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    Number of items: 49.

    Montag, C. and Schivinski, Bruno and Kannen, C. and Pontes, Halley (2022) Investigating gaming disorder and individual differences in gaming motives among professional and non-professional gamers: An empirical study. Addictive Behaviors 134 (107416), ISSN 0306-4603.

    Rozgonjuk, D. and Pontes, Halley and Schivinski, Bruno and Montag, C. (2022) Disordered gaming, loneliness, and family harmony in gamers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Addictive Behaviors Reports 15 (100426), ISSN 2352-8532.

    Rozgonjuk, D. and Schivinski, Bruno and Pontes, Halley and Montag, C. (2022) Problematic online behaviors among gamers: the links between problematic online gaming, gambling, shopping, pornography use, and social networking. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 21 , pp. 240-257. ISSN 1557-1874.

    Pontes, Halley and Schivinski, Bruno and Kannen, C. and Montag, C. (2022) The interplay between time spent gaming and disordered gaming: a large-scale world-wide study. Social Science & Medicine 296 (114721), ISSN 0277-9536.

    Montag, C. and Kannen, C. and Schivinski, Bruno and Pontes, Halley (2021) Empirical evidence for robust personality-gaming disorder associations from a large-scale international investigation applying the APA and WHO frameworks. PLoS One 16 (12), ISSN 1932-6203.

    Montag, C. and Schivinski, Bruno and Pontes, Halley (2021) Is the proposed distinction of Gaming Disorder into a predominantly online vs. offline form meaningful? Empirical evidence from a large German speaking gamer sample. Addictive Behaviors Reports 14 , p. 100391. ISSN 2352-8532.

    Pontes, Halley and Schivinski, Bruno and Sindermann, C. and Li, M. and Becker, B. and Zhou, M. and Montag, C. (2021) Measurement and conceptualization of Gaming Disorder according to the World Health Organization framework: the development of the Gaming Disorder Test. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 19 , pp. 508-528. ISSN 1557-1874.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Brzozowska-Woś, M. and Stansbury, E. and Satel, J. and Montag, C. and Pontes, Halley (2020) Exploring the role of social media use motives, psychological well-being, self-esteem, and affect in problematic social media use. Frontiers in Psychology 11 , ISSN 1664-1078.

    Pontes, Halley and Schivinski, Bruno and Brzozowska-Woś, M. and Stavropoulos, V. (2019) Laxer clinical criteria for gaming disorder may hinder future efforts to devise an efficient diagnostic approach: a tree-based model study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 8 (10), p. 1730. ISSN 2077-0383.

    Czarnecka, B. and Schivinski, Bruno (2019) Do consumers acculturated to global consumer culture buy more impulsively? The moderating role of attitudes towards, and beliefs about advertising. Journal of Global Marketing 32 (4), pp. 219-238. ISSN 1528-6975.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Langaro, D. and Shaw, C. (2019) The influence of social media communication on consumer’s attitudes and behavioral intentions concerning brand-sponsored events. Event Management 23 (6), pp. 835-853. ISSN 1525-9951.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Muntinga, D.G. and Pontes, Halley and Lukasik, P. (2019) Influencing COBRAs: the effects of brand equity on the consumer’s propensity to engage with brand-related content on social media. Journal of Strategic Marketing 29 (1), pp. 1-23. ISSN 0965-254X.

    Schivinski, Bruno (2018) An applied predictive modeling of brand equity inducing social media brand-related engagement. In: Global Marketing Conference 2018 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo, 26-29 Jul 2018, Tokyo, Japan.

    Czarnecka, B. and Schivinski, Bruno (2018) The effects of acculturation to global consumer culture on impulsive buying and attitudes towards advertising in general. In: Cauberghe, V. and Hudders, L. and Eisend, M. (eds.) Advances in Advertising Research. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, pp. 343-353. ISBN 9783658226800.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Brzozowska-Woś, M. and Buchanan, E.M. and Griffiths, M.D. and Pontes, Halley (2018) Psychometric assessment of the internet gaming disorder diagnostic criteria: an item response theory study. Addictive Behaviors Reports 8 , pp. 176-184. ISSN 2352-8532.

    Nunan, Daniel and Sibai, Olivier and Schivinski, Bruno and Christodoulides, George (2018) Reflections on “Social media: Influencing customer satisfaction in B2B sales” and a research agenda. Industrial Marketing Management 75 , pp. 31-36. ISSN 0019-8501.

    Pontes, Halley and Schivinski, Bruno and Brzozowska-Woś, M. and Griffiths, M.D. (2018) An empirical analysis of the nine Internet Gaming Disorder criteria. Journal of Behavioral Addictions 7 (1), p. 130. ISSN 2063-5303.

    Unal, G. and Schivinski, Bruno and Brzozowska-Woś, M. (2017) Literature review on conceptualisation of online consumer engagement. Handel Wewnętrzny 371 (6), pp. 353-362. ISSN 0438-5403.

    Czarnecka, B. and Schivinski, Bruno (2017) The effects of acculturation to global consumer culture on impulsive buying and attitudes towards advertising. In: 16th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) 2017, Jun 29th-Jul 1, 2017, Ghent, Belgium.

    Gupta, S. and Schivinski, Bruno and Brzozowska-Woś, M. (2017) Antecedents and consequences of brand loyalty. Handel Wewnętrzny 5 (370), pp. 200-212. ISSN 0438-5403.

    Łukasik, P. and Schivinski, Bruno (2017) Antecedents of consumer-based store brand equity – conceptual model. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio H, Oeconomia 51 (2), pp. 169-175. ISSN 0459-9586.

    Brzozowska-Woś, M. and Schivinski, Bruno (2017) Brand trust as a mediator between perceived risk and electronic word-of-mouth. Handel Wewnętrzny 5 (370), pp. 72-81. ISSN 0438-5403.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Łukasik, P. (2017) Wymiary kapitału marki jako moderatory związku pomiędzy kapitałem marki bazującym na konsumencie i skłonnością konsumenta do angażowania się w treści związane z marką w mediach społecznościowych. Handel Wewnętrzny 1 (366), pp. 80-90. ISSN 0438-5403.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Christodoulides, George and Dabrowski, D. (2016) Measuring consumers' engagement with brand-related social-media content: development and validation of a scale that identifies levels of social-media engagement with brands. Journal of Advertising Research 56 (1), ISSN 0021-8499.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Dabrowski, D. (2016) The effect of social media communication on consumer perceptions of brands. Journal of Marketing Communications 22 (2), pp. 189-214. ISSN 1466-4445.

    Łukasik, P. and Schivinski, Bruno (2015) Determinanty zakupu marek własnych sieci handlowych przez polskich konsumentów. Handel Wewnętrzny 5 (358), pp. 217-225. ISSN 0438-5403.

    Łukasik, P. and Schivinski, Bruno (2015) Effects of store brand perceived risk on buyers' behavior – four decades of research overview. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio H Oeconomia 49 (3), pp. 117-124. ISSN 0459-9586.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Łukasik, P. (2015) Implementing the consumer-based brand equity scale for beer brands – a Tyskie and Żywiec case study. Problemy Zarządzania, Finansów i Marketing 41 (1), pp. 155-163. ISSN 1509-0507.

    Zieba, M. and Schivinski, Bruno (2015) Knowledge management driven leadership, culture and innovation success – an integrative model. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Proceedings of IFKAD 2015: 10th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics: Culture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Connecting the Knowledge DotsBari, Italy, 10-12 June 2015. Bari, Italy: Institute of Knowledge Asset Management, pp. 1193-1202.

    Łukasik, P. and Schivinski, Bruno (2015) Pomiar kapitału marek własnych detalistów. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio H Oeconomia 49 (1), pp. 81-88. ISSN 0459-9586.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Łukasik, P. (2015) Typologia aktywnśoci online konsumenta w zakresie marki. Marketing i Rynek 12 (3), pp. 20-27. ISSN 1231-7853.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Łukasik, P. and Dabrowski, D. (2015) User-generated images and its impact on consumer-based brand equity and on purchase intention. Logistyka (2), pp. 1054-1061. ISSN 1231-5478.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Dabrowski, D. (2015) The impact of brand communication on brand equity through Facebook. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 9 (1), pp. 31-53. ISSN 2040-7122.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Łukasik, P. (2015) The influence of Polish consumers’ online brand-related activity on brand equity. e-mentor 5 (62), pp. 77-83. ISSN 1731-1320.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Christodoulides, George and Dabrowski, D. (2015) A scale to measure consumers' engagement with social media brand-related content. In: 14th International Conference on Research in Advertising - ICORIA, 03-04 Jul 2015, London, UK.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Brzozowska-Woś, M. (2015) The study of polish consumer's online brand-related activities. e-mentor 59 (2), pp. 77-85. ISSN 1731-6758.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Ślosarski, R. (2014) Budowanie wartości marki w mediach społecznościowych jako narzędzie osiągania przewagi konkurencyjnej. In: Krzysztofef, A. (ed.) Zarządzanie i marketing. Kraków, Poland: AT Wydawnictwo, pp. 445-452. ISBN 9788363910242.

    Ślosarski, R. and Schivinski, Bruno (2014) Hedging with derivatives - case of Polish market. In: Brendzel-Skowera, K. (ed.) Wyzwania i Perspektywy Współczesnego Zarządzania: Logistyka. Marketing. Kapitał ludzki. Częstochowa, Poland: Sekcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Zarządzania Politechniki Częstochowskiej, pp. 154-160. ISBN 9788363500719.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Łukasik, P. (2014) Rozwój badań nad kapitałem marki bazującym na konsumencie – przegląd literatury. Marketing i Rynek Listop (11), pp. 74-80. ISSN 1231-7853.

    Łukasik, P. and Schivinski, Bruno (2014) Wpływ postrzeganego ryzyka oraz czynników wizerunkowych na zamiar zakup marek własnych sieci handlowych. Marketing i Rynek (6), pp. 27-33. ISSN 1231-7853.

    Łukasik, P. and Schivinski, Bruno (2014) Znaczenie płci w procesie zakupu marek własnych sieci handlowych – analiza wielogrupowa. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Research Papers of Wrocław University of Economics. Wrocław, Poland: Wrocław University of Economics, pp. 162-173. ISBN 9788376954134.

    Schivinski, Bruno (2013) Effects of social media communication onbrand equity and brand purchase intention. In: Czubenko, M. (ed.) PhD Interdisciplinary Journal. Gdańsk, Poland: Gdańsk University of Technology, pp. 157-162. ISBN 9788360779248.

    Ślosarski, R. and Schivinski, Bruno (2013) Influence of advertisement in social media in knowledge-based economy. In: Skrzypek, E. (ed.) Pracownicy wiedzy w warunkach gospodarki opartej na wiedzy. Katedra Zarządzania Jakością i Wiedzą, Wydział Ekonomiczny UMCS, pp. 40-46. ISBN 9788362785421.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Ślosarski, R. (2013) Marketing terytorialny a social media marketing na serwisie Twitter. In: Bernat, T. (ed.) Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem we współczesnej gospodarce. Szczecin, Poland: PPH Zapol Dmochowski, Sobczyk Sp.J., pp. 20-29. ISBN 9788375185522.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Ślosarski, R. (2013) Selected aspects of the evolution of the industry analysis. In: Salerno-Kochan, M. (ed.) Wybrane aspekty zarządzania jakością. Kraków, Poland: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PTTŻ, pp. 330-336. ISBN 9788394423025.

    Schivinski, Bruno (2011) Gemba Kaizen: influencing individuals behavior for better – an approach to social marketing. In: Wrobel, Z. (ed.) Kultura Kaizen: Rozważania nad wartościami ciągłego doskonalenia. Rzeszów, Poland: Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania, pp. 113-130. ISBN 9788360583586.

    Schivinski, Bruno and Mącik, R. (2011) Publicity available lecture webcasts – e-learning or promotion? Case study, knowledge as business opportunity. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Knowledge as Business Opportunity: Proceedings of the Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference 2011. Celje, Slovenia: International School for Social and Business Studies, pp. 267-276. ISBN 9789619248636.

    Schivinski, Bruno (2010) Jakość w marketingu - kreowanie systemu identyfikacji wizualnej na przykładzie UMCS Lublin. In: Salerno-Kochana, M. (ed.) Wybrane Aspekty Zarządzania Jakością. Kraków, Poland: Wydawnictwo AGH, pp. 250-254. ISBN 9788374643054.

    Pontes, Halley and Schivinski, Bruno and Brzozowska-Woś, M. and Griffiths, M.D. An empirical analysis of the nine Internet Gaming Disorder criteria. In: 5th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions (ICBA2018), 23–25 Apr 2018, Cologne, Germany. (Unpublished)

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