Browse by Person

Sari Aslam, Nilufer and Barros, Joana and Lin, H. and Murcio Villanueva, Roberto and Bei, H. (2024) Alighting location estimation from public transit data: a case study of Shenzhen. Transportation Planning and Technology , pp. 1-16. ISSN 0308-1060.
Li, Q.-Q. and Yue, Y. and Gao, Q.-L. and Zhong, C. and Barros, Joana (2022) Towards a new paradigm for segregation measurement in an era of big data. Urban Informatics 1 (5), ISSN 2731-6963.
Saraiva, M. and Barros, Joana (2022) Accessibility in São Paulo: an individual road to equity? Applied Geography 144 (102731), ISSN 0143-6228.
Giannotti, M. and Barros, Joana and Tomasiello, D. and Smith, D. and Pizzol, B. and Santos, B. and Zhong, C. and Shen, Y. and Marques, E. and Batty, M. (2021) Inequalities in transit accessibility: contributions from a comparative study between global south and north metropolitan regions. Cities 109 (103016), ISSN 0264-2751.
Smith, D.A. and Shen, Y. and Barros, Joana and Zhong, C. and Batty, M. and Giannotti, M. (2020) A compact city for the wealthy? Employment accessibility inequalities between occupational classes in the London metropolitan region 2011. Journal of Transport Geography 86 (102767), ISSN 0966-6923.
De Araujo, Agnes and Barros, Joana and Queiroz, Alfredo (2018) Segregação urbana: abordagem dos Índices sociais globais e locais. Revista do Departamento de Geografia , pp. 1-14. ISSN 2236-2878.
Barros, Joana and Feitosa, F. (2018) Uneven geographies: exploring the sensitivity of spatial indices of residential segregation. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 45 (6), pp. 1073-1089. ISSN 2399-8083.
Barros, Joana (2017) Introducing GIS across levels: designing for diversity. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 41 (3), pp. 353-367. ISSN 0309-8265.
Barreira-González, P. and Barros, Joana (2016) Configuring the neighbourhood effect in irregular cellular automata based models. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31 (3), pp. 617-636. ISSN 1365-8816.
Kuffer, M. and Barros, Joana and Sliuzas, R.V. (2014) The development of a morphological unplanned settlement index using very-high-resolution (VHR) imagery. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 48 , pp. 138-152. ISSN 0198-9715.
Willis, I. and Gibin, M. and Barros, Joana and Webber, R. (2014) Applying neighbourhood classification systems to natural hazards: a case study of Mt Vesuvius. Natural Hazards 70 (1), pp. 1-22. ISSN 0921-030X.
Kuffer, Monika and Barros, Joana (2011) Urban morphology of unplanned settlements: the use of spatial metrics in VHR remotely sensed images. Procedia Environmental Sciences 7 , pp. 152-157. ISSN 1878-0296.
Lizarazo, Ivan and Barros, Joana (2010) Fuzzy image segmentation for urban land-cover classification. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing , pp. 151-162. ISSN 0099-1112.
Batty, M. and Barros, Joana and Alves Jr., S. (2004) Cities: continuity, transformation, and emergence. UCL Working Papers Series 72 , pp. 1-17. ISSN 1467-1298.
Barros, Joana and Sobreira, F. (2002) City of Slums: self-organisation across scales. UCL Working Papers Series 55 , pp. 1-10. ISSN 1467-1298.
Book Section
Feitosa, F. and Barros, Joana and Marques, E. and Giannotti, M. (2021) Measuring changes in residential segregation in São Paulo in the 2000s. In: van Ham, M. and Tammaru, T. and Ubarevičienė, R. and Janssen, H. (eds.) Urban Socio-Economic Segregation and Income Inequality: A Global Perspective. The Urban Book Series. Springer, pp. 507-523. ISBN 9783030645694.
Smith, D.A. and Barros, Joana (2020) Sustainable transport planning and residential segregation at the city scale. In: Mulley, C. and Nelson, J.D. (eds.) Urban Form and Accessibility: Social, Economic, and Environment Impacts. Elsevier, pp. 27-44. ISBN 9780128198223.
Fligg, R. and Barros, Joana (2016) A case study of flooding in the Limpopo River Basin, Xai-Xai, Mozambique. In: Lombard, J.R. and Stern, E. and Clarke, G. (eds.) Applied Spatial Modelling and Planning. Routledge Advances in Regional Economics, Science and Policy. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 315-343. ISBN 9781138925700.
Barros, Joana (2012) Exploring urban dynamics in Latin American cities using an agent-based simulation approach. In: Batty, M. and Heppenstall, A. and Crooks, A. (eds.) Agent-based Models of Geographical Systems. Netherlands: Springer, pp. 571-589. ISBN 9789048189274.
Barros, Joana and Sobreira, F. (2008) City of slums: self-organisation across scales. In: Minai, A. and Bar-Yam, Y. (eds.) Unifying Themes in Complex Systems IV: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Complex Systems. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 265-273. ISBN 9783540738497.
Batty, M. and Barros, Joana and Alves Jr., S. (2006) Cities: continuity, transformation and emergence. In: Garnsey, E. and McGlade, J. (eds.) Complexity and Co-Evolution: Continuity and Change in Socio-Economic Systems. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781845421403.
Batty, M. and Barros, Joana and Alves Jr., S. (2005) The Dynamics of Cities. In: Bruzzo, A. and Occelli, S. (eds.) Le Relazioni Tra Conoscenza Ed Innovazione Nello Sviluppo Dei Territori. Franco Angeli: Milan, Italy. ISBN 9788846471109.
Barros, Joana (2004) Simulating urban dynamics in Latin American cities. In: Atkinson, P.M. and Foody, G.M. and Darby, S.E. and Wu, F. (eds.) Geodynamics. New York, USA: CRC Press. ISBN 9780849328374.
Barros, Joana and Alves Jr., S. (2003) Simulating rapid urbanisation in Latin American cities. In: Longley, P. and Batty, M. (eds.) Advanced Spatial Analysis: The Casa Book of GIS. London, UK: ESRI Press. ISBN 9781589480735.
Conference or Workshop Item
Trilla Cisa, D. and Barros, Joana (2021) Ex-ante evaluation of accessibility impacts of Crossrail projects in London. In: GISRUK 2021, 14-16 April 2021, Cardiff, Wales, UK (Online). (Unpublished)
Havemann, Leo and Charles, Elizabeth and Sherman, S. and Rodgers, Scott and Barros, Joana (2018) From under the radar to under review: digital learning in a ‘face-to-face university’. In: ALT-C 2018: 25th Annual Conference, 11-13 Sep 2018, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)
Leal, Joanne and Havemann, Leo and Barros, Joana and Drew, Elizabeth (2016) Transitions: recruit, support, retain. In: Learning and Teaching Seminars, 27 Oct 2016, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Havemann, Leo and Drew, Liz and Barros, Joana and Leal, Joanne (2013) Special blend: developing a model for technology-enhanced, flexible learning. In: Can We Do It? Yes We Can: HEA/SEEC Conference 2013, 22-23 Jul 2013, London, UK. (Unpublished)
de Alba, H. and Barros, Joana (2012) Deforestation in the Kayabi indigenous territory: simulating and predicting land use and land cover change in the Brazilian Amazon. In: GISRUK, 11-13 Apr 2012, Lancaster University, UK. (Unpublished)
Walker, L. and Barros, Joana (2012) An agent-based population model for Wolverhampton, UK: a spatio-temporal activity based approach to population modelling. In: GISRUK, 11-13 Apr 2012, Lancaster University, UK. (Unpublished)
Mitchell, B. and Barros, Joana (2011) Managing Dutch elm disease: an agent-based modelling approach. In: International Symposium on Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Data Mining, 18-19 Jul 2011, University College London. (Unpublished)
Rains, T. and Barros, Joana (2011) Wayfinding and visitor tracking in museums: accuracy assessments of hybrid positioning services. In: International Symposium on Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Data Mining, 18-19 Jul 2011, University College London. (Unpublished)
Mitchell, B. and Barros, Joana and Wendel, D. (2010) Identifying Dutch elm disease ‘danger-spots’ on the Isle of Man: an agent-based model approach. In: GISRUK, 14-16 Apr 2010, University College London. (Unpublished)
Pottage, S. and Barros, Joana and Nixon, J. and Cannell, A. (2010) “The Isolated State”: an ABM approach to the Von Thünen Model. In: GISRUK, 14-16 Apr 2010, University College London. (Unpublished)
Willis, I. and Barros, Joana and Gibin, Maurizio and Webber, R. (2010) The application of geodemographics to social vulnerability and volcanic hazard assessment. In: GISRUK, 14-16 Apr 2010, University College London. (Unpublished)
Havemann, Leo and Charles, Elizabeth and Sherman, S. and Rodgers, Scott and Barros, Joana A multitude of modes: considering ‘blended learning’ in context. In: CDE RIDE conference 2019, 15 Mar 2019, London, UK. (Unpublished)