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    Number of items: 88.


    Adesina, Adetola (2019) Exploring central bank communication as a policy tool: an analysis of the Bank of England. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Aziz, Said Khalil (2019) How far is Afghanistan's policy towards 'the issue of Pashtunistan' lawful and legitimate? [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Alqarni, Nada (2019) Emotion perception in Arabic and English by Arabic/English monolinguals and Arabic-English bilinguals: a mixed methods investigation. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Allan, Jacqueline (2019) Understanding, measuring and treating eating disorders in those with type 1 diabetes. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Ambroziak, Klaudia Berenika (2019) Malleability of body image : how looking at other people affects perception of our own body. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Al-Amer, Asma (2019) Phonological acquisition and development in Arabic-English bilingual children. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Barrow, Daniel (2019) Scars of the visible: the politics of the image in contemporary experimental fiction. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Brown, Geoffrey (2019) Concert and disconcertion: the music of relationality in the cinema of Claire Denis. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Boot, Nadtara (2019) Analysing the Thai trusts for Capital Market Transactions Act 2007: two different approaches to understanding the curious case of trusts in Thai law. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Beckett, Guy (2019) Spiritual arithmetic: religion, social statistics and the making of an information panic about widow-burning in India, c. 1750-1830. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Bulgarelli, Chiara (2019) Investigating emerging self-awareness : its neural underpinnings, the significance of self-recognition, and the relationship with social interactions. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Brookman-Byrne, Annie (2019) The cognitive and neural bases of science and maths reasoning in adolescence. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Basannavar, Nicholas Ranjan Gadsby (2019) Speaking about speaking about child sexual abuse in Britain, 1965-1991. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Bryson, Giulia (2019) Cybernetics and contingency, codes and programs : an account of social system thinking in law and legal theory today. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Caso, Andrea (2019) Neurocomputational models of corticostriatal interactions in action selection. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Cunliffe, Joshua John (2019) Dream construction, deconstruction: what a re-reading of Freud on dreams can tell us about the structure of the unconscious and its relationship to deconstruction. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Clarke, Anna (2019) Is a liberal framework of individual rights sufficient to make sense of the harms of wrongful discrimination, and can such a framework provide effective remedies for those harms? [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Callaghan, Mark (2019) Selected proposals from the Berlin Holocaust Memorial Competition and the winning design by Peter Eisenman : memory, commemoration, aesthetics and the representation of difficult histories. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Dowley, Emma Louise (2019) 'An expressive kind of history' : Anti-Jacobite prints and the 1745 rebellion. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Dovzhyk, Olexandra (2019) The afterlives of Aubrey Beardsley in Russia (1899-1929). [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Dolbear, Sam (2019) Names written in invisible ink: Walter Benjamin, friendship and historical generation. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Dziadosz, Bartłomiej (2019) On the meaning of a cut : towards a theory of editing. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Daggers, Jessica (2019) 'Solving' social problems with markets and measurement: a critical study of social impact investing. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Ducrocq, Emmanuel (2019) Understanding the neurocognitive mechanisms of sports performance under pressure through cognitive training. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Donati, Georgina (2019) Investigating the relationship between emotion and cognition during adolescence : genes and behaviour. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Dick, Charles (2019) Hitler's slave drivers : the role of the Organisation Todt as overseers of force labour under Nazism. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Eldaw, Muawya Habib Sarnoub (2019) Analytics of human presence and movement behaviour within specific environments. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Eldridge, Pippa (2019) The poetics of sprawl: literary and filmic engagements with American suburbia, 1990-2017. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Fergus, Emily (2019) 'Goblinlike, fantastic: little people and deep time at the fin de siècle. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Fitzpatrick, Clare (2019) "Miraculous and supernaturall effects" in the works of Henry More. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Fieldsend, Megumi (2019) Facing and dealing with the challenge of involuntary childlessness : an interpretative phenomenological analysis. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Flint, Marian Anne (2019) Reverses of fortune : masculinity and financial failure in the middle classes in England, 1835-1895. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Gui, Anna (2019) Evaluating the role of social attention in the causal path to Autism Spectrum Disorder. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Glennon, Jennifer (2019) Visuo-perceptual correlates of autistic trait expression in children with Fragile X syndrome and Down Syndrome. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Griffiths, Catrin Mererid (2019) Renovating romance : experimentation in English narrative fiction, 1645-1665. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Ghose, Ajitesh (2019) Grounding semantic cognition using computational modelling and network analysis. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Hayward, Beverley Marie (2019) Positionings, policies and practices in the UK's current higher education sector in the context of neo-liberalism: an exploration of the subject position of the female learning support assistant, as they practise their art and craft in the everyday. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Haensel, Jennifer X. (2019) Cultural differences in the development of face perception. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Haartsen, Rianne (2019) EEG connectivity in infants at risk for autism spectrum disorder. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Jelfs, Peter (2019) Financial performance studies of University Spin-Off companies (USOs) in the West Midlands. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Jakeman, Robyn Sarah (2019) Italian futurism and the development of English literary modernism, 1909-1915. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Kleineidam, Claude-Patrick (2019) Intercultural crisis communication: cultural background and the formation of perception. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Klaysri, Thidawan (2019) Analysis of category co-occurrence in Wikipedia networks. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Lauenstein, Eva-Maria (2019) Women's mausoleums imagined: reformation, text and tomb c.1550-1650. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Lawson, Stuart Andrew (2019) Open Access Policy in the UK : from neoliberalism to the commons. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Mansi, Angela (2019) Personality at work: an empirical investigation into higher order factors underpinning the socioanalytic theory of personality. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    March, Philip (2019) The influence of Congregationalism on the New Journalism of W. T. Stead, 1870-1901. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Mudinas, Andrius (2019) Adaptive sentiment analysis. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Marston, Stephanie (2019) Enacting knowledge: Spinoza's dynamic of politics. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Meschis, Marco (2019) Quantifying rates of active extension and seismic hazard in the upper plate of subduction zones. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Milne, Alastair Scott (2019) A poststructural approach to organisational identity construction in the UK magazine publishing industry, 2004-13. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Mariqueo-Russell, Atus (2019) The problems of defective desires, dead sea apples, and intrinsically quirky desires for unrestricted non-mental state actualist desire theories of welfare. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Mulqueen, Tara Ann (2019) Constituting the co-operative: law and the political in the history of the English co-operative movement. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Mulloy, Martin (2019) Resisting amnesia: April 1976 and the challenge to state control of China's visual world. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Minulescu, Iulia Ruxandra (2019) The monster within : between the onset and resolution of the oedipal crisis. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    McCants, Cody Walker (2019) Space-based and feature-based attentional selection in perception and working memory. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Nourpanah, Golnoosh (2019) The Iranian queer. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Nguyen, Hiep Huu (2019) The Cenozoic evolution of the South Vietnam margin of the South China Sea and the origin of coastal placer deposits. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Norris, Kevan (2019) Hylomorphism and the mind-body relation. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Okuhata, Yutaka (2019) Angela Carter's critique of her contemporary world: politics, history, and mortality. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Pirazzoli, Laura (2019) Affective touch in infancy. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Poulton, Marcus J. (2019) Modelling blue-light ambulance mobility in the London metropolitan area. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Paintin, Isabel Rose Milena (2019) Ways of seeing : a study of opsis in Herodotus' Histories. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Peng, Anna Ching Chi (2019) A process-driven approach to the understanding of developmental differences in cognitive flexibility in young children and adults. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Quinn, Nicola Bridget (2019) The infinite in early modern philosophy. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Russell, Victoria Fleur (2019) Radicalism, rational dissent, and reform : the Platonised interpretation of psychological androgyny and the unsexed mind in England in the Romantic era. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Simonsen, Lasse de la Porte (2019) Economic measurement and modelling with large datasets: theory, application and policy implications. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Strong, Dina (2019) The construction of Erasmus student identity: a discourse historic approach. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Shanks, Leonie (2019) The epistolary I: Dorothy Richardson's correspondence and the paper trails of modernism. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Sidi, Leah (2019) Sarah Kane's dramaturgy of psychic life. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Smith, Jessica (2019) Gendering political leadership: a case study of the UK, examining media and voter perceptions. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Salmon, Nicholas (2019) The culture of connectivity on archaic and classical Rhodes. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Sáenz-Benavides, María Laurencia (2019) Instruments of power: how emotions contribute to oppression. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Symons, Germaine (2019) The effect of source reliability on the understanding of causal systems in primary and secondary school children. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Shakiba, Nooshin (2019) The effects of socio-biographical background, acculturation, and personality on Persian immigrants' swearing behaviour. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Siddiqui, Maheen Faisal (2019) Combined measures of oxygenation, haemodynamics and metabolism to understand neural responses in infants. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Shih, Wei-chuan (2019) Taiwanese planning law : a historical review and comparison with Hong Kong. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Shapland, Susanna (2019) Defining the elephant : a history of psychopathy, 1891-1959. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Semple, Abigail (2019) Reform of EU public procurement law : intergovermental or supranational policy-making? [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Tambay, Prerna (2019) Rethinking mobilization: a case study of mobilization processes in higher education. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Tay, Chye Thiam Austin Aloysius (2019) Act now: you have control over workplace bullying. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Tavmen, Güneş (2019) Open data and smart London governmentality: thinking through discourse, infrastructure and citizenship. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Tran, Mai Ngoc (2019) Scrutinizing the effects of the 4/3/2 activity: repetition, increasing time pressure, accuracy enhancement and cognitive individual differences. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Tambling, Kirsten Yvonne (2019) Making the crossing : seduction, space and time in the art of Jean-Antoine Watteau and William Hogart. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Turkistani, Wafa Ahmad (2019) Unemployment in spinal cord injury: understanding the lived experiences of unemployed individuals with spinal cord injury and those who provide spinal cord injury vocational support in the community. [Thesis] (Unpublished)


    Volzhanin, Igor (2019) Impact of feedback loops on decision-making. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Van Schoor, Jennifer Ann (2019) The Indian cashmere shawl and social status in British art, 1760-1870. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Vyrgioti, Maria (2019) The cannibal trope : a psychosocial critique of psychoanalysis' colonial fantasies. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    This list was generated on Fri Sep 27 02:23:10 2024 BST.