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    Aboelezz, Mariam (2018) Language as proxy in identity politics: the case of revived Egyptian nationalism in Egypt. In: Mendel, Y. and AlNajjar, A. (eds.) Language, Politics and Society in the Middle East. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 126-147. ISBN 9781474421539.

    Akass, K. and McCabe, Janet (2018) HBO and the aristocracy of contemporary TV culture: affiliations and legitimatising television culture, post-2007. Mise au point (10), ISSN 2261-9623.

    Alawad, Areej Mohammad (2018) Authentic videos in a context of explicitness in teaching English requests. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Albuquerque, S. and Martins, Luciana (2018) Place, gender and the making of natural history: Hannah im Thurn in British Guiana, 1895-1897. Journal of Historical Geography 62 , pp. 1-14. ISSN 0305-7488.

    Angel, Katherine (2018) Snout. In: Jagoe, R. and Kivland, S. (eds.) On Violence. Anagram Books. ISBN 9781910055410.

    Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2018) Dislocating memory: family photographs in story-centred museums. In: Arnold-de Simine, Silke and Leal, Joanne (eds.) Picturing the Family: Media, Narrative, Memory. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 189-212. ISBN 9780367716592.

    Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2018) Keynote speech. In: Decolonizing the Museum, 9–10th November 2018, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA. (Unpublished)

    Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2018) Speech. In: Grave Stones: Mellon-Sawyer Seminar Series Post-War: Commemoration, Reconstruction, Reconciliation, 3rd March 2018, Oxford University, Oxford, UK. (Unpublished)

    Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2018) Speech. In: Heritage Empath Symposium, 4th December 2018, M Shed, Bristol, UK. (Unpublished)

    Arnold-de Simine, Silke (2018) Trauma and memory. In: Kurtz, R. (ed.) Trauma and Literature. Cambridge Critical Concepts. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107176645.

    Arnold-de Simine, Silke and Leal, Joanne (2018) Introduction. In: Arnold-de Simine, Silke and Leal, Joanne (eds.) Picturing the Family: Media, Narrative, Memory. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9780367716592.

    Arnott-Davies, Rees (2018) The reproducible museum : collecting, describing, and representing antiquity, 1753-1837. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Asibong, Andrew (2018) Deadness, replacement and the divinely new: 45 Years. In: Owen, Jean and Segal, Naomi (eds.) On Replacement. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 161-167. ISBN 9783319760100.

    Asibong, Andrew (2018) Discussion of Green's "Melanie Klein and the Black Mammy: An Exploration of the Influence of the Mammy Stereotype on Klein's Maternal and its Contribution to the 'Whiteness' of Psychoanalysis". Studies in Gender and Sexuality 19 (3), pp. 183-187. ISSN 1524-0657.

    Ateek, Mohammed and Rasinger, S.M. (2018) Syrian or non-Syrian? Reflections on the use of LADO in the UK. In: Nick, I. (ed.) Forensic Linguistics: Asylum-seekers, Refugees and Immigrants. Vernon Press, pp. 75-93. ISBN 9781622731282.


    Baeten, Jos and Eve, Martin Paul and de Vries, Saskia and Kingsley, Danny and Rooryck, Johan (2018) "The Open Letter: Reaction of Researchers to Plan S: too far, too risky" - a response of the Fair Open Access Alliance. Fair Open Access Alliance ,

    Bahun, S. and Petrić, Bojana (2018) Introduction: homing in on home. In: Bahun, S. and Petrić, Bojana (eds.) Thinking Home: Interdisciplinary Dialogues. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781350150874.

    Baker, C. and Dewaele, Jean-Marc and Li, W. (2018) Editorial: The three editors. [Editorial/Introduction]

    Baker, Emily (2018) Art-mimesis and political reality in contemporary Cuban film. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research 24 (1), pp. 42-54. ISSN 1326-0219.

    Bale, Anthony (2018) Foreword: The Virgin of Bethlehem, gender, and space. In: Heath, D. and Blud, V. and Klafter, E. (eds.) Gender in medieval spaces, places, and threholds. London: Institute of Historical Research, University of London School of Advanced Study, xv-xviii. ISBN 9781909646858.

    Bale, Anthony and Hamias, S. (2018) Capsule: Inside the medieval book. [Show/Exhibition]

    Balibrea, Mari Paz and Lough, F. and Sanchez Cuervo, A. (2018) Maria Zambrano amongst the philosophers: an introduction. History of European Ideas 44 (7), pp. 827-842. ISSN 0191-6599.

    Barrera-Medrano, Leire (2018) Spain and British decadence, 1880-1920 : aesthetics of extremes. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Bell, Julia (2018) Back of the class. Times Literary Supplement , ISSN 0040-7895.

    Bell, Julia (2018) Really Techno. The White Review 22 ,

    Bintley, Mike (2018) “How deserted Lies the City, Once So Full of People”: the reclamation of intramural space in Anglo-Saxon literature. In: Boulton, M. and Hawkes, J. and Stoner, H. (eds.) Place and Space in the Medieval World. Routledge Research in Art History. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 63-73. ISBN 9781138220201.

    Blacklock, Mark (2018) The emergence of the fourth dimension: higher spatial thinking in the Fin de Siècle. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198755487.

    Boudreau, C. and MacIntyre, P. and Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2018) Enjoyment and anxiety in second language communication: an idiodynamic approach. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 8 (1), pp. 149-170. ISSN 2083-5205.

    Bowler, Rebecca and Fifield, Peter (2018) The dental record, miscellany and the mediator as crank. Pilgrimages: The Journal of Dorothy Richardson Studies 10 , pp. 50-69. ISSN 2050-9502.

    Boxer, D. and Placencia, Maria Elena (2018) Introduction: Closeness and conflict. [Editorial/Introduction]

    Braman, Edward Bernard (2018) Contested mythologies : Nixon's America and the inscription of political crisis in the fiction of Irvin Faust, Rudolph Wurlitzer, Stanley Elkin and Donald Barthelme. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Braybrook, Jean (2018) Histoires de mariage: le mariage dans la fiction narrative française (1515–1559). Par Laetitia Dion. [Book Review]

    Braybrook, Jean (2018) The humour of Noel Du Fail in the 'Propos rustiques'. French Studies 72 (4), pp. 491-504. ISSN 0016-1128.

    Breeze, Steven John Alan (2018) Performance in the Anglo-Saxon poetic imagination. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Brooker, Joseph (2018) Jonathan Coe's stories of sadness. In: Tew, P. (ed.) Jonathan Coe: Contemporary British Satire. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 35-50. ISBN 9781350027688.

    Brooker, Joseph (2018) Jonathan Lethem. In: Eaglestone, D. and O'Gorman, R. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Twenty-First Century Literary Fiction. Routledge Literature Companions. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780415716048.

    Burdett, Carolyn (2018) Sympathy. In: Hartley, L. (ed.) History of British Women's Writing, 1830-1880. History of British Women's Writing 6. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137584656.


    Calè, Luisa (2018) Bestial metamorphoses: Blake’s variations on trans-human change in Dante’s Hell. In: Bruder, H. and Connolly, T. (eds.) Beastly Blake. Palgrave Studies in Animals and Literature. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave, pp. 153-181. ISBN 9783319897875.

    Calè, Luisa and Evangelista, S. (2018) ”A Bright Erroneous Dream": The Shelley Memorial and the body of the Poet. Word and Image 34 (1), pp. 17-31. ISSN 0266-6286.

    Catani, Damian (2018) Mallarme, «Vathek» et L'Orient. In: Millan, G. (ed.) Mallarmé à Tournon et au-delà. Paris, France: Classiques Garnier. ISBN 9782406066699.

    Centeno Martin, Marcos Pablo (2018) Comunicación visual de conflictos. La masacre de Nankín. In: Arévalo Salinas, A.I. and Vilar Sastre, G. and Al Najjar Trujillo, T. (eds.) Comunicación, Paz y Conflictos. Madrid, Spain: Dykinson. ISBN 9788491489252.

    Centeno Martin, Marcos Pablo (2018) Deceiving ‘Primitivism’. Ainu people in 1910s Travelogues. Annals of Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University: Linguistics, Literature and Methodology of Teaching 18 (1), pp. 127-144. ISSN 2065–0868.

    Centeno Martin, Marcos Pablo (2018) El arte de la (re)producción. Contribución japonesa al debate sobre qué es la imagen (eizō)” -“The art of (re)production. Japanese Contribution to the debate on what is image (eizō). In: Miguel Borrás, M. (ed.) Qué es el cine? Valladolid, Spain: Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid, pp. 483-492. ISBN 9788484489825.

    Centeno Martin, Marcos Pablo (2018) Interrogating forms of dissidence. An approach to physical and mental escapes from Japan. [Book Review]

    Centeno Martin, Marcos Pablo (2018) Introduction. The misleading discovery of Japanese National Cinema. Arts 7 (4), pp. 87-100. ISSN ISSN 2076-0752.

    Centeno Martin, Marcos Pablo (2018) Method directors. Susumu Hani and Yasujirō Ozu: a comparative approach across paradigms. In: Becker, A. (ed.) Yasujirô Ozu and the Aesthetics of his Time. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt and Darmstadt: Büchner-Verlag, pp. 125-152. ISBN 9783963171116.

    Centeno Martin, Marcos Pablo (2018) The limits of fiction in the Japanese Avant-Garde documentary. Los límites de la subjetividad en la vanguardia documental japonesa. Kokoro 27 , pp. 1-9. ISSN 2254- 8300.

    Centeno Martin, Marcos Pablo (2018) The limits of fiction: politics and absent scenes in Susumu Hani’s Bad Boys (Furyōshōnen, 1960). A film re-reading through its script. Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema 10 (1), pp. 1-15. ISSN 1756-4905.

    Cheshire, J. and Gardner-Chloros, Penelope (2018) Introduction: Multicultural youth vernaculars in Paris and urban France. Journal of French Language Studies 28 (02), pp. 161-164. ISSN 0959-2695.

    Costa, B. and Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2018) The talking cure – building the core skills and the confidence of counsellors and psychotherapists to work effectively with multilingual patients through training and supervision. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 19 (3), pp. 231-240. ISSN 1746-1405.

    Couldry, N. and Livingstone, S. and Markham, Tim (2018) The Public Connection Project ten years on. In: Guerrero, M.A. and Arriagada, A. (eds.) Conexión Pública: prácticas cívicas y uso de medios en cinco países. Mexico City, Mexico: Universidad Iberoamericana, pp. 145-169. ISBN 9786074174717.

    Crowther, D. and Trofimovich, P. and Isaacs, T. and Saito, Kazuya (2018) Linguistic dimensions of l2 accentedness and comprehensibility vary across speaking tasks. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 40 (2), pp. 443-457. ISSN 0272-2631.


    Damrau, Peter (2018) Sheridan in Deutschland – literarische diversität im Kulturtransfer des 18. Jahrhunderts. Euphorion : Zeitschrift fur Literaturgeschichte 112 (4), pp. 439-461. ISSN 0014-2328.

    Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2018) “Cunt”: on the perception and handling of verbal dynamite by L1 and LX users of English. Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication 37 (1), pp. 53-82. ISSN 0167-8507.

    Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2018) Linguistic taboos in a second or foreign language. In: Allen, K. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Taboo Words and Language. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198808190.

    Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2018) Pragmatic challenges in the communication of emotions in intercultural couples. Intercultural Pragmatics 15 (1), pp. 29-55. ISSN 1612-295X.

    Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2018) Why the dichotomy ‘L1 versus LX user’ is better than ‘native versus non-native speaker'. Applied Linguistics 39 (2), pp. 236-240. ISSN 0142-6001.

    Dewaele, Jean-Marc and Alfawzan, M. (2018) Does the effect of enjoyment outweigh that of anxiety in foreign language performance? Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 8 (1), pp. 21-45. ISSN 2083-5205.

    Dewaele, Jean-Marc and Dewaele, L. (2018) Learner-internal and learner-external predictors of willingness to communicate in the FL classroom. Journal of the European Second Language Association 2 (1), pp. 24-37. ISSN 2399-9101.

    Dewaele, Jean-Marc and Gkonou, C. and Mercer, S. (2018) Do ESL/EFL teachers´ emotional intelligence, teaching experience, proficiency and gender affect their classroom practice? In: de Dios Martínez Agudo, J. (ed.) Emotions in Second Language Teaching: Theory, Research and Teacher Education. Berlin, Germany: Springer, pp. 125-141. ISBN 9783319754376.

    Dewaele, Jean-Marc and Li, C. (2018) Editorial. [Editorial/Introduction]

    Dewaele, Jean-Marc and Mercer, S. (2018) Variation in ESL/EFL teachers´ attitudes towards their students. In: Mercer, S. and Kostoulas, A. (eds.) Language Teacher Psychology. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters, pp. 178-195. ISBN 9781783099450.

    Dewaele, Jean-Marc and Pena Diaz, C. (2018) Sources of variation in Galician multilinguals’ attitudes towards Galician, Spanish, English and French. Revista Nebrija de Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza de Lenguas 12 (25), pp. 34-58. ISSN 1699-6569.

    Dzuverovic, Lina (2018) Adrian Piper: A Synthesis of Intuitions, 1956-2016, MoMA, New York. Art Monthly , ISSN 0142-6702.

    Dzuverovic, Lina (2018) Challenging neocolonial methodologies as a step towards delinking from the colonial matrix of power. In: Theorizing the Geography of East-Central European Art, East-Central European Art Forum, 26–27 Oct 2018, Poznań, Poland.


    El-Haj, M. and Rayson, P. and Aboelezz, Mariam (2018) Arabic dialect identification in the context of bivalency and code-switching. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) LREC 2018, Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Paris, France: European Language Resources Association, pp. 3622-3627. ISBN 9791095546009.

    Elwing, J. and Roukema, Aren (2018) Correspondences - Online Journal For The Academic Study of Western Esotericism, Volume 6(1). Aren Roukema, London, UK.

    Elwing, J. and Roukema, Aren (2018) Correspondences - Online Journal For The Academic Study of Western Esotericism, Volume 6(2). Aren Roukema, London, UK.

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Academic Publishing and Open Access. In: Library Seminar, 28th March 2018, University of Lincoln, UK. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Academic Publishing and Open Access. In: Open Access Week, 26th October 2018, University of Lincoln, UK. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Access Problems for the Contemporary History of the Book. In: Books.Files, 30 April - 1st May 2018, New York City, NY, USA. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Action Short of a Strike Must Recognize That 9-5 is Not Always Helpful. ,

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) The Anti-Distributional Economics of Open Access. In: Moving Towards Full Open Access in Higher Education, 26th June 2018, Congress Centre, London, UK. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Chair's Opening Remarks. In: Moving Towards Full Open Access in Higher Education, 26th June 2018, Congress Centre, London, UK. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Close Reading Cloud Atlas with Computers. In: Close Reading + DH: A Dialogue, 20th April 2018, Birkbeck, University of London, UK. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Close Reading with Computers. In: BACLS: What Happens Now 2018, 10-12th July 2018, Loughborough University. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) “Dance Like Nobody's Watching”: The Mediated Shame of Academic Publishing. In: Sheils, Barry and Walsh, Julie (eds.) Shame and Modern Writing. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-1138067271.

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Dial S for Strategy. Research Fortnight , ISSN 1358-1198.

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Distance and Depth. In: Thinking Big, 18-19 January 2018, Institute of English Studies. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Forthcoming Books in the New Horizons in Contemporary Writing Series. ,

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) The Historical Imaginary of Nineteenth-Century Style in David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas. C21 Literature: Journal of 21st Century Writings 6 (3), pp. 1-22. ISSN 2045-5224.

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) How Learned Societies Could Flip to OA Using a Consortial Model. ,

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Institutional Cultures, Patents, and Open-Source Software for Open Access. ,

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Jennifer Egan. In: Anderson, George P. (ed.) Dictionary of Literary Biography: Twenty-First-Century American Novelists. Bruccoli Clark Layman.

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Keith McMillen K-Mix on Linux. ,

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Linux CPU Frequency Scaling on the Intel i9 7980XE. ,

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) My 2018 in review. ,

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) My critique of metamodernism. ,

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) On the OA mandate for books in the Third REF and the worry over trade books. ,

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) On the practical implementation of Plan S. ,

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Open Access Resources and Evaluation; or: why OA journals might fare badly in terms of conventional usage. ,

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Open Access and the Humanities: Economic Distribution and Political Will. In: European Conference for the Humanities, 4th-6th April 2018, KU Leuven, Belgium. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Open Access and the Humanities: Economics and Politics. In: Seminar on Reproducibility and Open Research, 5th June 2018, University of Oxford, UK. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Open Access and the Humanities: Economics, Books, and the Coming Storm. In: ISMTE European Conference 2018, 8th November 2018, London, UK. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Open Knowledge and Monographs: Economics, Plan S, and Academic Freedom. In: Open Knowledge: Process, Ethics, Possibilities, 23rd October 2018, Birkbeck, University of London, UK. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Professorial Inaugural Lecture: Digital Architextures: Literature, Interpretation, and Computation. In: Martin Paul Eve Professorial Inaugural Lecture, 12th September 2018, Birkbeck, University of London, UK. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Publishing technologies and digital preservation. In: Centre for Technology and Publishing Workshop, 22nd March 2018, Birkbeck, University of London, UK. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Reading Very Well for Our Age: Hyperobject Metadata and Global Warming in Emily St John Mandel's Station Eleven. Open Library of Humanities 4 (1), pp. 1-27. ISSN 2056-6700.

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Review of Digital Humanities: Knowledge and Critique in a Digital Age by David M. Berry and Anders Fagerjord (Eds.). New Formations , ISSN 0950-2378.

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Review of The Cruft of Fiction: Mega-Novels and the Science of Paying Attention by David Letzler. Orbit: A Journal of American Literature 6 (1), ISSN 2398-6786.

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Some jottings on academic freedom and Plan S/open access. ,

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Technology Changes Everything and Nothing in Scholarly Communications. In: CHASE Consortium Brief Encounters Launch, 7th February 2018, The Royal Institution, UK. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) The Tender Document for the European Commission's Open Access Platform Asks for an Awful Lot for Not Very Much. ,

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Thoughts on the UUK offer and why I voted yes. ,

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Transparency agendas are being used to legislate against consortial open-access models even though it has good cost outcomes. ,

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Two Roads Diverged: Open Access Monographs in the United Kingdom. In: Jisc and CNI leaders conference 2018: The changing role for libraries in the context of the research university, 2nd July 2018, Oxford. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Where Next for the Open Library of Humanities? In: CNI Fall 2018, 10-11 December 2018, Washington DC, USA. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Where next for open access? Plan S, Brexit, and the Need for Leadership. In: Open Access Week, 24th October 2018, University of East London, London, UK. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Where we are with the OA monograph mandate for the Third Research Excellence Framework? ,

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Who does the work of implementing DORA? ,

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Who was actually responsible for the Toby Young OfS debacle? ,

    Eve, Martin Paul (2018) The real ethics of AI are about the labour underpinning it. ,

    Eve, Martin Paul and Baxter, Katherine Isobel and Bree, Linda (2018) English: the Future of Publishing. In: Eaglestone, Robert and Marshall, Gail (eds.) English: Shared Futures. London: D. S. Brewer, pp. 83-99.

    Eve, Martin Paul and Byers, Andy (2018) Janeway: a scholarly communications platform. Insights: the UKSG journal , ISSN 2048-7754.

    Eve, Martin Paul and Fitzpatrick, Kathleen and Barnes, Christopher and Wacha, Megan and Blyth, Carl and Agate, Nicky (2018) Open Humanities 101. In: MLA 2018, 4th January 2018 - 7th January 2018, New York, New York, United States of America. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul and Jubb, Michael and Johnson, Rob and Budden, Yvonne (2018) Implementing full open access - repositories, monographs and methods of delivery. In: The next steps for delivering open access - implementation, expansion and international trends, 19 February 2018, Westminster, London, UK. (Unpublished)

    Eve, Martin Paul and Kingsley, Danny and Rooryck, Johan and Suber, Peter and de Vries, Saskia (2018) FOAA Board recommendations for the implementation of Plan S. Fair Open Access Alliance ,

    Eve, Martin Paul and Street, Joe (2018) The Silicon Valley Novel. Literature & History 27 (1), pp. 81-97. ISSN 2050-4594.


    Ferguson, Olivia (2018) Venus in Chains: Slavery, Connoisseurship, and Masculinity in The Monk. Gothic Studies 20 (1-2), pp. 29-43. ISSN 2050-456X.

    Fifield, Peter (2018) On the invisible threat: bacteriologists in fiction and periodical advertisements, 1894-1913. Journal of Victorian Culture 24 (1), pp. 33-52. ISSN 1355-5502.

    Finlay, Alison (2018) So Far and No Further: the story of Cnut and the waves. Scandanavica 57 (1), pp. 89-113. ISSN 0036-5653.

    Finlay, Alison and Jóhannesdóttir, Þ.E. (2018) The Saga of the Jómsvikings: a translation with full introduction. The Northern Medieval World: On the Margins of Europe. de Gruyter/Medieval Institute Publications. ISBN 9783110627169.

    Fonseca-Kruel, V.S. and Martins, Luciana and Nesbitt, M. and Milliken, W. and Coelho-Ferreira, M. (2018) Nova pesquisa sobre as coleções de Richard Spruce na Amazônia: uma colaboração Brasil-Reino Unido. Ethnoscientia 3 (2), ISSN 2448-1998.

    Fracchia, Carmen (2018) Picturing the Afro-Hispanic struggle for freedom in early modern Spain. In: Branche, J. (ed.) Post/Colonialism and the Pursuit of Freedom in the Black Atlantic. Routledge Studies on African and Black Diaspora. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781138061477.

    Fraser, Hilary (2018) Grief encounter: the language of mourning in Fin-de-Siècle sculpture. Word and Image 334 (1), pp. 40-54. ISSN 0266-6286.


    Gardner-Chloros, Penelope and Secova, Maria (2018) Grammatical change in Paris French: in situ question words in embedded contexts. Journal of French Language Studies 28 (2), pp. 181-207. ISSN 0959-2695.

    González-López, Irene (2018) In search of the authentic Japanese taste : 'Solitary Gourmet' and cultural tourism = En busca del auténtico sabor japonés : El Gourmet Solitario y el turismo cultural. Mirai. Estudios Japoneses 2 , pp. 49-66. ISSN 2531-145X.

    González-López, Irene (2018) Marketing the panpan in Japanese popular culture : youth, sexuality, and power. U.S.-Japan Women's Journal 54 , pp. 29-51. ISSN 1059-9770.

    González-López, Irene and Mayu, A. (2018) The first female gaze at postwar Japanese women : Tanaka Kinuyo film director. In: González-López, Irene and Smith, M. (eds.) Tanaka Kinuyo : nation, stardom and female subjectivity. Edinburgh Studies in East Asian Film. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9781474409698.

    González-López, Irene and Smith, M. (2018) Introduction: Onna Monogatari. In: González-López, Irene and Smith, M. (eds.) Tanaka Kinuyo: nation, stardom and female subjectivity. Edinburgh Studies in East Asian Film. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9781474431781.

    Grant, Catherine (2018) COUP DE FOUDRE / LOVE AT FIRST SHOT (For Peggy Cummins). [Video]

    Grant, Catherine (2018) NE ME QUITTE PAS. [Video]

    Grant, Catherine (2018) Screen memories: a video essay on Smultronstället / Wild Strawberries. CINERGIE - Il Cinema e le altre Arti 13 , ISSN 2280-9481.

    Grant, Catherine and Jacobs, Amber (2018) Persona non grata sonata. [Video]

    Gross, Barbara and Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2018) The relation between multilingualism and basic human values among primary school children in South Tyrol. International Journal of Multilingualism 15 (1), pp. 35-53. ISSN 1479-0718.


    Hamblyn, Richard (2018) Between extinction and myth: birds, books and the great chain of being: Mark Dion's natural preoccupations. [Book Review]

    Harman, Kerry (2018) Self-construction and social transformation: lifelong, lifewide and life-deep learning. [Book Review]

    Harris-Birtill, Rose (2018) C21 Literature David Mitchell special edition. The Open Library of Humanities.

    Harris-Birtill, Rose (2018) Introducing the David Mitchell special edition of C21 Literature. [Editorial/Introduction]

    Hartnell, Anna (2018) Editor of special issue of Interventions: International Journal of Post-Colonial Studies, Volume 20, Issue 1 (2018): Bart Moore-Gilbert Memorial Issue. Taylor and Francis.

    Havemann, Leo and Charles, Elizabeth and Sherman, S. and Rodgers, Scott and Barros, Joana (2018) From under the radar to under review: digital learning in a ‘face-to-face university’. In: ALT-C 2018: 25th Annual Conference, 11-13 Sep 2018, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)

    Heinz, Evelyn (2018) John Rodker (1894-1955) and modernist material culture : theatre, translation, publishing. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Henkel, Imke (2018) How the laughing, irreverent Briton trumped fact-checking: a textual analysis of fake news in British newspaper stories about the EU. Journalism Education 6 (3), pp. 87-97. ISSN 2050-3930.


    James, M.R. (2018) The ghost stories of M. R. James. London, UK: British Library Press. ISBN 9780712352505.

    Janssen, Flore (2018) Women writers, world problems, and the working poor, c. 1880-1920 : ''blackleg' work in literature'. [Thesis] (Unpublished)

    Jiang, Y. and Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2018) Language anxiety in Chinese dialects and Putonghua among college students in mainland China: the effects of sociobiographical and linguistic variables. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 40 (4), pp. 289-303. ISSN 0143-4632.

    Jin, Y.X. and Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2018) The effect of positive orientation and perceived social support on foreign language classroom anxiety. System 74 , pp. 149-157. ISSN 0346-251X.

    Jones, Sophie A. (2018) The biodrag of genre in Paul B. Preciado's Testo Junkie: sex, drugs and biopolitics in the Pharmacopornographic Era. Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics 2 (2), ISSN 2542-4920.


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