Items where Subject is "Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Science > School of Psychological Sciences"

Anning, A. and Ball, M. and Belsky, J. and Melhuish, Ted (2007) Predicting impact in an early years intervention: the design of a tool using qualitative and quantitative approaches. Journal of Children's Services 2 (3), pp. 27-42. ISSN 1746-6660.
Ansari, D. and Donlan, C. and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2007) Typical and atypical development of visual estimation abilities. Cortex 43 (6), 758 - 768. ISSN 0010-9452.
Azanon Gracia, Elena and Soto-Faraco, S. (2007) Alleviating the 'crossed-hands' deficit by seeing uncrossed rubber hands. Experimental Brain Research 182 (4), pp. 537-548. ISSN 0014-4819.
Barnes, Jacqueline (2007) Down our way: the relevance of neighbourhoods for parenting and child development. Wiley. ISBN 9780470030721.
Barnes, Jacqueline (2007) How Sure Start local programme areas changed. In: Belsky, Jay and Barnes, Jacqueline and Melhuish, Edward (eds.) The National Evaluation of Sure Start: Does area-based early intervention work. Bristol, UK: The Policy Press, pp. 173-193. ISBN 9781861349507.
Barnes, Jacqueline (2007) Targeting deprived areas. In: Belsky, Jay and Barnes, Jacqueline and Melhuish, Edward (eds.) The National Evaluation of Sure Start: Does area-based early intervention work. Bristol, UK: The Policy Press, pp. 25-44. ISBN 9781861349507.
Barnes, Jacqueline and Altmann, L. and Ram, B. and Stein, A. and Leach, P. and Sylva, K. and Malmberg, L.-E. (2007) Factors associated with negative emotional expression: a study of mothers of young infants. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 25 (2), pp. 122-138. ISSN 0264-6838.
Barnes, Jacqueline and Cheng, H. and Frost, M. and Harper, G. and Howden, B. and Lattin-Rawstrone, R. and Sack, C. (2007) Changes in the characteristics of Sure Start local programme areas in rounds 1 to 4 between 2000/2001 and 2004/2005. Project Report. DfES Publications, London, UK.
Baughman, Frank D. and Cooper, Richard P. (2007) Inhibition and young children's performance on the Tower of London task. Cognitive Systems Research 8 (3), pp. 216-226. ISSN 1389-0417.
Belsky, J. and Melhuish, Ted (2007) Impact of Sure Start local programmes on children and families. In: Belsky, J. and Barnes, J. and Melhuish, Ted (eds.) The National Evaluation of Sure Start: Does Area-based Early Intervention Work? Bristol, UK: Policy Press, pp. 133-154. ISBN 9781861349491.
Belsky, Jay and Barnes, Jacqueline and Melhuish, Edward (2007) The National Evaluation of Sure Start: does area-based early intervention work? Bristol, UK: The Policy Press. ISBN 9781861349507.
Bertenthal, B.I. and Longo, Matthew R. (2007) Is there evidence of a mirror system from birth? Developmental Science 10 (5), pp. 526-529. ISSN 1363-755X.
Bertenthal, B.I. and Longo, Matthew R. and Kenny, S. (2007) Phenomenal permanence and the development of predictive tracking in infancy. Child Development 78 (1), pp. 350-363. ISSN 0009-3920.
Biro, S. and Csibra, Gergely and Gergely, G. (2007) The role of behavioral cues in understanding goal-directed actions in infancy. Progress in Brain Research 164 , pp. 303-322. ISSN 0079-6123.
Blanchette, I. and Richards, Anne and Cross, A. (2007) Anxiety and the interpretation of ambiguous facial expressions: the influence of contextual cues. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (8), pp. 1101-1115. ISSN 1747-0218.
Blanchette, I. and Richards, Anne and Melnyk, L. and Lavda, A. (2007) Reasoning about emotional contents following shocking terrorist attacks: a tale of three cities. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 13 (1), 47 - 56. ISSN 1076-898X.
Blasi, A. and Fox, S. and Everdell, N. and Volein, A. and Tucker, L. and Csibra, Gergely and Gibson, A.P. and Hebden, J.C. and Johnson, M.H. and Elwell, C.E. (2007) Investigation of depth dependent changes in cerebral haemodynamics during face perception in infants. Physics in Medicine and Biology 52 (23), pp. 6849-6864. ISSN 0031-9155.
Brewer, H. and Smith, Jonathan A. and Eatough, V. and Stanley, C. and Glendinning, N. and Quarrell, O. (2007) Caring for a child with juvenile huntington's disease: helpful and unhelpful support. Journal of Child Health Care 11 (1), pp. 40-52. ISSN 1367-4935.
Brooks-Gordon, Belinda (2007) Death rites and rights. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing. ISBN 9781841137322.
Brotherstone, H. and Vance, M. and Edwards, R. and Miles, Anne and Robb, K.A. and Evans, R.E.C. and Wardle, J. and Atkin, W. (2007) Uptake of population based flexible sigmoidoscopy screening for colorectal cancer: a nurse-led feasibility study. Journal of Medical Screening 14 (2), pp. 76-80. ISSN 0969-1413.
Cohen Kadosh, R. and Cohen Kadosh, Kathrin and Kaas, A. and Henik, A. and Goebel, R. (2007) Notation-dependent and -independent representations of numbers in the parietal lobes. Neuron 53 (2), 307 - 314. ISSN 0896-6273.
Cooper, Richard P. (2007) Tool use and related errors in ideational apraxia: The quantitative simulation of patient error profiles. Cortex 43 (3), pp. 319-337. ISSN 0010-9452.
Cooper, Richard P. (2007) The role of falsification in the development of cognitive architectures: insights from a Lakatosian analysis. Cognitive Science 31 (3), pp. 509-533. ISSN 0364-0213.
Csibra, Gergely (2007) Action mirroring and action interpretation: an alternative account. In: Haggard, P. and Rosetti, Y. and Kawato, M. (eds.) Sensorimotor Foundations of Higher Cognition. Attention and Performance XXII. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 435-459. ISBN 9780199231447.
Csibra, Gergely (2007) Teachers in the wild. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 11 (3), pp. 95-96. ISSN 1364-6613.
Csibra, Gergely and Gergely, G. (2007) Ember és kultúra: a kulturális tudás eredete és átadásának mechanizmusai. Pszichológiai Szemle Könyvtár 11. Budapest, Hungary: Akadémiai Kiadó. ISBN 9789630585187.
Csibra, Gergely and Gergely, G. (2007) 'Obsessed with goals': functions and mechanisms of teleological interpretation of actions in humans. Acta Psychologica 124 (1), pp. 60-78. ISSN 0001-6918.
Csibra, Gergely and Gergely, G. (2007) Obsessed with goals: functions and mechanisms of teleological interpretation of actions in humans. Acta Psychologica 124 (1), pp. 60-78. ISSN 0001-6918.
Csibra, Gergely and Gergely, G. (2007) Társas tanulás és társas megismerés: a pedagógia szerepe. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Ember és kultúra : a kulturális tudás eredete és átadásának mechanizmusai. Pszichológiai Szemle Könyvtár 11. Budapest, Hungary: Akadémiai Kiadó, pp. 5-30. ISBN 9789630585187.
Csibra, Gergely and Johnson, M.H. (2007) Investigating event-related oscillations in infancy. In: De Haan, M. (ed.) Infant EEG and Event-Related Potentials. Hove, England: Psychology Press, pp. 289-304. ISBN 9781134955220.
Davelaar, Eddy J. (2007) Sequential retrieval and inhibition of parallel (re)activated representations: a neurocomputational comparison of competitive queuing and resampling models. Adaptive Behavior 15 (1), pp. 51-71. ISSN 1059-7123.
Davelaar, Eddy J. and Huber, D.E. (2007) A perceptual adaptation account of preview effect in the Eriksen flanker task. In: Vosniadou, S. and Kayser, D. and Protopapas, A. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd European Cognitive Science Conference. Delphi: Cognitive Science Society, p. 907. ISBN 9781841696966.
Dell’Acqua, R. and Pesciarelli, F. and Jolicœur, P. and Eimer, Martin and Peressotti, F. (2007) The interdependence of spatial attention and lexical access as revealed by early asymmetries in occipito-parietal ERP activity. Psychophysiology 44 (3), pp. 436-443. ISSN 0048-5772.
Derakhshan, Nazanin and Eysenck, M.W. and Myers, L.B. (2007) Emotional information processing in repressors: the vigilance-avoidance theory. Cognition and Emotion 21 (8), pp. 1585-1614. ISSN 0269-9931.
Dick, Frederic and Saygin, A. and Galati, G. and Pitzalis, S. and Bentrovato, S. and D'Amico, S. and Wilson, S. and Bates, E. and Pizzamiglio, L. (2007) What is involved and what is necessary for complex linguistic and nonlinguistic auditory processing: evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging and lesion data. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 19 (5), pp. 799-816. ISSN 0898-929X.
Dixon-Woods, M. and Sutton, A. and Shaw, R. and Miller, T. and Smith, Jonathan A. and Young, B. and Bonas, S. and Booth, A. and Jones, D. (2007) Appraising qualitative research for inclusion in systematic reviews: a quantitative and qualitative comparison of three methods. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 12 (1), pp. 42-47. ISSN 1355-8196.
Drivonikou, G.V. and Davies, I.R.L. and Franklin, A. and Taylor, Chloe (2007) Lateralisation of colour categorical perception: a cross-cultural study. In: European Conference on Visual Perception, 2007, Arezzo, Italy.
Dworzynski, K. and Ronald, Angelica and Hayiou-Thomas, M. and Rijskijk, F. and Happé, F. and Bolton, P. and Plomin, R. (2007) Aetiological relationship between language performance and autistic-like traits in childhood: a twin study. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 42 (3), pp. 273-292. ISSN 1368-2822.
de Visser, R. and Smith, Jonathan A. (2007) Alcohol consumption and masculine identity among young men. Psychology and Health 22 (5), pp. 595-614. ISSN 0887-0446.
de Visser, R.O. and Smith, Jonathan A. (2007) Young men's ambivalence toward alcohol. Social Science & Medicine 64 (2), 350 - 362. ISSN 0277-9536.
Eatough, Virginia and Smith, Jonathan A. (2007) Making sense of anger: a case study using interpretative phenomenological analysis. In: Coyle, A. and Lyons, E. (eds.) Analysing Qualitative Data in Psychology: A Practical & Comparative Guide. London, UK: Sage, pp. 205-215. ISBN 9781446273753.
Eimer, Martin and Holmes, A. (2007) Event-related brain potential correlates of emotional face processing. Neuropsychologia 45 (1), 15 - 31. ISSN 0028-3932.
Eimer, Martin and Kiss, M. (2007) Attentional capture by task-irrelevant fearful faces is revealed by the N2pc component. Biological Psychology 74 (1), pp. 108-112. ISSN 0301-0511.
Eimer, Martin and van Velzen, J. and Gherri, Elena and Press, Clare (2007) ERP correlates of shared control mechanisms involved in saccade preparation and in covert attention. Brain Research 1135 , 154 - 166. ISSN 0006-8993.
Eysenck, M.W. and Derakhshan, Nazanin and Santos, R. and Calvo, M.G. (2007) Anxiety and cognitive performance: attentional control theory. Emotion 7 (2), 336 - 353. ISSN 1528-3542.
Farroni, Teresa and Massaccesi, S. and Menon, E. and Johnson, Mark H. (2007) Direct gaze modulates face recognition in young infants. Cognition 102 (3), pp. 396-404. ISSN 0010-0277.
Farroni, Teresa and Menon, E. and Rigato, Silvia and Johnson, Mark H. (2007) The perception of facial expressions in newborns. European Journal of Developmental Psychology 4 (1), pp. 2-13. ISSN 1740-5629.
Forster, B. and Eardley, Alison F. and Eimer, Martin (2007) Altered tactile spatial attention in the early blind. Brain Research 1131 , 149 - 154. ISSN 0006-8993.
Forster, B. and Eimer, Martin (2007) Covert unimanual response preparation triggers attention shifts to effectors rather than goal locations. Neuroscience Letters 419 (2), pp. 142-146. ISSN 0304-3940.
Geyer, T. and Muller, Hermann J. and Krummenacher, J. (2007) Cross-trial priming of element positions in visual pop-out search is dependent on stimulus arrangement. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 33 (4), 788 - 797. ISSN 0096-1523.
Gherri, Elena and van Velzen, J. and Eimer, Martin (2007) Dissociating effector and movement direction selection during the preparation of manual reaching movements: Evidence from lateralized ERP components. Clinical Neurophysiology 118 (9), 2031 - 2049. ISSN 1388-2457.
Gillmeister, H. and Eimer, Martin (2007) Tactile enhancement of auditory detection and perceived loudness. Brain Research 1160 , 58 - 68. ISSN 0006-8993.
Gliga, Teodora and Csibra, Gergely (2007) Seeing the face through the eyes: a developmental perspective on face expertise. Progress in Brain Research 164 , pp. 323-339. ISSN 0079-6123.
Gliga, Teodora and Dehaene-Lambertz, G. (2007) Development of a view-invariant representation of the human head. Cognition 102 (2), pp. 261-288. ISSN 0010-0277.
Gliga, Teodora and Mareschal, Denis (2007) What can neuroimaging tell us about the early development of visual categories? Cognitie Creier Comportament 11 (4), pp. 757-772. ISSN 1224-8398.
Gracie, A. and Freeman, D. and Green, Simon and Garety, P.A. and Kuipers, E. and Hardy, A. and Ray, K. and Dunn, G. and Bebbington, P. and Fowler, D. (2007) The association between traumatic experience, paranoia and hallucinations: a test of the predictions of psychological models. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 116 (4), pp. 280-289. ISSN 0001-690X.
Gramann, K. and Toellner, T. and Krummenacher, J. and Eimer, Martin and Müller, H.J. (2007) Brain electrical correlates of dimensional weighting: an ERP study. Psychophysiology 44 (2), pp. 277-292. ISSN 0048-5772.
Grecucci, A. and Cooper, Richard P. and Rumiati, R.I. (2007) A computational model of action resonance and its modulation by emotional stimulation. Cognitive Systems Research 8 (3), 143 - 160. ISSN 1389-0417.
Grossman, T. and Johnson, M.H. and Farroni, T. and Csibra, Gergely (2007) Social perception in the infant brain: gamma oscillatory activity in response to eye gaze. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 2 (4), pp. 284-291. ISSN 1749-5016.
Grossmann, Tobias and Striano, T. and Friederici, A.D. (2007) Developmental changes in infants' processing of happy and angry facial expressions: a neurobehavioral study. Brain and Cognition 64 (1), 30 - 41. ISSN 0278-2626.
Hahn, Ulrike and Oaksford, Mike (2007) Induction, deduction, and argument strength in human reasoning and argumentation. In: Feeney, A. and Heit, E. (eds.) Inductive Reasoning: Experimental, Developmental, and Computational Approaches. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 269-301. ISBN 9780521672443.
Hahn, Ulrike and Oaksford, Mike (2007) The burden of proof and its role in argumentation. Argumentation 21 (1), pp. 39-61. ISSN 0920-427X.
Hahn, Ulrike and Oaksford, Mike (2007) The rationality of informal argumentation: a Bayesian approach to reasoning fallacies. Psychological Review 114 (3), 704 - 732. ISSN 0033-295X.
Hammond, S. and Pain, H. and Smith, Tim J. (2007) Player agency in interactive narrative: audience, actor & author. In: AISB '07: Artificial and Ambient Intelligence, 2-4 Apr 2007, Newcastle, UK.
Hattori, M. and Oaksford, Mike (2007) Adaptive non-interventional heuristics for covariation detection in causal induction: model comparison and rational analysis. Cognitive Science 31 (5), pp. 765-814. ISSN 0364-0213.
Haworth, C. and Meaburn, Emma L. and Harlaar, N. and Plomin, R. (2007) Reading and generalist genes. Mind, Brain, and Education 1 (4), pp. 173-180. ISSN 1751-2271.
Jonas, A. and Reich, A.L. and Shepherd, Alex J. and Siniatchkin, M. (2007) Peri-ictal changes of cortical excitability in paediatric migraine. In: The XIII Congress of the International Headache Society, 2007, Stockholm, Sweden. (Unpublished)
Kennett, S. and Van Velzen, J. and Eimer, Martin and Driver, J. (2007) Disentangling gaze shifts from preparatory ERP effects during spatial attention. Psychophysiology 44 (1), pp. 69-78. ISSN 0048-5772.
Kirkham, Natasha Z. and Slemmer, J.A. and Richardson, D.C. and Johnson, S.P. (2007) Location, location, location: development of spatiotemporal sequence learning in infancy. Child Development 78 (5), pp. 1559-1571. ISSN 0009-3920.
Kiss, M. and Goolsby, B.A. and Raymond, J.E. and Shapiro, K.L. and Silvert, L. and Nobre, A.C. and Fragopanagos, N. and Taylor, J.G. and Eimer, Martin (2007) Efficient attentional selection predicts distractor devaluation: event-related potential evidence for a direct link between attention and emotion. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 19 (8), pp. 1316-1322. ISSN 0898-929X.
Kotsoni, E. and Csibra, Gergely and Mareschal, Denis and Johnson, M.H. (2007) Cognitive control of sequential knowledge in 2-year-olds: evidence from an incidental sequence-learning and -generation task. Psychological Science 18 (3), pp. 261-266. ISSN 0956-7976.
Kotsoni, Eleni and Csibra, Gergely and Mareschal, Denis and Johnson, Mark H. (2007) Electrophysiological correlates of common-onset visual masking. Neuropsychologia 45 (10), 2285 - 2293. ISSN 0028-3932.
Kushnerenko, Elena and Winkler, I. and Horváth, J. and Näätänen, R. and Pavlov, I. and Fellman, V. and Huotilainen, M. (2007) Processing acoustic change and novelty in newborn infants. European Journal of Neuroscience 26 (1), pp. 265-274. ISSN 0953-816X.
Leech, R. and Aydelott, J. and Symons, G. and Carnevale, J. and Dick, Frederic (2007) The development of sentence interpretation: effects of perceptual, attentional and semantic interference. Developmental Science 10 (6), pp. 794-813. ISSN 1363-755X.
Leech, R. and Mareschal, Denis and Cooper, Richard P. (2007) Relations as transformations: implications for analogical reasoning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (7), pp. 897-908. ISSN 1747-0218.
Libbrecht, P. and Smith, Tim J. (2007) Integrated semantic math I/O in ActiveMath: an evaluation. In: Sixth Mathematical Knowledge Management Conference, 27 Jun 2007, Linz, Austria.
Longo, Matthew R. and Lourenco, S.F. (2007) Space perception and body morphology: extent of near space scales with arm length. Experimental Brain Research 177 , pp. 285-290. ISSN 0014-4819.
Longo, Matthew R. and Lourenco, S.F. (2007) Spatial attention and the mental number line: evidence for characteristic biases and compression. Neuropsychologia 45 (7), pp. 1400-1407. ISSN 0028-3932.
Malley, M. and Tasker, Fiona (2007) 'The difference that makes a difference': what matters to lesbians and gay men in psychotherapy. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy 11 (1-2), pp. 93-110. ISSN 1935-9705.
Mareschal, Denis and Johnson, Mark H. and Sirois, S. and Spratling, Michael and Thomas, Michael S.C. and Westermann, Gert (2007) Neuroconstructivism: how the brain constructs cognition. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 1. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198529903.
Mareschal, Denis and Sirois, S. and Westermann, G. and Johnson, Mark H. (2007) Neuroconstructivism II: perspectives and prospects. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198529927.
Mareschal, Denis and Tan, S.H. (2007) Flexible and context-dependent categorization by eighteen-month-olds. Child Development 78 (1), pp. 19-37. ISSN 0009-3920.
Mareschal, Denis and Thomas, Michael (2007) Computational modeling in developmental psychology. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 11 (2), pp. 137-150. ISSN 1089-778X.
Mareschal, Denis and Thomas, Michael S.C. (2007) Computational modeling in developmental psychology. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 11 (2), pp. 137-150. ISSN 1089-778x.
Mazza, V. and Turatto, M. and Umiltà, C. and Eimer, Martin (2007) Attentional selection and identification of visual objects are reflected by distinct electrophysiological responses. Experimental Brain Research 181 (3), pp. 531-536. ISSN 0014-4819.
McDowall, Almuth and Kurtz, R. (2007) Making the most of psychometric profiles - effective integration into the coaching process. International Coaching Psychology Review 2 (3), pp. 299-309. ISSN 1750-2764.
McEwen, F. and Happé, F. and Bolton, P. and Ronald, Angelica and Rijsdijk, F. and Plomin, R. (2007) Origins of individual differences in imitation: links with language, pretend play, and rudimentary theory of mind in two-year-old twins. Child Development 78 (2), pp. 474-492. ISSN 0009-3920.
McLoughlin, G. and Ronald, Angelica and Kuntsi, J. and Asherson, P. and Plomin, R. (2007) Genetic support for the dual nature of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: substantial genetic overlap between the inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive components. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 35 (6), pp. 999-1008. ISSN 0091-0627.
Melhuish, E. and Belsky, Jay and Anning, A. and Ball, M. and Barnes, Jacqueline and Romaniuk, H. and Leyland, A. (2007) Variation in community intervention programmes and consequences for children and families: the example of Sure Start Local Programmes. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 48 (6), pp. 543-551. ISSN 0021-9630.
Melhuish, Ted (2007) Parenting training improves problem behaviour in children at risk of conduct disorder. Evidence Based Mental Health 10 (4), p. 125. ISSN 1362-0347.
Melhuish, Ted and Belsky, J. and Ball, M. and Anning, A. (2007) Programme variation and impact on children and families. In: Belsky, J. and Barnes, J. and Melhuish, Ted (eds.) The National Evaluation of Sure Start: Does Area-based Early Intervention Work? Bristol, UK: Policy Press, pp. 155-172. ISBN 9781861349491.
Melhuish, Ted and Hall, D. (2007) The policy background to Sure Start. In: Belsky, J. and Barnes, J. and Melhuish, Ted (eds.) The National Evaluation of Sure Start: Does Area-based Early Intervention Work? Bristol, UK: Policy Press, pp. 3-22. ISBN 9781861349491.
Miles, Anne (2007) Screening in healthcare: general issues. In: Ayers, S. and Baum, A. and McManus, C. and Newman, S. and Wallston, K. and Weinman, J. and West, R. (eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 490-495. ISBN 9780511287190.
Minnis, H. and Reekie, J. and Young, D. and O’Connor, T. and Ronald, Angelica and Gray, A. and Plomin, R. (2007) Genetic, environmental and gender influences on attachment disorder behaviours. British Journal of Psychiatry 190 (6), pp. 490-495. ISSN 0007-1250.
Oaksford, Mike and Chater, N. (2007) Bayesian rationality: the probabilistic approach to human reasoning. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198524496.
Reid, V.M. and Csibra, Gergely and Belsky, Jay and Johnson, Mark H. (2007) Neural correlates of the perception of goal-directed action in infants. Acta Psychologica 124 (1), 129 - 138. ISSN 0001-6918.
Richards, Anne and Blanchette, I. and Munjiza, J. (2007) Contextual influences in the resolution of ambiguity in anxiety. Cognition and Emotion 21 (4), pp. 879-890. ISSN 0269-9931.
Richards, Anne and French, C.C. and Nash, G. and Hadwin, J. and Donnelly, N. (2007) A comparison of selective attention and facial processing biases in typically developing children who are high and low in self-reported trait anxiety. Development and Psychopathology 19 (2), pp. 481-495. ISSN 0954-5794.
Richardson, D.C. and Dale, R.A.C. and Kirkham, Natasha Z. (2007) The art of conversation is co-ordination: common ground and the coupling of eye movements during dialogue. Psychological Science 18 (5), pp. 407-413. ISSN 0956-7976.
Robb, K.A. and Miles, Anne and Wardle, J. (2007) Perceived risk of colorectal cancer: sources of risk judgements. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 16 (4), pp. 694-702. ISSN 1538-7755.
Roisman, G.I. and Fraley, R.C. and Belsky, Jay (2007) A taxometric study of the adult attachment interview. Developmental Psychology 43 (3), 675 - 686. ISSN 0012-1649.
Roland, D. and Dick, Frederic and Elman, J.L. (2007) Frequency of basic English grammatical structures: a corpus analysis. Journal of Memory and Language 57 (3), 348 - 379. ISSN 0749-596X.
Ronald, Angelica (2007) Scientists reveal that autism and hyperactivity have the same cause. British Neuroscience Association Bulletin 56 , ISSN 1475-8679.
Ronald, Angelica and Viding, E. and Happé, F. and Plomin, R. (2007) Individual differences in theory of mind ability in middle childhood and links with verbal ability and autistic traits: a twin study. Social Neuroscience 1 (3-4), pp. 412-425. ISSN 1747-0919.
Sammons, P. and Sylva, K. and Melhuish, Ted and Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Taggart, B. and Barreau, S. (2007) Effective pre-school and primary education 3-11 project (EPPE 3-11): influences on children’s attainment and progress in key stage 2: social/behavioural outcomes in year 5. Project Report. Institute of Education, London, UK.
Sammons, P. and Sylva, K. and Melhuish, Ted and Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Taggart, B. and Grabbe, Y. (2007) Effective pre-school and primary education 3-11 project (EPPE 3-11):influences on children's attainment and progress in key stage 2: cognitive outcomes in year 5. Project Report. Institute of Education, London, UK.
Sammons, P. and Sylva, K. and Melhuish, Ted and Siraj-Blatchford, I. and Taggart, B. and Grabbe, Y. and Barreau, S. (2007) Effective pre-school and primary education 3-11 project (EPPE 3-11): effective pre-school and primary education 3-11 project (EPPE 3-11): influences on children's attainment and progress in key stage 2: cognitive outcomes in year 5. Project Report. DfEs Publications, Nottingham, UK.
Scerif, G. and Cornish, K. and Wilding, J. and Driver, J. and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2007) Delineation of early attentional control difficulties in fragile X syndrome: focus on neurocomputational changes. Neuropsychologia 45 (8), 1889 - 1898. ISSN 0028-3932.
Schyns, P.G. and Petro, L. and Smith, Marie L. (2007) Dynamics of visual information integration in the brain for categorizing facial expressions. Current Biology 17 (18), pp. 1580-1585. ISSN 0960-9822.
Seiss, E. and Gherri, E. and Eardley, A.F. and Eimer, Martin (2007) Do ERP components triggered during attentional orienting represent supramodal attentional control? Psychophysiology 44 (6), pp. 987-990. ISSN 0048-5772.
Senju, Atsushi and Maeda, M. and Kikuchi, Y. and Hasegawa, T. and Tojo, Y. and Osanai, H. (2007) Absence of contagious yawning in children with autism spectrum disorder. Biology Letters 3 (6), pp. 706-708. ISSN 1744-9561.
Shepherd, Alex J. (2007) Models of cortical function in migraine: can psychophysical studies distinguish between them? a review of the evidence for interictal cortical hyper- and hypo-excitability. In: Clarke, L.B. (ed.) Migraine Disorders Research Trends. Hauppauge, New York, USA: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 145-164. ISBN 9781600215537.
Silvert, L. and Lepsien, J. and Fragopanagos, N. and Goolsby, B.A. and Kiss, Monika and Taylor, J.G. and Raymond, J.E. and Shapiro, K.L. and Eimer, Martin and Nobre, A.C. (2007) Influence of attentional demands on the processing of emotional facial expressions in the amygdala. NeuroImage 38 (2), 357 - 366. ISSN 1053-8119.
Siniatchkin, M. and Groppa, S. and Jerosch, B. and Muhle, H. and Kurth, C. and Shepherd, Alex J. and Siebner, H. and Stephani, U. (2007) Spreading photoparoxysmal EEG response is associated with an abnormal cortical excitability pattern. Brain: A Journal of Neurology 130 (1), pp. 78-87. ISSN 0006-8950.
Siniatchkin, M. and Moeller, F. and Shepherd, Alex J. and Siebner, H. and Stephani, U. (2007) Altered cortical visual processing in individuals with a spreading photoparoxysmal EEG response. European Journal of Neuroscience 26 (2), pp. 529-536. ISSN 0953-816X.
Sinnett, S. and Juncadella, M. and Rafal, R. and Azanon Gracia, Elena and Soto-Faraco, S. (2007) A dissociation between visual and auditory hemi-inattention: evidence from temporal order judgements. Neuropsychologia 45 (3), pp. 552-560. ISSN 0028-3932.
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