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Number of items: 248.


Aagaard, A. and Eskerod, P. and Knudsen, M.H. and Madsen, Jens K. and Madsen, T.K. and Petersen, B. and Rosenbaum, S.M. (2012) Collaboration and performance in multi-partner projects: the case of engineering consultancies. research methodology. Working papers in Marketing & Management , pp. 1-72. ISSN 2245-7844.

Addyman, Caspar and French, R.M. (2012) Computational modeling in cognitive science: a manifesto for change. Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (3), pp. 332-341. ISSN 1756-8757.

Althaus, Nadja and Mareschal, Denis (2012) Using saliency maps to separate competing processes in infant visual cognition. Child Development 83 (4), pp. 1122-1128. ISSN 0009-3920.

Ansorge, Ulrich and Worschech, Franziska (2012) Top-down search for color prevents voluntary directing of attention to informative singleton cues. Experimental Psychology 59 (3), pp. 153-162. ISSN 1618-3169.

Arduino, L.S. and Marinelli, C.V. and Pasotti, F. and Ferrè, Elisa Raffaella and Bottini, G. (2012) Representational neglect for words as revealed by bisection tasks. Journal of Neuropsychology 6 (1), pp. 43-64. ISSN 1748-6645.

Avenanti, A. and Press, Clare and Catmur, C. and Cook, R. and Widmann, Hannah and Heyes, C. and Bird, Geoffrey (2012) fMRI evidence of ‘mirror’ responses to geometric shapes. PLoS One 7 (12), e51934. ISSN 1932-6203.

Aydelott, Jennifer and Baer-Henney, D. and Trzaskowski, M. and Leech, Robert and Frederic, Dick (2012) Sentence comprehension in competing speech: dichotic sentence-word priming reveals hemispheric differences in auditory semantic processing. Language and Cognitive Processes 27 (7-8), pp. 1108-1144. ISSN 0169-0965.


Ball, M. and Barnes, Jacqueline and Meadows, P. (2012) Issues emerging from the first 10 pilot sites implementing the nurse-family partnership home-visiting programme in England. Project Report. Department of Health, London, UK.

Barker, Edward D. and Salekin, R.T. (2012) Irritable oppositional defiance and callous unemotional traits: is the association partially explained by peer victimization? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 53 (11), pp. 1167-1175. ISSN 0021-9630.

Barnes, Jacqueline (2012) The impact on child developmental status at 12 months of volunteer home-visiting support. Child Development Research , p. 728104. ISSN 2090-3987.

Barnes, Jacqueline and Eryigit-Madzwamuse, S. (2012) Is early center-based child care associated with tantrums and unmanageable behavior over time up to school entry? Child and Youth Care Forum , ISSN 1053-1890.

Barnes, Jacqueline and Henderson, J. (2012) Summary of the formative evaluation of the first phase of the group-based Family Nurse Partnership programme. Project Report. Department of Health, London, UK.

Barnes, Jacqueline and Howden, B. and Niven, L. and Ball, M. (2012) Eligibility for the Family Nurse Partnership programme: testing new criteria. Project Report. Department of Health, London, UK.

Bedford, Rachael and Elsabbagh, Mayada and Gliga, Teodora and Pickles, A. and Senju, Atsushi and Charman, T. and Johnson, Mark H. (2012) Precursors to social and communication difficulties in infants at-risk for autism: gaze following and attentional engagement. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 42 (10), pp. 2208-2218. ISSN 0162-3257.

Bedford, Rachael and Gliga, Teodora and Frame, K. and Hudry, K. and Chandler, S. and Johnson, Mark H. and Charman, T. (2012) Failure to learn from feedback underlies word learning difficulties in toddlers at risk for autism. Journal of Child Language 40 (S01), pp. 29-46. ISSN 0305-0009.

Begus, Katarina and Southgate, Victoria (2012) Infant pointing serves an interrogative function. Developmental Science 15 (5), pp. 611-617. ISSN 1363-755x.

Belsky, Jay (2012) The development of human reproductive strategies: progress and prospects. Current Directions in Psychological Science 21 (5), pp. 310-316. ISSN 0963-7214.

Berggren, Nick and Koster, E.H.W. and Derakhshan, Nazanin (2012) The effect of cognitive load in emotional attention and trait anxiety: an eye movement study. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 24 (1), pp. 79-91. ISSN 2044-5911.

Bernardini, S. and Porayska-Pomsta, Kaska and Smith, Tim J. and Avramides, K. (2012) Building autonomous social partners for autistic children. In: Nakano, Y. and Neff, M. and Paiva, A. and Walker, M. (eds.) Intelligent Virtual Agents. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 7502 7502. New York, U.S.: Springer, pp. 46-52. ISBN 9783642331961.

Boyer, T.W. and Longo, Matthew R. and Bertenthal, B.I. (2012) Is automatic imitation a specialized form of stimulus–response compatibility? Dissociating imitative and spatial compatibilities. Acta Psychologica 139 (3), pp. 440-448. ISSN 0001-6918.

Brüne, M. and Belsky, Jay and FaBrega, H. and FeierMan, J.R. and Gilbert, P. and Glantz, K. and PoliMeni, J. and Price, J.S. and Sanjuan, J. and Sullivan, R. and Troisi, A. and Wilson, D.R. (2012) The crisis of psychiatry – insights and prospects from evolutionary theory. World Psychiatry 11 (1), pp. 55-57. ISSN 1723-8617.

Burnett, M. and McDowall, Almuth (2012) Encoding and decoding situations, extending the value of assessment using simulations of real situations. In: Division of Occupational Psychology Annual Conference, 2012, Chester, UK. (Unpublished)

Butterworth, L. and McDowall, Almuth (2012) Barriers and influences to pro-environmental behaviour in the workplace. Assessment & Development Matters 4 (2), pp. 6-9. ISSN 2040-4069.


Cardini, F. and Longo, Matthew R. and Driver, J. and Haggard, P. (2012) Rapid enhancement of touch from non-informative vision of the hand. Neuropsychologia 50 (8), pp. 1954-1960. ISSN 0028-3932.

Cecil, C.A.M. and Barker, Edward D. and Jaffee, S.R. and Viding, E. (2012) Association between maladaptive parenting and child self-control over time: cross-lagged study using a monozygotic twin difference design. The British Journal of Psychiatry , ISSN 0007-1250.

Chater, N. and Oaksford, Mike (2012) Normative systems: logic, probability, and rational choice. In: Holyoak, K. and Morrison, R. (eds.) The Oxford handbook of thinking and reasoning. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 11-21. ISBN 9780199313792.

Cherguit, J. and Burns, J. and Pettle, S. and Tasker, Fiona (2012) Lesbian co-mothers' experiences of maternity healthcare services. Journal of Advanced Nursing 69 (6), pp. 1269-1278. ISSN 0309-2402.

Christie, D. and Romano, G. and Barnes, Jacqueline and Madge, N. and Nicholas, D.B. and Koot, H.M. and Armstrong, D.F. and Shevlin, M. and Kantaris, X. and Khatun, H. and Sutcliffe, A. (2012) Exploring views on satisfaction with life in young children with chronic illness: an innovative approach to the collection of self-report data from children under 11. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 17 (1), pp. 5-15. ISSN 1359-1045.

Clifford, S.M. and Hudry, K. and Elsabbagh, Mayada and Charman, T. and Johnson, Mark H. and BASIS Team, The (2012) Temperament in the first 2 years of life in infants at high-risk for autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 43 (3), pp. 673-686. ISSN 0162-3257.

Conci, M. and Muller, Hermann J. (2012) Contextual learning of multiple target locations in visual search. Visual Cognition 20 (7), pp. 746-770. ISSN 1350-6285.

Conci, M. and Zellin, M. and Muller, Hermann J. (2012) Whatever after next? adaptive predictions based on short- and long-term memory in visual search. Frontiers in Psychology 3 , p. 409. ISSN 1664-1078.

Cook, R. and Bird, Geoffrey and Lunser, G. and Huck, S. and Heyes, C. (2012) Automatic imitation in a strategic context: players of rock-paper-scissors imitate opponents' gestures. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1729), pp. 780-786. ISSN 0962-8452.

Cooper, Richard P. (2012) Learning action affordances and action schemas. In: Seel, N. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. London, UK: Springer. ISBN 9781441914279.

Cooper, Richard P. and Wutke, Karolina and Davelaar, Eddy J. (2012) Differential contributions of set-shifting and monitoring to dual-task interference. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (3), pp. 587-612. ISSN 1747-0218.

Cornish, K. and Cole, V. and Longhi, E. and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Scerif, G. (2012) Does attention constrain developmental trajectories in fragile X syndrome? a 3-year longitudinal study. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 117 (2), pp. 103-120. ISSN 1944-7558.

Cornish, K. and Steele, A. and Rondinelli Cobra Monteiro, C and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Scerif, G. (2012) Attention deficits predict phenotypic outcomes in syndrome-specific and domain-specific ways. Frontiers in Psychology 3 , p. 227. ISSN 1664-1078.


Davelaar, Eddy J. (2012) Attentional modulation of spread of activation. In: Seely, N.M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. London, UK: Springer, pp. 366-369. ISBN 9781441914279.

Davelaar, Eddy J. (2012) Computational investigations of cognitive impairment in Huntington's Disease. In: Tunali, N.E. (ed.) Huntington's disease: Core concepts and current advances. Rijeka, Croatia: In Tech, pp. 243-266. ISBN 9789533079530.

Davelaar, Eddy J. and Harbison, J.I. and Yu, E.C. and Hussey, E.K. and Dougherty, M.R. (2012) Rational search of associative memory. In: Miyake, N. and Peebles, D. and Cooper, Richard P. (eds.) Proceedings of the 34th Annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, Texas, USA: Cognitive Science Society. ISBN 9780976831884.

Davelaar, Eddy J. and Lange, Nicholas D. and Thomas, R.P. (2012) Data acquisition and hypothesis generation. In: Russwinkel, N. and Drewitz, U. and van Rijn, H. (eds.) Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cognitive Modelling. Berlin, Germany: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, pp. 31-36. ISBN 9783798324084.

Davelaar, Eddy J. and Raaijmakers, J.G.W. (2012) Human memory search. In: Todd, P.M. and Hills, T. and Robbins, T. (eds.) Cognitive Search: Evolution, Algorithms, and the Brain. Strüngmann Forum Reports. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: MIT Press. ISBN 9780262018098.

Davelaar, Eddy J. and Yu, E.C. and Harbison, J.I. and Hussey, E.K. and Dougherty, M.R. (2012) A rational analysis of memory search termination. In: Russwinkel, N. and Drewitz, U. and van Rijn, H. (eds.) Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cognitive Modelling. Berlin, Germany: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, pp. 169-174. ISBN 9783798324084.

Dawson, G. and Jones, Emily J.H. and Merkle, K. and Venema, K. and Lowy, R. and Faja, S. and Kamara, D. and Murias, M. and Greenson, J. and Winter, J. and Smith, M. and Rogers, S.J. and Webb, S.J. (2012) Early behavioral intervention is associated with normalized brain activity in young children with Autism. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 51 (11), pp. 1150-1159. ISSN 0890-8567.

Derakhshan, Nazanin and Koster, E.H.W. (2012) Information processing, affect, and psychopathology: a Festschrift for Michael W. Eysenck. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 24 (1), pp. 1-5. ISSN 2044-5911.

Dick, Frederic and Taylor Tierney, A. and Lutti, A. and Josephs, O. and Sereno, Martin I. and Weiskopf, N. (2012) In vivo functional and myeloarchitectonic mapping of human primary auditory areas. Journal of Neuroscience 32 (46), pp. 16095-16105. ISSN 0270-6474.

Doallo, S. and Raymond, J. and Shapiro, K. and Kiss, Monika and Eimer, Martin and Nobre, A.C. (2012) Response inhibition results in the emotional devaluation of faces: neural correlates as revealed by fMRI. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 7 (6), pp. 649-659. ISSN 1749-5016.

Druks, J. and Aydelott, Jennifer and Genethliou, M. and Jacobs, H. and Weekes, B.S. (2012) Progressive dyslexia: evidence from Hungarian and English. Behavioural Neurology 25 (3), pp. 185-191. ISSN 0953-4180.

Dumontheil, Iroise and Blakemore, S.J. (2012) Social cognition and abstract thought in adolescence: the role of structural and functional development in rostral prefrontal cortex. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Educational Neuroscience. BJEP Monograph Series II 8. London, UK: The British Psychological Society, pp. 99-113. ISBN 9781854337177.

Dumontheil, Iroise and Hillebrandt, H. and Apperly, I.A. and Blakemore, S.J. (2012) Developmental differences in the control of action selection by social information. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 24 (10), pp. 2080-2095. ISSN 0898-929X.

Dumontheil, Iroise and Klingberg, T. (2012) Brain activity during a visuospatial working memory task predicts arithmetical performance 2 years later. Cerebral Cortex 22 (5), pp. 1078-1085. ISSN 1047-3211.

Duncan, J. and Schramm, M. and Thompson, R. and Dumontheil, Iroise (2012) Task rules, working memory, and fluid intelligence. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 19 (5), pp. 864-870. ISSN 1069-9384.

Dworzynski, K. and Ronald, Angelica and Bolton, P. and Happé, F. (2012) How different are girls and boys above and below the diagnostic threshold for Autism Spectrum Disorders? Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 51 (8), pp. 788-797. ISSN 0890-8567.


Eatough, Virginia (2012) An introduction to qualitative research. In: Breakwell, G.M. and Smith, Jonathan A. and Wright, D.B. (eds.) Research Methods in Psychology. London, UK: Sage, pp. 321-343. ISBN 9780857022646.

Eatough, Virginia and Finlay, L. (2012) Understanding the experience of discovering a kindred spirit connection: a phenomenological study. Phenomenology & Practice 6 (1), pp. 69-88. ISSN 1913-4711.

Eatough, Virginia and Shaw, K. and Lees, A.J. (2012) Banking on brains: insights of brain donor relatives and friends from an experiential perspective. Psychology & Health 27 (11), pp. 1271-1290. ISSN 0887-0446.

Eimer, Martin and Gosling, Angela and Duchaine, B. (2012) Electrophysiological markers of covert face recognition in developmental prosopagnosia. Brain 135 (2), pp. 542-554. ISSN 0006-8950.

Elsabbagh, Mayada and Divan, G. and Koh, Y.J. and Kim, Y.S. and Kauchali, S. and Marcín, C. and Montiel-Nava, C. and Patel, V. and Paula, C.S. and Wang, C. and Yasamy, M.T. and Fombonne, E. (2012) Global prevalence of autism and other pervasive developmental disorders. Autism Research 5 (3), pp. 160-179. ISSN 1939-3792.

Elsabbagh, Mayada and Mercure, Evelyne and Hudry, K. and Chandler, S. and Pasco, G. and Charman, T. and Pickles, A. and Baron-Cohen, S. and Bolton, P. and Johnson, Mark H. (2012) Infant neural sensitivity to dynamic eye gaze is associated with later emerging autism. Current Biology 22 (4), pp. 338-342. ISSN 0960-9822.

Eshkevari, E. and Rieger, E. and Longo, Matthew R. and Haggard, P. and Treasure, J. (2012) Increased plasticity of the bodily self in eating disorders. Psychological Medicine 42 (4), pp. 819-828. ISSN 0033-2917.

Evans, L. and Maio, G.R. and Corner, A. and Hodgetts, C.J. and Ahmed, S. and Hahn, Ulrike (2012) Self-interest and pro-environmental behaviour. Nature Climate Change 3 (2), pp. 122-125. ISSN 1758-678X.

Everaert, J. and Koster, E.H.W. and Derakhshan, Nazanin (2012) The combined cognitive bias hypothesis in depression: a state-of-the-art. Clinical Psychology Review 32 (5), pp. 413-424. ISSN 0272-7358.


Faja, S. and Webb, S.J. and Jones, Emily J.H. and Merkle, K. and Kamara, D. and Bavaro, J. and Aylward, E. and Dawson, G. (2012) The effects of face expertise training on the behavioral performance and brain activity of adults with high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 42 (2), pp. 278-293. ISSN 0162-3257.

Ferrè, Elisa Raffaella and Bottini, G. and Haggard, P. (2012) Vestibular inputs modulate somatosensory cortical processing. Brain Structure and Function 217 (4), pp. 859-864. ISSN 1863-2653.

Filippi, R. and Leech, R. and Thomas, Michael S.C. and Green, D. and Dick, Frederic (2012) A bilingual advantage in controlling language interference during sentence comprehension. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 15 (4), pp. 858-872. ISSN 1366-7289.

Finke, K. and Matthias, E. and Keller, I. and Muller, Hermann J. and Schneider, W.X. and Bublak, P. (2012) How does phasic alerting improve performance in patients with unilateral neglect? a systematic analysis of attentional processing capacity and spatial weighting mechanisms. Neuropsychologia 50 (6), pp. 1178-1189. ISSN 0028-3932.

Flykt, A. and Lindeberg, S. and Derakhshan, Nazanin (2012) Fear makes you stronger: responding to feared animal targets in visual search. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 74 (7), pp. 1437-1445. ISSN 1943-3921.

Forrester, Gillian and Quaresmini, C. (2012) The right hand man: manual laterality and language. In: Csermely, D. and Regolin, L. (eds.) Behavioral Lateralization in Vertebrates: Two Sides of the Same Coin. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, pp. 125-141. ISBN 9783642302022.

Forrester, Gillian and Quaresmini, C. and Leavens, D.A. and Spiezio, C. and Vallortigara, G. (2012) Target animacy influences chimpanzee handedness. Animal Cognition 15 (6), pp. 1121-1127. ISSN 1435-9448.

Frosh, Stephen (2012) A brief introduction to psychoanalytic theory. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230369290.


Gandola, M. and Invernizzi, P. and Sedda, A. and Ferre, Elisa Raffaella and Sterzi, R. and Sberna, M. and Paulesu, E. and Bottini, G. (2012) An anatomical account of somatoparaphrenia. Cortex 48 (9), pp. 1165-1178. ISSN 0010-9452.

Ganzenmüller, S. and Shi, Z. and Muller, Hermann J. (2012) Duration reproduction with sensory feedback delay: differential involvement of perception and action time. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 6 (95), ISSN 1662-5145.

Geyer, T. and Baumgartner, F. and Muller, Hermann J. and Pollmann, S. (2012) Medial temporal lobe-dependent repetition suppression and enhancement due to implicit vs. explicit processing of individual repeated search displays. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6 (272), ISSN 1662-5161.

Gliga, F. and Gliga, Teodora (2012) Romanian screening instrument for dyscalculia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 33 , pp. 15-19. ISSN 1877-0428.

Gliga, Teodora and Elsabbagh, Mayada and Hudry, K. and Charman, T. and Johnson, Mark H. (2012) Gaze following, gaze reading, and word learning in children at-risk for autism. Child Development 82 (6), pp. 2138-2143. ISSN 0009-3920.

Goddings, A.L. and Burnett Heyes, S. and Bird, Geoffrey and Viner, R.M. and Blakemore, S.J. (2012) The relationship between puberty and social emotion processing. Developmental Science 15 (6), pp. 801-811. ISSN 1363-755x.

Grossmann, Tobias and Missana, M. and Friederici, A.D. and Ghazanfar, A.A. (2012) Neural correlates of perceptual narrowing in cross-species face-voice matching. Developmental Science 15 (6), pp. 830-839. ISSN 1363-755x.

Guest, Olivia and Cooper, Richard P. (2012) Semantic cognition: a re-examination of the recurrent network "hub" model. In: Rußwinkel, N. and Drewitz, U. and Van Rijn, H. (eds.) Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. Berlin, Germany: Universitaetsverlag der TU Berlin, pp. 259-264. ISBN 9783798324084.

Guiraud, J.A. and Tomalski, Przemyslaw and Kushnerenko, Elena and Ribeiro, H. and Davies, K. and Charman, T. and Elsabbagh, Mayada and Johnson, Mark H. (2012) Atypical audiovisual speech integration in infants at risk for autism. PLoS One 7 (5), ISSN 1932-6203.


Hahn, Ulrike and Oaksford, Mike (2012) Rational argument. In: Holyoak, K.J. and Morrison, R.G. (eds.) The Oxford handbook of thinking and reasoning. Oxford Library of Psychology. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 277-299. ISBN 9780199313792.

Hallett, V. and Ronald, Angelica and Rijsdijk, F. and Happé, F. (2012) Disentangling the associations between autistic-like and internalizing traits: a community based twin study. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 40 (5), pp. 815-827. ISSN 0091-0627.

Harris, A.J.L. and Hsu, A.S. and Madsen, Jens K. (2012) Because Hitler did it! quantitative tests of Bayesian argumentation using ad hominem. Thinking and Reasoning 18 (3), pp. 311-343. ISSN 1354-6783.

Hendrich, E. and Strobach, T. and Buss, M. and Muller, Hermann J. and Schubert, T. (2012) Temporal-order judgment of visual and auditory stimuli: modulations in situations with and without stimulus discrimination. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 6 (63), ISSN 1662-5145.

Hernik, M. and Southgate, Victoria (2012) Nine-months-old infants do not need to know what the agent prefers in order to reason about its goals: on the role of preference and persistence in infants’ goal-attribution. Developmental Science 15 (5), pp. 714-722. ISSN 1363-755x.

Hernik, M. and Southgate, Victoria (2012) Theories, evidence and intuitions about infants’ attributions of goals: a reply to commentaries by Bíró and Kuhlmeier & Robson and Luo & Choi. Developmental Science 15 (5), pp. 729-730. ISSN 1363-755X.

Hirose, A. and Borchert, M. and Niksear, H. and Alkozai, A.S. and Gardiner, Julian and Filippi, V. (2012) The role of care-seeking delays in Intrauterine Fetal Deaths among ‘near-miss’ women in Herat, Afghanistan. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 26 (5), pp. 388-397. ISSN 0269-5022.

Hodgetts, C.J. and Hahn, Ulrike (2012) Similarity-based asymmetries in perceptual matching. Acta Psychologica 139 (2), pp. 291-299. ISSN 0001-6918.

Hohenberger, A. and Elsabbagh, Mayada and Serres, J. and de Schoenen, S. and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Aschersleben, G. (2012) Understanding goal-directed human actions and physical causality: the role of mother–infant interaction. Infant Behavior and Development 35 (4), pp. 898-911. ISSN 0163-6383.

Hornikx, J. and Hahn, Ulrike (2012) Reasoning and argumentation: towards an integrated psychology of argumentation. Thinking & Reasoning 18 (3), pp. 225-243. ISSN 1354-6783.

Huang, R.S. and Chen, C.-f. and Tran, A.T. and Holstein, K.L. and Sereno, Martin I. (2012) Mapping multisensory parietal face and body areas in humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 (44), pp. 18114-18119. ISSN 0027-8424.


Jarvstad, A. and Rushton, S.K. and Warren, P.A. and Hahn, Ulrike (2012) Knowing When to Move On: Cognitive and Perceptual Decisions in Time. Psychological Science 23 (6), pp. 589-597. ISSN 0956-7976.

Johnson, Mark H. (2012) Executive function and developmental disorders: the flip side of the coin. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (9), pp. 454-457. ISSN 1364-6613.


Kadosh, K.C. and Johnson, Mark H. and Henson, R.N.A. and Dick, Frederic and Blakemore, S.J. (2012) Differential face-network adaptation in children, adolescents and adults. NeuroImage 69 (1), pp. 11-20. ISSN 1053-8119.

Karaminis, T.N. and Thomas, Michael S.C. (2012) Connectionism. In: Seel, N.M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer, pp. 767-771. ISBN 9781441914286.

Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2012) Development is not about studying children: the importance of longitudinal approaches. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 117 (2), pp. 87-89. ISSN 1944-7558.

Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2012) From constructivism to neuroconstructivism: the activity-dependent structuring of the human brain. In: Marti, E. and Rodriguez, C. (eds.) After Piaget. New Jersey, USA: Transaction Publishers. ISBN 9781412847650.

Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2012) Is development domain specific or domain general? a third alternative. In: Carver, S. and Shrager, J (eds.) The journey from child to scientist: Integrating cognitive development and the education sciences. Washington D.C., USA: American Psychological Association. ISBN 9781433811388.

Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2012) Perspectives on the dynamic development of cognitive capacities. Current Opinion in Neurology 25 (2), pp. 106-111. ISSN 1350-7540.

Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2012) 'TV is bad for children': less emotion, more science please! In: Adey, P. and Dillon, J. (eds.) Bad education: debunking myths in education. Milton Keynes, UK: Open University Press, pp. 231-244. ISBN 9780335246014.

Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2012) The importance of sleep for learning. In: Oates, J. and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Johnson, Mark H. (eds.) Developing Brains. Early Childhood in Focus 7. Milton Keynes, UK: Open University Press. ISBN 9781780073217.

Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Broadbent, H. and Farran, E.K. and Longhi, E. and D'Souza, Dean and Metcalfe, K. and Tassabehji, M. and Wu, Rachel and Senju, Atsushi and Happé, F. and Turnpenny, P. and Sansbury, F. (2012) Social cognition in Williams Syndrome: genotype/phenotype insights from partial deletion patients. Frontiers in Psychology 3 , ISSN 1664-1078.

Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and D'Souza, Dean and Dekker, Tessa and Van Herwegen, J. and Xu, F. and Rodic, Maja and Ansari, D. (2012) Genetic and environmental vulnerabilities in children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109 (S2), pp. 17261-17265. ISSN 0027-8424.

King, Robert and Belsky, Jay (2012) A typological approach to testing the evolutionary functions of human female orgasm. Archives of Sexual Behavior 41 (5), pp. 1145-1160. ISSN 0004-0002.

Kinman, G. and McDowall, Almuth (2012) Work and 'families': addressing needs and solutions in diverse societies. In: Work and Family Researchers Network Inaugural Conference, 14th - 16th June 2012, Millenium Broadway Hotel, New York, USA. (Unpublished)

Kinman, G. and McDowall, Almuth and Cropley, M. (2012) Work-family conflict and job-related wellbeing in UK police officers: the role of recovery strategies. In: Institute of Work Psychology International Conference: Work, Wellbeing and Performance, 29th - 30th June 2012, Sheffield. (Unpublished)

Kirkham, Natasha Z. and Richardson, D.C. and Wu, Rachel and Johnson, S.P. (2012) The importance of "what": infants use featural information to index events. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 113 (3), pp. 430-439. ISSN 0022-0965.

Kirkham, Natasha Z. and Wagner, J.B. and Swan, Kristen A. and Johnson, S.P. (2012) Sound support: intermodal information facilitates infants’ perception of an occluded trajectory. Infant Behavior and Development 35 (1), pp. 174-178. ISSN 0163-6383.

Kiss, Monika and Grubert, A. and Petersen, A. and Eimer, Martin (2012) Attentional capture by salient distractors during visual search is determined by temporal task demands. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 24 (3), pp. 749-759. ISSN 0898-929X.

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