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Luckhurst, Roger (1991) 'Border Policing: Science Fiction and Postmodernism'. Science Fiction Studies 18 (3), pp. 358-366. ISSN 0091-7729.
Oaksford, Mike and Chater, N. (1991) Against Logicist Cognitive Science. Mind & Language 6 (1), pp. 1-38. ISSN 0268-1064.
Luckhurst, Roger (1991) Border policing: science fiction and postmodernism. Science Fiction Studies 18 (3), pp. 358-366. ISSN 0091-7729.
Tasker, Fiona and Golombok, S. (1991) Children raised by lesbian mothers: the empirical evidence. Family Law 21 , pp. 184-187. ISSN 0014-7281.
Smith, Jonathan A. (1991) Conceiving selves: a case study of changing identities during the transition to motherhood. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 10 (4), pp. 225-243. ISSN 0261-927X.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1991) Correction to null values in nested relational databases by M.A. Roth, H.F. Korth, and A. Silberschatz. Acta Informatica 28 (6), pp. 603-605. ISSN 0001-5903.
Michels, Eckard (1991) Das Deutsche Institut in Paris 1940-1944. Revue d'Allemagne 23 , pp. 451-466. ISSN 0035-0794.
King, Peter J.H. and Small, C. (1991) Default databases and incomplete information. The Computer Journal 34 (3), pp. 239-244. ISSN 0010-4620.
Milroy, L. and Li, Wei and Moffatt, S. (1991) Discourse patterns and fieldwork strategies in urban settings: some methodological problems for researchers in bilingual communities. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 12 (4), pp. 287-300. ISSN 0143-4632.
Fontanel, J. and Smith, Ron P. (1991) A European defence union. Economic Policy 6 (13), pp. 393-424. ISSN 0266-4658.
Czigler, I. and Csibra, Gergely (1991) Event-related potentials in a lexical stroop task. International Journal of Psychophysiology 11 (3), pp. 281-293. ISSN 0167-8760.
Csibra, Gergely and Czigler, I. (1991) Event-related potentials to irrelevant deviant motion of visual shapes. International Journal of Psychophysiology 11 (2), pp. 155-159. ISSN 0167-8760.
Mendelzon, A.O. and Wood, Peter (1991) Functional dependencies in horn clause queries. ACM Transactions on Database Systems 16 (1), pp. 33-51. ISSN 0362-5915.
Crawford, Ian (1991) Further thoughts on the interstellar spectrum of HD 174632. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 250 (4), pp. 707-711. ISSN 0035-8711.
Lorch, Marjorie and Whurr, R. (1991) Hemiplegic writing with the use of a prosthesis in an Aphasic Agraphic patient. Grazer Linguistische Studien 35 , pp. 171-179. ISSN 1015-0498.
Crawford, Ian (1991) High resolution observations of interstellar NaI and CA II towards the Scorpio-Centaurus association. Astronomy & Astrophysics 247 , pp. 183-201. ISSN 0004-6361.
Barker, T. and Dunne, P. and Smith, Ron P. (1991) Measuring the peace dividend in the United Kingdom. Journal of Peace Research 28 (4), pp. 345-358. ISSN 0022-3433.
Ridge, M. and Smith, Ron P. (1991) Military spending dynamics in a changing strategic environment. Fiscal Studies 12 (1), pp. 29-43. ISSN 1475-5890.
Wright, Tony (1991) New ideas and old. Labour History Review 56 (1), ISSN 0961-5652.
Finlay, Alison (1991) Níð, adultery and feud in Bjarnar saga hítdœlakappa. Saga Book XXIII (3), pp. 158-178. ISSN 0305-9219.
Barnes, Paul and Kelly, Jim and Chikusa, G.R. (1991) Observation of fine one-dimensionally disordered layers in silicon carbide. Philosophical Magazine Letters 64 (1), pp. 7-13. ISSN 0950-0839.
Crawford, Ian (1991) Observations of interstellar lines towards HD 110432. Astronomy & Astrophysics 246 , pp. 210-212. ISSN 0004-6361.
Alogoskoufis, G. and Smith, Ron P. (1991) On error correction models: Specification, interpretation, estimation. Journal of Economic Surveys 5 (1), pp. 97-128. ISSN 1467-6419.
Crawford, Ian and Barlow, M.J. (1991) On the distance to M1-67. Astronomy & Astrophysics 249 (9), pp. 518-520. ISSN 0004-6361.
Alogoskoufis, G. and Smith, Ron P. (1991) The Phillips Curve, the persistence of inflation and the Lucas Critique. American Economic Review 81 (5), pp. 1254-1275. ISSN 0002-8282.
Frosh, Stephen (1991) Psychoanalysis, psychosis and postmodernism. Human Relations 44 (1), pp. 93-104. ISSN 0018-7267.
Braybrook, Jean (1991) Science and myth in the poetry of Remy Belleau. Renaissance Studies 5 (3), pp. 277-287. ISSN 0269-1213.
Smith, Ron P. (1991) Spurious structural stability. The Manchester School of Economic & Social Studies 59 (4), pp. 419-423.
Czigler, I. and Csibra, Gergely (1991) Vizuális minták azonosítása és az eseményhez kötött potenciál. Pszichologia 11 (2), pp. 173-206. ISSN 0230-0508.
Csibra, Gergely and Czigler, I. (1991) Vizuális ábrák váratlan irányú mozgása és az eseményhez kötött potenciálok. Pszichologia 11 (1), pp. 47-55. ISSN 0230-0508.
Crawford, Ian (1991) Wanderers in space: the case for peripatetic astronomy teachers. Astronomy Now 5 (10), p. 54. ISSN 0951-9726.
Bourke, Joanna (1991) Women, economics and power: Irish Women, 1880-1914. Irish Home Economics Journal 1 (2), pp. 3-16.
Bourke, Joanna (1991) Working women: the domestic labour market in Ireland, 1890-1914. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 21 (3), pp. 479-499. ISSN 0022-1953.
Bourke, Joanna (1991) The best of all home rulers: the economic power of women in Ireland, 1890-1914. Irish Economic and Social History 18 (1), pp. 34-47. ISSN 0332-4893.
Chagrov, A.V. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (1991) The disjunction property of intermediate propositional logics. Studia Logica 50 (2), pp. 189-216. ISSN 0039-3215.
Crawford, Ian and Barlow, M.J. (1991) The distance to the WN8 star We 21. Astronomy & Astrophysics 251 , L39-L42. ISSN 0004-6361.
Henderson, John and Park, K.P. (1991) 'The first hospital among christians': the Ospedale di Santa Maria Nuova in early sixteenth-century Florence. Medical History 35 (2), pp. 164-188. ISSN 0025-7273.
Henderson, John and Joannides, P. (1991) A franciscan triptych by Fra Angelico. Arte Cristiana ,
Frosh, Stephen (1991) The semantics of therapeutic change. Journal of Family Therapy 13 (2), pp. 171-186. ISSN 0163-4445.
Whurr, R. and Lorch, Marjorie (1991) The use of a prosthesis to facilitate writing in aphasia and right hemiplegia. Aphasiology 5 (4-5), pp. 411-418. ISSN 0268-7038.