSN 1528-3542.

    Vitkovitch, M. and Bishop, S. and Dancey, C. and Richards, Anne (2002) Stroop interference and negative priming in patients with multiple sclerosis. Neuropsychologia 40 (9), pp. 1570-1576. ISSN 0028-3932.

    Richards, Anne and Richards, L.C. and McGeeney, A. (2000) Anxiety-related stroop interference in adolescents. The Journal of General Psychology 127 (3), pp. 327-333. ISSN 0022-1309.

    Richards, Anne and French, C.C. and Keogh, E. and Carter, C. (2000) Test-anxiety, inferential reasoning and working memory load. Anxiety, Stress & Coping 13 (1), pp. 87-109. ISSN 1061-5806.

    Richards, Anne and French, C.C. and Adams, C. and Eldridge, M. and Papadopoulou, E. (1999) Implicit memory and anxiety: perceptual identification of emotional stimuli. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 11 (1), pp. 67-86. ISSN 0954-1446.

    Richards, Anne (1999) The effects of cueing target location and response mode on interference and negative priming using a visual selection paradigm. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 52 (2), pp. 449-463. ISSN 0272-4987.

    Richards, Anne and French, C.C. and Harris, P. (1998) Mistakes around the clock: errors in memory for the orientation of numerals. The Journal of Psychology 132 (1), pp. 42-46. ISSN 0022-3980.

    Reidy, J. and Richards, Anne (1997) Anxiety and memory: a recall bias for threatening words in high anxiety. Behaviour Research and Therapy 35 (6), pp. 531-542. ISSN 0005-7967.

    Hadwin, J. and Frost, S. and French, C.C. and Richards, Anne (1997) Cognitive processing and anxiety in mainstream children: trait anxiety and interpretation bias. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 106 (3), pp. 486-490. ISSN 0021-843X.

    Tower, R.K. and Kelly, C. and Richards, Anne (1997) Individualism, collectivism and reward allocation: a cross-cultural study in Britain and Russia. British Journal of Social Psychology 37 (3), pp. 331-345. ISSN 0144-6665.

    Reidy, J. and Richards, Anne (1997) A memory bias for threat in high-trait anxiety. Personality and Individual Differences 23 (4), pp. 653-663. ISSN 0191-8869.

    Richards, Anne and French, C.C. and Randall, F. (1996) Anxiety and the use of strategies in the performance of a sentence-picture verification task. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 105 (1), pp. 132-136. ISSN 0021-843X.

    Richards, Anne and French, C.C. and Harris, P.R. (1996) Does clock-watching make you clockwise? Memory 4 (1), pp. 49-58. ISSN 0965-8211.

    French, C.C. and Richards, Anne and Schofield, E.J.C. (1996) Hypomania, anxiety and the emotional Stroop. British Journal of Clinical Psychology 35 (4), pp. 617-626. ISSN 0144-6657.

    Book Section

    Richards, Anne and Hannon, Emily M. and Derakhshan, Nazanin (2009) Why are some people inattentionally blind and can training reduce its frequency of occurrence? In: Taatgen, N. and van Rijn, H. (eds.) CogSci 2009 Proceedings. Austin, Texas, USA: Cognitive Science Society, pp. 1306-1311. ISBN 9780976831853.

    Richards, Anne (2004) Anxiety and the resolution of ambiguity. In: Yiend, J. (ed.) Cognition, Emotion and Psychopathology: Theoretical, Empirical and Clinical Directions. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 130-148. ISBN 9780521541749.

    Blanchette, I. and Richards, Anne (2003) The effect of emotion on conditional reasoning. In: Alterman, R. and Kirsh, D. (eds.) Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9781315799360.

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