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Aksoy, Yunus and Leon-Ledesma, M. (2008) Non-linearities and unit roots in G7 macroeconomic variables. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (Topics) 8 (1), ISSN 1935-1690.

Al-Najjar, Basil and Taylor, P. (2008) The relationship between capital structure and ownership structure: New evidence from Jordanian panel data. Managerial Finance 34 (1), pp. 919-933. ISSN 0307-4358.

Alessandri, P. and Robertson, D. and Wright, Stephen (2008) Miller and Modigliani, predictive return regressions and cointegration. Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics 70 (2), pp. 181-207. ISSN 0305-9049.

Andersen, Birgitte and Frenz, Marion (2008) Why music downloads and P2P filesharing may be good news for the music industry. E-Britain (2), pp. 23-25.

Andersen, Birgitte and Frenz, Marion (2008) The impact of music downloads and P2P file-sharing on the purchase of music in Canada. Working Paper. Dynamics of Institutions of Markets in Europe.

Andersen, Birgitte and Konzelmann, Suzanne J. (2008) In search of a useful theory of the productive potential of intellectual property rights. Research Policy 37 (1), pp. 12-28. ISSN 0048-7333.

Archibugi, Daniele (2008) Introduction: knowledge and innovation in the globalising world wine industry. International Journal of Technology and Globalisation 3 (2/3), pp. 125-126. ISSN 1476-5667.

Archibugi, Daniele (2008) Opening to the world: International cooperation in science and technology. Report of the ERA Expert Group. Project Report. European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Brussels, Belgium.

Archibugi, Daniele (2008) The global Commonwealth of citizens: toward cosmopolitan democracy. New Jersey, U.S.: Princeton University Press. ISBN 9780691134901.

Archibugi, Daniele (2008) A league of democracies or a democratic United Nations. Harvard International Review , ISSN 0739-1854.

Archibugi, Daniele and Michie, J. (2008) The globalisation of technology: a new taxonomy. In: von Zedtwitz, M. and Birkinshaw, J. and Gassmann, O. (eds.) International Management of Research and Development. The International Library of Critical Writings on Business and Management. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 53-72. ISBN 9781845424282.


Bagchi-Sen, S. and Lawton Smith, Helen (2008) Institutions, industry and barriers in the biotechnology sector: developed-developing country perspectives. Regional Studies 42 (7), pp. 961-975. ISSN 0034-3404.

Bagchi-Sen, S. and Lawton Smith, Helen (2008) Science, institutions, and markets: developments in the Indian biotechnology sector. Regional Studies 42 (7), pp. 961-975. ISSN 0034-3404.

Beckert, Walter and Blundell, R. (2008) Heterogeneity and the non-parametric analysis of consumer choice: conditions for invertibility. Review of Economic Studies 75 (4), pp. 1069-1080. ISSN 0034-6527.

Beckert, Walter and McFadden, D.L. (2008) Maximum uniform convergence rates in parametric estimation problems. Econometric Theory 26 (2), pp. 469-500. ISSN 0266-4666.

Benth, F.E. and Cartea, Alvaro and Kiesel, R. (2008) Pricing forward contracts in power markets by the certainty equivalence principle: explaining the sign of the market risk premium. Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (10), pp. 2006-2021. ISSN 0378-4266.

Blackburn, S.R. and Martin, K.M. and Paterson, Maura B. and Stinson, D.R. (2008) Key refreshing in wireless sensor networks. In: Safavi-Naini, R. (ed.) Information Theoretic Security. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5155. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 156-170. ISBN 9783540850922.

Borchert, O. and Ibeh, Kevin (2008) The quintessential born-global: case evidence from a rapidly internationalising canadian small firm. In: Nelson, N. (ed.) International Business: Theory & Strategy, Large and Small Business Perspectives. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Arah Pendidikan Books. ISBN 9789833718368.

Briner, Rob B. and Sturdy, A. (2008) Introduction to food, work and organization. Human Relations 61 (7), pp. 907-912. ISSN 0018-7267.

Brummelhuis, Raymond (2008) Serial dependence in ARCH-models as measured by tail dependence coefficients. Extremes 11 (2), pp. 167-201. ISSN 1386-1999.

Buiter, W. and Sibert, Anne (2008) The collapse of Iceland’s banks: the predictable end of a non-viable business model. Vox ,

Buiter, W. and Sibert, Anne (2008) The dangerous protectionism of Barack Obama. Vox ,


Caldwell, Raymond (2008) HR business partner competency models: re-contextualising effectiveness. Human Resource Management Journal 18 (3), pp. 275-294. ISSN 0954-5395.

Calmfors, L. and Corsetti, G. and Devereux, M.P. and Saint-Paul, Giles and Sinn, H.-W. and Sturm, J.-E. and Vives, X. (2008) Global warming: the neglected supply side. EEag Report on the European Economy 2008 , pp. 125-139. ISSN 1611-311X.

Calmfors, L. and Corsetti, G. and Devereux, M.P. and Saint-Paul, Giles and Sinn, H.-W. and Sturm, J.-E. and Vives, X. (2008) How much real dollar depreciation is needed to correct global imbalances? EEag Report on the European Economy 2008 , pp. 61-70. ISSN 1611-311X.

Calmfors, L. and Corsetti, G. and Devereux, M.P. and Saint-Paul, Giles and Sinn, H.-W. and Sturm, J.-E. and Vives, X. (2008) Industrial policy. EEag Report on the European Economy 2008 , pp. 105-124. ISSN 1611-311X.

Calmfors, L. and Corsetti, G. and Devereux, M.P. and Saint-Paul, Giles and Sinn, H.-W. and Sturm, J.-E. and Vives, X. (2008) The effects of globalisation on western European jobs: Curse or blessing? EEag Report on the European Economy 2008 , pp. 71-104. ISSN 1611-311X.

Cartea, Alvaro and Figueroa, M.G. and Geman, Hélyette (2008) Modelling electricity prices with forward looking capacity constraints. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

Cartea, Alvaro and Villaplana, P. (2008) Spot price modeling and the valuation of electricity forward contracts: the role of demand and capacity. Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (12), pp. 2502-2519. ISSN 0378-4266.

Cartea, Alvaro and Williams, T. (2008) UK gas markets: the market price of risk and applications to multiple interruptible supply contracts. Energy Economics 30 (3), pp. 829-846. ISSN 0140-9883.

Castellacci, F. and Archibugi, Daniele (2008) The technology clubs: the distribution of knowledge across nations. Research Policy 37 (10), pp. 1659-1673. ISSN 0048-7333.

Catao, L.A.V. and Fostel, A. and Kapur, Sandeep (2008) Persistent gaps and default traps. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

Chadwick, A. and Glasson, J. and Lawton Smith, Helen (2008) Employment growth in knowledge-intensive business services in Great Britain during the 1990s – variations at the regional and sub-regional level. Local Economy 23 (1), pp. 6-18. ISSN 0269-0942.

Christodoulides, George (2008) Breaking free from the industrial age paradigm of branding. Journal of Brand Management 15 (4), pp. 291-293. ISSN 1350-231X.

Coculescu, D. and Geman, Hélyette and Jeanblanc, M. (2008) Valuation of default-sensitive claims under imperfect information. Finance and Stochastics 12 (2), pp. 195-218. ISSN 0949-2984.

Conway, Neil and Deakin, S. and Konzelmann, Suzanne J. and Petit, H. and Rebérioux, A. and Wilkinson, F. (2008) The influence of stock market listing on human resource management: evidence for France and Britain. Working Paper. Cambridge Centre for Business Research, Cambridge, UK.

Conway, Neil and Deakin, S. and Konzelmann, Suzanne J. and Petit, H. and Rebérioux, A. and Wilkinson, F. (2008) The influence of stock market listing on human resource management: evidence for France and Britain. British Journal of Industrial Relations 46 (4), pp. 631-673. ISSN 0007-1080.

Conway, Neil and Nasr, M. and Sassi, N. and Roussel, P. (2008) L’etude des evenements au travail par les methodes du journal personnel: enjeux et applications. Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines 68 , pp. 2-16. ISSN 1163-913X.


Daripa, Arup (2008) Optimal collective contract without peer information or peer monitoring. Journal of Development Economics 86 (1), pp. 147-163. ISSN 0304-3878.

Dewe, Philip (2008) Positive coping strategies at work. In: Kinder, A. and Hughes, R. and Cooper, C. (eds.) Employee Well-Being Support: A Workplace Resource. Chicester: Wiley, pp. 91-98. ISBN 9780470059005.

Dewe, Philip and Cooper, C.L. (2008) Well-being - absenteeism, presenteeism, costs and challenges. Occupational medicine 58 (8), pp. 522-524. ISSN 0962-7480.

Di Cagno, D. and Sciubba, Emanuela (2008) Social networks and trust: not the experimental evidence you may expect. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

Di Pace, Federico (2008) Revisiting the comovement puzzle: the input-output structure as an additional solution. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

Donaldson-Feilder, E. and Yarker, Jo and Lewis, Rachel (2008) Line management competence: the key to preventing and reducing stress at work. Strategic HR Review 7 (2), pp. 11-16. ISSN 1475-4398.

Donaldson-Feilder, E. and Yarker, Jo and Lewis, Rachel (2008) Management competencies for preventing and reducing stress at work. In: Houdmont, J. and Leka, S. (eds.) European Perspectives on Research, Education and Practice. Occupational Health Psychology 3. Nottingham, UK: Nottingham University Press, pp. 229-256. ISBN 9781904761822.

Donaldson-Feilder, E. and Yarker, Jo and Lewis, Rachel (2008) Promoting positive manager behaviour: developing a stress management competency indicator tool. In: 8th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, 12-14 Nov 2008, Valencia, Spain. (Unpublished)

Driffill, John (2008) Exchange rate target zones. In: Durlauf, S.N. and Blume, L. (eds.) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 9780333786765.

Dunne, J.P. and Perlo-Freeman, S. and Smith, Ron P. (2008) The demand for military expenditure in developing countries: hostility versus capability. Defence and Peace Economics 19 (4), pp. 293-302. ISSN 1024-2694.

de Chernatony, L. and Christodoulides, George and Roper, S. and Abimbola, T. (2008) Guest editorial. European Journal of Marketing 42 (5/6), pp. 533-536. ISSN 0309-0566.

di Cagno, D. and Sciubba, Emanuela (2008) The determinants of individual behaviour in network formation: some experimental evidence. In: Abdellaoui, M. and Hey, J.D. (eds.) Advances in Decision Making Under Risk and Uncertainty. Theory and Decision Library 42. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Springer, pp. 219-241. ISBN 9783540684367.


Efthyvoulou, Georgios (2008) Alphabet economics: the link between names and reputation. Journal of Socio-Economics 37 (3), pp. 1266-1285. ISSN 1053-5357.

Efthyvoulou, Georgios (2008) Political cycles in a small open economy and the effect of economic integration: evidence from Cyprus. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

Ereaut, G. and Whiting, Rebecca (2008) What do we mean by 'wellbeing'? and why might it matter? Other. Department for Children, Schools and Families.


Figuerola Ferretti, I. and Gilbert, C.L. (2008) Commonality in the LME aluminum and copper volatility processes through a figarch lens. Journal of Futures Markets 28 (10), pp. 935-962. ISSN 0270-7314.

Frenz, Marion and Lambert, Ray (2008) Mapping closed and open innovation practices: a comparison across nine countries based on micro-level innovation survey data. Working Paper. Dynamics of Institutions of Markets in Europe.

Frenz, Marion and Lambert, Ray (2008) Technological and non technological innovation. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2008. Paris: OECD publications, pp. 235-238. ISBN 9264049918.


Gannon, Brian and Wilson, David W. (2008) Applying international business constructs to offshore development. In: Global Sourcing Workshop, 10-13 Mar 2008, Val d'Isere, France.

Garratt, Anthony and Koop, G. and Vahey, S.P. (2008) Forecasting Substantial Data Revisions in the presence of model uncertainty. The Economic Journal 118 (530), pp. 1128-1144. ISSN 0013-0133.

Garratt, Anthony and Lee, K. and Mise, E. and Shields, K. (2008) Real-time representations of the output gap. Review of Economics & Statistics 90 (4), pp. 792-904. ISSN 0034-6535.

Geman, Hélyette (2008) Editorial. Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (12), p. 2501. ISSN 0378-4266.

Geman, Hélyette (2008) Introduction. Applied Mathematical Finance 15 (5-6), pp. 403-404. ISSN 1466-4313.

Geman, Hélyette (2008) Stochastic clock and financial markets. In: Bensoussan, A. and Zhang, Q. (eds.) Mathematical Modellling and Numerical Methods in Finance. Handbook of Numerical Analysis 10.101. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier, pp. 649-664. ISBN 9780444518798.

Geman, Hélyette (2008) Stochastic slock and financial markets. In: Yor, M. (ed.) Aspects of Mathematical Finance. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 37-52. ISBN 9783540752585.

Geman, Hélyette and Kharoubi, C. (2008) Correlations and the pricing of risks. Annals of Finance 32 (12), pp. 2553-2559. ISSN 1614-2446.

Geman, Hélyette and Kharoubi, C. (2008) WTI crude oil futures in portfolio diversification: the time-to-maturity effect. Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (12), pp. 2553-2559. ISSN 0378-4266.

Geman, Hélyette and Kourouvakalis, S. (2008) A lattice-based method for pricing electricity derivatives under the threshold model. Applied Mathematical Finance 15 (5-6), pp. 531-567. ISSN 1466-4313.

Geman, Hélyette and Ohana, S. (2008) Time-consistency in managing a commodity portfolio: a dynamic risk measure approach. Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (10), pp. 1991-2005. ISSN 0378-4266.

Gomes, Pedro and Afonso, A. and Rother, P. (2008) What "hides" behind sovereign debt ratings? In: Soares, J. and Pina, J. and Catalão-Lopes, M. (eds.) New Developments in Financial Modelling. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 314-343. ISBN 9781847186744.

Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2008) International actors and international regulation. In: Bacon, N. and Blyton, P. and Fiorito, J. and Heery, E. (eds.) Handbook of Industrial Relations. London, UK: Sage, pp. 325-345. ISBN 9781412911542.

Guy, Frederick and Skott, P. (2008) Communications technology and the distribution of income. Journal of Income Distribution 17 (3/4), pp. 71-92. ISSN 0926-6437.

Guy, Frederick and Skott, P. (2008) Information and communications technologies, coordination and control, and the distribution of income. Journal of Income Distribution 17 (3-4), pp. 71-92. ISSN 0926-6437.

Guy, Frederick and Skott, P. (2008) Power, productivity, and profits. In: Braham, M. and Steffen, F. (eds.) Power, Freedom, and Voting. New York, U.S.: Springer, pp. 385-404. ISBN 9783540733812.


Hamann, K. and Kelly, John (2008) Varieties of capitalism and industrial relations. In: Bacon, N. and Blyton, P. and Fiorito, J. and Heery, E. (eds.) Handbook of Industrial Relations. London, UK: Sage, pp. 129-148. ISBN 9781412911542.

Hamil, Sean (2008) Manchester United: the commercial development of a global football brand. In: Chadwick, S. and Arthur, D. (eds.) International Cases in the Business of Sport. Butterworth-Heinemann/Elsevier, pp. 114-134. ISBN 9780750685436.

Hasel, M. and Martin, R. and Tissington, Patrick A. (2008) Is it me or us? the importance of individual and collective trust for performance. In: 7th International Conference on Studying Leadership, 8th - 9th December 2008, Auckland, New Zealand. (Unpublished)

Hein, Wendy (2008) 'Banter was had': dynamics of group consumption and masculine gender strategies. In: 9th ACR Gender, Marketing and Consumer Behavior Conference, 2008, Boston, USA. (Unpublished)

Houston, Diane (2008) Women's social exclusion. In: Abrams, D. and Christian, J. and Gordon, D. (eds.) The Multidisciplinary Handbook of Social Exclusion Research. Chichester, UK: Wiley, pp. 17-28. ISBN 9780470095133.


Ibeh, Kevin and Carter, S. (2008) Editorial: perspectives on women, globalisation, and global management. Journal of Business Ethics 83 (1), pp. 1-3. ISSN 0167-4544.

Ibeh, Kevin and Carter, S. and Poff, D. and Hamill, J. (2008) How focused are the world’s top-rated business schools on educating women for global management? Journal of Business Ethics 83 (1), pp. 65-83. ISSN 0167-4544.

Ibragimov, V. and Sims, Julian (2008) An updated view of the productivity paradox in the early 21st century. In: 16th European Conference on Information Systems - ECIS 2008, 9-11 Jun 2008, Galway, Ireland.


Karanika-Murray, M. and Michaelides, George (2008) Conceptualising nonlinear dynamic systems for health psychology research. Health Psychology Update 17 (1), pp. 28-36. ISSN 0954-2027.

Kelly, John (2008) What's the point of industrial relations? In: Darlington, R. (ed.) London: BUIRA. What's the point of industrial relations?: British Universities Industrial Relations Association. ISBN 9780954796112.

Kesting, S. and Nielsen, Klaus (2008) Varieties of capitalism: theoretical critique and empirical observations. In: Elsner, W. and Hanappi, H. (eds.) Varieties of Capitalism and New Institutional Deals. Studies in Evolutionary Political Economy series. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 23-52. ISBN 9781847204738.

Kidd, Jennifer M. (2008) Exploring the components of career well-being and the emotions associated with significant career experiences. Journal of Career Development 35 (2), pp. 166-186. ISSN 0894-8453.

Kiyotaki, Fumi (2008) Promotion tournaments with multiple tasks. Working Paper. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK.

Konzelmann, Suzanne J. and Aridi, R. and Craypo, C. and Wilkinson, F. (2008) Global reproduction of national capitalisms: the cases of Wal-Mart and IKEA. In: Elsner, W. and Hanappi, H. (eds.) Varieties of Capitalism and New Institutional Deals: Regulation, Welfare and the New Economy. Studies in Evolutionary Political Economy series. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781847204738.

Konzelmann, Suzanne J. and Conway, N. and Deakin, S. and Petit, H. and Reberiouz, A. and Wilkinson, F. (2008) The influence of stock market listing on human resource management: evidence for France and Britain. In: WERS REPONSE, 2008, Paris. (Unpublished)

Konzelmann, Suzanne J. and Wilkinson, F. (2008) The conflicting logic of markets and the management of production: a response to Vice Chancellor Strine. In: 6th Annual Capital Matters Conference, 2008, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. (Unpublished)

Konzelmann, Suzanne J. and Wilkinson, F. and Craypo, C. and Aridi, R. (2008) The export of national varieties of capitalism: the cases of Wal-Mart and IKEA. In: Coe, N.M. and Wrigley, N. (eds.) The Globalization Of Retailing. The Globalization of the World Economy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781848442368.

Kortum, E. and Leka, S. and Cox, Tom (2008) Understanding the perception of occupational psychosocial risk factors in developing countries: setting priorities for action. In: Houdmont, J. and Leka, S. (eds.) Occupational Health Psychology - European Perspectives on Research, Education & Practice. European Perspectives on Research, Education and Practice 3. Nottingham, UK: Nottingham University Press. ISBN 9781904761822.

Kozicki, S. and Tinsley, P.A. (2008) Term structure transmission of monetary policy. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 19 (1), pp. 71-92. ISSN 1062-9408.

Kulacka, Agnieszka (2008) Badania nad prawem Menzeratha-Altmanna. LingVaria 2 (6), pp. 167-174. ISSN 1896-2122.


Lambert, Ray and Frenz, Marion (2008) Innovation modes and productivity in the UK. Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills. ISBN 9781844789986.

Lawton Smith, Helen (2008) Inter-firm networks in high-tech clusters. In: Karlsson, C. (ed.) Handbook of Research on Innovation and Clusters: Cases and Policies. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 107-123. ISBN 9781847208422.

Lee, Jihong (2008) Unforeseen contingency and renegotiation with asymmetric information. Economic Journal 118 (528), pp. 678-694. ISSN 0013-0133.

Lee, Soo Hee and Yoo, T. (2008) Competing rationales for corporate governance in France: institutional complementarities between financial markets and innovation systems. Corporate Governance - An International Review 16 (2), pp. 63-76. ISSN 0964-8410.

Lee, Y.-I. and Trim, Peter R.J. (2008) Placing the Japanese retail sector in context: issues for marketers in overseas companies. Business Strategy Series 9 (5), pp. 243-248. ISSN 1751-5637.

Lee, Y.I. and Trim, Peter R.J. (2008) Entering the South Korean market: a marketing planning process for marketers based in overseas companies. Business Strategy Series 9 (5), pp. 272-278. ISSN 1751-5637.

Lee, Y.I. and Trim, Peter R.J. (2008) Strategic marketing decision-making within Japanese and South Korean companies. Oxford, UK: Chandos Publishing. ISBN 9781843344698.

Leka, S. and Cox, Tom (2008) Guidance on the European Framework for Psychosocial Risk Management. Project Report. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.

Leka, S. and Cox, Tom (2008) Psychosocial risk management - European framework: enterprise level. Documentation. PRIMA-EF Consortium, Rome, Italy.

Leka, S. and Cox, Tom (2008) The future of psychosocial risk management and the promotion of health at work in the EU: A PRIMA time for action. In: Leka, S. and Cox, Tom (eds.) The European Framework for Psychosocial Risk Management. Nottingham, UK: Institute of Work, Health & Organisations, University of Nottingham, pp. 174-184. ISBN 9780955436529.

Leka, S. and Cox, Tom and Zwetsloot, G. (2008) The European Framework for Psychosocial Risk Management (PRIMA-EF). In: Leka, S. and Cox, Tom (eds.) The European Framework for Psychosocial Risk Management. Nottingham, UK: Institute of Work, Health & Organisations, University of Nottingham, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9780955436529.

Leka, S. and Cox, Tom and Zwetsloot, G. (2008) Psychosocial risk management – European framework: key aspects. Documentation. PRIMA-EF Consortium, Rome, Italy.

Leka, S. and Hassard, Juliet and Cox, Tom (2008) Best practice in work-related stress management interventions. Documentation. PRIMA-EF Consortium, Rome, Italy.

Leka, S. and Vartia, M. and Hassard, Juliet and Pahkin, K. and Sutela, S. and Cox, Tom and Lindstrom, K. (2008) Best practice in interventions for the prevention and management of work-related stress and workplace violence and bullying. In: Leka, S. and Cox, Tom (eds.) The European Framework for Psychosocial Risk Management. Nottingham, UK: Institute of Work, Health & Organisations, University of Nottingham, pp. 136-173. ISBN 9780955436529.

Leka, S. and Vartia, M. and Hassard, Juliet and Pahkin, K. and Sutela, S. and Cox, Tom and Lindstrom, K. (2008) Best practice interventions for the prevention and management of work-related stress and workplace violence and bullying. In: Leka, S. and Cox, Tom (eds.) European Framework for Psychosocial Risk Management. Nottingham, UK: I-WHO Publications. ISBN 9780955436529.

Liu, Xiaming and Xiao, W. and Huang, X. (2008) Bounded entrepreneurship and internationalisation of indigenous Chinese private-owned firms. International Business Review 17 (4), pp. 488-508. ISSN 0969-5931.

Loebbecke, C. and Powell, Philip and Weiss, T. (2008) Repeated use of online auctions: investigating individual seller motivations. Electronic Markets 20 (2), pp. 105-117. ISSN 1019-6781.


MacKenzie Davey, Kate (2008) Women's accounts of organizational politics as a gendering process. Gender, Work & Organization 15 (6), pp. 650-671. ISSN 0968-6673.

Martin, K.M. and Paterson, Maura B. (2008) An application-oriented framework for wireless sensor network key establishment. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 192 (2), p. 31. ISSN 1571-0661.

Matthiesen, J.K. and Tissington, Patrick A. (2008) The four-factor taxonomy of relocation outcomes. Human Resource Development Review 7 (2), pp. 142-164. ISSN 1534-4843.

Monfardini, C. and Radice, Rosalba (2008) Testing exogeneity in the Bivariate Probit model: a Monte Carlo study. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 70 (2), pp. 271-282. ISSN 0305-9049.


Nielsen, Klaus (2008) Indicative planning. In: Durlauf, S.N. and Bloom, L.E. (eds.) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780333786765.

Nielsen, Klaus (2008) Makroøkonomisk teori. Samfundsøkonomen (2), ISSN 0108-3937.


Ordine, P. and Rose, Giuseppe (2008) The supply of education quality in a spatial model with asymmetric moving costs. Research in Economics 62 (4), pp. 197-214. ISSN 1090-9443.


Poppleton, S. and Briner, Rob B. and Kiefer, Tina (2008) The roles of context and everyday experience in understanding work–non-work relationships: a qualitative diary study of white- and blue-collar workers. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 81 (3), pp. 481-502. ISSN 0963-1798.

Pronger, Nicholas (2008) Professional awards and the difficulty in integrating them into academic institutions, and the affect on learners. In: LSRN annual conference: Professional Identify and Practice, 2008, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Pronger, Nicholas (2008) The role of work based learning in Professional awards and their value to academic institutions, validating organisations and learners. In: Society for Research into Higher Education Postgraduate and Newer Researchers' Conference, 2008, Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)

Pronger, Nick (2008) The role of work based learning (WBL) in professional awards and their value to academic institutions, validating organisations and learners. In: SRHE Postgraduate and Newer Researchers' Conference, 2008, Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)

Psaradakis, Zacharias (2008) Assessing time-reversibility under minimal assumptions. Journal of Time Series Analysis 29 (5), pp. 881-905. ISSN 0143-9782.


Rattan, Amarpreet (2008) Stanley's character polynomials and coloured factorisations in the symmetric group. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 115 (4), pp. 535-546. ISSN 00973165.

Rattan, Amarpreet and Sniady, P. (2008) Upper bound on the characters of the symmetric groups for balanced Young diagrams and a generalized Frobenius formula. Advances in Mathematics 218 (3), pp. 673-695. ISSN 00018708.


Saint-Paul, Giles (2008) Alternative strategies for fighting unemployment: lessons from the European experience. World Economics 9 (1), pp. 35-55. ISSN 1468-1838.

Saint-Paul, Giles (2008) Innovation and inequality: how does technical progress affect workers? Princeton, U.S.: Princeton University Press. ISBN 9780691128306.

Saint-Paul, Giles (2008) Quels instruments pour une politique environnementale? Revue Française d’Economie 22 (3), pp. 133-150. ISSN 0769-0479.

Sciubba, Emanuela and Bastianoni, S. and Tiezzi, E. (2008) Exergy and extended exergy accounting of very large complex systems with an application to the province of Siena, Italy. Journal of Environmental Management 86 (2), pp. 372-382. ISSN 0301-4797.

Sibert, Anne (2008) Eligible central bank collateral in times of serious financial distress. Other. European Parliament, Brussels.

Sibert, Anne (2008) Eligible central bank collateral in times of serious financial stress. Other. European Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policies, Brussels, Belgium.

Sibert, Anne (2008) How much inevitable US-euro area interdependence is there in monetary policy? Other. European Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policies, Brussels, Belgium.

Sibert, Anne (2008) Price stability and the lender of last resort. Other. European Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policies, Brussels, Belgium.

Sibert, Anne (2008) The international role of the Euro. Other. European Parliament, Brussels.

Sims, Julian and Vidgen, Richard and Powell, Philip (2008) E-learning and the digital divide: perpetuating cultural and socio-economic elitism in higher education. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 22 (1), ISSN 1529-3181.

Smith, Ron P. and Zoega, Gylfi (2008) Global factors, unemployment adjustment and the natural rate. Economics 22 , ISSN 1864-6042.

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