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De Meo, Pasquale and Levene, Mark and Provetti, Alessandro (2023) Branching processes reveal influential nodes in social networks. Information Sciences 644 (119201), pp. 1-19. ISSN 0020-0255.
Levene, Mark and Fenner, Trevor (2023) The phenomenon of Decision Oscillation: a new consequence of pathology in Game Trees. Computational Intelligence , ISSN 0824-7935.
Levene, Mark (2022) A skew logistic distribution for modelling COVID-19 waves and its evaluation using the empirical survival Jensen-Shannon divergence. Entropy 24 (5), p. 600. ISSN 1099-4300.
HASAN, Abul and Levene, Mark and Weston, David and Fromson, R. and Koslover, N. and Levene, T. (2022) Monitoring COVID-19 on social media: development of an end-to-end natural language processing pipeline using a novel triage and diagnosis approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research 24 (2), e30397. ISSN 1438-8871.
Levene, Mark and Fenner, Trevor (2021) A stochastic differential equation approach to the analysis of the UK 2017 and 2019 general election polls. International Journal of Forecasting 37 (3), pp. 1227-1234. ISSN 0169-2070.
Levene, Mark (2021) A hypothesis test for the goodness-of-fit of the marginal distribution of a time series with application to Stablecoin data. Engineering Proceedings 5 (1), ISSN 2673-4591.
De Meo, P. and Levene, Mark and Messina, F. and Provetti, Alessandro (2020) A general centrality framework-based on node navigability. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 32 (11), 2088 -2100. ISSN 1041-4347.
Levene, Mark and Harris, Martyn and Fenner, Trevor (2020) A two-dimensional bibliometric index reflecting both quality and quantity. Scientometrics 123 , pp. 1235-1246. ISSN 0138-9130.
Harris, Martyn and Levene, Mark and Zhang, Dell and Levene, D. (2020) Comparing “parallel passages” in digital archives. Journal of Documentation 76 (1), pp. 271-289. ISSN 0022-0418.
Levene, Mark and Fenner, Trevor (2020) A problem in human dynamics: modelling the population density of a social space. Journal of Building Performance Simulation 13 (1), pp. 112-121. ISSN 1940-1493.
Levene, Mark and Fenner, Trevor and Bar-Ilan, J. (2019) Characterisation of the x-index and the rec-index. Scientometrics 120 (2), pp. 885-896. ISSN 0138-9130.
Levene, Mark and Kononovicius, A. (2019) Empirical survival Jensen-Shannon divergence as a goodness-of-fit measure for maximum likelihood estimation and curve fitting. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 50 (11), pp. 3751-3767. ISSN 0361-0918.
Levene, Mark and Fenner, Trevor and Loizou, George (2019) Human dynamics with limited complexity. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 34 (4), pp. 356-363. ISSN 1744-5760.
Levene, Mark and Bar-Ilan, J. and Zhitomirsky-Geffet, M. (2018) Categorical relevance judgment. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 69 (9), pp. 1084-1094. ISSN 2330-1643.
Harris, Martyn and Levene, Mark and Zhang, Dell and Levene, D. (2018) Finding parallel passages in cultural heritage archives. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 11 (3), ISSN 1556-4673.
Fenner, Trevor and Harris, Martyn and Levene, Mark and Bar-Ilan, J. (2018) A novel bibliometric index with a simple geometric interpretation. PLoS One , ISSN 1932-6203.
Mudinas, Andrius and Zhang, Dell and Levene, Mark (2018) Bootstrap domain-specific sentiment classifiers from unlabeled corpora. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 6 , pp. 269-285. ISSN 2307-387X.
Fenner, Trevor and Levene, Mark and Loizou, George (2018) A multiplicative process for generating the rank-order distribution of UK election results. Quantity & Quality: International Journal of Methodology 52 (3), pp. 1069-1079. ISSN 0033-5177.
Kingrani, Suneel Kumar and Levene, Mark and Zhang, Dell (2018) Estimating the number of clusters using diversity. Artificial Intelligence Research 7 (1), pp. 15-22. ISSN 1927-6974.
Fenner, Trevor and Levene, Mark and Loizou, George (2018) A stochastic differential equation approach to the analysis of the UK 2016 EU referendum polls. Journal of Physics Communications , ISSN 2399-6528.
Fenner, Trevor and Levene, Mark and Kaufmann, Eric P. and Loizou, George (2017) A multiplicative process for generating a beta-like survival function with application to the UK 2016 EU referendum results. International Journal of Modern Physics C 28 (11), p. 1750132. ISSN 0129-1831.
Zhitomirsky-Geffet, M. and Bar-Ilan, J. and Levene, Mark (2017) Analysis of change in users' assessment of search results over time. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 68 (5), pp. 1137-1148. ISSN 2330-1643.
Zhitomirsky-Geffet, M. and Bar-Ilan, J. and Levene, Mark (2016) A Markov chain model for changes in users’ assessment of search results. PLoS One , ISSN 1932-6203.
Fenner, Trevor and Levene, Mark and Loizou, George (2016) A stochastic evolutionary model generating a mixture of exponential distributions. The European Physical Journal B (EPJ B) 89 (2), ISSN 1434-6036.
Zhitomirsky-Geffet, M. and Bar-Ilan, J. and Levene, Mark (2016) How and why do users change their assessment of search results over time? Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 52 (1), pp. 1-4. ISSN 2373-9231.
Zhitomirsky-Geffet, M. and Bari-Ilan, J. and Levene, Mark (2016) Testing the stability of “wisdom of crowds” judgments of search results over time and their similarity with the search engine rankings. ASLIB Journal of Information Management 68 (4), pp. 407-427. ISSN 2050-3806.
Fenner, Trevor and Levene, Mark and Loizou, George (2015) A stochastic evolutionary model for capturing human dynamics. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (JSTAT) 2015 , ISSN 1742-5468.
Bar-Ilan, J. and Levene, Mark (2015) The hw-rank: an h-index variant for ranking web pages. Scientometrics 102 (3), pp. 2247-2253. ISSN 1588-2861.
Fenner, Trevor and Levene, Mark and Loizou, George (2014) A stochastic evolutionary model for survival dynamics. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 410 , pp. 595-600. ISSN 0378-4371.
Fenner, Trevor and Levene, Mark and Loizou, George (2013) A bi-logistic growth model for conference registration with an early bird deadline. Central European Journal of Physics 11 (7), pp. 904-909. ISSN 1895-1082.
Levene, Mark and Fenner, Trevor and Bar-Ilan, J. (2012) A bibliometric index based on the complete list of cited Publications. International Journal of Scientometrics, Informetrics and Bibliometrics 16 (1), ISSN 1137-5019.
Fenner, Trevor and Levene, Mark and Loizou, George (2012) A discrete evolutionary model for chess players' ratings. IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 4 (2), pp. 84-93. ISSN 1943-068X.
Levene, Mark (2011) Chess metaphors, artificial intelligence and the human mind. The Computer Journal 54 (9), p. 1560. ISSN 0010-4620.
Levene, Mark (2011) Search engines: information retrieval in practice. The Computer Journal 54 (5), pp. 831-832. ISSN 0010-4620.
O'Shea, M. and Levene, Mark (2011) Mining and visualising information from RSS feeds: a case study. International Journal of Web Information Systems 7 (2), pp. 105-129. ISSN 1744-0084.
Bar-Ilan, J. and Levene, Mark (2011) A method to assess search engine results. Online Information Review 35 (6), pp. 854-868. ISSN 1468-4527.
Levene, Mark and Fenner, Trevor (2011) A methodology for learning players' styles from game records. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 2 (4), pp. 272-286. ISSN 1755-4950.
Aguillo, I.F. and Bar-Ilan, J. and Levene, Mark and Ortega, J.L. (2010) Comparing university rankings. Scientometrics 85 (1), pp. 243-256. ISSN 0138-9130.
Fenner, Trevor and Levene, Mark and Loizou, George (2010) Predicting the long tail of book sales: unearthing the power-law exponent. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 389 (12), pp. 2416-2421. ISSN 0378-4371.
Levene, Mark (2010) Social networks: an introduction. The Computer Journal 53 (7), p. 1129. ISSN 0010-4620.
Borges, J. and Levene, Mark (2010) A comparison of scoring metrics for predicting the next navigation step with Markov model-based systems. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 09 (04), pp. 547-573. ISSN 0219-6220.
Ferranti, E. and Trigoni, N. and Levene, Mark (2009) Rapid exploration of unknown areas through dynamic deployment of mobile and stationary sensor nodes. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 19 (2), pp. 210-243. ISSN 1387-2532.
Mirkin, Boris and Levene, Mark (2009) Special issue on profiling expertise and behaviour. Computer Journal 52 (7), pp. 727-728. ISSN 0010-4620.
Bar-Ilan, J. and Keenoy, K. and Levene, Mark and Yaari, E. (2009) Presentation bias is significant in determining user preference for search results - a user study. Journal of the American Society for Information Science Technology 60 (1), pp. 135-149. ISSN 1532-2882.
Fenner, Trevor and Levene, Mark and Loizou, George (2008) Modelling the navigation potential of a web page. Theoretical Computer Science 396 (1-3), pp. 88-96. ISSN 0304-3975.
Fenner, Trevor and Levene, Mark (2008) Move generation with perfect hash functions. International Computer Games Association Journal 31 (3), pp. 3-12. ISSN 1389-6911.
Papadogkonas, D. and Zoumboulakis, M. and Taylor, J. and Levene, Mark and Roussos, George (2008) Real-time auditing of domotic robotic cleaners. International Journal of Smart Home 2 (1), pp. 81-94. ISSN 1975-4094.
Bar-Ilan, J. and Levene, Mark and Lin, A. (2007) Some measures for comparing citation databases. Journal of Informetrics 1 (1), 26 - 34. ISSN 1751-1577.
Fenner, Trevor and Levene, Mark and Loizou, George (2007) A model for collaboration networks giving rise to a power law distribution with exponential cutoff. Social Networks 29 (1), pp. 70-80. ISSN 0378-8733.
Levene, Mark and Bar-Ilan, J. (2007) Comparing typical opening move choices made by humans and chess engines. The Computer Journal 50 (5), pp. 567-573. ISSN 0010-4620.
de Moura Borges, J.L.C. and Levene, Mark (2007) Evaluating variable-length Markov chain models for analysis of user web navigation sessions. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 19 (4), pp. 441-452. ISSN 1041-4347.
de Moura Borges, J.L.C and Levene, Mark (2007) Testing the predictive power of variable history web usage. Soft Computing 11 (8), pp. 717-727. ISSN 1432-7643.
Adamczyk, P.D. and Hamilton, K. and Chamberlain, A. and Benford, S. and Tandavanitj, N. and Oldroyd, A. and Hartman, K. and London, K. and Sriskandarajah, S. and Kanjo, E. and Landshoff, P. and Sezaki, K. and Konomi, S. and Niazi, M.A. and Ahmad, H.F. and Mirza, F. and Ali, A. and Roussos, George and Papadogkonas, D. and Levene, Mark (2007) Urban computing and mobile devices. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 8 (7), p. 2. ISSN 1558-1683.
Bar-Ilan, J. and Keenoy, K. and Yaari, E. and Levene, Mark (2007) User rankings of search engine results. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 58 (9), pp. 1254-1266. ISSN 2330-1643.
Fenner, Trevor and Levene, Mark and Loizou, George and Roussos, George (2007) A stochastic evolutionary growth model for social networks. Computer Networks 51 (16), 4586 - 4595. ISSN 1389-1286.
Fenner, Trevor and Levene, Mark and Loizou, George (2006) A stochastic model for the evolution of the web allowing link deletion. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 6 (2), pp. 117-130. ISSN 1533-5399.
Bar-Ilan, J. and Mat-Hassan, M. and Levene, Mark (2006) Methods for comparing rankings of search engine results. Computer Networks 50 (10), pp. 1448-1463. ISSN 1389-1286.
Bar-Ilan, J. and Levene, Mark and Mat-Hassan, M. (2006) Methods for evaluating dynamic changes in search engine rankings: a case study. Journal of Documentation 62 (6), pp. 708-729. ISSN 0022-0418.
de Moura Borges, J.L.C. and Levene, Mark (2006) Ranking pages by topology and popularity within web sites. World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems 9 (3), pp. 301-316. ISSN 1386-145X.
Pampapathi, R.M. and Mirkin, B.G. and Levene, Mark (2006) A suffix tree approach to anti-spam email filtering. Machine Learning 65 (1), pp. 309-338. ISSN 0885-6125.
Galitsky, Boris A. and Levene, Mark (2005) Simulating the conflict between reputation and profitability for online rating portals. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 8 (2), ISSN 1460-7425.
Mat-Hassan, M. and Levene, Mark (2005) Associating search and navigation behavior through log analysis. The Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 56 (9), pp. 913-934. ISSN 2330-1643.
Levene, Mark and Bar-Ilan, J. (2005) Comparing move choices of chess search engines. The International Computer Games Association Journal 28 (2), pp. 67-76. ISSN 1389-6911.
Fenner, Trevor and Levene, Mark and Loizou, George (2005) A stochastic evolutionary model exhibiting power-law behaviour with an exponential cutoff. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 355 (2-4), pp. 641-656. ISSN 0378-4371.
Keenoy, K. and de Freitas, Sara and Levene, Mark and Jones, A. and Brasher, A. and Waycott, J. and Kaszas, P. and Turcsanyi-Szabo, M. and Montandon, L. (2004) Personalised trails and learner profiling within e-learning environments. Personalised and Collaborative Trails of Digital and Non-Digital Learning Objects D22 (4.1), pp. 1-43.
Keenoy, K. and Levene, Mark and de Freitas, Sara and Emans, B. and Schoonenboom, J. and Jones, A. and Brasher, A. and Waycott, J. and Turcsanyi-Szabo, M. and Bodnar, E. and Pernin, J.P. and Eyssautier, C. and Montandon, L. (2004) Collaborative trails in e-learning environments. Personalised and Collaborative Trails of Digital and Non-Digital Learning Objects D22 (4.2), pp. 1-62.
de Freitas, Sara and Levene, Mark (2004) Spam on the Internet: can it be eradicated or is it here to stay? JISC Technology and Standards Watch Report (TSW040), pp. 1-24.
Borges, J. and Levene, Mark (2004) An average linear time algorithm for web data mining. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 3 (2), pp. 307-320. ISSN 0219-6220.
Galitsky, Boris A. and Levene, Mark (2004) On the economy of web links: simulating the exchange process. First Monday 9 (1), ISSN 1396-0466.
Bar-Ilan, J. and Levene, Mark and Mat-Hassan, M. (2004) Dynamics of search engine rankings: case study. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 703 , pp. 3-13. ISSN 1613-0073.
Levene, Mark and Poulovassilis, Alex (2004) Report on the 3rd web dynamics workshop, at WWW 2004. SIGMOD Record 33 (3), pp. 91-95. ISSN 0163-5808.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, George (2003) Computing the entropy of user navigation in the web. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 2 (3), pp. 459-476. ISSN 0219-6220.
de Freitas, Sara and Levene, Mark (2003) Evaluating the development of wearable devices, personal data assistants and the use of other mobile devices in further and higher education institutions. JISC Technology and Standards Watch Report (TSW030), pp. 1-21.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, George (2003) Why is the snowflake schema a good data warehouse design? Information Systems 28 (3), pp. 225-240. ISSN 0306-4379.
Peterson, Don and Levene, Mark (2003) Trail records and navigational learning. London Review of Education 1 (3), pp. 207-216. ISSN 1474-8460.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, George (2002) Kemeny's constant and the random surfer. American Mathematical Monthly 109 , pp. 741-745. ISSN 0002-9890.
Levene, Mark and Fenner, Trevor and Loizou, George and Wheeldon, Richard (2002) A stochastic model for the evolution of the Web. Computer Networks 39 (3), pp. 277-287. ISSN 1389-1286.
Levene, Mark and Poulovassilis, Alex (2002) Report on the web dynamics workshop at WWW 2002. SIGMOD Record 31 (3), pp. 72-76. ISSN 0163-5808.
Levene, Mark and Wood, P.T. (2002) XML structure compression. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 702 , pp. 56-69. ISSN 1613-0073.
Mat-Hassan, Mazlita and Levene, Mark (2001) Can navigational assistance improve search experience? A user study. First Monday 6 (9), ISSN 1396-0466.
Levene, Mark and Borges, J. and Loizou, George (2001) Zipf's Law for web surfers. Knowledge and Information Systems 3 (1), pp. 120-129. ISSN 0219-1377.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, George (2001) Guaranteeing no interaction between functional dependencies and tree-like inclusion dependencies. Theoretical Computer Science 254 (1-2), pp. 683-690. ISSN 0304-3975.
Ng, W. and Levene, Mark (2001) The development of ordered SQL packages to support data warehousing. Journal of Database Management 12 (4), pp. 26-39. ISSN 1063-8016.
Levene, Mark and Fenner, Trevor (2001) The effect of mobility on minimaxing of game trees with random leaf values. Artificial Intelligence 130 (1), pp. 1-26. ISSN 0004-3702.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (2001) A generalisation of entity and referential integrity in relational databases. RAIRO: Theoretical Informatics and Applications 35 (12), pp. 113-127. ISSN 0988-3754.
Levene, Mark and Wheeldon, R. and Bitmead, J. (2001) A web site navigation engine. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 701 , pp. 4-5. ISSN 1613-0073.
Borges, J. and Levene, Mark (2000) A fine grained heuristic to capture web navigation patterns. SIGKDD Explorations 2 (1), pp. 40-50.
Levene, Mark and Vincent, Millist W. (2000) Justification for inclusion dependency normal form. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 12 (2), pp. 281-291. ISSN 1041-4347.
Ng, W. and Levene, Mark and Fenner, Trevor (2000) On the expressive power of the relational algebra with partially ordered domains. International Journal of Computer Mathematics 74 (1), pp. 53-62. ISSN 0020-7160.
Vincent, M.W. and Levene, Mark (2000) Restructuring partitioned normal form relations without information loss. SIAM Journal on Computing 29 (5), pp. 1550-1567. ISSN 0097-5397.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1999) Database design for incomplete relations. ACM Transactions on Database Systems 24 (1), pp. 80-125. ISSN 0362-5915.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1999) How to prevent interaction of functional and inclusion dependencies. Information Processing Letters 71 (3/4), pp. 115-125. ISSN 0020-0190.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1999) Navigation in hypertext is easy only sometimes. SIAM Journal on Computing 29 (3), pp. 728-760. ISSN 0097-5397.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1999) A probabilistic approach to navigation in hypertext. Information Sciences 114 (1-4), pp. 165-186. ISSN 0020-0255.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1998) Axiomatisation of functional dependencies in incomplete relations. Theoretical Computer Science 206 (1-2), pp. 283-300. ISSN 0304-3975.
Levene, Mark (1998) On the information content of semi-structured databases. Acta Cybernetica 13 (3), pp. 257-275. ISSN 0324-721X.
Levene, Mark (1997) Computer chess: a unifying theme. International Computer Games Association Journal 20 (1), pp. 64-65. ISSN 1389-6911.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1997) Null inclusion dependencies in relational databases. Information and Computation 136 (2), pp. 67-108. ISSN 0890-5401.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1997) The additivity problem for functional dependencies in incomplete relations. Acta Informatica 34 (2), pp. 135-149. ISSN 0001-5903.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1996) Categorisation of computable data-base queries. Fundamenta Informaticae 27 (4), pp. 319-348. ISSN 0169-2968.
Levene, Mark (1996) Maintaining consistency of imprecise relations. The Computer Journal 39 (2), pp. 114-123. ISSN 0010-4620.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1995) A correspondence between variable relations and three-valued propositional logic. International Journal of Computer Mathematics 55 (1-2), pp. 29-38. ISSN 0020-7160.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1995) A graph-based data model and its ramifications. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 7 (5), pp. 809-823. ISSN 1041-4347.
Levene, Mark (1995) A lattice view of functional dependencies in incomplete relations. Acta Cybernetica 12 (2), pp. 181-207. ISSN 0324-721X.
Levene, Mark and Fenner, Trevor (1995) A partial analysis of minimaxing game trees with random leaf values. International Computer Games Association Journal 18 (1), pp. 20-33. ISSN 1389-6911.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1994) The nested universal relation data model. Journal of Computer and System Sciences 49 (3), pp. 683-717. ISSN 0022-0000.
Poulovassilis, Alex and Levene, Mark (1994) A nested-graph model for the representation and manipulation of complex objects. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 12 (1), pp. 35-68. ISSN 1046-8188.
Levene, Mark and Poulovassilis, Alex and Benkerimi, K. and Schwartz, S. and Tuv, E. (1993) Implementation of a graph-based data model for complex objects. SIGMOD Record 22 (4), pp. 26-31. ISSN 0163-5808.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1993) Semantics for null extended nested relations. ACM Transactions on Database Systems 18 (3), pp. 414-459. ISSN 0362-5915.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1993) A fully precise null extended nested relational algebra. Fundamenta Informaticae 19 (3/4), pp. 303-342. ISSN 0169-2968.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1993) A modal logic formalism for distributed and parallel knowledge bases. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 1 (1), pp. 11-27. ISSN 1744-5760.
Chapman, N. and Fox, M. and Keravnou, E. and Lee, M and Levene, Mark and Long, D. and Rounce, P. and Offen, R. and Samet, P.A. and Winder, R.L. (1993) 'slick systems' and 'happy hackers': experience with group projects at UCL. Software Engineering Journal 8 (3), pp. 132-136. ISSN 0268-6961.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1992) Inferring null join dependencies in relational databases. BIT Numerical Mathematics 32 (3), pp. 413-429. ISSN 0006-3835.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1991) Correction to null values in nested relational databases by M.A. Roth, H.F. Korth, and A. Silberschatz. Acta Informatica 28 (6), pp. 603-605. ISSN 0001-5903.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1990) The nested relation type model: an application of domain theory to databases. The Computer Journal 33 (1), pp. 19-30. ISSN 0010-4620.
Book Review
Levene, Mark (2007) Artificial intelligence for games: series in interactive 3D technology. [Book Review]
Levene, Mark and Poulovassilis, Alex (2001) Web dynamics. [Book Review]
Levene, Mark and Poulovassilis, Alex (2006) Guest editorial: special issue on web dynamics. [Editorial/Introduction]
Levene, Mark and Poulovassilis, Alex (2002) Web dynamics. [Editorial/Introduction]
Book Section
Singh, Manni and Weston, David and Levene, Mark (2020) Supervised phrase-boundary embeddings. In: Berthold, M.R. and Feelders, A. and Krempl, G. (eds.) Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XVIII. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12080. Springer, pp. 470-482. ISBN 9783030445836.
Eldaw, Habib Sarnoub and Levene, Mark and Roussos, George (2018) Presence analytics: making sense of human social presence within a learning environment. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) 2018 IEEE/ACM 5th International Conference on Big Data Computing Applications and Technologies (BDCAT). IEEE, pp. 174-183. ISBN 9781538655030.
Kingrani, Suneel Kumar and Levene, Mark and Zhang, Dell (2018) A meta-evaluation of evaluation methods for diversified search. In: Pasi, G. and Piwowarski, B. and Azzopardi, L. and Hanbury, A. (eds.) Advances in Information Retrieval. ECIR 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10772. Springer, pp. 550-555. ISBN 9783319769400.
Hasan, Abul and Levene, Mark and Weston, David J. (2017) Natural language analysis of online health forums. In: Adams, N. and Tucker, A. and Weston, David J. (eds.) Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XVI 16th International Symposium, IDA 2017, London, UK, October 26–28, 2017, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10584. Springer, pp. 125-137. ISBN 9783319687643.
Eldaw, Habib Sarnoub and Levene, Mark and Roussos, George (2016) Presence analytics: density-based social clustering for mobile users. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) ICETE 2016: Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications. Setúbal, Portugal: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda, pp. 52-62. ISBN 9789897581960.
Eldaw, Muawya Habib Sarnoub and Levene, Mark and Roussos, George (2016) Presence analytics: discovering meaningful patterns about human presence using WLAN digital imprints. In: Boubiche, D.E. and Hadj, F.H. and Guezouli, L. and Bounceur, A. (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of things and Cloud Computing - ICC '16. New York, U.S.: Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN 9781450340632.
Kingrani, S.K. and Levene, Mark and Zhang, Dell (2015) Diversity analysis of web search results. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Proceedings of the ACM Web Science Conference on ZZZ - WebSci '15. New York, U.S.: Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN 9781450336727.
Alasiry, Areej and Levene, Mark and Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2014) Mining named entities from search engine query logs. In: Almeida, A. and Bernardino, J. and Ferreira Gomes, E. (eds.) Proceedings of the 18th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium. IDEAS '14. Porto, Portugal: Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 46-56. ISBN 9781450326278.
Eldaw, Muawya Habib Sarnoub and Levene, Mark and Roussos, George (2013) Collective suffix tree-based models for location prediction. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) UbiComp '13: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2013 ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing adjunct publication. New York, U.S.: Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 441-450. ISBN 9781450322157.
Alasiry, Areej and Levene, Mark and Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2012) Detecting candidate named entities in search queries. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Proceedings of the 35th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval - SIGIR '12. New York, USA: ACM Publications, pp. 1049-1050. ISBN 9781450314725.
Alasiry, Areej and Levene, Mark and Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2012) Extraction and evaluation of candidate named entities in search engine queries. In: Wang, X.S. and Cruz, I. and Delis, A. and Huang, G. (eds.) Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7651. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, pp. 483-496. ISBN 9783642350634.
Zhang, Dell and Prior, K. and Levene, Mark and Mao, R. and Liere, D. (2012) Leave or stay: the departure dynamics of Wikipedia editors. In: Zhou, S. and Zhang, S. and Karypis, G. (eds.) Advanced Data Mining and Applications. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 7713. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9783642355264.
Long, C. and Zhang, Dell and Levene, Mark (2012) Understanding user intent in community question answering. In: Mille, A. and Gandon, F.L. and Misselis, J. and Rabinovich, M. and Staab, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the 21st international conference companion on World Wide Web - WWW '12 Companion. New York, U.S.: ACM Press, pp. 823-828. ISBN 9781450312301.
O’Shea, M. and Levene, Mark (2012) visualRSS: a platform to mine and visualise social data from RSS feeds. In: Grossniklaus, M. and Wimmer, M. (eds.) Current Trends in Web Engineering. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7703. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, pp. 121-133. ISBN 9783642356230.
Zhu, Zheng and Levene, Mark and Cox, I. (2010) Ranking classes of search engine results. In: Fred, A.L.N. and Filipe, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval. SciTePress, pp. 294-301. ISBN 9789898425287.
Papadogkonas, D. and Roussos, George and Levene, Mark (2008) Analysis, ranking and prediction in pervasive computing trails. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) 2008 IET 4th International Conference on Intelligent Environments. Piscataway, U.S.: IEEE Computer Society. ISBN 9780863418945.
Ferranti, E. and Trigoni, N. and Levene, Mark (2008) HybridExploration: a distributed approach to terrain exploration using mobile and fixed sensor nodes. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 1280-1286. ISBN 9781424420575.
Zhu, Zheng and Cox, I. and Levene, Mark (2008) Ranked-listed or categorized results in IR: 2 is better than 1. In: Kapetanios, E. and Sugumaran, V. and Spiliopoulou, M. (eds.) Natural Language and Information Systems. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, pp. 111-123. ISBN 9783540698586.
Borges, J. and Levene, Mark (2008) Variable length Markov chains for web usage mining. In: Wang, J. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, Second Edition. Hershey, USA: IGI Global, pp. 2031-2035. ISBN 9781605660103.
Ferranti, E. and Trigoni, N. and Levene, Mark (2007) Brick & mortar: an on-line multi-agent exploration algorithm. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 761-767. ISBN 9781424406013.
Galitsky, B.A. and Levene, Mark (2007) Providing rating services and subscriptions with web portal infrastructures. In: Tatnall, A. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Portal Technologies and Applications. IGI Global, pp. 855-862. ISBN 9781591409892.
Roussos, George and Papadogkonas, D. and Taylor, J. and Airantzis, Dimitrios and Levene, Mark and Zoumboulakis, M. (2007) Shared memories: a trail-based coordination server for robot teams. In: Winfield, A.F.T. and Redi, J. (eds.) ROBOCOMM 2007: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Robot Communication and Coordination. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 318. ICST/ACM.
Hurtado, C.A. and Levene, Mark (2006) Discovering context-topic rules in search engine logs. In: Crestani, F. and Ferragina, P. and Sanderson, M. (eds.) International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4209. Springer, pp. 346-353. ISBN 978-3-540-45774-9.
Borges, J. and Levene, Mark (2005) Generating dynamic higher-order Markov models in web usage mining. In: Jorge, A.M. and Torgo, L. and Brazdil, P. and Camacho, R. and Gama, J. (eds.) Knowledge Discovery in Databases: PKDD 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3721. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 34-45. ISBN 9783540292449.
de Freitas, Sara and Levene, Mark (2005) Spam. In: Ghaoui, Claude (ed.) Encyclopedia of human computer interaction. Hershey, Pa.; London: Idea Group Reference (an imprint of Idea Group Inc.), pp. 553-558. ISBN 1591405629.
de Freitas, Sara and Levene, Mark (2005) Wearable and mobile devices. In: Ghaoui, Claude (ed.) Encyclopedia of human computer interaction. Hershey, Pa.; London: Idea Group Reference (an imprint of Idea Group Inc.), pp. 706-712. ISBN 1591405629.
Wheeldon, R. and Levene, Mark (2004) DbSurfer: a search and navigation tool for relational databases. In: Williams, M.H. and MacKinnon, L.M. (eds.) Key Technologies for Data Management: 21st British National Conference on Databases. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3112. Springer, pp. 144-149. ISBN 9783540278115.
Levene, Mark and Wheeldon, R. (2004) Navigating the world wide web. In: Levene, Mark and Poulovassilis, Alex (eds.) Web Dynamics: Adapting to Change in Content, Size, Topology and Use. Springer, pp. 117-152.
Levene, Mark and Poulovassilis, Alex (2004) Web dynamics: setting the scene. In: Levene, Mark and Poulovassilis, Alex (eds.) Web Dynamics: Adapting to Change in Content, Size, Topology and Use. Springer, pp. 1-18.
Papamarkos, G. and Poulovassilis, Alex and Wood, Peter (2004) An event-condition-action language for RDF. In: Levene, Mark and Poulovassilis, Alex (eds.) Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Web Dynamics. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 703., pp. 62-75.
Bailey, J. and Papamarkos, G. and Poulovassilis, Alex and Wood, Peter (2004) An event-condition-action language for XML. In: Levene, Mark and Poulovassilis, Alex (eds.) Web Dynamics: Adapting to Change in Content, Size, Topology and Use. Springer, pp. 223-248. ISBN 9783642073779.
Freitas, S. and Levene, Mark (2004) An investigation of the use of simulations and video gaming for supporting exploratory learning and developing higher-order cognitive skills. In: Kinshuk and Sampson, D.G. and Isa'ias, P.T. (eds.) Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age: Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference. International Association for Development of the Information Society, pp. 35-42.
Ng, W. and Levene, Mark (2003) The Development of ordered SQL packages in peer-to-peer warehousing environment. In: Siau, K. (ed.) Advanced Topics in Database Research. IGI Global, pp. 72-103. ISBN 9781591409359.
Keenoy, K. and Levene, Mark (2003) Personalisation of web search. In: Mobasher, B. and Anand, S.S. (eds.) Intelligent Techniques for Web Personalization: IJCAI 2003. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3169. Springer, pp. 201-228. ISBN 9783540298465.
Mat-Hassan, M. and Levene, Mark (2003) Understanding web searching and navigation patterns. In: King, I. and M'aray, T. (eds.) Proceedings of the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference. UNSPECIFIED.
Lam, W.Y. and Ng, W. and Wood, P.T. and Levene, Mark (2003) XCQ: XML compression and querying system. In: King, I. and M'aray, T. (eds.) Proceedings of the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference. UNSPECIFIED.
Wheeldon, R. and Levene, Mark (2003) The best trail algorithm for assisted navigation of web sites. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) 1st Latin American Web Congress, LA-WEB} 2003: Empowering Our Web. IEEE Computer Society, p. 166. ISBN 0769520588.
de Moura Borges, J.L.C. and Levene, Mark (2000) An heuristic to capture longer user web navigation patterns. In: Bauknecht, K. and Madria, S.K. and Pernul, G. (eds.) Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies: First International Conference. Springer, pp. 155-164.
Zin, N. and Levene, Mark (1999) Constructing web views from automated navigation sessions. In: Wilensky, R. and Tanaka, K. and Hara, Y (eds.) 1999 ACM Digital Library Workshop on Organizing Web Space. Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 54-58.
de Moura Borges, J.L.C and Levene, Mark (1999) Data mining of user navigation patterns. In: Masand, B.M. and Spiliopoulou, M. (eds.) Web Usage Analysis and User Profiling: International WEBKDD'99 Workshop. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1836. Springer, pp. 92-111.
Collopy, E. and Levene, Mark (1998) Evolving example relations to satisfy functional dependencies. In: Ozsu, M.T. and Dogac, A. and Ulusoy, O. (eds.) Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology. Society for Design and Process Science, pp. 440-447.
de Moura Borges, J.L.C. and Levene, Mark (1998) Mining association rules in hypertext database. In: Agrawal, R. and Stolorz, P.E. and Piatetsky-Shapiro, G. (eds.) Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. AAAI Press, pp. 149-153.
Collopy, E. and Levene, Mark (1998) Resampling in an indefinite database to approximate functional dependencies. In: Zytkow, J.M. and Quafafou, M. (eds.) Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Second European Symposium. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1510. Springer, pp. 291-299. ISBN 9783540650683.
Ng, W. and Levene, Mark (1997) OSQL: an extension to SQL to manipulate ordered relational databases. In: Silberschatz, A. and Shoval, P. (eds.) Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems. Springer.
Ng, W. and Levene, Mark (1997) The development of ordered SQL packages for modelling advanced applications. In: Hameurlain, A. and Min Tjoa, A. (eds.) Database and Expert Systems Applications: 8th International Conference. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1308. Springer, pp. 529-538. ISBN 9783540634782.
Ng, W. and Levene, Mark (1997) An extension of SQL to support ordered domains in relational databases. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Proceedings of the International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 358-367. ISBN 0818681144.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1995) The additivity problem for data dependencies in incomplete relational databases. In: Libkin, L. and Thalheim, B. (eds.) Semantics in Databases: Selected Papers from a Workshop. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1358. Springer, pp. 136-169. ISBN 9783540641995.
Tuv, E. and Poulovassilis, Alex and Levene, Mark (1992) A storage manager for the hypernode model. In: Gray, P.M.D. and Lucas, R.J. (eds.) Advanced Database Systems: 10th British National Conference on Databases. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 618. Springer, pp. 59-77. ISBN 9783540556930.
Levene, Mark and Poulovassilis, Alex (1990) The hypernode model and its associated query language. In: Maor, J. and Peled, A. (eds.) Next Decade in Information Technology: Proceedings of the 5th Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 520-530. ISBN 0818620781.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1989) A domain theoretic approach to incomplete information in nested relational databases. In: Litwin, W. and Schek, H.-O. (eds.) Foundations of Data Organization and Algorithms: 3rd International Conference. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 367. Springer, pp. 439-456. ISBN 9783540512950.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1988) A universal relation model for nested relations. In: Schmidt, J.W. and Ceri, S. and Missikoff, M. (eds.) Advances in Database Technology: Proceedings of the International Conference on Extending Database Technology. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 303. Springer, pp. 294-308. ISBN 9783540190745.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1987) γ-Acyclic database schemes and nested relations. In: Abiteboul, S. and Fischer, P.C. and Schek, H.-J. (eds.) Nested Relations and Complex Objects in Databases: Papers from the Workshop 'Theory and Applications of Nested Relations and Complex Objects'. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 361. Springer, pp. 313-323. ISBN 9783540511717.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1987) Project join constructibility for NF2 relational databases. In: Adiba, M.A. (ed.) Troisiemes Journees Bases de Donnees Avancees. INRIA, pp. 143-164.
Conference or Workshop Item
De Meo, P. and Levene, Mark and Provetti, Alessandro (2019) Potential gain as a centrality measure. In: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI '19), 14-17 October 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Mudinas, Andrius and Zhang, Dell and Levene, Mark (2018) Market trend prediction using sentiment analysis: lessons learned and paths forward. In: Workshop on Issues of Sentiment Discovery and Opinion Mining (WISDOM'18), 10 Aug 2018, London, UK.
Eldaw, Muawya Habib Sarnoub and Levene, Mark and Roussos, George (2015) Constructing a unique profile for mobile user identification in location recommendation systems. In: the 13th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys '15), 18-22 May 2015, Florence, Italy.
Levene, Mark (2010) An introduction to search engines and web navigation. Oxford, UK: Wiley. ISBN 9780470526842.
Levene, Mark and Poulovassilis, Alex (2004) Web dynamics: adapting to change in content, size, topology and use. Springer. ISBN 354040676X.
Levene, Mark and Loizou, G. (1999) A guided tour of relational databases and beyond. Springer. ISBN 9781852330088.
Levene, Mark (1992) The nested universal relation database model. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 595. Springer. ISBN 9783540554936.
Levene, Mark and Bar-Ilan, J. (2006) Comparing typical opening move choices made by humans and chess engines. arXiv.
de Moura Borges, J.L.C. and Levene, Mark (2006) Evaluating variable length Markov chain models for analysis of user web navigation sessions. arXiv.