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    Number of items: 315.

    Mareschal, Denis and Powell, D. and Westermann, G. and Volein, A. (2005) Evidence of rapid correlation-based perceptual category learning by 4-month-olds. Infant and Child Development 14 (5), pp. 445-457. ISSN 1099-0917.

    Dimitrakopoulos, Dionyssis G. (2005) Norms, interests and institutional change. Political Studies 53 (4), pp. 676-693. ISSN 0032-3217.

    Yang, Huadong and Van de Vliert, E. and Shi, K. (2005) Siding in a workplace dispute in China: the impact of legitimacy, sanction, and Guanxi. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 5 (3), pp. 329-347. ISSN 1470-5958.

    Grindrod, Peter M. and Nimmo, F. and Stofan, Ellen R. and Guest, J.E. (2005) Strain at radially fractured centers on Venus. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 110 (12), pp. 1-13. ISSN 2169-9097.

    Konzelmann, Suzanne J. (2005) Varieties of capitalism: production and market relations in the USA and Japan. British Journal of Industrial Relations 43 (4), pp. 593-603. ISSN 0007-1080.

    Stillman, J.A. and Jackson, Duncan (2005) A detection theory approach to the evaluation of assessors in assessment centres. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 78 (4), pp. 581-594. ISSN 0963-1798.

    Farroni, Teresa and Johnson, Mark H. and Menon, E. and Zulian, L. and Faraguna, D. and Csibra, Gergely (2005) Newborns' preference for face-relevant stimuli: effects of contrast polarity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102 (47), pp. 17245-17250. ISSN 0027-8424.

    Downes, Hilary and Balaganskaya, E. and Beard, Andy and Liferovich, R. and Demaiffe, D. (2005) Petrogenetic processes in the ultramafic, alkaline and carbonatitic magmatism in the Kola Alkaline Province: a review. Lithos 85 (1-4), pp. 48-75. ISSN 0024-4937.

    Wells, Karen (2005) Strange practices: children's discourses on transgressive unknowns in urban public space. Childhood 12 (4), pp. 495-506. ISSN 0907-5682.

    Hammond, James O.S. and Kendall, J.-M. and Rümpker, G. and Wookey, J. and Teanby, N. and Joseph, P. and Ryberg, T. and Stuart, G. (2005) Upper mantle anisotropy beneath the Seychelles microcontinent. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 110 (B11), ISSN 0148-0227.

    Gearey, Adam (2005) "Where the law touches us, we may affirm it": deconstruction as a poetic thinking of law. Cardozo Law Review 27 (2), pp. 767-789. ISSN 0270-5192.

    Deakin, S. and Hobbs, R. and Konzelmann, Suzanne J. and Wilkinson, F. (2005) Anglo-Saxon corporate governance and the employment relationship: a case to answer? Socio-Economic Review 4 (1), pp. 155-174. ISSN 1475-1461.

    Archibugi, Daniele (2005) The language of democracy: vernacular or Esperanto? a comparison between the multiculturalist and cosmopolitan perspectives. Political Studies 53 (3), pp. 537-555. ISSN 0032-3217.

    Tissington, Patrick A. and Flin, R. (2005) Assessing risk in dynamic situations: lessons from fire service operations. Risk Management 7 (4), pp. 43-51. ISSN 1460-3799.

    Dimitrakopoulos, Dionyssis G. and Kassim, H. (2005) La Commission européenne et le débat sur l’avenir de l’Europe. Critique Internationale (29), pp. 169-190. ISSN 1290-7839.

    Harlaar, N. and Butcher, L.M. and Meaburn, Emma L. and Sham, P. and Craig, I.W. and Plomin, R. (2005) A behavioural genomic analysis of DNA markers associated with general cognitive ability in 7-year-olds. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 46 (10), pp. 1097-107. ISSN 0021-9630.

    Kraniauskas, John (2005) The cultural turn? On the "Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies" (1992 - 2004). Revista de Estudios Hispanicos 39 (3), pp. 561-569. ISSN 0034-818X.

    Holmes, A. and Winston, J.S. and Eimer, Martin (2005) The role of spatial frequency information for ERP components sensitive to faces and emotional facial expression. Cognitive Brain Research 25 (2), pp. 508-520. ISSN 0926-6410.

    Perham, N. and Oaksford, Mike (2005) Deontic reasoning with emotional content: evolutionary psychology or decision theory? Cognitive Science 29 (5), pp. 681-718. ISSN 0364-0213.

    Brooker, Joseph (2005) Orgreave revisited: David Peace’s GB84 and the return to the 1980s. Radical Philosophy (133), pp. 39-51. ISSN 0300-211X.

    Rebelo, Inês (2005) Neuroaesthetics: a series of conferences. Vector 14 , ISSN 1646-2009.

    Maghsood, A.H. and Sissons, J. and Rezaian, M. and Nolder, D. and Warhurst, D. and Khan, Naveed Ahmed (2005) Acanthamoeba genotype T4 from the UK and Iran and isolation of the T2 genotype from clinical isolates. Journal of Medical Microbiology 54 (8), pp. 755-759. ISSN 0022-2615.

    Beckert, Walter (2005) Estimation of heterogeneous preferences, with an application to demand for internet services. Review of Economics and Statistics 87 (3), pp. 495-502. ISSN 0034-6535.

    Hunter, Michael (2005) New light on the ‘Drummer of Tedworth’: conflicting narratives of witchcraft in Restoration England. Historical Research 78 (201), pp. 311-353. ISSN 0950-3471.

    Rust, J. and McDowall, Almuth and Daouk, L. (2005) Testing across languages and cultures: challenges for the development and administration of tests in the internet era. Selection and Development Review 21 (4), ISSN 0963-2638.

    Hellal, Paula and Lorch, Marjorie (2005) Charles West: a 19th century perspective on acquired childhood aphasia. Journal of Neurolinguistics 18 (4), pp. 345-360. ISSN 0911-6044.

    Gemes, Ken (2005) Hypothetico-deductivism: incomplete but not hopeless. Erkenntnis 63 (1), pp. 139-147. ISSN 0165-0106.

    Frosh, Stephen (2005) Jung and the Nazis: some implications for psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis and History 7 (2), pp. 253-271. ISSN 1460-8235.

    Forrester, Gillian and Forrester, N.A. (2005) Methodology for detecting multimodal communication in western lowland gorillas. American Journal of Primatology 66 (S1), p. 167. ISSN 0275-2565.

    Michie, J. and Oughton, Christine (2005) The corporate governance of professional football clubs in England. Corporate Governance: An International Review 13 (4), pp. 517-531. ISSN 0964-8410.

    Manamendra-Arachchi, K. and Pethiyagoda, R. and Dissanayake, Rajith and Meegaskumbura, M. (2005) A second extinct big cat from the late quaternary of Sri Lanka. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (S12), pp. 423-434. ISSN 0217-2445.

    Konzelmann, Suzanne J. (2005) Book review: corporate governance and labour management: an international comparison. British Journal of Industrial Relations 43 (2), pp. 321-344. ISSN 0007-1080.

    Brooks-Gordon, Belinda (2005) Clients and commercial sex: reflections on ‘Paying the Price: A Consultation Paper on Prostitution'. Criminal Law Review , pp. 425-443. ISSN 0011-135X.

    Sissons, J. and Kim, K.S. and Stins, M. and Jayasekera, S. and Alsam, S. and Khan, Naveed Ahmed (2005) Acanthamoeba castellanii induces host cell death via a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent mechanism. Infection and Immunity 73 (5), pp. 2704-2708. ISSN 0019-9567.

    Teng, C.H. and Cai, M. and Shin, S. and Xie, Y. and Kim, K.J. and Khan, Naveed Ahmed and di Cello, F. and Kim, K.S. (2005) Escherichia coli K1 RS218 Interacts with Human Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells via Type 1 Fimbria Bacteria in the Fimbriated State. Infection and Immunity 73 (5), pp. 2923-2931. ISSN 0019-9567.

    Bohm, S. and Sullivan, Sian (2005) Sensing the forum: a collage. ephemera: theory & politics in organization 5 (2),

    Asibong, Andrew (2005) Meat, murder, metamorphosis: the transformational ethics of François Ozon. French Studies 59 (2), pp. 203-215. ISSN 0016-1128.

    Scerif, G. and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette and Campos, R. and Elsabbagh, Mayada and Driver, J. and Cornish, K. (2005) To look or not to look: typical and atypical development of oculomotor control. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 17 (4), pp. 591-604. ISSN 0898-929X.

    Leslie, Esther (2005) Book review: enough is enough! Variant: Cross Currents in Culture 22 (12), pp. 33-34. ISSN 0954-8815.

    Eatough, Virginia and Smith, Jonathan A. (2005) I feel like a scrambled egg in my head: an idiographic case study of meaning making and anger using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 78 , pp. 1-24. ISSN 1476-0835.

    Laing, E. and Grant, J. and Thomas, Michael S.C. and Parmigiani, C. and Ewing, S. and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2005) Love is . . . an abstract word: the influence of phonological and semantic factors on verbal short-term memory in Williams syndrome. Cortex 41 (2), pp. 169-179. ISSN 0010-9452.

    Galitsky, Boris A. and Levene, Mark (2005) Simulating the conflict between reputation and profitability for online rating portals. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 8 (2), ISSN 1460-7425.

    Wells, Karen and Watson, S. (2005) A politics of resentment: shopkeepers in a London neighbourhood. Ethnic and Racial Studies 28 (2), pp. 261-277. ISSN 0141-9870.

    Cohen Gonsaud, M. and Barthe, P. and Bagneris, Claire and Henderson, B. and Ward, J.M. and Roumestand, C. and Keep, Nicholas H. (2005) The structure of a resuscitation-promoting factor domain from Mycobacterium tuberculosis shows homology to lysozymes. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 12 (3), pp. 270-273. ISSN 1545-9993.

    Kelly, Jim and Fisher, G.R. and Barnes, Paul (2005) Correlation between layer thickness and periodicity of long polytypes in silicon carbide. Materials Research Bulletin 40 (2), pp. 249-255. ISSN 0025-5408.

    Dickenson, Donna (2005) Human tissue and global ethics. Genomics, Society and Policy 1 (1), pp. 41-53. ISSN 1746-5354.

    Tissington, Patrick A. (2005) ID cards: a case of mistaken identity. Intersec: The Journal of International Security , ISSN 0963-0058.

    Forrest, S. and Eatough, Virginia and Shevlin, M. (2005) Measuring adult indirect aggression: the development and psychometric assessment of the indirect aggression scales. Aggressive Behavior 31 , pp. 84-97. ISSN 0096-140X.

    Aksoy, Yunus and Piskorski, T. (2005) US domestic currency in forecast error variance decompositions of inflation and output. Economics Letters 86 (2), pp. 265-271. ISSN 0165-1765.

    Mitton, Roger and Willmott, Michael (2005) A social forecast revisited. Futures 37 (1), pp. 39-50. ISSN 0016-3287.

    Hunter, Michael (2005) Report. Robert Boyle for the twenty-first century. Notes and Records of the Royal Society 59 (1), pp. 87-90. ISSN 0035-9149.

    Guy, Frederick (2005) Earnings distribution, corporate governance and CEO pay. International Review of Applied Economics 19 (1), pp. 51-65. ISSN 0269-2171.

    Hartnell, Anna (2005) Imagining exodus for Israel-Palestine: reading the secular and the sacred, diaspora and homeland, in Edward Said and David Grossman. PORTAL Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies 2 (1), ISSN 1449-2490.

    Sellen, J.L. and Oaksford, Mike and Gray, N.S. (2005) Schizotypy and conditional reasoning. Schizophrenia Bulletin 31 (1), pp. 105-116. ISSN 0586-7614.

    Caldwell, Raymond (2005) Things fall apart? Discourses on agency and change in organizations. Human Relations 58 (1), 83 -114. ISSN 0018-7267.

    Davelaar, Eddy J. and Goshen-Gottstein, Y. and Askenazi, A. and Haarmann, H.J. and Usher, Marius (2005) The demise of short-term memory revisited: empirical and computational investigations of recency effects. Psychological Review 12 (1), pp. 3-42. ISSN 0033-295X.

    Walsh, Fintan (2005) "About time" and Irish theatre practice. Contemporary Theatre Review 15 (1), pp. 171-174. ISSN 1048-6801.

    Fitzpatrick, Peter (2005) Access as justice. Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 23 (1), pp. 3-16. ISSN 0710-0841.

    Hirai, M. and Senju, Atsushi and Fukushima, H. and Hiraki, K. (2005) Active processing of biological motion perception: an ERP study. Cognitive Brain Research 23 (2-3), pp. 387-396. ISSN 0926-6410.

    Ghinea, G. and Thomas, J.P. and Magoulas, George and Heravi, S. (2005) Adaptation as a premise for perceptual-based multimedia communications. International Journal of Information Technology and Management 4 (4), pp. 405-422. ISSN 1461-4111.

    Bowring, Bill (2005) Administrativnaya iyustitsiya v Yevrope: analaticheskiy obzor. Sravniteltoye konstitutsionnoye obozrenye 2 (51), pp. 31-56.

    Haarmann, H.J. and Ashling, G.E. and Davelaar, Eddy J. and Usher, Marius (2005) Age-related declines in context maintenance and semantic short-term memory. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 58 (1), pp. 34-53. ISSN 0272-4987.

    Coole, Diana (2005) Agency, truth and meaning: judging the Hutton Report. British Journal of Political Science 35 (3), pp. 465-485. ISSN 0007-1234.

    Barker, Kezia (2005) Alien nature: environmental cosmopolitanism or the McDonaldisation of the natural world? Protect , pp. 22-23. ISSN 1175-043X.

    Geman, Hélyette and Leonardi, M.‐P. (2005) Alternative approaches to weather derivative valuation. Managerial Finance 31 (6), pp. 46-72. ISSN 0307-4358.

    Makarova, K.S. and Wolf, Y.I. and Mekhedov, S.L. and Mirkin, Boris and Koonin, E.V. (2005) Ancestral paralogs and pseudoparalogs and their role in the emergence of the eukaryotic cell. Nucleic Acids Research 33 (14), pp. 4626-4638. ISSN 0305-1048.

    Amrith, Sunil S. (2005) Asian internationalism: Bandung's echo in a colonial metropolis. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 6 (4), pp. 557-569. ISSN 1464-9373.

    Jones, Andrew M. (2005) Assessing international youth service programmes in two low income countries. Voluntary Action: The Journal of the Institute for Volunteering Research 7 (2), pp. 87-100. ISSN 1465-4067.

    Westgarth-Smith, Angus (2005) Assessing the success of heathland restoration using pitfall trapping at Black Park Country Park, Buckinghamshire. Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture 26 (3), pp. 172-179. ISSN 1756-9575.

    Mat-Hassan, M. and Levene, Mark (2005) Associating search and navigation behavior through log analysis. The Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 56 (9), pp. 913-934. ISSN 2330-1643.

    Butcher, L.M. and Meaburn, Emma and Dale, P.S. and Sham, P. and Schalkwyk, L.C. and Craig, I.W. and Plomin, R. (2005) Association analysis of mild mental impairment using DNA pooling to screen 432 brain-expressed single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Molecular Psychiatry 10 (4), pp. 384-392. ISSN 1359-4184.

    Sciubba, Emanuela (2005) Asymmetric information and survival in financial markets. Economic Theory 25 (2), pp. 353-379. ISSN 0938-2259.

    Lipp, O.V. and Derakhshan, Nazanin (2005) Attentional bias to pictures of fear relevant animals in a dot probe task. Emotion 5 (3), pp. 365-369. ISSN 1528-3542.

    Lewis, Gail (2005) Audre Lorde: vignettes and mental conversations. Feminist Review 80 , pp. 130-145. ISSN 0141-7789.

    Crawford, Ian (2005) Back to the moon. Popular Astronomy 52 (4), pp. 7-9.

    Curnoe, D. and Herries, A. and Brink, J. and Hopley, Philip and Ryneveld, K. and Henderson, Z. and Morris, D. (2005) Beyond Taung: palaeoanthropological research at Groot Kloof, Ghaap Escarpment, Northern Cape Province, South Africa. Nyame Akuma 64 , pp. 58-65.

    Peakman, Julie (2005) Bodily anxieties in enlightenment sex literature. Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 1 , ISSN 0435-2866.

    Konzelmann, Suzanne J. (2005) Book review: 'Corporate Governance and Labour Management: An International Comparison' edited by H. Gospel and A. Pendleton. British Journal of Industrial Relations 42 (2), pp. 330-332. ISSN 0007-1080.

    Pollard, Patrick (2005) Browning through French eyes: Gide, Du Bos and other critics c.1889-1946. Browning Society Notes 30 , pp. 29-48. ISSN 0950-6349.

    Thomas, Michael S.C. and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2005) Can developmental disorders reveal the component parts of the human language faculty? Language Learning and Development 1 (1), pp. 65-92. ISSN 1547-5441.

    Smith, Ron P. and Anand, P. and Hunter, G. (2005) Capabilities and well-being: evidence based on the Sen–Nussbaum approach to welfare. Social Indicators Research 74 (1), pp. 9-55. ISSN 0303-8300.

    Biernoff, Suzannah (2005) Carnal relations: embodied sight in Roger Bacon, Merleau-Ponty and St Francis. Journal of Visual Culture 4 (1), pp. 39-52. ISSN 1470-4129.

    Thomas, Michael S.C. (2005) Characterising compensation. Cortex 41 (3), pp. 434-442. ISSN 0010-9452.

    Forni, L.G. and McKinnon, W. and Lord, Gwyn A. and Treacher, D.F. and Peron, J.M.R. and Hilton, P.J. (2005) Circulating anions usually associated with the Krebs cycle in patients with metabolic acidosis. Critical Care 9 (5), R591-R595. ISSN 1466-609X.

    Briant, Rebecca M. and Bateman, M.D. and Coope, G.R. and Gibbard, P.L. (2005) Climatic control on Quaternary fluvial sedimentology of a Fenland Basin river, England. Sedimentology 52 (6), pp. 1397-1424. ISSN 0037-0746.

    Barnola, A.S. and White, Roy E. (2005) Coherence methods in mapping AVO anomalies and predicting P-wave and S-wave impedances. Geophysical Prospecting 53 (3), pp. 423-433. ISSN 0016-8025.

    Shepherd, Alex J. (2005) Colour vision in migraine: selective deficits for s-cone discriminations. Cephalalgia 25 (6), pp. 412-423. ISSN 0333-1024.

    Spurling, Laurence (2005) Combined therapy with borderline patients. British Journal of Psychotherapy 21 (4), pp. 543-558. ISSN 1752-0118.

    Bristow, Charlie S. and Lancaster, N. and Duller, G.A.T. (2005) Combining ground penetrating radar surveys and optical dating to determine dune migration in Namibia. Journal of the Geological Society 162 (2), pp. 315-322. ISSN 0016-7649.

    Gabelaia, D. and Kontchakov, Roman and Kurucz, A. and Wolter, F. and Zakharyaschev, Michael (2005) Combining spatial and temporal logics: expressiveness vs. complexity. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 23 , pp. 167-243. ISSN 1076-9757.

    Smith, Jonathan A. (2005) Commentaries on Potter and Hepburn, 'qualitative interviews in psychology: problems and possibilities'. Qualitative Research in Psychology 2 (4), pp. 309-311. ISSN 1478-0887.

    Northcott, Robert (2005) Comparing apples with oranges. Analysis 65 (1), pp. 12-18. ISSN 0003-2638.

    Levene, Mark and Bar-Ilan, J. (2005) Comparing move choices of chess search engines. The International Computer Games Association Journal 28 (2), pp. 67-76. ISSN 1389-6911.

    Patel, P. and Lee, J. and Wheatcroft, R. and Barnes, Jacqueline and Stein, A. (2005) Concerns about body shape and weight in the postpartum period and their relation to women's self-identification. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 23 (4), pp. 347-364. ISSN 0264-6838.

    Pattman, R. and Frosh, Stephen and Phoenix, A. (2005) Constructing and experiencing boyhoods in research in london. Gender and Education 17 (5), pp. 555-561. ISSN 0954-0253.

    Petrić, Bojana (2005) Contrastive rhetoric in the writing classroom: a case study. English for Specific Purposes 24 (2), pp. 213-228. ISSN 0889-4906.

    Meyer, Christoph O. (2005) Convergence towards a European strategic culture? A constructivist framework for explaining changing norms. European Journal of International Relations 11 (4), pp. 523-549. ISSN 1354-0661.

    Placencia, Maria Elena (2005) Conversaciones telefónicas en el español ecuatoriano: algunos rasgos de variación situacional y cultural en la sección de apertura. Lingüística Española Actual 84 (2), pp. 165-194. ISSN 0210-6345.

    Forster, B. and Eimer, Martin (2005) Covert attention in touch: behavioral and ERP evidence for costs and benefits. Psychophysiology 42 (2), pp. 171-179. ISSN 0048-5772.

    Eimer, Martin and Forster, B. and Van Velzen, J. and Prabhu, G. (2005) Covert manual response preparation triggers attentional shifts: ERP evidence for the premotor theory of attention. Neuropsychologia 43 (6), pp. 957-966. ISSN 0028-3932.

    Eimer, Martin and Forster, B. and Vibell, J. (2005) Cutaneous saltation within and across arms: a new measure of the saltation illusion in somatosensation. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 67 (3), pp. 458-468. ISSN 1943-3921.

    Senju, Atsushi and Tojo, Y. and Yaguchi, K. and Hasegawa, T. (2005) Deviant gaze processing in children with autism: an ERP study. Neuropsychologia 43 (9), pp. 1297-1306. ISSN 0028-3932.

    Coole, Diana (2005) Dialectical critical realism and existential phenomenology: a dialogue. New Formations 56 , pp. 121-132. ISSN 0950-2378.

    Azanon Gracia, Elena and Sebastián-Gallés, N. (2005) Dichotic listening test in Spanish: pairs of disyllabic words. Revista de Neurología 41 (11), pp. 657-663. ISSN 0210-0010.

    Weber, Alexander (2005) Die seuffzende turtel taub (1767) ein handschriftenfund zur spee-rezeption im 18. Jahrhundert. Daphnis 34 (1-2), pp. 327-367. ISSN 0300-693X.

    Kraniauskas, John (2005) Difference against development: spiritual accumulation and the politics of freedom. Boundary 2 32 (2), pp. 53-80. ISSN 0190-3659.

    Senju, Atsushi and Hasegawa, T. (2005) Direct gaze captures visuospatial attention. Visual Cognition 12 (1), pp. 127-144. ISSN 1350-6285.

    Barnes, J. and Belsky, J. and Broomfield, K. and Dave, S. and Frost, M. and Melhuish, Ted (2005) Disadvantaged but different: variation among deprived communities in relation to child and family well-being. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 46 (9), pp. 952-962. ISSN 0021-9630.

    Barnes, Jacqueline and Belsky, J. and Broomfield, K.A. and Dave, S. and Frost, M. and Melhuish, E. (2005) Disadvantaged but different: variation among disadvantaged communities in relation to child and family well-being. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 46 (9), pp. 952-962. ISSN 0021-9630.

    de Freitas, Sara and Oliver, M. (2005) Does e-learning policy drive change in Higher Education?: A case study relating models of organisational change to e-learning implementation. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 27 (1), pp. 81-96. ISSN 1360-080X.

    Senju, Atsushi and Hasegawa, T. and Tojo, Y. (2005) Does perceived direct gaze boost detection in adults and children with and without autism? The stare-in-the-crowd effect revisited. Visual Cognition 12 (8), pp. 1474-1496. ISSN 1350-6285.

    Caldara, R. and Schyns, P.G. and Mayer, E. and Smith, Marie L. and Gosselin, F. and Rossion, B. (2005) Does prosopagnosia take the eyes out of face representations? evidence for a defect in representing diagnostic facial information following brain damage. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 17 (10), pp. 1552-1566. ISSN 0898-929X.

    Callender, Claire and Jackson, J. (2005) Does the fear of debt deter students from higher education? Journal of Social Policy 34 (4), pp. 509-540. ISSN 0047-2794.

    Senior, R. and Barnes, Jacqueline and Emberson, J.R. and Golding, J. (2005) Early experiences and their relationship to maternal eating disorder symptoms, both lifetime and during pregnancy. British Journal of Psychiatry 187 (3), pp. 268-273. ISSN 0007-1250.

    Gatu, C. and Kontoghiorghes, Erricos (2005) Efficient strategies for deriving the subset VAR models. Computational Management Science 2 (4), pp. 253-278. ISSN 1619-697X.

    Eimer, Martin and Mazza, V. (2005) Electrophysiological correlates of change detection. Psychophysiology 42 (3), pp. 328-342. ISSN 0048-5772.

    Lawton Smith, Helen and Waters, R. (2005) Employment mobility in high-technology agglomerations: the cases of Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire. Area 37 (2), pp. 189-198. ISSN 0004-0894.

    Roussos, George and Marsh, Andy and Maglavera, Stavroula (2005) Enabling pervasive computing with smart phones. IEEE Pervasive Computing 4 (2), pp. 20-27. ISSN 1536-1268.

    Geman, Hélyette (2005) Energy commodity prices: is mean-reversion dead? Journal of Alternative Investments 8 (2), pp. 31-45. ISSN 1520-3255.

    Judde De Lariviere, Claire (2005) Entre gestion privée et contrôle public: les transports maritimes à Venise à la fin du Moyen Âge. Histoire Urbaine 12 , pp. 57-68. ISSN 1628-0482.

    Patterson, Sarah (2005) Epiphenomenalism and occasionalism: problems of mental causation, old and new. History of Philosophy Quarterly 22 (3), pp. 239-257. ISSN 0740-0675.

    Fraser, Hilary (2005) Evelyn De Morgan, Vernon Lee and assimilation from without. The Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies , pp. 75-90. ISSN 1060-149X.

    Mareschal, Denis and Powell, D.A. and Westermann, G. and Volein, A. (2005) Evidence of rapid correlation‐based perceptual category learning by 4‐month‐olds. Infant and Child Development 14 (5), pp. 445-457. ISSN 1522-7227.

    Chen, Hubie (2005) Existentially restricted quantified constraint satisfaction. CoRR ,

    Westwood, I.M. and Holton, S.J. and Rodrigues-Lima, F. and Dupret, J.M. and Bhakta, Sanjib and Noble, M.E. and Sim, E. (2005) Expression, purification, characterization and structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa arylamine N-acetyltransferase. Biochemical Journal 385 (2), pp. 605-612. ISSN 0264-6021.

    Maybank, Stephen J. (2005) The Fisher-Rao metric for projective transformations of the line. International Journal of Computer Vision 63 (3), pp. 191-206. ISSN 0920-5691.

    Panchal, G. and Bridge, P.D. (2005) Following basal stem rot in young oil palm plantings. Mycopathologia 159 (1), pp. 123-127. ISSN 0301-486X.

    Walsh, Fintan (2005) For whom the bell tolls? Contemporary British performance and Irish theatre. Irish Theatre Magazine 5 (22),

    Spagnolo, F. and Psaradakis, Zacharias (2005) Forecast performance of nonlinear error-correction models with multiple regimes. Journal of Forecasting 24 (2), pp. 119-138. ISSN 0277-6693.

    Frosh, Stephen (2005) Fragments of Jewish identity. American Imago 62 (2), pp. 179-192. ISSN 0065-860X.

    Bray, M. and Calatayud, Agnes (2005) The French film industry's current financial crisis and its impact on creation: the example of Jacques Doillon's Raja (2003). Studies in European Cinema 2 (3), pp. 199-212. ISSN 1741-1548.

    Riess, Frank (2005) From Aachen to Al-Andalus: the journey of Deacon Bodo (823-76). Early Medieval Europe 13 (2), pp. 131-157. ISSN 0963-9462.

    Geman, Hélyette (2005) From measure changes to time changes in asset pricing. Journal of Banking & Finance 29 (11), pp. 2701-2722. ISSN 0378-4266.

    Elsner, Paul (2005) GIS teaching via distance learning experiences and lessons learned. Planet 14 (1), pp. 28-29. ISSN 1473-1835.

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