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    Number of items: 59.


    Atherton, Joseph and Farabella, Irene and Yu, I-M. and Rosenfeld, S.S. and Houdusse, A. and Topf, Maya and Moores, Carolyn A. (2014) Conserved mechanisms of microtubule-stimulated ADP release, ATP binding, and force generation in transport kinesins. eLife 3 , ISSN 2050-084X.


    Bagneris, Claire and DeCaen, P.G. and Naylor, Claire E. and Pryde, D.C. and Nobeli, Irene and Clapham, D.E. and Wallace, Bonnie A. (2014) Prokaryotic NavMs channel as a structural and functional model for eukaryotic sodium channel antagonism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (23), pp. 8428-8433. ISSN 0027-8424.

    Bagneris, Claire and Naylor, Claire E. and McCusker, Emily C. and Wallace, Bonnie A. (2014) Structural model of the open-closed-inactivated cycle of prokaryotic voltage-gated sodium channels. The Journal of General Physiology 145 (1), pp. 5-16. ISSN 0022-1295.

    Bhatti, M. and McHugh, T. and Milanesi, Lilia and Tomas, Salvador (2014) Self-assembled nanoparticles as multifunctional drugs for anti-microbial therapies. Chemical Communications 50 , pp. 7649-7651. ISSN 1359-7345.

    Bokori-Brown, M. and Hall, C.A. and Vance, C. and Fernandes da Costa, S.P. and Savva, Christos G. and Naylor, Claire E. and Cole, Ambrose R. and Basak, Ajit K. and Moss, David S. and Titball, R.W. (2014) Clostridium perfringens epsilon toxin mutant Y30A-Y196A as a recombinant vaccine candidate against enterotoxemia. Vaccine 32 (23), pp. 2682-2687. ISSN 0264-410X.

    Bruce Avery, P. and Kumar, V. and Simmonds, M.S.J. and Nicklin, Jane (2014) Influence of leaf trichome type, and density on the host plant selection by the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology , ISSN 0003-6862.

    Bullen, A. and Taylor, R.R. and Kachar, B. and Moores, Carolyn A. and Fleck, R.A. and Forge, A. (2014) Inner ear tissue preservation by rapid freezing: improving fixation by high-pressure freezing and hybrid methods. Hearing Research 315 , pp. 49-60. ISSN 0378-5955.


    Carroni, M. and Kummer, E. and Oguchi, Y. and Wendler, P. and Clare, D.K. and Sinning, I. and Kopp, J. and Mogk, A. and Bukau, B. and Saibil, Helen R. (2014) Head-to-tail interactions of the coiled-coil domains regulate ClpB cooperation with Hsp70 in protein disaggregation. eLife , ISSN 2050-084X.

    Carroni, Marta and Kummer, E. and Oguchi, Y. and Wendler, P. and Clare, Daniel K. and Sinning, I. and Kopp, J. and Mogk, A. and Bukau, B. and Saibil, Helen R. (2014) Head-to-tail interactions of the coiled-coil domains regulate ClpB activity and cooperation with Hsp70 in protein disaggregation. eLife 3 , e02481-e02481. ISSN 2050-084X.

    Chauviac, Francois-Xavier and Robertson, Giles and Quay, Doris H.X. and Bagneris, Claire and Dumas, C. and Henderson, B. and Ward, J. and Keep, Nicholas H. and Cohen-Gonsaud, Martin (2014) RpfC (Rv1884) atomic structure shows high structural conservation within the resuscitation promoting factor catalytic domain. Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology Communications F70 (8), pp. 1022-1026. ISSN 1744-3091.

    Coll, F. and McNerney, R. and Guerra-Assunção, J.A. and Glynn, J.R. and Perdigão, J. and Viveiros, M. and Portugal, I. and Pain, A. and Martin, Nigel and Clark, T.G. (2014) A robust SNP barcode for typing Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains. Nature Communications 5 , p. 4812. ISSN 2041-1723.

    Coll, F. and Preston, M. and Guerra-Assuncao, J. and Hill-Cawthorne, G. and Harris, D. and Perdigao, J. and Viveiros, M. and Portugal, I. and Drobniewski, F. and Gagneux, S. and Glynn, J. and Pain, A. and Parkhill, J. and McNerney, R. and Martin, Nigel and Clark, T. (2014) PolyTB: a genomic variation map for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis 94 (3), pp. 346-354. ISSN 1472-9792.

    Czarnecki, J. and Shepherd, Adrian J. (2014) Mining biological networks from full-text articles. Methods in Molecular Biology 1159 , pp. 135-145. ISSN 1064-3745.


    da Costa, S. and Savva, Christos G. and Bokori-Brown, M. and Naylor, Claire E. and Moss, David S. and Basak, Ajit K. and Titball, R. (2014) Identification of a key residue for Oligomerisation and pore-formation of Clostridium perfringens NetB. Toxins 6 (3), pp. 1049-1061. ISSN 2072-6651.


    Evangelopoulos, Dimitrios and Gupta, Antima and Lack, N. and Maitra, Arundhati and ten Bokum, A.M.C. and Kendall, Sharon L. and Sim, E. and Bhakta, Sanjib (2014) Characterisation of a putative AraC transcriptional regulator from Mycobacterium smegmatis. Tuberculosis 94 (6), pp. 664-671. ISSN 1472-9792.


    Farabella, Irene and Pham, T. and Henderson, N.S. and Geibel, Sebastien and Phan, Gilles and Thanassi, D.G. and Delcour, A.H. and Waksman, Gabriel and Topf, Maya (2014) Allosteric signalling in the outer membrane translocation domain of PapC usher. eLife 3 , ISSN 2050-084X.


    Geibel, Sebastien and Waksman, Gabriel (2014) The molecular dissection of the Chaperone-Usher Pathway. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research 1843 (8), pp. 1559-1567. ISSN 0167-4889.

    Gonen, T. and Waksman, Gabriel (2014) Editorial overview - Membranes: recent methods in the study of membrane protein structure. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 27 , iv-v. ISSN 0959-440X.

    Gonçalves, M.J. and Bogo, A. and Trezzi Casa, R. and Rufato, L. and Nicklin, Jane and Pereira de Bem, B. and Kretzschmar, A.A. and Grimaldi, F. (2014) Influence of Quince rootstocks on Entomosporium Leaf Spot (Entomosporium mespili) susceptibility in European Pear cv. Abate Fetel. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B 4 , pp. 141-149. ISSN 2161-6264.

    Goodman, K.M. and Kjær, S. and Beuron, F. and Knowles, P.P. and Nawrotek, A. and Burns, E.M. and Purkiss, A.G. and George, R. and Santoro, M. and Morris, E.P. and McDonald, Neil Q. (2014) RET recognition of GDNF-GFRα1 ligand by a composite binding site promotes membrane-proximal self-association. Cell Reports 18 (6), pp. 1894-1904. ISSN 2211-1247.

    Gooptu, Bibek and Dickens, J.A. and Lomas, D.A. (2014) The molecular and cellular pathology of α1-antitrypsin deficiency. Trends in Molecular Medicine 20 (2), pp. 116-127. ISSN 1471-4914.

    Goulet, Adeline and Major, J. and Jung, Y. and Grossmann, S.P. and Rosenfeld, S.S. and Moores, Carolyn A. (2014) Comprehensive structural model of the mechanochemical cycle of a mitotic motor highlights molecular adaptations in the kinesin family. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (5), pp. 1837-1842. ISSN 0027-8424.


    Kalsi, S. and Powl, A.M. and Wallace, Bonnie A. and Morgan, H. and de Planque, M.R.R. (2014) Shaped Apertures in Photoresist Films Enhance the Lifetime and Mechanical Stability of Suspended Lipid Bilayers. Biophysical Journal 106 (8), pp. 1650-1659. ISSN 0006-3495.


    Lees, William D. and Moss, David S. and Shepherd, Adrian J. (2014) Evolution in the influenza A H3 stalk - a challenge for broad-spectrum vaccines? Journal of General Virology 95 (2), pp. 317-324. ISSN 0022-1317.

    Leung, C. and Dudkina, N.V. and Lukoyanova, Natalya and Hodel, A.W. and Farabella, I. and Pandurangan, A.P. and Jahan, N. and Pires Damaso, M. and Osmanović, D. and Reboul, C.F. and Dunstone, M.A. and Andrew, P.W. and Lonnen, R. and Topf, Maya and Saibil, Helen R. and Hoogenboom, B.W. (2014) Stepwise visualization of membrane pore formation by suilysin, a bacterial cholesterol-dependent cytolysin. eLife 3 , ISSN 2050-084X.

    Lillington, J. and Geibel, Sebastien and Waksman, Gabriel (2014) Biogenesis and adhesion of type 1 and P pili. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects 1840 (9), pp. 2783-2793. ISSN 0304-4165.

    Lopes, J.L.S. and Miles, Andrew J. and Whitmore, Lee and Wallace, Bonnie A. (2014) Distinct circular dichroism spectroscopic signatures of polyproline II and unordered secondary structures: applications in secondary structure analyses. Protein Science 23 (12), pp. 1765-1772. ISSN 0961-8368.

    Lopes, J.L.S. and Nobre, T.M. and Cilli, E.M. and Beltramini, L.M. and Araujo, A.P.U. and Wallace, Bonnie A. (2014) Deconstructing the DGAT1 enzyme: binding sites and substrate interactions. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes 1838 (12), pp. 3145-3152. ISSN 0005-2736.

    Low, Harry H. and Gubellini, Francesca and Rivera-Calzada, Angel and Braun, Nathalie and Connery, Sarah and Dujeancourt, A. and Lu, Fang and Redzej, Adam and Fronzes, R. and Orlova, Elena and Waksman, Gabriel (2014) Structure of a type IV secretion system. Nature 508 , pp. 550-553. ISSN 0028-0836.

    Luke, B. and Nicklin, Jane and Bateman, R. (2014) Using particle size analysis to determine the hydrophobicity and suspension of fungal conidia with particular relevance to formulation of biopesticide. Biocontrol Science and Technology 25 (4), pp. 383-398. ISSN 0958-3157.


    Maile, C. and O′Reilly, Andrias and Wallace, Bonnie A. and Piercy, R. (2014) In silico three dimensional modelling of mutant glycogen synthase associated with Equine Type 1 Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy. Equine Veterinary Journal 46 (S46), pp. 28-29. ISSN 0425-1644.

    Maitra, A. and Bhakta, Sanjib (2014) TB Summit 2014. Virulence 5 (5), pp. 638-644. ISSN 2150-5594.

    Maitra, Arundhati and Bhakta, Sanjib (2014) TB Summit 2014: Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of tuberculosis—a meeting report of a Euroscicon conference. Virulence 5 (5), pp. 638-644. ISSN 2150-5594.

    Martin, Nigel and Poulovassilis, Alexandra and Wang, J. (2014) A methodology and architecture embedding quality assessment in data integration. Journal of Data and Information Quality 4 (4), ISSN 1936-1955.

    McGuigan, C. and Derudas, M. and Gonczy, B. and Hinsinger, K. and Kandil, S. and Pertusati, F. and Serpi, M. and Snoeck, R. and Andrei, G. and Balzarini, J. and McHugh, T.D. and Maitra, A. and Akorli, E. and Evangelopoulos, Dimitrios and Bhakta, Sanjib (2014) ProTides of N–(3-(5-(2’-deoxyuridine))prop-2- ynyl)octanamide as potential anti-tubercular and anti-viral agents. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 22 (9), pp. 2816-2824. ISSN 1464-3391.

    Mortensen, M. and Iqbal, F. and Pandurangan, Arun and Hannan, S. and Huckvale, R. and Topf, Maya and Baker, J.R. and Smart, T.G. (2014) Photo-antagonism of the GABAA receptor. Nature Communications 5 , ISSN 2041-1723.


    Nans, Andrea and Saibil, Helen R. and Hayward, Richard (2014) Pathogen-host reorganization during Chlamydia invasion revealed by cryo-electron tomography. Cellular Microbiology 16 (10), pp. 1457-1472. ISSN 1462-5814.

    Nyon, Mun Peak and Gooptu, Bibek (2014) Therapeutic targeting of misfolding and conformational change in α1-antitrypsin deficiency. Future Medicinal Chemistry 6 (9), pp. 1047-1065. ISSN 1756-8919.


    O'Reilly, A.O. and Williamson, M.S. and González-Cabrera, J. and Turberg, A. and Field, L.M. and Wallace, Bonnie A. and Emyr Davies, T.G. (2014) Predictive 3D modelling of the interactions of pyrethroids with the voltage-gated sodium channels of ticks and mites. Pest Management Science 70 (3), pp. 369-377. ISSN 1526-498X.

    O’Reilly, A.O. and Cole, Ambrose R. and Lopes, J.L.S. and Lampert, A. and Wallace, Bonnie A. (2014) Chaperone-mediated native folding of a β-scorpion toxin in the periplasm of E.coli. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects 1840 (1), pp. 10-15. ISSN 0304-4165.


    Patwardhan, A. and Ashton, A. and Brandt, R. and Butcher, S. and Carzaniga, R. and Chiu, W. and Collinson, L. and Doux, P. and Duke, E. and Ellisman, M.H. and Franken, E. and Grünewald, K. and Heriche, J.-K. and Koster, A. and Kühlbrandt, W. and Lagerstedt, I. and Larabell, C. and Lawson, C.L. and Saibil, Helen R. and Sanz-García, E. and Subramaniam, S. and Verkade, P. and Swedlow, J.R. and Kleywegt, G.J. (2014) A 3D cellular context for the macromolecular world. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 21 (10), pp. 841-845. ISSN 1545-9993.

    Perrone, B. and Miles, Andrew J. and Salnikov, E.S. and Wallace, Bonnie A. and Bechinger, B. (2014) Lipid interactions of LAH4, a peptide with antimicrobial and nucleic acid transfection activities. European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics letters 43 (10-11), pp. 499-507. ISSN 0175-7571.

    Pinheiro, Vitor B. and Arangundy-Franklin, S. and Holliger, P. (2014) Compartmentalized self-tagging for in vitro-directed evolution of XNA polymerases. Current Protocols In Nucleic Acid Chemistry 57 , 9.9.1-9.9.18.

    Plaza-Menacho, I. and Barnouin, K. and Goodman, K. and Martínez-Torres, R.J. and Borg, A. and Murray-Rust, J. and Mouilleron, S. and Knowles, P.P. and McDonald, Neil Q. (2014) Oncogenic RET Kinase domain mutations perturb the autophosphorylation trajectory by enhancing substrate presentation in trans. Molecular Cell 53 (5), pp. 738-751. ISSN 1097-2765.


    Sayer, J.R. and Walldén, Karin and Pesnot, T. and Campbell, F. and Gane, P.J. and Simone, M. and Koss, H. and Buelens, Floris and Boyle, T.P. and Selwood, D.L. and Waksman, Gabriel and Tabor, A.B. (2014) 2- and 3-substituted imidazo [1,2-a] pyrazines as inhibitors of bacterial type IV secretion. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 22 (22), pp. 6459-6470. ISSN 0968-0896.

    Slingsby, Christine and Wistow, G.J. (2014) Functions of crystallins in and out of lens: roles in elongated and post-mitotic cells. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 115 (1), pp. 52-67. ISSN 0079-6107.

    Steadman, David and Lo, A. and Waksman, Gabriel and Remaut, H. (2014) Bacterial surface appendages as targets for novel antibacterial therapeutics. Future Microbiology 9 (7), pp. 887-900. ISSN 1746-0913.

    Studer, R. A. and Christin, P.-A. and Williams, Mark A. and Orengo, C.A. (2014) Stability-activity tradeoffs constrain the adaptive evolution of RubisCO. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (6), pp. 2223-2228. ISSN 0027-8424.

    Sula, Altin and Cole, Ambrose R. and Yeats, C. and Orengo, C. and Keep, Nicholas H. (2014) Crystal structures of the human Dysferlin inner DysF domain. BMC Structural Biology 14 (3), ISSN 1472-6807.


    Tarr, Sarah J. and Moon, R.W. and Hardege, Iris and Osborne, Andrew R. (2014) A conserved domain targets exported PHISTb family proteins to the periphery of Plasmodium infected erythrocytes. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 196 (1), pp. 29-40. ISSN 0166-6851.

    Trevitt, C.R. and Hosszu, L.L.P. and Batchelor, M. and Panico, S. and Terry, C. and Nicoll, A.J. and Risse, E. and Taylor, W.A. and Sandberg, M.K. and Al-Doujaily, H. and Linehan, J.M. and Saibil, Helen R. and Scott, D.J. and Collinge, J. and Waltho, J.P. and Clarke, A.R. (2014) N-terminal domain of Prion Protein directs its Oligomeric Association. Journal of Biological Chemistry 289 , pp. 25497-25508. ISSN 0021-9258.

    Trokter, Martina and Felisberto-Rodrigues, Catarina and Christie, P.J. and Waksman, Gabriel (2014) Recent advances in the structural and molecular biology of type IV secretion systems. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 27 , pp. 16-23. ISSN 0959-440X.


    Ulmschneider, M.B. and Ulmschneider, J.P. and Schiller, N. and Wallace, Bonnie A. and von Heijne, G. and White, S.H. (2014) Spontaneous transmembrane helix insertion thermodynamically mimics translocon-guided insertion. Nature Communications 5 , p. 4863. ISSN 2041-1723.


    Vaughan, Cara K. (2014) Hsp90 picks PIKKs via R2TP and Tel2. Structure 22 (6), pp. 799-800. ISSN 0969-2126.


    Waksman, Gabriel and Orlova, Elena (2014) Structural organisation of the type IV secretion systems. Current Opinion in Microbiology 17 , pp. 24-31. ISSN 1369-5274.

    Wang, Z. and Lambden, S. and Taylor, V. and Sujkovic, E. and Nandi, M. and Tomlinson, J. and Dyson, A. and McDonald, Neil Q. and Caddick, S. and Singer, M. and Leiper, J. (2014) Pharmacological inhibition of DDAH1 improves survival, haemodynamics and organ function in experimental septic shock. Biochemical Journal 460 (2), pp. 309-316. ISSN 0264-6021.

    Wistow, G.J. and Slingsby, Christine (2014) Editorial for special issue: Crystallins of the eye. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 115 (1), pp. 1-2. ISSN 0079-6107.


    Yelland, T.S. and Naylor, Claire E. and Bagoban, T. and Savva, Christos G. and Moss, David S. and McClane, B.A. and Blasig, I.E. and Popoff, M. and Basak, Ajit K. (2014) Structure of a C. perfringens Enterotoxin mutant in complex with a Modified Claudin-2 Extracellular Loop 2. Journal of Molecular Biology 426 (18), pp. 3134-3147. ISSN 0022-2836.


    Zhao, J. and Evangelopoulos, Dimitrios and Bhakta, Sanjib and Gray, A.I. and Seidel, V. (2014) Antitubercular activity of Arctium lappa and Tussilago farfara extracts and constituents. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 155 (1), pp. 796-800. ISSN 0378-8741.

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