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    Number of items: 29.


    Walsh, Anita and Powell, Philip (2020) Re-imagining the MBA: an arts-based approach. Higher Education Pedagogies 5 (1), pp. 148-164. ISSN 2375-2696.

    Powell, Philip and Walsh, Anita (2018) Mutualising the university: achieving community impact through an ecosystem. International Review of Education 64 , pp. 563-583. ISSN 0020-8566.

    Powell, Philip and Walsh, Anita (2018) Whose curriculum is it anyway? Stakeholder salience in the context of degree apprenticeships. Higher Education Quarterly 72 (2), pp. 90-106. ISSN 0951-5224.

    Walsh, Anita and Powell, Philip (2018) Supporting student innovation through an engagement, employability and employment ecosystem. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning 8 (1), pp. 15-28. ISSN 2042-3896.

    Walsh, Anita and Siebert, S. (2013) Reflection in work-based learning: self-regulation or self-liberation? Teaching in Higher Education 18 (2), pp. 167-178. ISSN 1356-2517.

    Walsh, Anita (2011) Beyond a naturally occurring ethnography: the work-based researcher. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning 1 (1), pp. 38-51. ISSN 2042-3896.

    Hegarty, P. and Kelly, H. and Walsh, Anita (2011) Reflection in a workplace qualification: challenges and benefits. Journal of Workplace Learning 23 (8), pp. 531-540. ISSN 1366-5626.

    Walsh, Anita and Kotzee, Ben (2010) Reconciling ‘graduateness’ and work-based learning. Learning and Teaching In Higher Education 4 (1), pp. 36-50. ISSN 1742-240X.

    Walsh, Anita (2009) Modes of reflection: is it possible to use both individual and collective reflection to reconcile the ‘three-party knowledge interests’ in workplace learning? European Journal of Education 44 (3), pp. 385-398. ISSN 0141-8211.

    Book Section

    Walsh, Anita (2011) An opportunity to widen participation through work-based learning: the impact of gender. In: Jackson, Sue and Malcolm, I. and Thomas, K. (eds.) Gendered Choices. Learning, Work, Identities in Lifelong Learning 15. London, UK: Springer, pp. 129-144. ISBN 9789400706460.

    Walsh, Anita (2011) Widening participation from the workplace: designing small awards that are employer and employee responsive. In: Tallantyre, F. and Kettle, J. (eds.) Learning from Experience in Employer Engagement. York, UK: Higher Education Academy.

    Walsh, Anita (2010) Using the assessment of prior experiential learning in the context of employer engagement. In: Tallantyre, F. and Kettle, J. and Smith, J. (eds.) Quality and Responding to Employer Needs: Demonstrator project reports. York, UK: Higher Education Academy.

    Walsh, Anita (2008) What is distinctive about work-based knowledge and learning? In: Yorke, M. (ed.) Workforce Development: Connections, Frameworks and Processes. York, UK: The Higher Education Academy, pp. 8-17. ISBN 9781905788774.


    Walsh, Anita (2011) A critical review of experiential work-based learning in the postgraduate curriculum in the subject areas of: business, management, accountancy and finance (BMAF) hospitality, leisure, sport and tourism (HLST). Technical Report. Higher Education Academy, York, UK.

    Walsh, Anita (2011) A critical review of experiential work-based learning in the undergraduate curriculum of the business, management, accountancy and finance subject area. Technical Report. Higher Education Academy, York, UK.

    Conference or Workshop Item

    Walsh, Anita (2012) Work-based learning practice as 'tempered radicalism'. In: Universities’ Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) Work-Based Learning Network Annual Conference, 2012, Middlesex. (Unpublished)

    Walsh, Anita (2012) An exploration of the challenges and benefits of integrating work-based learning into academic awards. In: Association of Business Schools Learning and Teaching Conference, 2012. (Unpublished)

    Walsh, Anita (2011) Recognizing informal and non-formal learning - a new higher education requiring new pedagogic skills? In: Education, Learning Styles, Individual Differences Network (ELSIN) International Conference, 2011, Antwerp, Belgium. (Unpublished)

    Walsh, Anita (2011) Reflection in work-based learning. In: Reflection in the Round Seminar, 2011, Oxford Brookes University. (Unpublished)

    Walsh, Anita (2011) What is in our toolbox? assessment of experiential learning. In: Learning Through Life: Recognition of Non-Formal and Informal Learning, 2011, Naantali, Finland. (Unpublished)

    Walsh, Anita (2010) Assessment of experiential learning and employer engagement. In: Enhancing Human Capital through Innovative Workforce Development, 2010, Derby. (Unpublished)

    Walsh, Anita (2010) Beyond a naturally occurring ethnography: the work-based researcher. In: International Vocational, Professional and Work-Based Learning Conference, 2010, Cyprus. (Unpublished)

    Walsh, Anita (2010) Does work-based learning represent a democratisation of the higher education curriculum? In: UALL Work-Based Learning Network Annual Conference, 2010, Teesside University. (Unpublished)

    Walsh, Anita (2010) Graduateness, transdisciplinarity and work-based learning. In: Graduateness, transdisciplinarity and work-based learning, 2010, Birkbeck Institute for Lifelong Learning. (Unpublished)

    Walsh, Anita (2010) Not teaching but what? the identification and assessment of experiential learning in higher education. In: Recognition of Prior Learning: Sharing European Principles and Practices, 2010, Brussels. (Unpublished)

    Walsh, Anita (2009) Beyond a naturally occurring ethnography: the work-based research project. In: 6th International Researching Work and Learning Conference, 2009, Denmark. (Unpublished)

    Walsh, Anita (2009) Using experience-based learning in academic awards. In: The Higher Education Annual Conference, 2009, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)

    Walsh, Anita (2009) Using reflection in workplace learning: is it possible to use both individual and collective reflection to reconcile the 'three part knowledge interests' in workplace learning? In: What Works: Quality of Teaching in Higher Education, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)

    Walsh, Anita (2008) Valuing the experience in work-based learning: reflections on academic practice. In: The Society for Research into Higher Education Annual Conference, 2008, Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)

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