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    Number of items: 49.


    Aksoy, Yunus and Henrique, Basso and Smith, Ron P. (2016) Demografie bremst Wirtschaft. Die Volkswirtschaft 89 (11), pp. 14-19. ISSN 1011-386X.

    Andriani, Luca and Christoforou, A. (2016) Social capital: a roadmap of theoretical and empirical contributions and limitations. Journal of Economic Issues 50 (1), pp. 4-22. ISSN 0021-3624.

    Archibugi, Daniele (2016) Blade Runner economics: will innovation lead the economic recovery? Research Policy 46 (3), pp. 535-543. ISSN 0048-7333.

    Archibugi, Daniele and Filippetti, Andrea (2016) The retreat of public research and its adverse consequences on innovation. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

    Archibugi, Daniele and Lundvall, B.-A. and Steinmuller, E. (2016) Science fiction and economic cycles. A dialogue on technological expectations. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.


    Bellido, Jose and Macmillan, Fiona (2016) Music copyright after collectivisation. Intellectual Property Quarterly (3), pp. 231-246. ISSN 1364-906X.

    Bove, V. and Elia, L. and Smith, Ron P. (2016) On the heterogeneous consequences of civil war. Oxford Economic Papers 69 (3), pp. 550-568. ISSN 0030-7653.


    Crescenzi, R. and Filippetti, Andrea and Iammarino, S. (2016) Academic inventors: collaboration and proximity with industry. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.


    De Silva, Muthu (2016) Academic entrepreneurship and traditional academic duties: synergy or rivalry? Studies in Higher Education 41 (12), pp. 2169-2183. ISSN 0307-5079.

    Dimartino, Mirko and Calì, Andrea and Poulovassilis, Alexandra and Wood, Peter T. (2016) Query rewriting under linear EL knowledge bases. In: Ortiz, M. and Schlobach, S. (eds.) Web Reasoning and Rule Systems: 10th International Conference, RR 2016, Aberdeen, UK, September 9-11, 2016, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9898. New York, U.S.: Springer, pp. 61-76. ISBN 9783319452753.


    El hajjar, Ayman and Roussos, George and Paterson, Maura B. (2016) On the performance of key pre-distribution for RPL-based IoT Networks. In: Mitton, N. and Chaouchi, H. and Noel, T. and Watteyne, T. and Gabillon, A. and Capolsini, P. (eds.) Interoperability, Safety and Security in IoT. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 190. Springer. ISBN 9783319527260.

    Everson, Michelle (2016) The continuing relevance of the convention? Law and Critique 27 (1), pp. 9-12. ISSN 0957-8536.


    Fletcher, G.H.L. and Peters, J. and Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2016) Efficient regular path query evaluation using path indexes. In: Pitoura, E. and Maabout, S. and Koutrika, G. and Marian, A. and Tanca, L. and Manolescu, I. and Stefanidis, K. (eds.) 19th International Conference on Extending Database Technology Bordeaux, France, March 15–18, 2016 Proceedings. Bordeaux, France:, pp. 636-639. ISBN 9783893180707.

    Floricel, S. and Michela, J. and Piperca, Sorin (2016) Complexity, uncertainty-reduction strategies and project performance. International Journal of Project Management 34 , pp. 1360-1383. ISSN 0263-7863.

    Floricel, S. and Piperca, Sorin (2016) Project management between will and representation. Project Management Journal 47 (3), pp. 124-138. ISSN 8756-9728.


    Garcia-Alonso, M.D.C. and Levine, P. and Smith, Ron P. (2016) Military aid, direct intervention and counterterrorism. European Journal of Political Economy 44 , pp. 112-135. ISSN 0176-2680.

    Gebrial, D. and Kumar, Ashok (2016) Atoning for the past. Economic and Political Weekly 51 (10), ISSN 0012-9976.

    Gutierrez-Santos, Sergio and Capuzzi, Stefano and Kahn, Ken and Karkalas, Sokratis and Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2016) Scalable monitoring of student interaction indicators in exploratory learning environments. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web. Geneva, Switzerland: International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, pp. 917-922. ISBN 9781450341448.

    Gutierrez-Santos, Sergio and Mavrikis, M. and Geraniou, E. and Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2016) Similarity-based grouping to support teachers on collaborative activities in exploratory learning environments. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (99), ISSN 2168-6750.


    Hashem Pesaran, M. and Smith, Ron P. (2016) Counterfactual analysis in Macroeconometrics: an empirical investigation into the effects of quantitative easing. Research in Economics 70 (2), pp. 262-280. ISSN 1090-9443.

    Hein, Wendy and Steinfield, L. and Ourahmoune, N. and Coleman, C.A. and Tuncay Zayer, L. and Littlefield, J. (2016) Gender justice and the market: a transformative consumer research perspective. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 35 (2), pp. 223-236. ISSN 0743-9156.

    Heracleous, L. and Papachroni, A. and Andriopoulos, C. and Gotsi, Manto (2016) Structural ambidexterity and competency traps: insights from Xerox PARC. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 117 , pp. 327-338. ISSN 0040-1625.


    Lawton Smith, Helen (2016) Entrepreneurial regions in theory and policy practice. In: Shearmu, R. and Carrincazeaux, C. and Doloreux, D. (eds.) Handbook on the Geographies of Innovation. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 334-350. ISBN 9781784710767.

    Lawton Smith, Helen (2016) Global economic crises and local fortunes: the case of Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire. In: Begley, J. and Coffey, D. and Donnelly, T. and Thornley, C. (eds.) Global Economic Crisis and Local Economic Development: International cases and policy responses. Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 30-46. ISBN 9780415870368.

    Lawton Smith, Helen and Bagchi-Sen, S. and Edmunds, L. (2016) Innovation capacity in the healthcare sector and historical anchors: examples from the UK, Switzerland and the US. The Journal of Technology Transfer 41 (6), pp. 1420-1439. ISSN 0892-9912.

    Lawton Smith, Helen and Bagchi-Sen, S. and Edmunds, L. (2016) Science, innovation and technology transfer pathways in translational research: a study of divergent trajectories in the healthcare sector in Europe. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

    Lawton Smith, Helen and Glasson, J. (2016) UK university models of technology transfer in a global economy. In: Breznitz, S.M. and Etzkowitz, Henry (eds.) University Technology Transfer: The globalization of academic innovation. Routledge Studies in Global Competition. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 179-201. ISBN 9780415714686.

    Lindholm Dahlstrand, Å.T. and Lawton Smith, Helen and Baines, N. (2016) Academic entrepreneurship: spin-offs in Sweden and the UK. In: Audretsch, D. and Lehmann, E. and Meoli, M. and Vismara, S. (eds.) University Evolution, Entrepreneurial Activity and Regional Competitiveness. International Studies in Entrepreneurship 32. Springer, pp. 127-150. ISBN 9783319177120.

    Lock, Rachael and Lawton Smith, Helen (2016) The impact of female entrepreneurship on economic growth in Kenya. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 8 (1), pp. 90-96. ISSN 1756-6266.


    Macmillan, Fiona (2016) Cultural property and community rights to cultural heritage. In: Xu, T. and Allain, J. (eds.) Property and Human Rights in a Global Context. Human Rights Law in Perspective. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing. ISBN 9781849467261.

    Macmillan, Fiona (2016) Finding the inherent dignity of copyright: on Drassinower's what's wrong with copying. [Book Review]

    Macmillan, Fiona and Boge, Chris (2016) Lawless. In: Aristodemou, Maria and Macmillan, Fiona and Tuitt, Patricia (eds.) Crime Fiction and the Law. Birkbeck Law Press. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 123-139. ISBN 9781138818460.

    Mavrikis, M. and Gutierrez-Santos, Sergio and Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2016) Design and evaluation of teacher assistance tools for exploratory learning environments. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) LAK '16 Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge. New York, U.S.: Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 168-172. ISBN 9781450341905.

    Meliciani, V. and Radicchia, D. (2016) Overeducation and overskill in the Italian labour market: the role of fields of study. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

    Meschitti, Viviana (2016) The struggle for equality in academia: the gendered effects of an apparently innocent work allocation. In: British Academy of Management, 6-8 Sep 2016, Newcastle, UK.


    Nielsen, Klaus (2016) Economic theory. In: Ansell, C. and Torfing, J. (eds.) Handbook on Theories of Governance. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 340-352. ISBN 9781782548492.


    Ovseiko, P.V. and Greenhalgh, T. and Adam, P. and Grant, J. and Hinrichs-Krapels, S. and Graham, K.E.A. and Valentine, P.A. and Sued, O. and Boukhris, O.F. and Al Olaqi, N.M. and Al Rahbi, I.S. and Dowd, A.-M. and Bice, S. and Heiden, T.L. and Fischer, M.D. and Dopson, S. and Norton, R. and Pollitt, A. and Wooding, S. and Balling, G.V. and Jakobsen, U. and Kuhlman, E. and Klinge, I. and Pololi, L.H. and Jags, R. and Lawton Smith, Helen and Etzkowitz, Henry and Nielsen, M.W. and Carrion, C. and Solans‐Domènech, M. and Vizcaino, E. and Naing, L. and Cheok, Q.H.N. and Eckelmann, B. and Simuyemba, M.C. and Msiska, T. and Declich, G. and Edmunds, L.D. and Kiparoglou, V. and Buchan, A.M.J. and Williamson, C. and Lord, G.M. and Channon, K.M. and Surender, R. and Buchan, A.M. (2016) A global call for action to include gender in research impact assessment. Health Research Policy and Systems 14 , ISSN 1478-4505.


    Poulovassilis, Alexandra and Al-Tawil, M. and Frosini, Riccardo and Dimartino, Mirko and Dimitrova, V. (2016) Combining flexible queries and knowledge anchors to facilitate the exploration of knowledge graphs. In: 5th International Workshop on Intelligent Exploration of Semantic Data (IESD 2016), 17-21 Oct 2016, Co-located with the 15th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2016), Kobe, Japan. (Unpublished)

    Poulovassilis, Alexandra and Selmer, Petra and Wood, Peter T. (2016) Approximation and relaxation of semantic web path queries. Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web 40 , pp. 1-21. ISSN 1570-8268.


    Rosli, A. and Rossi, Federica (2016) Third-mission policy goals and incentives from performance-based funding: are they aligned? Research Evaluation 25 (4), pp. 427-441. ISSN 1471-5449.

    Rossi, Federica and Caloffi, A. and Russo, M. (2016) Networked by design: can policy requirements influence organisations' networking behaviour? Technological Forecasting & Social Change 105 , pp. 203-214. ISSN 0040-1625.

    Russo, M. and Caloffi, A. and Rossi, Federica and Righi, R. (2016) Designing performance-based incentives for innovation intermediaries: evidence from regional innovation poles. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.


    Sgobbi, F. (2016) Train the worst or train the best? The determinants of employer-sponsored training in five European countries. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

    Smith, Ron P. (2016) Military expenditure data: theoretical and empirical considerations. Defence and Peace Economics 28 (4), pp. 422-428. ISSN 1024-2694.

    Smith, Ron P. and Cavatorta, Elisa (2016) Factor models in panels with cross-sectional dependence: an application to the extended SIPRI military expenditure data. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

    Storm, R.K. and Nielsen, Klaus and Thomsen, F. (2016) Can a small nation be competitive in the global sporting arms race? The case of Denmark. Managing Sport and Leisure 21 (4), pp. 181-202. ISSN 2375-0472.

    Sumrall, J.M. and Fletcher, G.H.L. and Poulovassilis, Alexandra and Svensson, J. and Vejlstrup, M. and Vest, C. and Webber, J. (2016) Investigations on path indexing for graph databases. In: Desprez, F. and Dutot, P.-F. and Kaklamanis, C. and Marchal, L. and Molitorisz, K. and Ricci, L. and Scarano, V. and Vega-Rodriguez, M.A. and Varbanescu, A.L. and Hunold, S. and Scott, S.L. and Lankes, S. and Weidendorfer, J. (eds.) Euro-Par 2016: Parallel Processing Workshops. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10104. Grenoble, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 532-544. ISBN 9783319589428.

    Sánchez Barrioluengo, M. and Uyarra, E. and Kitagawa, F. (2016) Understanding the dynamics of triple helix interactions. The case of English Higher Education Institutions. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.


    Wells, M. and Wollenschlaeger, Alex and Lefevre, D. and Magoulas, George D. and Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2016) Analysing engagement in an online management programme and implications for course design. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) LAK '16 Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge. New York, U.S.: Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN 9781450341905.

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