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Number of items: 64.


Barnes, Jacqueline and Freude-Lagevardi, A. (2002) From pregnancy to early childhood: early interventions to enhance the mental health of children and families. Project Report. The Mental Health Foundation, London, UK.

Barnes, Jacqueline and Kroll, L. and Burke, O. and Lee, J. and Jones, A. and Stein, A. (2002) Factors predicting communication about the diagnosis of maternal breast cancer to children. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 52 (4), pp. 209-214. ISSN 0022-3999.

Barrett, H. and Tasker, Fiona (2002) Gay fathers and their children: what we know and what we need to know. Lesbian & Gay Psychology Review 3 (1), pp. 3-10. ISSN 1467-2472.

Bates, E. and Dick, Frederic (2002) Language, gesture, and the developing brain. Developmental Psychobiology 40 (3), pp. 293-310. ISSN 0012-1630.

Bertenthal, B.I. and Longo, Matthew R. (2002) Advancing our understanding of early perceptual and cognitive development. Human Development 45 (6), pp. 434-440. ISSN 0018-716X.

Brooks-Gordon, Belinda (2002) An exploration of academic culture and the unintentional Queen Bee. Psychology of Women Section Review 4 (2), pp. 18-21. ISSN 1466-3724.

Brooks-Gordon, Belinda and Bilby, C. and Duggan, L. and Tudway, J. and Fenton, M. and Hollin, C. and Adams, C. and Duggan, C. and White, P. (2002) Pharmacological intervention for people who have sexually offended or who have disorders of sexual preference. The Cochrane Library (2), ISSN 1465-1858.

Brooks-Gordon, Belinda and Gelsthorpe, L.R. (2002) Hiring bodies: male clients and prostitution. In: Bainham, A. and Sclater, S.D. and Richards, M. (eds.) Body Lore and Laws: Essays on Law and the Human Body. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, pp. 193-210. ISBN 9781841131979.


Chapman, E. and Smith, Jonathan A. (2002) Interpretative phenomenological analysis and the new genetics. Journal of Health Psychology 7 (2), pp. 125-130. ISSN 1359-1053.

Chater, N. and Oaksford, Mike (2002) The rational analysis of human cognition. In: Bermúdez, J.L. and Millar, A. (eds.) Reason and Nature: Essays in the Theory of Rationality. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 135-174. ISBN 9780199256839.

Cooper, Richard P. (2002) Control and communication in mental computation. Computational Intelligence 18 (1), pp. 29-31. ISSN 0824-7935.

Cooper, Richard P. (2002) Order and disorder in everyday action: the roles of contention scheduling and supervisory attention. Neurocase 8 (1 & 2), pp. 61-79. ISSN 1355-4794.

Csibra, Gergely and Gergely, G. (2002) A naiv tudatelmélet az evolúciós lélektan szempontjából. Magyar Tudomány 108 (1), pp. 56-63. ISSN 0025-0325.


Davelaar, Eddy J. and Usher, Marius (2002) An activation-based theory of immediate item memory. In: Bullinaria, J.A. and Lowe, W. (eds.) Connectionist Models of Cognition and Perception: Proceedings of the 7th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop. Singapore: WorldScientific, pp. 118-130. ISBN 9789812380371.

Diamond, A. and Kirkham, Natasha Z. and Amso, D. (2002) Conditions under which young children can hold two rules in mind and inhibit a prepotent response. Developmental Psychology 38 (3), pp. 352-362. ISSN 0012-1649.

Dick, Frederic and Bussiere, J. and Saygin, A.P. (2002) The effects of linguistic mediation on the identification of environmental sounds. Center for Research in Language Newsletter 14 (3), pp. 3-9.

Dick, Frederic and Gernsbacher, M.A. and Robertson, R.R. (2002) Syntactic processing in high- and low-skill comprehenders working under normal and stressful conditions. Center for Research in Language Newsletter 14 (1),


Eimer, Martin (2002) Cross-modal interactions between audition, touch, and vision in endogenous spatial attention: ERP evidence on preparatory states and sensory modulations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 14 (2), pp. 254-271. ISSN 0898-929X.

Eimer, Martin (2002) An ERP study on the time course of emotional face processing. NeuroReport 13 (4), pp. 427-431. ISSN 0959-4965.

Eimer, Martin and Maravita, A. and Van Velzen, J. and Husain, M. and Driver, J. (2002) The electrophysiology of tactile extinction: ERP correlates of unconscious somatosensory processing. Neuropsychologia 40 (13), pp. 2438-2447. ISSN 0028-3932.

Eimer, Martin and Schlaghecken, F. (2002) Links between conscious awareness and response inhibition: evidence from masked priming. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 9 (3), pp. 514-520. ISSN 1069-9384.

Eimer, Martin and Schub, A. and Schlaghecken, F. (2002) Locus of inhibition in the masked priming of response alternatives. Journal of Motor Behavior 34 (1), pp. 3-10. ISSN 0022-2895.

Eimer, Martin and Van Velzen, J. (2002) Crossmodal links in spatial attention are mediated by supramodal control processes: evidence from event-related potentials. Psychophysiology 39 (4), pp. 437-449. ISSN 0048-5772.


Farroni, T. and Csibra, Gergely and Simion, G. and Johnson, M.H. (2002) Eye contact detection in humans from birth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 99 (14), pp. 9602-9605. ISSN 0027-8424.

Flowers, P. and Smith, Jonathan A. and Sheeran, P. and Beail, N. (2002) Health and romance: understanding unprotected sex in relationships among gay men. In: Marks, D. (ed.) The Health Psychology Reader. Sage Publications, pp. 218-234. ISBN 9780761972716.

Forrest, S. and Shevlin, M. and Eatough, Virginia and Gregson, M. and Davies, M.N.O. (2002) Factor structure of the Expagg and Revised Expagg: a failure to replicate using confirmatory factor analysis. Aggressive Behaviour 28 (1), pp. 11-20. ISSN 1098-2337.

Freedman, D. and Tasker, Fiona and Di Ceglie, D. (2002) Children and adolescents with transsexual parents referred to a specialist gender identity development service: a brief report of key developmental features. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 7 (3), pp. 423-432. ISSN 1359-1045.

French, R.M. and Mermillod, M. and Chauvin, A. and Quinn, P.C. and Mareschal, Denis (2002) The importance of starting blurry: simulating improved basic-level category learning in infants due to weak visual acuity. In: Wayne, D. and Gray, C. and Schunn, D. (eds.) Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. London, UK: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. ISBN 9781315782379.

Frosh, Stephen (2002) The Other. American Imago 59 (4), pp. 389-407. ISSN 0065-860X.


Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Scerif, G. and Thomas, Michael S.C. (2002) Different approaches to relating genotype to phenotype in developmental disorders. Developmental Psychobiology 40 (3), pp. 311-322. ISSN 0012-1630.

Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Thomas, Michael S.C. (2002) Developmental disorders. In: Arbib, M.A. (ed.) The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks (2nd Edition). Cambridge, U.S.: MIT Press, pp. 339-342. ISBN 9780262011976.

Kirkham, Natasha Z. and Slemmer, J.A. and Johnson, S.P. (2002) Visual statistical learning in infancy: evidence for a domain general learning mechanism. Cognition 83 (2), B35-B42. ISSN 0010-0277.

Kirkham, Natasha Z. and Slemmer, J.A. and Johnson, S.P. (2002) Visual statistical learning in infancy: evidence of a domain general learning mechanism. Cognition 83 (2), B35-B42. ISSN 0010-0277.


Mareschal, Denis (2002) Connectionist methods in infancy research. In: Fagen, J. and Hayne, H. (eds.) Progress in Infancy Research. CRC Press, pp. 71-119. ISBN 9780415651097.

Mareschal, Denis and Johnson, S.P. (2002) Learning to perceive object unity: a connectionist account. Developmental Science 5 (2), pp. 151-172. ISSN 1363-755x.

Mareschal, Denis and Quinn, P.C. and French, R.M. (2002) Asymmetric interference in 3- to 4-month-olds' sequential category learning. Cognitive Science 26 (3), pp. 377-389. ISSN 0364-0213.

Meaburn, Emma and Dale, P.S. and Craig, I.W. and Plomin, R. (2002) Language-impaired children: no sign of the FOXP2 mutation. NeuroReport 13 (8), pp. 1075-1077. ISSN 0959-4965.

Moore, S.C. and Oaksford, Mike (2002) Emotional cognition: an introduction. In: Moore, S.C. and Oaksford, Mike (eds.) Emotional Cognition. Advances in Consciousness Research 44. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing, pp. 1-8. ISBN 9789027251688.

Moore, S.C. and Oaksford, Mike (2002) An informational value for mood: negative mood biases attention to global information in a probabilistic classification task. In: Moore, S.C. and Oaksford, Mike (eds.) Emotional Cognition. Advances in Consciousness Research 44. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing, pp. 221-243. ISBN 9789027251688.


Nobre, A and Forrester, Gillian and Gitelman, D.R. and Frith, C.D. and Mesulam, M.M. (2002) Filtering of distractors during visual search studied by Positron Emission Tomography. NeuroImage 16 (4), pp. 968-976. ISSN 1053-8119.


Oaksford, Mike (2002) Contrast classes and matching bias as explanations of the effects of negation on conditional reasoning. Thinking and Reasoning 8 (2), pp. 135-151. ISSN 1354-6783.

Oaksford, Mike (2002) Predicting the results of reasoning experiments: reply to Feeney and Handley (2000). The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 55 (3), pp. 793-798. ISSN 0272-4987.

Oaksford, Mike and Chater, N. (2002) Commonsense reasoning, logic, and human rationality. In: Elio, R. (ed.) Common Sense, Reasoning, and Rationality. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 174-214. ISBN 9780195147667.

Oaksford, Mike and Roberts, L. and Chater, N. (2002) Relative informativeness of quantifiers used in syllogistic reasoning. Memory & Cognition 30 (1), pp. 138-149. ISSN 0090-502X.


Richards, Anne and French, C.C. and Calder, A.J. and Webb, B. and Fox, R. and Young, A.W. (2002) Anxiety-related bias in the classification of emotionally ambiguous facial expressions. Emotion 2 (3), pp. 273-287. ISSN 1528-3542.

Ronald, Angelica and Spinath, F.M. and Plomin, R. (2002) The aetiology of high cognitive ability in early childhood. High Ability Studies 13 (2), pp. 103-114. ISSN 1359-8139.


Schlaghecken, F. and Eimer, Martin (2002) Motor activation with and without inhibition: evidence for a threshold mechanism in motor control. Perception & Psychophysics 64 (1), pp. 148-162. ISSN 0031-5117.

Senior, V. and Smith, Jonathan A. and Michie, S. and Marteau, T. (2002) Making sense of risk: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of vulnerability to heart disease. Journal of Health Psychology 7 (2), pp. 157-168. ISSN 1359-1053.

Shepherd, Alex J. (2002) Adaptation in the visual system in migraineurs and controls. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Headache and Migraine: Proceedings of the 10th Anglo-Dutch Migraine Association meeting. Utrecht, Netherlands: Wetenschappelijke uitgeverij Bunge, pp. 145-159.

Sirois, S. and Mareschal, Denis (2002) Infant habituation: a review of current computational models and a new proposal. In: Bullinaria, J. (ed.) Proceedings of the Seventh Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop (NCPW7). London, UK: World Scientific Press, pp. 90-103. ISBN 9789812380371.

Sirois, S. and Mareschal, Denis (2002) Models of habituation in infancy. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 6 (7), pp. 293-298. ISSN 1364-6613.

Smith, Jonathan A. and Michie, S. and Stephenson, M. and Quarrell, O. (2002) Risk perception and decision-making processes in candidates for genetic testing for Huntington’s Disease: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Health Psychology 7 (2), pp. 131-144. ISSN 1359-1053.

Smith, Jonathan A. and Michie, S. and Stephenson, M. and Quarrell, O. (2002) Risk perception and decision-making processes in candidates for the genetic test for Huntington's Disease: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Health Psychology 7 (2), pp. 131-144. ISSN 1359-1053.


Tasker, Fiona (2002) Lesbian and gay parenting. In: Kitzinger, C. and Coyle, A. (eds.) Lesbian and Gay Psychology: New Perspectives. Leicester, UK: BPS Books, pp. 81-97. ISBN 9781405102223.

Tasker, Fiona and Wren, B. (2002) Sexual identity and gender identity: understanding difference. [Editorial/Introduction]

Thomas, Michael (2002) Development as a cause in developmental disorders: (commentary on 'control and cross‐domain mental computation: evidence from language breakdown' by William Frawley). Computational Intelligence 18 (1), pp. 50-54. ISSN 0824-7935.

Thomas, Michael S.C. (2002) Theories that develop. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 5 (3), pp. 216-217. ISSN 1366-7289.

Thomas, Michael S.C. and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2002) Are developmental disorders like cases of adult brain damage? Implications from connectionist modelling. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (6), pp. 727-750. ISSN 0140-525X.

Thomas, Michael S.C. and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2002) Connectionist models of development, developmental disorders and individual differences. In: Sternberg, R.J. and Lautrey, J. and Lubart, T. (eds.) Models of Intelligence: International Perspectives. Decade of Behavior. Washington, U.S.: American Psychological Association, pp. 133-150. ISBN 9781557989710.

Thomas, Michael and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2002) Residual normality: friend or foe? Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (6), pp. 772-780. ISSN 0140-525X.

Thompson, A. and Kent, G. and Smith, Jonathan A. (2002) Living with vitiligo: dealing with difference. British Journal of Health Psychology 7 (2), pp. 213-225. ISSN 1359-107X.


Usher, Marius and Davelaar, Eddy J. (2002) Neuromodulation of decision and response selection. Neural Networks 15 (4-6), pp. 635-645. ISSN 0893-6080.


Van Velzen, J. and Forster, B. and Eimer, Martin (2002) Temporal dynamics of lateralised ERP components elicited during endogenous attentional shifts to relevant tactile events. Psychophysiology 39 (6), pp. 874-878. ISSN 0048-5772.

Vitkovitch, M. and Bishop, S. and Dancey, C. and Richards, Anne (2002) Stroop interference and negative priming in patients with multiple sclerosis. Neuropsychologia 40 (9), pp. 1570-1576. ISSN 0028-3932.

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