Items where Subject is "Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Business and Law > Birkbeck Business School"
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Abdulrahman, Al-Surmi and Guangming, C. and Yanqing, D. (2016) Strategic orientation, triadic strategic alignment and firm performance. In: PACIS 2016, June 27th - July 1st 2016, Chiayi, Taiwan. (Unpublished)
Abed, S. and Al-Najjar, Basil (2016) Determinants of the extent of forward looking information: evidence from UK before financial crisis. Corporate Ownership and Control 13 (3), pp. 17-32. ISSN 1727-9232.
Abed, S. and Al-Najjar, Basil (2016) Measuring annual report narratives disclosure: empirical evidence from forward-looking information in the UK prior the financial crisis. Managerial Auditing Journal 31 (4/5), ISSN 0268-6902.
Abrams, D. and Swift, H.J. and Drury, Lisbeth (2016) Old and unemployable? How age-based stereotypes affect willingness to hire job candidates. Journal of Social Issues 72 (1), pp. 105-121. ISSN 0022-4537.
Aksoy, Yunus and Basso, Henrique and Smith, Ron (2016) La démographie freine l'économie. La vie économique , pp. 14-19. ISSN 0339-3607.
Aksoy, Yunus and Henrique, Basso and Smith, Ron P. (2016) Demografie bremst Wirtschaft. Die Volkswirtschaft 89 (11), pp. 14-19. ISSN 1011-386X.
Al-Najjar, Basil and Abed, S. (2016) The association between disclosure quality of forward-looking information and corporate governance mechanisms: evidence from the UK before the financial crisis period. Managerial Auditing Journal 29 (7), ISSN 0268-6902.
Al-Najjar, Basil and Kilincarslan, E. (2016) The effect of ownership structure on dividend policy: evidence from Turkey. Corporate Governance 16 (1), pp. 135-161. ISSN 0964-8410.
Al-Najjar, Basil and Rong, D. and Khaled, H. (2016) Determinants and value relevance of UK CEO pay slice. International Review of Applied Economics 30 (3), pp. 403-421. ISSN 0269-2171.
Al-Surmi, Abdulrahman and C., Guangming and D., Yanqing (2016) The impact of triadic strategic alignment on organisational performance. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Big Data Analytics (ETBDA’2016) Jan. 21-22, 2016 Bangkok (Thailand). International Institute of Engineers, pp. 5-12. ISBN 9789384422592.
Alessandri, P. and Conti, A.M. and Venditti, F. (2016) The financial stability dark side of monetary policy. Working Paper. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.
Anabanti, Chimere (2016) On locally maximal product-free sets in 2-groups of coclass 1. Quasigroups and Related Systems 24 (2), pp. 151-156. ISSN 1561-2848.
Anabanti, Chimere (2016) Three questions of Bertram on locally maximal sum-free sets. Technical Report. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.
Andersen, T.M. and Bertola, G. and Driffill, John and James, H. and Sinn, H.-W. and Urosevic, B. and Sturm, J.-E. (2016) EEAG report on the European economy 2016: what next? Project Report. Cesifo, Munich, Germany.
Andriani, Luca and Christoforou, A. (2016) Social capital: a roadmap of theoretical and empirical contributions and limitations. Journal of Economic Issues 50 (1), pp. 4-22. ISSN 0021-3624.
Archibugi, Daniele (2016) Blade Runner economics: will innovation lead the economic recovery? Research Policy 46 (3), pp. 535-543. ISSN 0048-7333.
Archibugi, Daniele and Filippetti, Andrea (2016) The retreat of public research and its adverse consequences on innovation. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.
Archibugi, Daniele and Lundvall, B.-A. and Steinmuller, E. (2016) Science fiction and economic cycles. A dialogue on technological expectations. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.
Arnorsson, A. and Zoega, Gylfi (2016) On the causes of Brexit. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.
Asgeirsdottir, T. and Olafsson, S. and Zoega, Gylfi (2016) Sleep and the management of alertness. Mind & Society , ISSN 1593-7879.
Atkins, Sarah and Roberts, C. (2016) Assessing institutional empathy in medical settings. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice 13 (1), pp. 11-33. ISSN 2040–3658.
Atkins, Sarah and Roberts, C. and Hawthorne, K. and Greenhalgh, T. (2016) Simulated consultations: a sociolinguistic perspective. BMC Medical Education 16 (16), pp. 1-9. ISSN 1472-6920.
Ball, K. and Di Domenico, M. and Nunan, Daniel (2016) Big data surveillance and the body-subject. Body & Society 22 (2), pp. 58-81. ISSN 1357-034X.
Barrios Fajardo, A. and De Valck, K. and Schultz, C. and Sibai, Olivier and Husemann, K. and Maxwell-Smith, M. and Luedicke, M. (2016) Marketing as a means to transformative social conflict resolution: lessons from transitioning war economies and the Colombian coffee marketing system. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 35 (2), pp. 185-197. ISSN 1547-7207.
Basile, K.A. and Beauregard, T. Alexandra (2016) Strategies for successful telework: how effective employees manage work/home boundaries. Strategic HR Review 15 (3), pp. 106-111. ISSN 1475-4398.
Beauregard, T. Alexandra and Arevshatian, L. and Booth, J.E. and Whittle, S. (2016) Listen carefully: transgender voices in the workplace. International Journal of Human Resource Management 29 (5), pp. 857-884. ISSN 0958-5192.
Beckert, Walter and Kelly, E. (2016) Divided by choice? Private providers, patient choice and hospital sorting in the English National Health Service. In: 2016 International Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM), 13-14 Jun 2016, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Bednarek, Rebecca and Chalkias, Konstantinos (2016) Constructing risk objects and their controllability in the insurance industry. Academy of Management Proceedings , pp. 1-40. ISSN 0065-0668.
Belgibayeva, Adiya and Plekhanov, A. (2016) Does corruption matter for sources of foreign direct investment? Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.
Berri, D. and Buiramo, B. and Rossi, Giambattista and Simmons, R. (2016) Pay and performance in Italian football. Working Paper. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.
Borel, L.-H. and Christodoulides, George (2016) Branding and digital analytics. In: Dall'Olmo Riley, F. and Singh, J. and Blankson, C. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Contemporary Brand Management. Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415747905.
Bose, S. and Daripa, Arup (2016) Eliciting ambiguous beliefs under α-Maxmin preference. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.
Bove, V. and Brauner, Jennifer (2016) The demand for military expenditure in authoritarian regimes. Defence and Peace Economics 27 (5), pp. 609-625. ISSN 1024-2694.
Bove, V. and Elia, L. and Pelliccia, Marco (2016) Centrality in trade networks and investment in security. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy 22 (1), pp. 27-39. ISSN 1079-2457.
Bove, V. and Elia, L. and Smith, Ron P. (2016) On the heterogeneous consequences of civil war. Oxford Economic Papers 69 (3), pp. 550-568. ISSN 0030-7653.
Breznitz, S.M. and Etzkowitz, Henry (2016) Making sense of university technology commercialization: diversity and adaptation. In: Breznitz, S.M. and Etzkowitz, Henry (eds.) University Technology Transfer: The globalization of academic innovation. Routledge Studies in Global Competition. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 463-466. ISBN 9780415714686.
Brown, A. and Rambaccussing, D. and Reade, J.J. and Rossi, Giambattista (2016) Using social media to identify market inefficiencies: evidence from Twitter and Betfair. Working Paper. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.
Buiter, W.H. and Sibert, Anne (2016) Government deficits in large open economies: the problem of too little public debt. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal 2016 (2), ISSN 1864-6042.
Caimo, A. and Gollini, Isabella (2016) Bayesian computational algorithms for social network analysis. In: Dehmer, M. and Shi, Y. and Emmert-Streib, F. (eds.) Computational Network Analysis with R: Applications in Biology, Medicine, and Chemistry. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, pp. 63-82. ISBN 9783527339587.
Caldwell, Raymond (2016) The Weberian legacy: re-reading Reinhard Bendix’s Intellectual Portrait of Max Weber. Journal of Classical Sociology 16 (2), pp. 196-218. ISSN 1468-795X.
Cartea, Alvaro and Karyampas, Dimitrios (2016) The relationship between the volatility of returns and the number of jumps in financial markets. Econometric Reviews 35 (6), pp. 929-950. ISSN 0747-4938.
Cassar, Vincent and Briner, R.B. and Buttigieg, S. (2016) What's in a broken promissory obligation? Developing and testing a multiple component form measure of psychological contract breach. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 27 (5), pp. 567-592. ISSN 0958-5192.
Chari, S. and Christodoulides, George and Presi, C. and Wenhold, J. and Casaletto, J.P. (2016) Consumer trust in user-generated brand recommendations on Facebook. Psychology & Marketing 33 (12), pp. 1071-1081. ISSN 0742-6046.
Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, Uracha (2016) Entitled or misunderstood? Towards the repositioning of the sense of entitlement concept in the generational difference debate. Community, Work & Family 19 (2), pp. 213-226. ISSN 1366-8803.
Chatzidakis, A. and Kastanakis, M. and Stathopoulou, Anastasia (2016) Socio-cognitive determinants of consumers’ support for the fair trade movement. Journal of Business Ethics 133 (1), pp. 95-109. ISSN 0167-4544.
Chatzipanagiotou, K. and Veloutsou, C. and Christodoulides, George (2016) Decoding the complexity of the consumer-based brand equity process. Journal of Business Research 69 (11), pp. 5479-5486. ISSN 0148-2963.
Chernih, A. and Hubbert, Simon (2016) Closed form representations and properties of the generalised Wendland functions. Technical Report. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.
Cieslak, A. and Povala, Pavol (2016) Information in the Term Structure of Yield Curve Volatility. The Journal of Finance 71 (3), pp. 1393-1436. ISSN 0022-1082.
Clemens, D. and Ehrenmüller, J. and Pokrovskiy, Alexey (2016) On sets not belonging to algebras and rainbow matchings in graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 122 , pp. 109-120. ISSN 0095-8956.
Clements, A.J. and Kinman, G. and Leggetter, S. and Teoh, Kevin and Guppy, A. (2016) Exploring commitment, professional identity, and support for student nurses. Nurse Education in Practice 16 (1), pp. 20-26. ISSN 1471-5953.
Cox, Tom (2016) Managing psychosocial risks to worker health in the United Kingdom. International Labor Brief 14 (12), pp. 7-17. ISSN 1599-8355.
Crescenzi, R. and Filippetti, Andrea and Iammarino, S. (2016) Academic inventors: collaboration and proximity with industry. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.
Crisafulli, Benedetta (2016) Managing customer complaints: the case of Imperial Orchid Hotels in Thailand. In: Kumar, R.S. and Dilip S., M. and Bang, N. (eds.) Services Marketing Cases in Emerging Markets: An Asian Perspective. Springer, pp. 35-43. ISBN 9783319329680.
Crisafulli, Benedetta and Singh, J. (2016) Managing Online Service Recovery at iMAGE Telecom. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) SAGE Business Cases. SAGE. ISBN 9781473952034.
Crisafulli, Benedetta and Singh, J. (2016) Managing online service recovery: procedures, justice and customer satisfaction. Journal of Service Theory and Practice 26 (6), pp. 764-787. ISSN 2055-6225.
Crisafulli, Benedetta and Singh, J. (2016) Service guarantee as a recovery strategy: the impact of guarantee terms on perceived justice and firm motives. Journal of Service Management 27 (2), pp. 117-143. ISSN 1757-5818.
Crisafulli, Benedetta and Singh, J. (2016) Too little, too late? The effect of time and money on consumer responses to online service failures. In: 2017 Frontiers in Service Conference, 22-25 Jun 2017, New York, U.S..
De Silva, Muthu (2016) Academic entrepreneurship and traditional academic duties: synergy or rivalry? Studies in Higher Education 41 (12), pp. 2169-2183. ISSN 0307-5079.
Delle Monache, D. and Petrella, Ivan (2016) Adaptive models and heavy tails with an application to inflation forecasting. Working Paper. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.
Dewberry, Chris and Jackson, Duncan (2016) The perceived nature and incidence of dysfunctional assessment center features and processes. International Journal of Selection and Assessment 24 (2), pp. 189-196. ISSN 0965-075X.
Donaldson-Feilder, Emma and Lewis, Rachel (2016) Healthy organisations, healthy leadership and management, healthy employees .... for healthy performance. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Moving the Employee Well-Being Agenda Forward: A Collection of Thought Pieces. London, U.K: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, pp. 23-24.
Driffill, John (2016) Unconventional monetary policy the Euro Zone. Open Economies Review 27 (2), pp. 387-404. ISSN 0923-7992.
Drury, Lisbeth and Hutchison, P. and Abrams, D. (2016) Direct and extended intergenerational contact and young people's attitudes towards older adults. British Journal of Social Psychology 55 (3), pp. 522-543. ISSN 0144-6665.
Etzkowitz, Henry (2016) Technology transfer paradox of success. In: Breznitz, S.M. and Etzkowitz, Henry (eds.) University Technology Transfer: The globalization of academic innovation. Routledge Studies in Global Competition. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 66-83. ISBN 9780415714686.
Etzkowitz, Henry (2016) The ethos of university technology transfer: aligning transactional and humanistic values in a Bayh-Dole regime. In: Breznitz, S.M. and Etzkowitz, Henry (eds.) University Technology Transfer: The globalization of academic innovation. Routledge Studies in Global Competition. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 442-450. ISBN 9780415714686.
Etzkowitz, Henry (2016) The evolution of technology transfer. In: Breznitz, S.M. and Etzkowitz, Henry (eds.) University Technology Transfer: The globalization of academic innovation. Routledge Studies in Global Competition. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 3-22. ISBN 9780415714686.
Etzkowitz, Henry and Göktepe-Hultén, D. (2016) De-reifying technology transfer metrics: to address the stages and phases of TTO development. In: Breznitz, S.M. and Etzkowitz, Henry (eds.) University Technology Transfer: The globalization of academic innovation. Routledge Studies in Global Competition. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 84-101. ISBN 9780415714686.
Fernández-Blanco, J. and Gomes, Pedro (2016) Unobserved heterogeneity, exit rates, and re-employment wages. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 119 (2), pp. 375-404. ISSN 0347-0520.
Floricel, S. and Michela, J. and Piperca, Sorin (2016) Complexity, uncertainty-reduction strategies and project performance. International Journal of Project Management 34 , pp. 1360-1383. ISSN 0263-7863.
Floricel, S. and Piperca, Sorin (2016) Project management between will and representation. Project Management Journal 47 (3), pp. 124-138. ISSN 8756-9728.
Frittelli, M. and Mancini, L. and Peri, Ilaria (2016) Scientific research measures. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 67 (12), pp. 3051-3063. ISSN 2330-1643.
Galariotis, E. and Makrychoriti, Panagiota and Spyros, S. (2016) Sovereign CDS spread determinants and spill-over effects during financial crisis: a panel VAR approach. Journal of Financial Stability 26 , pp. 62-77. ISSN 1572-3089.
Garcia del Barrio, P. and Pujol, F. (2016) Economic evaluation of football players through media value. Working Paper. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.
Garcia-Alonso, M.D.C. and Levine, P. and Smith, Ron P. (2016) Military aid, direct intervention and counterterrorism. European Journal of Political Economy 44 , pp. 112-135. ISSN 0176-2680.
Gebrial, D. and Kumar, Ashok (2016) Atoning for the past. Economic and Political Weekly 51 (10), ISSN 0012-9976.
Geman, Hélyette and Chang, L. and Liu, B. (2016) Intraday pair trading strategies on high frequency data: the case of oil companies. Quantitative Finance 17 (1), pp. 87-100. ISSN 1469-7688.
Geman, Hélyette and Liu, B. (2016) Introducing distances between commodity markets: the case of the US and UK natural gas. In: Kallsen, J. and Papapantoleon, A. (eds.) Advanced Modelling in Mathematical Finance: In Honour of Ernst Eberlein. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 189 189. Springer, pp. 93-105. ISBN 9783319458731.
Geman, Hélyette and Velez, Tara (2016) Ownership yield and prime real estate in alpha cities. The Journal of Wealth Management 19 (3), pp. 116-130. ISSN 1520-4154.
Goldshteyn, V. and Arevshatian, L. and Lewis, Rachel (2016) Music as an HR resource for employee wellbeing. Sift Media.
Gollini, Isabella and Murphy, T.B. (2016) Joint modelling of multiple network wiews. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 25 (1), pp. 246-265. ISSN 1061-8600.
Gollini, Isabella and Rougier, J. (2016) Rapidly bounding the exceedance probabilities of high aggregate losses. Journal of Operational Risk 11 (3), pp. 97-116. ISSN 1744-6740.
Gomes, Pedro and Taamouti, A. (2016) In search of the determinants of European asset market comovements. International Review of Economics & Finance 44 , pp. 103-117. ISSN 1059-0560.
Gylfason, T. and Tómasson, H. and Zoega, Gylfi (2016) Around the world with Irving Fisher. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 36 , pp. 232-243. ISSN 1062-9408.
Hamann, K. and Johnston, A. and Kelly, John (2016) The electoral effects of general strikes in Western Europe. Comparative Politics 49 (1), pp. 63-82. ISSN 0010-4159.
Hashem Pesaran, M. and Smith, Ron P. (2016) Counterfactual analysis in Macroeconometrics: an empirical investigation into the effects of quantitative easing. Research in Economics 70 (2), pp. 262-280. ISSN 1090-9443.
Hein, Wendy and Steinfield, L. and Ourahmoune, N. and Coleman, C.A. and Tuncay Zayer, L. and Littlefield, J. (2016) Gender justice and the market: a transformative consumer research perspective. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 35 (2), pp. 223-236. ISSN 0743-9156.
Heracleous, L. and Papachroni, A. and Andriopoulos, C. and Gotsi, Manto (2016) Structural ambidexterity and competency traps: insights from Xerox PARC. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 117 , pp. 327-338. ISSN 0040-1625.
Hori, Kenjiro and Ceron, George Martin (2016) Removing moral hazard and agency costs in banks: beyond CoCo Bonds. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.
Howard Wilsher, s. and Harrison, F. and Yamoah, Fred and Fearne, A. and Jones, A. (2016) The relationship between unhealthy food sales, socio-economic deprivation and childhood weight status: results of a cross-sectional study in England. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 13 , ISSN 1479-5868.
Ingham, G. and Coutts, K. and Konzelmann, Suzanne J. (2016) Cranks and brave heretics: rethinking money and banking after the great financial crisis. Cambridge Journal of Economics 40 (5), pp. 1247-1257. ISSN 0309-166X.
Irving, J. and Rattan, Amarpreet (2016) Parking functions, tree depth and factorizations of the full cycle into transpositions. In: FPSAC 2016 - Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, 4-8 Jul 2016, Vancouver, Canada.
Iwowo, Vanessa (2016) African Independence: How Africa Shapes the World. [Book Review]
Iwowo, Vanessa (2016) In the eye of the beholder: making 'Sense' of leadership development in Africa. Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), ISSN 0065-0668.
Jackson, Duncan and Hassard, Juliet (2016) A theoretical perspective on the mediating role of mental clarity in the relationship between health and cognitive processing. In: Teoh, Kevin and Dediu, V. and Saade, N.J. and Hassard, Juliet (eds.) BOOK OF PROCEEDINGS, 12th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology ‘ OHP in Times of Change: Society and the workplace. European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. ISBN 9780992878627.
Jackson, Duncan and Kim, S. and Lee, C. and Choi, Y. and Song, J. (2016) Simulating déjà vu: what happens to game performance when controlling for situational features? Computers in Human Behavior 55 (B), pp. 796-803. ISSN 0747-5632.
Jackson, Duncan and LoPilato, A.C. and Guenole, N. and Hughes, D. and Ali, S. (2016) The internal structure of situational judgement tests reflects candidate main effects: not dimensions or situations. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 90 (1), pp. 1-27. ISSN 0963-1798.
Jackson, Duncan and Michaelides, George and Dewberry, Chris (2016) When effects are confounded, they cannot be interpreted: A study of confounding in assessment centre ratings. In: European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, 11-13 Apr 2016, Athens, Greece. (Unpublished)
Jackson, Duncan and Michaelides, George and Dewberry, Chris and Kim, Y.-J. (2016) Everything that you have ever been told about assessment center ratings is confounded. Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (7), pp. 976-994. ISSN 0021-9010.
Kamau, Caroline (2016) Corespondence: Is the NHS Mental Health Service preparing clients to resume employment? Psychiatric Services 67 (5), pp. 578-579. ISSN 1075-2730.
Kamau, Caroline (2016) Is the NHS mental health service preparing clients to resume employment? Psychiatric Services 67 (5), pp. 578-579. ISSN 1075-2730.
Kamau, Caroline (2016) Vulnerability of emergency surgery to the working conditions of new doctors. Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons 98 (8), pp. 354-357. ISSN 1473-6357.
Katsimi, M. and Zoega, Gylfi (2016) European integration and the Feldstein–Horioka Puzzle. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 78 (6), pp. 834-852. ISSN 0305-9049.
Kelly, John (2016) The discursive reconstruction of poor electoral performance: the British Trotskyist left and the 2010 General Election. Journal of Political Ideologies 21 (1), pp. 78-98. ISSN 1356-9317.
Kinman, Gail and Leggetter, S. (2016) Emotional labour and wellbeing: what protects nurses? Healthcare 4 (4), p. 89. ISSN 2227-9032.
Konzelmann, Sue and Wilkinson, F. (2016) Co-operation in production, the organisation of industry and productive systems: a critical survey of the "District" form of industrial organisation and development. Working Paper. University of Cambridge Centre for Business Research, Cambridge, UK.
Konzelmann, Suzanne J. and Fovargue-Davies, M. (2016) Public policy working: catalyst for olympic success. In: Cozzi, G. and Newman, S. and Toporowski, J. (eds.) Finance and Industrial Policy: Beyond Financial Regulation in Europe. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198744504.
Konzelmann, Suzanne J. and Gray, M. and Donald, B. (2016) Assessing austerity. Cambridge Journal of Economics 38 (4), ISSN 1464-3545.
Kornelakis, A. and Veliziotis, M. and Voskeritsian, Horen and Kapotas, P. (2016) Prospects for new employment relations and labour market model in Greece. Project Report. Hellenic Observatory.
Kreif, N. and Gruber, S. and Radice, Rosalba and Grieve, R. and Sekhon, J.S. (2016) Evaluating treatment effectiveness under model misspecification: a comparison of targeted maximum likelihood estimation with bias-corrected matching. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 25 (5), pp. 2315-2336. ISSN 0962-2802.
Lawton Smith, Helen (2016) Entrepreneurial regions in theory and policy practice. In: Shearmu, R. and Carrincazeaux, C. and Doloreux, D. (eds.) Handbook on the Geographies of Innovation. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 334-350. ISBN 9781784710767.
Lawton Smith, Helen (2016) Global economic crises and local fortunes: the case of Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire. In: Begley, J. and Coffey, D. and Donnelly, T. and Thornley, C. (eds.) Global Economic Crisis and Local Economic Development: International cases and policy responses. Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 30-46. ISBN 9780415870368.
Lawton Smith, Helen and Bagchi-Sen, S. and Edmunds, L. (2016) Innovation capacity in the healthcare sector and historical anchors: examples from the UK, Switzerland and the US. The Journal of Technology Transfer 41 (6), pp. 1420-1439. ISSN 0892-9912.
Lawton Smith, Helen and Bagchi-Sen, S. and Edmunds, L. (2016) Science, innovation and technology transfer pathways in translational research: a study of divergent trajectories in the healthcare sector in Europe. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.
Lawton Smith, Helen and Glasson, J. (2016) UK university models of technology transfer in a global economy. In: Breznitz, S.M. and Etzkowitz, Henry (eds.) University Technology Transfer: The globalization of academic innovation. Routledge Studies in Global Competition. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 179-201. ISBN 9780415714686.
Le, J.K. and Bednarek, Rebecca (2016) Towards a social practice theory of paradox. Academy of Management Proceedings , ISSN 0065-0668.
Lindholm Dahlstrand, Å.T. and Lawton Smith, Helen and Baines, N. (2016) Academic entrepreneurship: spin-offs in Sweden and the UK. In: Audretsch, D. and Lehmann, E. and Meoli, M. and Vismara, S. (eds.) University Evolution, Entrepreneurial Activity and Regional Competitiveness. International Studies in Entrepreneurship 32. Springer, pp. 127-150. ISBN 9783319177120.
Lock, Rachael and Lawton Smith, Helen (2016) The impact of female entrepreneurship on economic growth in Kenya. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 8 (1), pp. 90-96. ISSN 1756-6266.
MacLennan, S. and Cox, Tom and Murdoch, S. (2016) Working together: Providing better information, advice and support on work engagement and cancer. In: Joint BASO ∼ The Association for Cancer Surgery Annual Scientific Conference and NCRI Cancer Conference – 6th – 9th November 2016, 6-9 Nov 2016, Liverpool, UK.
Mamatzakis, Emmanuel and Bermpei, T. (2016) What is the effect of unconventional monetary policy on bank performance? Journal of International Money & Finance 67 , pp. 239-263. ISSN 0261-5606.
Mamatzakis, Emmanuel and Matousek, R. and Vu, A.N. (2016) What is the impact of bankrupt and restructured loans on Japanese bank efficiency? Journal of Banking & Finance 72 (S), S187-S202. ISSN 0378-4266.
Marbach, J. and Lages, C.R. and Nunan, Daniel (2016) Who are you and what do you value? Investigating the role of personality traits and customer-perceived value in online customer engagement. Journal of Marketing Management 32 (5-6), pp. 502-525. ISSN 0267-257X.
Marra, G. and Radice, Rosalba and Bärnighausen, T. and Wood, S. and McGovern, M. (2016) A simultaneous equation approach to estimating HIV prevalence with non-ignorable missing responses. Journal of the American Statistical Association 112 (518), pp. 484-496. ISSN 0162-1459.
Marstand, Anders and Martin, R. and Epitropaki, O. (2016) Complementary person-supervisor fit: an investigation of Supplies-Values (S-V) fit, Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and work outcomes. The Leadership Quarterly 28 (3), pp. 418-437. ISSN 1048-9843.
Matei, Raluca (2016) Tutti for health and wellbeing – Performing health psychology. Health Psychology Update 26 (1), ISSN 0954-2027.
Medisauskaite, A. and Kamau, Caroline (2016) Guiding trainee pediatricians about how to cope with grief. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 37 (6), p. 523. ISSN 0196-206X.
Meliciani, V. and Radicchia, D. (2016) Overeducation and overskill in the Italian labour market: the role of fields of study. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.
Meschitti, Viviana (2016) The struggle for equality in academia: the gendered effects of an apparently innocent work allocation. In: British Academy of Management, 6-8 Sep 2016, Newcastle, UK.
Monache, D.D. and Petrella, Ivan and Venditti, F. (2016) Common faith or parting ways? A time varying parameters factor analysis of Euro-area inflation. In: Hillebrand, E. and Koopman, S.J. (eds.) Dynamic Factor Models. Advances in Econometrics 35 35. Emerald, pp. 539-565. ISBN 9781785603532.
Mortenson, M.J. and Vidgen, Richard (2016) A computational literature review of the technology acceptance model. International Journal of Information Management 36 (6), pp. 1248-1259. ISSN 0268-4012.
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