Items where Subject is "Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > School of Creative Arts, Culture and Communication"

Aboelezz, Mariam (2014) The geosemiotics of Tahrir Square: a study of the relationship between discourse and space. Journal of Language and Politics 13 (4), pp. 599-622. ISSN 1569-2159.
Alexander, Weber (2014) Contribution to 'Luther and a Language for all Germans'. [Audio]
Anan, Nobuko (2014) The Rose of Versailles: Women and Revolution in Girls' Manga and the Socialist Movement in Japan. Journal of Popular Culture 47 (1), pp. 41-63. ISSN 0022-3840.
Anan, Nobuko (2014) The Takarazuka Revue’s Wind in the Dawn: (De-)nationalization of Japanese women. In: Holdsworth, N. (ed.) Theatre and National Identity: Re-Imagining Conceptions of the Nation. Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415822992.
Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2014) Commemoration conflicts: between memory and silence, trauma and nostalgia, family and nation. In: 1914–1944: Clashing Anniversaries or Multi-Directional Memories, 13th June 2014, University of Chichester. (Unpublished)
Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2014) Digital memories, digital methods: transcultural memory in Europe beyond web 2.0. In: In search of transcultural memory in Europe, 28–30 September 2014, European University Budapest. (Unpublished)
Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2014) Paper. In: Marginal Memories? The Dynamics of Forgetting and Remembering in the First World War Centenary Commemorations, 21–22 August 2014, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Unpublished)
Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2014) Speech. In: Research Seminar, 9th May 2014, Department of German, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK. (Unpublished)
Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2014) Speech. In: Memory Group, 23rd May 2014, University of Warwick, Warwick, UK. (Unpublished)
Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2014) Speech. In: Event, 19 November 2014, Modern Languages Department, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK. (Unpublished)
Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2014) What remains? sites, icons and the concretisation of memory. In: Commemoration, New Audiences and Spaces of Memory in Latin America’s Southern Cone: Trans-cultural Dialogues in the Wake of Loss, 27–28 March 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Unpublished)
Bale, Anthony (2014) Belligerent literacy, bookplates, and graffiti: Dorothy Helbarton's book. In: Partington, G. and Smyth, A. (eds.) Book Destruction from the Medieval to the Contemporary. New Directions in Book History. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 89-111. ISBN 9781137367655.
Bale, Anthony (2014) Belligerent literary, bookplates and graffiti: Dorothy Helbarton's book. In: Smyth, Adam and Partington, Gillian (eds.) Book Destruction from the Medieval to the Contemporary. New Directions in Book History. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 89-111. ISBN 9781137367655.
Bale, Anthony (2014) Cosmopolitanism or competing traditions? Late Medieval English pilgrims at the eastern Christian holy places. In: The Making of Jerusalem: Constructed Spaces and Historic Communities, 2-4 Jul 2014, Jerusalem, Israel. (Unpublished)
Bale, Anthony (2014) Woman in white: why Margery Kempe divides modern readers as much as she did her medieval audience. The Times Literary Supplement , p. 16. ISSN 0307-661X.
Balibrea, Mari Paz (2014) El pensamiento sobre Europa en la obra de Max Aub y Jorge Semprun. Anuario de El Correo de Euclides (9), pp. 51-68. ISSN 1887-0023.
Balibrea, Mari Paz (2014) En defensa de los Estudios Culturales. Puentes de Crítica Literaria y Cultural 3 , pp. 20-27. ISSN 2341-0124.
Balibrea, Mari Paz (2014) La despolitización de la memoria histórica del exilio republicano en democracia: paradojas, excepciones, y el caso de Jorge Semprún. Historia del Presente (23), pp. 119-132. ISSN 1579-8135.
Bauer, Heike (2014) Burning sexual subjects: books, homophobia and the Nazi destruction of the Institute of Sexual Sciences in Berlin. In: Partington, G. and Smyth, A. (eds.) Book Destruction from the Medieval to the Contemporary. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 17-33. ISBN 9781137367655.
Bauer, Heike (2014) Doubting Sex: Inscriptions, Bodies and Selves in Nineteenth Century Hermaphrodite Case Histories by Geertje Mak (Manchester University Press, 2012). [Book Review]
Bauer, Heike (2014) Radclyffe Hall: a life in the writing by Richard Dellamora (University of Philadelphia Press, 2011). [Book Review]
Bauer, Heike (2014) Vital lines drawn from books: difficult feelings in Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home and Are You My Mother? Journal of Lesbian Studies 18 (3), pp. 266-281. ISSN 1089-4160.
Bauer, Heike and Mahn, C. (2014) Introduction: transnational lesbian cultures. Journal of Lesbian Studies 18 (3), pp. 203-208. ISSN 1089-4160.
Berlatsky, N. and Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Why isn't academic research free to everyone? The Atlantic , ISSN 1072-7825.
Braybrook, Jean (2014) Robert Garnier et l'orchestration du deuil. Revue des Amis de Ronsard 2014 (27), pp. 67-85. ISSN 0916-0817.
Brooker, Joseph (2014) Ploughmen without land: Flann O'Brien and Patrick Kavanagh. In: Murphet, I. and McDonald, R. and Morrell, S. (eds.) Flann O’Brien and Modernism. London, UK: Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781623568757.
Brooker, Joseph (2014) Reception history. In: Latham, S. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Ulysses. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 19-32. ISBN 9781107073906.
Brooker, Joseph (2014) Thatcherism and literature. In: Tew, P. and Horton, E. and Wilson, L. (eds.) The 1980s: A Decade of Contemporary British Fiction - See more at: The Decades Series. London, UK: Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781441126498.
Brooker, Joseph (2014) ‘Weather Reports: essays on the work of Steven Connor’, edited by Joseph Brooker. Critical Quarterly 56 (2), E1-E4. ISSN 0011-1562.
Brooker, Joseph (2014) An oblique blaze in things. Critical Quarterly 56 (2), pp. 26-40. ISSN 0011-1562.
Burdett, Carolyn (2014) Modernity, the occult, and psychoanalysis. In: Marcus, L. and Mukherjee, A. (eds.) A Concise Companion to Psychoanalysis, Literature and Culture. Oxford, UK: Wiley. ISBN 9781405188609.
Burdett, Carolyn (2014) Victorian sentimentality at Tate Britain. Victorian Literature and Culture: Victorians Live 42 (1), pp. 153-158. ISSN 1060-1503.
Carville, Daragh (2014) The Life and Times of Mitchell and Kenyon. N/A. (Unpublished)
Catani, Damian (2014) Hannah Arendt reconsidered: collaboration and the banality of evil in Jonathan Littell's "The Kindly Ones". Sociology Study 4 (8), pp. 661-672. ISSN 2159‐5526.
Catani, Damian (2014) Re/deconstructing the rimbaud myth: Kerouac and Mallarmé. AmeriQuests 11 (1), ISSN 1553-4316.
Catani, Damian (2014) 'Vice urbain et colonialisme dans Mademoiselle Bistouri et La Belle Dorothee'. In: Guyaux, A. and Scepi, A. (eds.) Lire 'Le Spleen de Paris' de Baudelaire. Paris: Presses de l'Universite Sorbonne, pp. 25-33. ISBN 9782840509738.
Centeno Martin, Marcos Pablo (2014) Ainu. Pathways to Memory. Universitat de Valencia, TAU.
Centeno Martin, Marcos Pablo (2014) El «otro» ainu en el cine documental japonés: del redescubrimiento de las minorías en la posguerra al recuerdo como reivindicación en Tadayoshi Himeda. Studium: Revista de humanidades (20), pp. 203-230. ISSN 1137-8417.
Cerase, Damian Saverio (2014) Tightropes and tripwires: a Buddhist interpretation of suffering through attachment in Kafka’s work. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Clucas, Stephen (2014) '"A double Perception in All Creatures": Margaret Cavendish's philosophical letters and Seventeenth-Century natural philosophy. In: Siegfried, B.R. and Sarasohn, L.T. (eds.) God and Nature in the Thought of Margaret Cavendish. Farnham, UK: Ashgate, pp. 121-139. ISBN 97814722439611.
Comănaru, Ruxandra-Silvia (2014) The role of language attitudes and practices in the emergence of European identity. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Cranfield, Benjamin (2014) All play and no work? A ‘Ludistory’ of the curatorial as transitional object at the early ICA. Tate Papers 22 , ISSN 1753-9854.
David, Nicolette (2014) Violence, desire and the body: a Kleinian reading of Thomas Mann's "The Magic Mountain". PsyArt 2 (5), ISSN 2123-4434.
Davis, Isabel (2014) Histoire et poésie: la Femme de Bath de Geoffrey Chaucer et la comédie de l’allégorie eschatologique. Cahiers électroniques d’histoire textuelle du LAMOP 6 , ISSN 2261-3331.
Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2014) Culture and emotional language. In: Sharifian, F. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Language and Culture. Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 357-370. ISBN 9780415527019.
Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2014) It takes two to tango: the dynamic interaction of emotional and psychological aspects in foreign language learning. ETAS Journal. The Magazine for English Professionals 31 (2), pp. 51-53. ISSN 1660-6507.
Dewaele, Jean-Marc and Costa, B. (2014) A cross-disciplinary and multi-method approach of multilingualism in psychotherapy. In: Bager-Charleson, S (ed.) Doing Practice-Based Research in Therapy: A Reflexive Approach. London: Sage, pp. 28-37. ISBN 9781446266731.
Dewaele, Jean-Marc and Li, Wei (2014) Attitudes towards code-switching among adult mono- and multilingual language users. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 35 (3), pp. 235-251. ISSN 1747-7557.
Dewaele, Jean-Marc and Li, Wei (2014) Intra- and inter-individual variation in self-reported code-switching patterns of adult multilinguals. International Journal of Multilingualism 11 (2), pp. 225-246. ISSN 1747-7530.
Dewaele, Jean-Marc and Stavans, A (2014) The effect of immigration, acculturation and multicompetence on personality profiles of Israeli multilinguals. International Journal of Bilingualism 18 (3), pp. 203-221. ISSN 1367-0069.
Eldridge, David (2014) The wild duck. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781408141731.
Elwing, J. and Roukema, Aren (2014) Correspondences - Online Journal For The Academic Study of Western Esotericism, Volume 2.1. Aren Roukema, London, UK.
Elwing, J. and Roukema, Aren (2014) Correspondences - Online Journal For The Academic Study of Western Esotericism, Volume 2.2. Aren Roukema, London, UK.
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Above and beyond: “good” and “bad” surpluses in academic publishing. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Academic Libraries and Non-Disclosure Clauses: institutions should internally mandate against them. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) All that glisters: investigating collective funding mechanisms for gold Open Access in humanities disciplines. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 2 (3), eP1131.1-eP1131.13. ISSN 2162-3309.
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Alluvium 2nd Birthday Panel Event. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Alternative open access-models: Open Library of Humanities. In: CRIStin Spring Conference 2014, 29 Apr 2014, Oslo, Norway. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Ann Wordsworth, Critical Theory, Faculty Contingency and the University in Ruins. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Because we care about our planet... ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Bitmask values for w:tblLook w:val attribute in OOXML. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Book: Open Access and the Humanities. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Book: Pynchon and Philosophy: Wittgenstein, Foucault and Adorno. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Challenges and opportunities (Open Access monographs). In: Beyond Open Access, 5 Dec 2014, International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Corporate interest is a problem for research into open-access publishing. The Conversation ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Current working music. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Dear Publisher (#2). ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Debugging meTypeset using a git filesystem. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Define: impact. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Designing an open source OA toolchain for books. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Discussing/annotating The History Manifesto and the open access effect(?). ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Does Amazon kill a revenue channel for open access monographs? ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Dumping JATS from Zotero. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Enabling a triple-head (3 monitor) setup on Linux Mint 16 (Petra) with two. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Every generation has its philosopher. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) First Impressions From Paul Thomas Anderson’s film of ‘Inherent Vice‘. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Forthcoming book: Open Access and the Humanities: Contexts, Controversies and the Future (Cambridge UP, 2014). ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Funding for the Open Library of Humanities from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Gold Open Access and Article Processing Charges: Point of Risk and the Risk Pool. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Google Scholar will count a blog post as an article if it's cited: a preservation suggestion. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) HEFCE (REF2020), IR deposit and embargoes. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) HEFCE's Post-2014 Open Access Policy: the short "what you need to know" version. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Handling the absence of a (newline) break tag in JATS. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Here by the Sea and Sand: A Symposium on Quadrophenia. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Historicizing the Iraq War in Don DeLillo's Point Omega (preprint, forthcoming. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Humanities publishing needs a green growth spurt. Research Fortnight , ISSN 1358-1198.
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) The Ice Bucket challenge and the waste of water critique. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Innovative publishing models. In: OpenCon 2014, 15-17 Nov 2014, Washington, D.C., U.S.. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Introducing eprintsCV: a python script to create an academic web CV from your eprints record. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Is UK humanities research reaching the widest possible audience? The Guardian , ISSN 0261-3077.
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Is open access a solution without a problem for the humanities? ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) MathML support in the meTypeset typesetter. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Modularizing the meTypeset typesetter for the user interface phase. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) My 2014 round-up. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) My personal response to the TTIP consultation. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) My short additional response to the HEFCE metrics consultation. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Online p̶a̶r̶t̶y̶ webinar to talk open access with @mweller and me: Tuesday. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open Access & the Open Library of Humanities. In: Open Access & the Open Library of Humanities, 26 Sep 2014, University of Rhode Island, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open Access and the Humanities: Contexts, Controversies and the Future. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781316161012.
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open Access and the Open Library of Humanities. In: Open Access Week, 22 Oct 2014, University of Oxford, UK. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open Access and the humanities. In: University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections Seminar, 9 Oct 2014, University of Manitoba, Canada. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open Access and the humanities: contexts, controversies and the future. In: Open Access and the Humanities, 23 Sep 2014, Columbia University, New York, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open Access and the humanities: contexts, controversies and the future. In: Five Colleges Digital Humanities Seminar, 2 Oct 2014, UMASS, Amherst, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open Access and the humanities: contexts, controversies and the future. In: Open Access and the Humanities, 3 Dec 2015, KU Leuven, Belgium. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open Access and the humanities: contexts, controversies, and the future. In: Daley Library Seminar, 7 Oct 2014, University of Illinois at Chicago, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open Access in the humanities. In: ICOLC 2014, 19-22 Oct 2014, Lisbon, Portugal. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open Access in the humanities. In: Open Access in the Humanities, 12 Nov 2014, George Mason University, Virginia, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open Access in the humanities. In: Open Access in the Humanities, 6 Nov 2014, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open Access in the humanities. In: Open Access in the Humanities, 4 Nov 2014, Hamilton College, NY, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open Access journals in the humanities. In: SPARC Europe Open Access Roadshow, 16 Oct 2014, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open Access journals in the humanities. In: SPARC Europe Open Access Roadshow, 16 Oct 2015, University of Glasgow, UK. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open Access, Monographs and working for publishers for free. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open Access: free 'from having to sell'. School of Advanced Study Blogs ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) The Open Library of Humanities. In: 6th Conference on Open Access Publishing, 17-19 Sep 2014, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) The Open Library of Humanities. In: Scholarly Communication Institute, 9-13 Nov 2014, Duke University, Durham, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) The Open Library of Humanities. In: The Charleston Conference, 5-8 Nov 2014, Charleston, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) An Open Library of Humanities? Adeline Koh interviews me at the Chronicle's ProfHacker. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open access and the humanities. In: RCUK International Meeting on Open Access, 20 Mar 2014, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open access and the humanities. In: Tufts 'Open October', 1 Oct 2014, Tufts University, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open access and the humanities: an overview. In: Open Access and the Humanities, 2 Sep 2014, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Open access: effective measures to put UK research online under threat? ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Openness for society or for profit? ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Pondering a solution to the problem of Learned Societies and the transition to open access. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Predatory Publishers: Not Just OA (and who loses out?). ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Publication: All That Glisters: Investigating Collective Funding Mechanisms for Gold Open Access in Humanities Disciplines. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Publication: David Mitchell, Russell Hoban, and Metafiction After the Millennium. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Publication: Historicizing the Iraq War in Don DeLillo’s Point Omega. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Publication: Pynchon and Wittgenstein: Ethics, Relativism and Philosophical. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Publication: The Means of (Re-)Production: Expertise, Open Tools, Standards and Communication. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Pynchon and Philosophy: Wittgenstein, Foucault and Adorno. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137405494.
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Pynchon and Wittgenstein: ethics, relativism and philosophical methodology. In: Chamerois, G. and Chorier-Fryd, B. (eds.) Profils Américains: Thomas Pynchon. Montpellier: Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée, pp. 81-104. ISBN 9782367810225.
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Rancière misreading Kautsky? ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Scholars and scientists who work in languages other than English: please help. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Semantically marking up JATS bibliographies using meTypeset and Zotero. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) "Structural dissatisfaction": the role of academics in Jennifer Egan's A Visit from the Goon Squad. In: Humanities Research Seminar, 26 Feb 2014, University of Lincoln, UK. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) 'Structural dissatisfaction': academics on safari in Jennifer Egan's A Visit from the Goon Squad. In: Invisible Circus: An International Conference on the work of Jennifer Egan, 21-22 Mar 2014, Birkbeck, University of London, UK. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Symposium on David Mitchell: 9th May, London. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Things (@academia) should do (hint: work with green OA). ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Tied to the mast? A response to RMS's principles for loyal computers. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Two free copies of Pynchon and Philosophy to win and/or a 25% discount. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Typesetting JATS bibliographies using CSL and Zotero. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Universities, DH, “the crowd”, and labour that looks like a game. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) University Presses and Commercial Publishers should start offering green OA. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) We're a small learned society charging £25. What are we doing wrong?: OA for small society journals. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) What do we mean by the standing and reach of research? ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) What's it like to publish in SAGE Open? ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) What's so moral about the 'moral rights' of copyright for academics? LSE Impact Blog ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) What's so moral about the moral rights of copyright for academics? ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Who owns a Prezi? ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Why OA mandates don't compromise academic freedom. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) Why do some academic publishers think they should charge extra for more liberal licenses (CC BY)? ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) A consumerist rant: what's wrong with banks. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) The impact of Open Access for the humanities. In: Advisory Council on Latin American & Iberian Information Resources Seminar, 17 Jun 2014, University of Cambridge, UK. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) The means of (re-)production: expertise, open tools, standards and communication. Publications 2 (1), pp. 38-43. ISSN 2304-6775.
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) A research tool I want (but probably won't get): cross-reference/intersect bibliographies of books and articles. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) "some kind of thing it aint us but yet its in us": David Mitchell, Russell Hoban, and metafiction after the millennium. SAGE Open , pp. 1-10. ISSN 2158-2440.
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) 'some kind of thing it aint us but yet its in us': David Mitchell and Russell Hoban. In: Symposium on David Mitchell, 9 May 2014, New York University in London, UK. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) The tax his land meme and its discontents (me). ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) The tension between dissemination and measurement. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2014) update-grub/os-prober not detecting Windows 7. ,
Eve, Martin Paul and Curry, S. and Swan, A. (2014) Open access: effective measures to put UK research online under threat? The Guardian , ISSN 0261-3077.
Eve, Martin Paul and Gatti, R. and Hole, B. (2014) Open Access monograph publishing: 3 academics who just got on and did it. In: Jisc Digital Festival 2014, 11-12 Mar 2014, Birmingham, UK. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul and Hacker, A. and Withanage, D. (2014) Designing an open source, open access monograph workflow. In: Open Access Workshop, 27-28 Mar 2014, University of Heidelberg, Germany. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul and Hastings, C. and Butler, B. (2014) Interview with the Pynchonite. [Audio]
Fifield, Peter (2014) 'I am writing a manifesto because I have nothing to say’ (Soupault): Samuel Beckett and the Interwar Avant-Garde. In: Gontarski, S.E. (ed.) The Edinburgh Companion to Samuel Beckett and the Arts. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 170-184. ISBN 9780748675685.
Finlay, Alison (2014) Jómsvíkinga saga and genre. Scripta Islandica 65 , pp. 63-80. ISSN 0582-3234.
Finlay, Alison and Faulkes, A. (2014) Heimskringla II. Óláfr Haraldsson (the Saint). London, UK: Viking Society for Northern Research. ISBN 9780903521895.
Flynn, Molly (2014) Belarus Free Theatre: Molly Flynn interviews ‘Red Forest’ director Nicolai Khalezin. Central and Eastern European London Review.
Flynn, Molly (2014) ‘Maidan: Voices from the Uprising’. Molly Flynn interviews Natalya Vorozhbit about her new documentary theatre piece. Central and Eastern European London Review.
Flynn, Molly (2014) The trial that never was: Russian documentary theatre and the pursuit of justice. New Theatre Quarterly 30 (04), pp. 307-317. ISSN 0266-464X.
Fracchia, Carmen (2014) La mulata, de Velázquez. In: Martín Casares, A. and Periáñez Gómez, R. (eds.) Mujeres esclavas y abolicionistas en la España de los siglos XVI-XIX. Tiempo Emulado. Historia de América y España 34. Frankfurt, Germany and Madrid, Spain: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, pp. 17-32. ISBN 9788484897965.
Fraser, Hilary (2014) Women writing art history in the Nineteenth Century: looking like a woman. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107075757.
Gardner-Chloros, Penelope (2014) Bilinguality and bimodality: comparing linguistic and visual acculturation in artists' letters and their works. International journal of Bilingualism 18 (2), pp. 175-197. ISSN 1367-0069.
Gardner-Chloros, Penelope (2014) Multilingualism and the arts: Introduction. International Journal of Bilingualism 18 (2), pp. 95-98. ISSN 1367-0069.
Gibson, Barbara (2014) Intercultural competencies needed by global CEOs. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
González-López, Irene (2014) Wakao Ayako and post-war Japanese studio system: celebrity and performer. Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema 6 (1), pp. 39-54. ISSN 1756-4905.
Grant, Catherine (2014) The audiovisual essay: my favorite things. [Editorial/Introduction]
Grant, Catherine (2014) The marriages of Laurel Dallas. Or, the maternal melodrama of the unknown feminist film spectator. Mediascape: UCLA’s Journal of Cinema and Media Studies , ISSN 1558-478X.
Grant, Catherine (2014) The remix that knew too much? On Rebecca, retrospectatorship and the making of rites of passage. [Video]
Grant, Catherine (2014) The shudder of a cinephiliac idea? Videographic film studies practice as material thinking. ANIKI: Portuguese Journal of the Moving Image 1 (1), pp. 49-62. ISSN 2183-1750.
Grant, Catherine and Keathley, C. (2014) The use of an illusion: childhood cinephilia, object relations, and videographic film studies. Photogénie ,
Green, David W. and Li, Wei (2014) A control process model of code-switching. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 29 (4), pp. 499-511. ISSN 2327-3798.
Halden, Grace (2014) ‘If This is a Man’: technological development and human disappearance in US Sf since 1945. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Halden, Grace (2014) The many Doctors symposium: critical reflection on Christopher Eccelstone’s Doctor. Science Fiction Film & Television 7 (2), pp. 244-246. ISSN 1754-3770.
Hamblyn, Richard (2014) Die Krakatau-Briefe von Gerard Manley Hopkins. Sinn und Form 66 (3), pp. 375-378. ISSN 0037-5756.
Hamblyn, Richard (2014) The Krakatoa sunsets. In: Green, A. (ed.) The Public Domain Review Selected Essays: The First Three Years: 2011-2013. Cambridge, UK: PDR Press, pp. 146-153. ISBN 9772056953005.
Hamblyn, Richard (2014) Tsunami: nature and culture. Earth. London, UK: Reaktion. ISBN 9781780233475.
Harman, Kerry (2014) The multiple reals of workplace learning. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults 5 (1), pp. 51-66. ISSN 2000-7426.
Harris-Birtill, Rose (2014) Mitchell's mandalas: mapping David Mitchell's textual universe. In: David Mitchell Symposium, 09 May 2014, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Harris-Birtill, Rose (2014) 'A row of screaming Russian dolls': escaping the panopticon in David Mitchell's 'Number9dream'. In: Current Research in Speculative Fiction, 20 Jun 2014, Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)
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